Relentless Rhythm (Tempest #4) (34 page)




My hands shook as I wiped down the counter at the end of my shift. Dizzy had been in earlier with War looking for Shaina. I’d relayed the things I’d seen and heard and they had set off to PTU to rescue her. Dizzy had sent a message through Tan asking me to wait for him, and I had. But I’d finished restocking an hour ago and though I’d plied Smith and Lorenzo with extra strong drinks, I could tell they were getting restless. I’d have to leave with them soon.

“Hey, April.” Tan walked up to the bar, inclining his head. “I need you to sign some paperwork in my office.” His back was to my creepers, but his expression spoke volumes to me.

“Yeah, sure.” I called out to my two shadows as I moved. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

I flew up the stairs and threw open the door. A welcome sight in his black jacket and jeans, no longer under the watchful eyes of my jailors, and I launched myself at him, throwing my arms around his waist, absorbing his warmth and strength.

Dizzy set me back, his expression more serious than I’d ever seen it. “We’re going to get you and your family out of Vancouver to a place where we think you’ll be safe. But we don’t have much time, and I’ll be honest, I’m afraid how this might turn out.” His amber eyes drilled into me. “Because the plan involves trusting guys as bad as James. That husband of yours is a real piece of work, babe. Ran into him tonight at PTU. You were right about those dudes taking Shaina there. Made me mad as shit the way he blew us off, and the fact that she’s been an unwilling participant in their sick little game.” He yanked an irritated hand through his chocolate and vanilla strands.

“Is she ok?”

“We got there just in time.” He nodded. “War’s with her now.”

“Good.” I pulled in a breath. “What do you have in mind now?” I asked acting more brave than I felt.

“King’s got a connection with a Columbian cartel.” My eyes widened. “The head of a local unit in Seattle owes him, and he’s calling in a favor for you. They revealed some interesting information about your husband. Did James ever tell you the reason he went to New York?”

“No, not really. Just that his boss wanted to see him.”

“So you know who his boss is?”

I nodded. “He’s out on bail till his trial.”

“Yeah, well that’s a pretty weird coincidence. Ask me later, and I’ll tell you about Joe Campanella’s connection to Justin. But word on the street is that Campanella’s cleaning house. Getting rid of people he doesn’t trust. He’s been extra paranoid since the FBI infiltrated his organization. And your husband is on his radar as non-trustworthy. Turns out that his missing business partner is Campanella’s favorite nephew.”

My jaw dropped.

“Yeah, no kidding. This is real serious shit. The heat has gone way up for James. Seems that your husband’s mistress spilled some pretty incriminating things about him. Implicated him in the partner’s disappearance. Campanella’s sending some guys to Vancouver to check it out personally. We need to get you and your family out of harm’s way. Somewhere safe. And soon, while James is distracted.”

“Ok.” I gulped down my fear. “Sounds like we don’t have much of a choice. What do you want me to do?”

He grabbed my arms and hauled me in, kissing me on the lips once fast and hard. I tried to think of it as a good luck kiss and not as an I-may-never-see-you-again one. “
La Raca Prima
aren’t the best kind of guys, but James can’t get to you if you’re under their protection. I need you to head out to your mom’s tomorrow night. We’ll pick you up there. Don’t come to work, and don’t go anywhere near James.”

“I won’t,” I whispered.

“The guys and I will take care of the rest.”




It was so hard to leave him. I had to force myself not to look back as I exited Tan’s office. I wished I’d been able to kiss him longer. I wanted to go back to him and jump into his arms again. It was the only place I wanted to be, the only place where I felt safe and sheltered.

Now that I knew he kept his promises. That he’d meant everything he’d said and then some, I didn’t want to walk away. If it hadn’t been for my mom and my brothers, I would’ve just run away with him right now. Tonight.

I froze on the landing. Smith was coming up the stairs. My heart slammed around in my chest as he studied me with narrowed eyes. When he glanced over my shoulder, I broke out into a cold sweat.

“All finished,” I said breathily. “I just need to grab my jacket from my locker, and then we can head out.” I scooted past him, praying with all I had in me that he’d follow without going into Tan’s office. I said a silent thank you when I heard his booted footfalls on the stairs behind me.

I buttoned my coat saying goodnight to Tan on the way out the back door. I wanted to hug him, knowing that I might not see him again for a long time. But I refrained, not wanting to stir up suspicion.

Smith and Lorenzo escorted me to the bus stop. They took their guard duties very seriously. No one wanted to piss James off. They sat on either side of me on the way home. Lorenzo distracted by a phone conversation, but Smith regarding me coldly like I was an annoying bug that he wanted to smash.

James was waiting on the couch when we arrived. He was leaning forward, tapping into his laptop, a glass of whiskey on the coffee table beside him.

I dropped my key in the dish, hung up my coat on the peg, and offered them something from the kitchen, trying to maintain an outward aura of calm.

Smith and Lorenzo declined, and my husband shook his head, too.

“Ok. Well, I’ll see you in the morning then. It’s late. I’m really beat.” I started to head to the back, but Jame’ voice stopped me cold.


I turned around noticing things about his demeanor and appearance that I hadn’t before. His perfectly styled hair was messy as if he’d been running irritated fingers repeatedly through it. His eyes were bloodshot whether from alcohol or from exhaustion I couldn’t say. But his gaze was dark and unwavering on mine.

“Come here.” He crooked his finger, and I forced my feet to move searching his face but unable to gauge his mood. He lifted the remote and flicked off the television. “I want to talk to you. Find out how things are going at work.”

My pulse kicked up, but I kept my eyes on him.
Don’t show weakness.
I didn’t even glance at Smith or Lorenzo.
What had they seen? What had they told him?

I started to sit beside James, but he pulled me down so I was sitting sideways on his lap. Smith and Lorenzo unbuttoned their jackets and settled into the chairs opposite us.

I caught a gleam of excitement in Smith’s eyes that made me even more nervous than I already was. James squeezed my knee, and that’s when I noticed what else was set up on the coffee table. Lines of cocaine ready to be snorted. James rarely did drugs, but when he did they made him extremely agitated and jumpy for hours.

“Want some, baby?” he asked obviously noting the direction of my gaze.

I shook my head. “I just want to take a shower and go to bed. Honestly, James I…”

“Honesty. Interesting word choice.” His hand on my knee tightened. “That’s a good place to start. Why don’t you be
and tell me why you were in the stock room the other night with the door locked, and then came out empty handed?

My heart started to go into palpitations. My gaze flew to Smith, and he flashed me a wicked smile. “I just needed a moment to myself.” I thought quickly. “It was my first night back. I forgot how bad the crush could get.”

“Hmm.” I hated that noncommittal sound. I couldn’t tell what he meant by it, and I couldn’t tell from his dilated eyes what he was thinking, either.

“Smith says you were in Tan’s office for a long time tonight. What was up with that sweet wife of mine?”

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, buying time to try to remember what had been said, hoping I wouldn’t get caught in a lie. “Just filling out paperwork.”
Keep it simple. Keep your expression neutral
. “Just work stuff? You’ve never been interested in that before, James.”

“You’re right. I haven’t.” His fingers dug into my knee so hard I gasped. “Didn’t have a reason to doubt you before, though, did I?”

I didn’t blink. My eyes burned. My pulse was going completely haywire.

“The guys say Lowell’s been around. Do I need to remind you what happens if I catch you two together?”

I shook my head.

“I didn’t think so. I’ve got enough shit to deal with right now. From here on out Smith and Lorenzo are going to stick to you like glue. You ditch them again, you give me any reason to doubt you, and I’m telling you straight out I’m not going to show any more restraint. You understand me?”

“Yes, James,” I replied obediently just as his cell rang. He picked it up, checking the caller. He glanced over at Smith, a serious look passing back and forth between them.

“I need to take this. Go onto bed,” he ordered gruffly.


“And shut the door.”

I slid off his lap, legs so shaky I could barely stand, and quickly made my way to the bedroom. I sank down on the mattress feeling frightened and scared, alone on my island with dangerous currents swirling around me.

I’d dodged a major bullet getting only a grilling and a warning tonight instead of something much worse. Dizzy was right about the heat. I’d never seen James so on edge. I’d never been so afraid of him, so afraid for my family, for Dizzy. I needed to be extremely careful. The thin margin for error was gone now.


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