Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance) (55 page)

BOOK: Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance)
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She clung to him for dear life, as he rolled his hips in a steady pace. The strokes were long, deep, and so fucking tender that she wasn’t sure what to even do. It felt out of body it was so good.

“This is what I’ve been fucking missing!” she screamed, breathlessly.

He couldn’t even respond. He felt the same, as her walls continued to squeeze and close in around him; her warmth pushing him closer and closer to climax. Her juices began to flow more profusely, surrounding him, heating him to the core as the friction increased.

Her hips finally caught his rhythm, and together, they picked up the pace before he pulled up her right, so that it was over his shoulder, allowing him to plunge deeper and deeper into her core. He felt himself getting close - and almost cursed because it felt too soon. He could only hope the same could be said for her, as he pounded into her almost relentlessly. Their moans mingled together and filled the room, and he knew that she was feeling it too. He dove deeper and harder with every thrust and she – and he – half wondered if she would be fucked completely in half. That is, until she found her eyes rolling to the back of her head, and her body beginning to convulse and spasm around him.

“Oh my God!” she screeched, as the waves crashed through her and she started convulsing around him.

“Fuck!” he growled. One final thrust was all that was needed before he completely exploded in ecstasy.



Chapter Seven



The feeling of her stirring next to him pulled him out of sleep's warm embrace, and his eyes fluttered open. The world around him was blurry, as he tried to adjust to the light that was shining ferociously through the bedroom window. He could faintly make out the body lying next to him, but she was silhouetted by the glowing embers of light.

He blinked the tiredness away, and squinted before turning over on his side to face her, the warm duvet falling off of his shoulders. He smiled, looking at her face for the first time since they’d fallen asleep the night before. He couldn’t believe it.


A woman he had found sleeping in a car outside of his house was the first woman he had actually spent an entire night with after sex. Not only that though, she was the first woman he actually wanted to spend an entire night with.

She was his best friend, and now he could only hope she would stay his lover. He could only hope that she felt the exact same way. She was good for him. He knew that she was. She was changing him. She was doing what all the others before her had tried and failed at. She was making him a better man.

He smiled. Maybe that was the problem all along. Maybe he hadn’t found anyone worth changing for before Michelle. Maybe his job was always more important, and women just didn’t mean enough to him because they all weren’t right for him. Maybe the women before weren’t what he needed. Maybe it was Michelle all along.

Her eyes blinked open. “Quit staring at me, you weirdo…” she mumbled before nuzzling back into her pillow and closing her eyes all over again.

He laughed. “I swear I wasn’t looking at you very long!”

She smirked. “Liar.”

“You know, I’ve learned so much about being a good person from you…” he sighed. Her eyes opened to look at him.

She smiled, tenderly. “Is this where you’re going to suddenly start being romantic?” She pulled her arm up and rested her head in her palm, as she leaned against her elbow.

“You make me want to be that way.” He turned on his back, unable to look at her directly before spilling everything he was feeling. “I honestly don’t want to live without you. I’ve never felt that way about anyone else.”

“You won’t,” she whispered. “I mean, you’re pretty much the only chance I have at having shelter.”

He laughed at her joke, blocking the tears that he knew were starting to well up in the brim of his eyes. “I’m serious.

“I am too – about the fact that you won’t have to live without me. I don’t just sleep around. I made my decision about wanting to try and make this work somewhere between you making the phone call to your VP and me ripping your towel off.”

She threw her arm over his chest and cuddled close to him; still resting on her hand and propping herself up with her elbow. “And, you were always a good person. Maybe you just needed someone to give the oomph to show it.”

“Well, you definitely did that,” he chuckled, turning to face her again.

He never realized what he was missing in his life until Michelle came along. She had touched his life so much that he knew there was no way in hell that he was ever going to let himself go back to the way that he was before. He nuzzled in close and threw his arm around her; their bodies intertwining as he held her close, refusing to ever let her go.



The End






Bonus – Protected By A Navy SEAL


Chapter One







The glow from the street lamp glistened through the rain drops. Detective Cooper was fidgeting in the driver’s seat of the blacked out Toyota Sequoia with his eyes fixed on the alleyway ahead. His partner, Brookee, sat beside him with a steaming coffee in his hands and a cigarette drooping from between his lips.

“You need to quit those,” Cooper said as he stared forward.

“Ugh… like you don’t have any bad habits?”

“I have plenty, but at least they aren’t proven to kill me,” he shrugged.

“Yeah well we’ve all gotta die of something,” Brooke took a long drag of the cigarette and rolled down the window to toss out the smoldering end. “Imagine how dumb you’d look if you were in a hospital bed dying of nothing.”

“Yeah, yeah. You’ve always got a smart-ass answer for everything,” Cooper averted his gaze to his partner and gave him a sly look. “But anyway…. We’ve been here for nearly four hours and still haven’t seen a thing,”

“Chill, they’ll come,” Brookee took a sip of his coffee and winced at the bitterness. “They always do.”

The two narcotics officers had been on their first night of the stake out and Cooper was getting bored already. They’d been tailing the Russian mafia for almost six months and were starting to get a feel for them. A strategically placed undercover agent had informed them of a deal that was supposed to be taking place tonight, but so far they’d not shown up.

Cooper hated waiting, he wanted to be in the middle of the action, wanted to be at the heart of all the danger. But here he was stuck in the car with his surly partner and an agonizing backache. He grimaced at the pain and shifted in his seat again.

“What’s up?” Brooke looked over.

“Just my back.”

“Sports injury?”

“Nah… Injured in combat,” Cooper explained with a hint of pride in his voice.

There was an awkward silence for a moment as Brooke contemplated what to say next. He was intimidated by his partner and often found himself grasping for the right words to say. Fiddling with the crinkly wrapper of his cigarette packet he tried to distract himself for a moment before saying, “How come you never talk about your old Navy SEAL days?”

It was an innocent enough question but one Brooke regretted. He knew Cooper had seen things, knew his past was a grizzly one.

“I just don’t,” came Cooper’s cold reply. “I just don’t….” and he chewed on his thumbnail as he watched a black Range Rover in the distance.

It was traveling at a slow and ominous pace towards the alley, but just when the two detectives began to get excited, it sped away.

“False alarm,” Brooke tried to change the subject. “That was looking like a likely one,”

“Yeah…. But”

The crackle of the radio interrupted Cooper.

“We’ve got a 187 on the corner of Bentley and Maybole Avenue….” the female voice was urgent though relaxed as it relayed the information.

“Sounds like another one,” Cooper twisted the key to fire up the ignition.

And he pulled the car out the shadows, his eyes still fixed on the alley.

“I guess we’ll get them another time

“Yeah…. Maybe,” Brooke sounded cynical as they pulled out onto the highway towards the crime scene.

The rain fell heavier as they drove, with nothing but the sound of the windshield wipers screeching across the glass. Brooke, although he wouldn’t admit it, idolized his partner, and wanted to ask him so many questions and wanted to learn everything about him. But he knew he wasn’t the most amiable guy and so he kept his head down and stayed silent.

Every now and again he’d make furtive glances over to Cooper and gaze at the scar that ran down the length of his neck. He’s heard stories, of course, tales about how the man earned his stripes in the Middle East, but he wasn’t sure how many of them were true or just idle gossip.

As they approached their destination they could see the hubbub in the street already. Flashing lights were outside the house, breaking up the crowd of neighbors who were trying to peek behind the police tape. An angry officer was trying to placate the chaos with little effect and looked relieved to see the detectives pull up to save him.

“You got here quick,” he half smiled as he saw them approach.

“What have we got here? And more to the point, why were we called?” Cooper wasn’t interested in small talk.

“Well,” the officer shifted from one foot to another as his face blanched nervously. “As far as I can tell he’s one of yours. I mean, the victim, he’s on your watch list or something,” he stuttered in Cooper’s presence.

“On our watch list?”

“Yeah…. Anthony Richards,”

“Holy shit,” Brooke leaned in suddenly interested. “He’s been under surveillance for nearly a year now.”

“Yeah, well now he’s dead. Two bullets to the back of the head,” the officer said casually. “So I guess he’s not your problem anymore.”

“Are you kidding me?” Cooper frowned. “Know how much paperwork this is gonna create?” he smirked and stepped under the tape with Brooke in tow.

The officer resumed calming down the neighbors while the detectives ventured inside. They both gagged upon entering and flung their coat sleeves over their mouths.

“Jesus!” Cooper reeled back. “This place is a craphole.”

“That would be an understatement.”

With the forensics’ team still on their way, the detectives had the scene undisturbed. The place was a black light’s paradise with mysterious stains and substances covering every surface. The smell worsened as they made their way upstairs to the bedroom over piles of garbage.

“Hold your breath buddy, it gets worse,” Cooper was leading the way with his mouth still covered.

Brooke was kicking dirty needles out of his path as he climbed, the look of disgust on his face unwavering. But soon enough they were standing outside the bedroom. Through the crack in the door
they could see an officer guarding the scene with his back turned to the body, his face illumined by the flashing lights through the window. He spun round when he heard the detectives enter.

“Shit, you scared the hell outta me,” the rookie stared wide
eyed at them. “I was gettin’ real freaked out up here on my own with this,” he gestured towards the body.

“Your first corpse?” Brooke asked.

“Yuh…. How did you know?”

The detectives both chuckled and looked down to the victim. Then they felt the nausea rise once again.

“How long has he been here?” Brooke couldn’t hide his disgust.

“Well,” the rookie looked out the window at the crowd of rowdy neighbors. “The guy next door only called the cops because the smell was getting too bad.”

“Oh,” the detectives exhaled in unison.

“Yeah, just awful.”

The loud banging of car doors interrupted the conversation. They all glanced outside to see the forensics’ team arrive. Cooper watched them for a moment as they climbed into their paper suits and then he sighed, “Right, let’s get to work.”


Chapter Two



After a fourteen-hour shift, Samantha was exhausted and she tumbled through her front door before collapsing on the sofa. She loved being a nurse, adored it even, but she had to admit that it really took the wind out of her. The long days and meager pay often left her deflated, but she wouldn’t do any other job, no matter what the money was.

BOOK: Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance)
13.69Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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