Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance) (26 page)

BOOK: Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance)
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Our staring matches had always been legendary. We were having one of them right now, each of us boring holes into the other.

I spoke first. "What else have I done then, huh?"

"You stopped taking Sergei's money. You moved away from him."

"I told you, I'm not one of his lackeys," I retorted. "I took what I needed to make a few investments, which turned out to be lucky. I don't need him now."

"What if something had gone wrong?" Hunter challenged.

"I didn't want his guilt money, okay?" I spat back. "It was bad enough that he put you away without needing to rub it in my face with a stack of cash every month."

Hunter sighed and rubbed his face in his hands. I must have been really affecting him if he was reacting that visibly.

"You didn't come visit me," he said, his tone softer now. His expression was still hard.

I shook my head. "I couldn't. I couldn't face you. I was so angry."

He relaxed back onto the couch. Even with just that simple movement, he looked like a lithe beast. "I know I hurt you," he said. "I'm not going to pretend I sleep well because of it. I did it for our family."

"Our family?" I shot up, standing over him menacingly. "How dare you! You left your family here!"

He stood up too, easily towering over me. I didn't back down.

"Yes, our family," he hissed. "Because of me, you were taken care of. You would still be being taken care of if you hadn't spat in Sergei's face!"

"He took you from me! Excuse me for being a little contemptuous!"

Hunter began to back me up against the wall, and he rested a hand above my head. I refused to feel crowded. He could do this all day if he wanted. It had never intimidated me.

"What did you expect me to do, Melanie? When the police came for me, what did you expect me to do?" he asked.

“You should have taken the deal!” I replied. “But, you left us!”

“And then, what would have happened?” he said lowly. “Sergei might have forgiven me, but his family never would have. Now, I have their eternal gratitude, and I know that you and Emmy will always be taken care of—no matter what happens to me.”

I was suddenly conscious of how close we were. His body surrounded me, which made me feel safer than it did afraid. It always had. Our faces were mere inches from each other. I could see the flecks of gold in his dark eyes. I saw the scar on his temple that he said was from when he had the chicken pox as a kid. I saw the tiny dimple in his cheek that I used to kiss when he smiled up at me in bed.


Chapter Five



"Hunter, we're not getting anywhere," I said finally.

"I think we are getting somewhere, Melanie," he said. He didn't back away. Part of me wanted him to. The rest of me screamed for him to stay. I could smell him all around me. I had forgotten how good he smelled. How could I forget how good he smelled?

"What do you want?" I asked quietly.

One of Hunter’s hands swept under my chin to cup my face just the way he had the night before his arrest.

"I want my family back," he said. "I want you."

My heart thumped. I was glad it did. Otherwise, I might have thought it had stopped beating entirely. Everything inside of me ached. I ached for him. I ached for the way things used to be.

"I don't know how to forgive you," I said.

He nodded, running his thumb across my cheek. "I know. And, I'm not asking you to right now."

"What are you asking then?"

"I'm just asking you to try."

I looked at his lips, at how close they were. I wanted to taste them again. There had been a time, a long time—far longer than I would care to admit—that I would have done anything to taste those lips again. I mean it… anything. I had thought about breaking into prison just to steal a kiss from him, but the pain of seeing him would have hurt so bad that, in the end, I couldn't bring myself to even try to... even in my fantasies.

So, I'd locked them away.

Now, with him standing over me, it was like the past three years never happened. We were together again, and that was everything that mattered, right?

I tilted my chin toward him, his rough palm still sliding against my face. I closed my eyes. We were so close.

"Mommy!" Emmy called from the top of the stairs. "Mommy!"

Her shrill cry broke us from our reverie. I pushed Hunter away and raced to the bottom of the stairs.

"What is it?" I asked when I saw Emmy standing at the top, clutching her little stuffed bear, Benjamin, in her hand. She had the thumb of her other hand stuck in her mouth. I was really going to have to stop her doing that, soon.

"I can't sleep," she said. "Can you read me a story?"

I was simultaneously relieved and distressed. I nodded and headed up the stairs, scooping up my little girl in my arms. I'd tucked her into bed again, and I went to the bookshelf and grabbed her favorite book.

It took two stories for her to fall asleep. By then, I was beginning to feel tired, too. I wondered if Hunter was still downstairs.

Of course, he was.

I wondered if he thought he was sleeping here tonight.

Of course, he did.

And, would I let him? That was the million dollar question.

I couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous, as I walked toward the landing. I stepped quietly. It was dumb, but I didn't want Hunter to hear me just in case I needed more time before I went downstairs. If he heard me walk to the top of the stairs and stop for five minutes, he might think it was weird.

My stealth had an unexpected advantage.

"Sergei," I heard his slightly muffled voice say. Like I said, I could have picked his voice out from anywhere. "I'm going to take the job." My stomach plummeted. "Yeah, I appreciate it. Yeah. I'll see you then."

Hunter ended the call, but I still hadn't moved. How stupid could I have been? I had just been about to kiss him! He was already back in with Sergei, the bastard.

It was hard to fight the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks, but fight them I did. When I had composed myself, I walked down the stairs.

"You need to go now," I said coldly. "I've made up my mind, and I'm not interested."

Hunter eyed me warily. "How could you possibly have decided that already?"

"It was decided the moment you first left my life," I lied. "Now, get out."

Hunter, god how I hated this, always knew when something wasn't right with me.

"Tell me what's going on," he said, walking toward me. "What's going on in that brain of yours?"

I gritted my teeth. "Can't you just leave?"

Hunter smiled and shook his head. "You know I can't."

I tried so hard. I tried so hard not to cry. I turned from him so he wouldn't see the pain all over my face. Because for that one moment, right before Emmy called for me, I had thought that maybe we could work it out.



Chapter Six




She was mine again. Right before Emmy called for her, I knew that she was mine again. Yet, when she came back downstairs, she was frigid as a freezer on ice.


"You're still working with Sergei, aren't you?" she asked tightly.

"I'm not," I said. "I told you, that part of my life is over."

"I just heard you on the phone with him, you god damn liar!" She turned and I could see it, plain as day on her face. For the second time, I'd broken her heart.

At least, this time, I could fix it.

"Melanie, I'm not working with Sergei," I said.

She raised an accusing finger to me. "You just told him that you were going to do the job!"

"It's a legit job, Mel," I said. "Christ, how dumb do you think I am?"

She faltered. Hadn't expected that, had she?

"A legit job?" she repeated.

"Like a salary and benefits kind of thing," I said, "paying tax and all that."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Why were you talking to Sergei about it?"

"It's his cousin's business," I explained, "from the side of the family that doesn't consist primarily of criminals."

"Why would Sergei help you find a real job?"

I walked toward her, stopping only a couple feet away. "I told you. Eternal gratitude has its perks."

She scowled. "Shit."

“Shit?” I replied, quirking an eyebrow at her.

"That's... nice," she said. "That's responsible."

"I told you," I said, closing the distance between us and taking her face in my hands again. She seemed like she might melt. "I want my family back. I got out early, and I'm not going to fuck up that kind of chance."

She smelled intoxicating. I leaned in just to smell more of her, my cock pulsing in my jeans. She must have thought I was going to kiss her; she let out a sharp exhale of breath.

I smiled.

"You want me just as much as I want you, kitten," I said. "Let's not pretend that I'm leaving here tonight."

Then, I pulled her tight and pressed my lips down onto hers. She didn't fight, not even a little bit. I had taken a real chance there. Either she would have kissed me back or scratched my eyes out. Thankfully, she kissed me back.



Chapter Seven



Her arms wrapped around me, feeling me the way she had the first night we met. I explored her too, sliding my fingers under her shirt at the first opportunity, desperate to feel the silkiness of her skin. She was warm and soft, just as I had expected. If my cock had been hard before, now it was positively bursting. Three years without a woman will do that to you.

I didn't want to scare her off. I didn't want to release the primal urge inside of me that longed to bend her over the couch and fuck her senseless. I was patient.

She ended up surprising me in that respect. Her hands immediately found my zipper and reached into my pants to grab me, wrapping around my length and stroking me. I growled and slammed her back against the wall, intensifying the kiss as she worked me with her hand. God, it felt good.

"Quiet," she murmured into my mouth. "You'll wake Emmy."

"You're going to be the one that needs to keep quiet," I purred back.

My lips on her neck, I thrust my hands under her shirt to massage her tits, feeling them spilling through my fingers. Soft and plump with nipples that I swore to god were always hard.

She was a fucking vixen.

God, I wasn't going to last very long if she kept working me like that. I spun her around, wrenching her hands away from me, and pressed her face against the wall as I attacked her neck.

A very quiet moan escaped her lips before she jammed her mouth closed. I smirked as I nipped her neck, grinding my erection against her butt. She'd always been so fiery, both in bed and out of it. She was fearless and strong. She made me proud every god damn day to call her mine. And, whatever she thought, I had never stopped calling her mine.

I reached down the front of her jeans and sunk my fingers into her warmth, reveling in the sensation of her slick pussy on my fingers. She mewled, which only made my dick grow even harder. I hadn't thought that possible.

If we didn't move now, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to keep from fucking her right against this wall. And, that was not something I wanted my daughter to inadvertently see.

"Does your room have a lock?" I hissed into her ear.

Mel arched up against me. "Yesss."

I pushed her toward the stairs and gave her round ass a firm smack as I did. Watching her brown curls sway as I walked behind her entranced me.

In her bedroom, I closed the door behind us and locked it tight.

She began to strip in the way she knew drove me crazy. Slowly, writhing to music that only she could hear, she slid off her jeans and pulled off her shirt. Everything in me begged to reach out and grab her, to take her, but I knew she wanted me to watch. And hell, I wanted to watch.

I would always watch.


For the first time in years, I felt undeniably sexy. Seeing the lust all over Hunter's face, feeling it in my hand as I stroked him, had ignited something in me... something that had been dormant, but now blazed up in a fury. I wanted him. I wanted never to stop having him. I needed him.

In my room, stripping lazily and watching him through half-lidded eyes, there was no longer any time or distance between us. We were back to the way things used to be. Back to when it was just him and me and the whole world at our feet.

Cause who could fight against a love like that?

When I was naked, I stripped him too. He knew the drill. If he touched me now, it was over. This was the game. If he waited, if he was patient, then I'd crumble beneath him as he ravaged me all the way to heaven.

I could see him fighting his urge, and I knew with each brush of my nipple against his skin as I relieved him of his shirt, then his pants, that he was dangerously close to the edge. And, I loved it.

BOOK: Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance)
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