Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance) (23 page)

BOOK: Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance)
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“Sleight of hand,” he winked. “You literally fell for a kids’ party trick.”

“You bastard!” Neil roared. “You had us thinking we were gonna die!”

“Can someone please explain what’s happening?” Brandy interrupted, standing in between the two men.

“This young man and me…” Rex began to explain.

He had a twinkle in his eye, as he looked to Neil, knowing he was gonna spill his dirty secret.

“This young man and me… we were just getting acquainted. You know cos… I walked in on him getting some action with this little thing,” he waved the empty gun at Laura who was huddling in the corner.

“What?” Brandy looked at the young girl. “You two have been?”

She was lost for words, so completely distraught at what she was seeing.

“How could you?” she screamed.

Her voice was so loud it echoed around the room. It made Rex wince.

“Please! Brandy, you gotta listen to me. I love you... more than anything.”

But, she wasn’t listening because she was striding over to Laura. She slapped her, hard.

“How long has this been going on?”

Laura, who had had enough drama for one day, couldn’t stand the thought of anymore.

“About eight months,” she sobbed. “But, it’s over now.”

Brandy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She held her head in her hands and looked to the ground. She felt like pulling her hair out, she wanted to beat the crap out of everyone in the room, and she wanted to just lie down and sleep forever.

“You said we were gonna make a fresh start?” she shook her head. “I don’t ever wanna see you again.” She walked away, her shoes clacking on the concrete as she left the building.

Rex was hot on her heels.


“Don’t you fucking sweetheart me,” she pushed him away. “Are you happy now?” she goaded him. “Knowing my life is now ruined!” she screamed as she stamped away.

“Hey… that guy was dirt… You think I didn’t know that as soon as you mentioned his name?”

“What. So, you’re like my knight in shining armor now?”

“No,” Rex conceded. “But, I’d sure like to be.”

“You’re insane. You’re actually mental.” She climbed into her car and slammed the door shut. “Stay away from me.”

“But why?” he pushed his arm through the window and held her hand tight. “We were good once, weren’t we?”

She nodded.

“That was a long time ago... before you committed armed robbery.”

He sighed.

“Look… Can’t I talk to you for a minute? I gotta explain something.”

He looked deep into her eyes.


Again, she nodded.

“I’ll give you two minutes, but Lord knows why? I should call the cops and get you sent right back to jail,” she leaned over and opened the passenger door for him.

Climbing in beside her, he knew he had to tell her the truth.

“I’m not that much of a bad guy. I know you think I am, but really… I had good intentions, I really did.”

“You had good intentions about holding up a gas station? Please explain.”

“It wasn’t for the MC, for the gang… I know I said it was, but… it wasn’t.”

She raised an eyebrow as she listened.

“It was for you, Brandy.”

“Excuse me?”

“It was gonna be my one final act of being an outlaw, and I was gonna quit the gang and leave that all behind me. You had a baby in you after all, and I wanted to be there, but I knew you deserved the best, and for that, we needed money. I had this stupid idea that if I got enough, we could run away together; you, me, and the baby.”

“Are you kidding me? You robbed that place for us?”

She didn’t believe a word he said until she looked into his eyes and saw there was a single tear on the cusp of running down his face.

“I don’t know what the hell to think anymore,” she leaned back in her seat. “You’re crazy.”

“You don’t have to think anything right now, but can you at least let me see my son. You haven’t even told me what his name is.”

She thought about her little boy, the most precious person in her world. He deserved to know who his real father was.

“Ok,” she nodded. “You can see him.”



Chapter Eight



After picking up Ricky from the next door neighbor, she brought him home. Rex was smitten the moment he held the boy in his arms.

"You're the cutest kid I've ever seen," he kissed him on the cheek and felt overcome with emotion.

Looking to Brandy, he explained:

"I know this ain't gonna mean much now, but... when I was inside, all I thought about was you two. I've been waiting for this day for as long as I can remember."

Brandy could see the tenderness in the way he held his son, and could clearly see the love in his eyes. Could he maybe deserve a second chance? Just maybe? Neil was definitely out her life now, so perhaps things worked out the way they should... but still... that ridiculous story about committing robbery to pay for her and the baby? There was no way that was true... was it?

She watched the two of them play together on the floor, grappling each other and pretending they were wrestlers. Ricky was giggling and squealing while his father looked as though he was having more fun than the baby. She felt herself soften to his company once again, but tried to reign in her feelings. Remember what he's like, she reminded herself. He's an ex-con, a biker.

But, the more she watched him and Ricky together, the more she considered that prison had changed him.

"Hey..." she called out.

Both Rex and Ricky looked up as though caught in the act of making mischief. Brandy couldn't help but laugh.

"Er... Rex... Can I have a word with you a moment?"

"Sure," he got up off the floor.

"Erm... I mean upstairs."


As they entered the bedroom, she closed the door behind her.

"We shouldn't leave him alone downstairs, should we?" Rex, trying to be the responsible father, panicked.

"He'll be fine. The TV's on. He won't go anywhere, I promise."

"So... What's up?"

"I was thinking…"

This is madness, she thought. I shouldn't be doing this.

"I was thinking maybe... er..., if you're not mad at me for running off with Neil, that...," she was stumbling over her words, not quite sure what she was feeling or trying to say.

"Maybe we could try again," she blurted out. "I mean... You're a madman Rex, but that's why I fell in love with you in the first place."

He smiled and cupped her face gently in his hands.

"I'm willing to let bygons be bygons and start again if you are," he whispered as he brought his lips close to hers.

"I am," she closed her eyes and let him kiss her.

He was gentler than she remembered; more caring and soft in the way he held her. All those feelings she had for him now resurfaced, and she wanted him more than ever.

Reaching down and unzipping his jeans, she was desperate to feel him. It was the first time Rex had been touched in two years, and he felt wild and out of control as her fingers wrapped around his girth.

"Oh God, Brandy I've missed you so much!"

He picked her up with one hand and flung her onto the bed. Pulling himself out, he stroked his length as he watched her undress.

"You're even more perfect than I remember."

His eyes were all over her body, then so were his hands. He was on top of her, his enormous frame pushing down into her frail body. They were kissing hard, eager to feel every part of one another's body.

"I can't stop myself. I gotta have you." He grabbed hold of her breasts and sucked on her nipples.

"I want you so much," Brandy opened her legs wide to reveal the moistness between her legs.

He pushed himself inside her roughly and listened to her scream. Pressing his hand over her mouth, he spoke gruffly.

"We can't let the baby hear us," he grunted, as he pushed into her over and over again.

She bit into his hand, but he relished the pain as a welcomed distraction from ejaculating too soon. But, it wasn't long until he couldn't hold it much longer.

"I'm coming," he whispered. "Oh fuck!"

And, his legs began to shake as he reached climax, every muscle in his body convulsed with the ecstasy of orgasm.

After he was spent, he lay by her side and kissed her cheek. Holding her close, he looked into her eyes.

“You're so beautiful. I'm sorry for everything.”

“I'm sorry too,” she kissed him. "But, I've got to ask you something?"

"Anything," he smiled.

"Can we do it again?”



The End







Bonus - Taken - Biker


Chapter One


Damn, fresh air had never smelled so good. Even with the acrid fog that lay low over the area due to the nearby highway, I still had never smelled anything sweeter. The New Mexico air was too hot and too dry, but I barely felt it. Outside of my jumpsuit, I was a different man.

I spotted Sergei in the parking lot waiting for me. He looked exactly the same as when I last saw him; half his face taken up by a gap-toothed smile. He was a slender, but tall man who was often underestimated. Underestimating Sergei Blotnikov was a mistake that I had never made, but one that I highly enjoyed watching other people make.

“Khristos, did you get bigger?” he greeted, clapping me on the back in a hug. He smacked my bicep when we pulled apart. “You’re making me look bad.”

I ruffled his hair; something that only I was allowed to do, and fixed him with a jovial grin. “Either that or you got skinnier.”

His blue eyes lit up with mock outrage. “I came all the way here and you say these things?” He clutched his chest. “My heart breaks.”

We both laughed with the ease that we’d always felt in each other’s company. Sergei was the most cold-blooded, ruthless man I knew, but when it came to friends and family, he was a big sopping pile of mush. I’d always liked that about him.

“Your chariot awaits, my friend,” he said, gesturing to the silver Camaro off to our left.

I quirked an eyebrow at him. “Not really your style, Sergei.”

As we walked toward the car, he let out a bark of laughter, a grin enveloping his face once more. “Of course not,” he said. “But, I know it’s yours… a gift from the family… one of many.”

I grinned wryly, halting at the passenger side. “So, I can drive then?”

Sergei waggled a finger at me. “Absolutely not,” he chastised. “Your license is expired. It would be illegal!”

I laughed and slid into the leather seat. I had missed Sergei. I had missed freedom. But, had it been worth it? Absolutely.

“Did you keep my bike for me?” I asked. The car was nice, but it was a poor substitute for the feel of a thrumming engine between my legs and the wind on my face.

“Of course,” he said. “But, I wasn’t going to come and pick you up on it. I’ve got some dignity.” He flashed me a wink and I laughed.

“What’s new then, Serg?” I asked.

He turned the key and the engine revved to life. Oh yes, I was going to enjoy driving this car.

“Many, many things,” he said. “I’ve got lots of work for you if you’re available.”

I tensed. “I just got out,” I said. “You know that I’ve got things to deal with first.”

He nodded as he pulled out of the parking lot, fumbling in the console for his sunglasses. I smiled when he put them on; they were the same damn pair he was wearing three years ago.

“I know, I know,” he said. “It’s just so hard to get good help these days.” He tensed his jaw. “And fuck, we’ve been through a few bad ones recently.” His voice was ice. It might have sent a shiver through a weaker man. I’d seen him make men cry with that voice before.

But, I knew it wasn’t directed at me. “I’ll think about it,” I told him.

BOOK: Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance)
13.05Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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