Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance) (2 page)

"Nope," Gunner lied, taking another sip of his beer and pushing his long blond hair out of his face. There was no point in telling Bolt anything about Hannah. He had made his mind up about her a long time ago. He saw her as a threat; someone who could finally take Gunner away from him for good. Bolt looked at him and laughed.

"You're a terrible liar."

"Fuck, I hope not, or we would have been looking at another three years after the three we just did," Gunner said, laughing.

"Amen to that." Bolt said, raising his bottle in Gunner's direction. As they clinked their bottles together, the pair turned and sat in silence, watching their men grow more and more rowdy as the beer flowed. In every direction, the men were splitting up, each picking a different woman from the crowd that had gathered and heading to their rooms in the clubhouse, eager to forget their forced celibacy over the last three years. A lone brunette stood leaning against the wall of the clubhouse, winking in Bolt's direction. She beckoned toward him with a crooked finger and a smile that promised untold wonders. Bolt rose from his position beside Gunner.

"Well, as wonderful as it is to sit here with my brother brooding in a corner, I'm about to get very lucky with a very dirty girl." Winking at Gunner, Bolt crossed the room and joined the woman on the other side. Gunner grinned as he watched Bolt disappear into his room. He doubted that he even knew her name.

The clubhouse emptied, and now, only Gunner and Cotton remained. Gunner liked the old man. He had been one of the only constants in Gunner's life. Gunner had taken great pains to spare any implication of Cotton in their recent crimes, not only taking pity on the old man, but needing someone on the outside who he could trust to take care of the garage in his absence.

"It's good to have you back." Cotton said, joining Gunner at the bar.

"It's good to be back, old man. You did a good job looking after the place." Gunner said, raising his beer in Cotton's direction.

"I'd prefer if I didn't have to," Gunner said with a grin.

"This time, we go straight. This face is too pretty for prison." Cotton chuckled. "Tell me, Cotton, who's been looking after my woman while I've been gone?"

"Who? Hannah?"

"You know exactly who I mean, Cotton." Gunner said, raising an eyebrow at his old friend. Cotton was a straight-shooter; it was unlike him to be evasive.

"I don't know about that one, Gunner," Cotton said. He hated lying to his club leader and friend, but he knew that this was for Hannah’s sake and for little Charlie.
You don't know if she's seeing someone, old man
, Cotton told himself sternly. "I see her around now and then, but my business doesn’t take me over to that side of town too often."

"Is she happy?"

"She seems to be," Cotton admitted. Gunner frowned, a dark, brooding look flashing across his face. Cotton knew that look all too well. "Listen, Gunner. Here's some friendly advice. Leave that piece of your past in the past. Pick someone else," he said, waving his arms toward the woman that lay where they had fallen. Gunner said nothing, but nodded in Cotton's direction, as he rose from the bar.

Excusing himself, Cotton headed out onto the forecourt and started his bike. He had a loving wife at home whom he wouldn't risk pissing off for all the pussy in the world.

Gunner sat there for a moment before placing his beer bottle firmly on the bar.
Hannah's going to be mine
, he vowed. Shrugging on his leather jacket, Gunner headed out into the night.





Chapter Three



"Would you like to dance?" His breath was hot on Hannah's ear, sending shivers down her spine.

Turning, Hannah caught sight of Rich and she smiled. Taking his hand, she led him out onto the dance floor. She had met Rich a few weeks ago at a party that a friend had hosted, and they clicked straight away. It had been a long time since any man had showed his interest, and even longer since she had returned the affection. It had taken Hannah ages to agree to go out tonight and even longer to find something to wear. Every piece of clothing she owned she had worn a hundred times. Finally, she had selected a high-necked, black dress with lace paneling that she loved. Coincidently, it had been Gunner's favorite. It fit differently now, clinging to her voluptuous curves that motherhood had given her.

"I missed you," Hannah said smiling, tipping her head back to meet his gaze. Her long, straight blonde hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall. For once, Hannah's thoughts were no longer of Gunner, but of simply being in the moment.

"I missed you, too." Rich gathered Hannah into his arms as the music finally started to slow.

Reaching up, Hannah kissed him gently on the lips that tasted of tequila and salt. Hannah felt an immense feeling of calm wash over as they swayed in time to the music. Being with Rich was totally different from being with Gunner. Rich was dependable, lived above the law, and he was devoted to Charlie. Hannah could no longer see her friends; they had drifted off slowly as they realized that Hannah was safe in the arms of Rich. They all prayed that Rich might finally be the man who could help Hannah recover from the devastation Gunner had left behind.

The music started to wind down, its intensity decreasing as they crept into the small hours, signaling the end of the evening.

"What happens next?" Rich murmured into her ear. Hannah's heart raced inside her chest. She broke apart from Rich and reached up to kiss him gently on the lips. Hannah could see the lust in his eyes that echoed her own. They had kissed, but were yet to sleep together. This time, she had no reason to turn him down. Charlie was with her mom, and her own body burned with desire to feel a man's tender touch.

Rich turned, breaking their gaze, and took Hannah by the hand, leading her across the dance floor.

The fresh air hit Hannah as soon as she and Rich exited the club. It was at that moment that Hannah realized how drunk she actually was, and for the first time, doubted her decision. Feeling her hesitation, Rich drew her in closer kissing her softly on the lips. Their kiss lasted for only a few seconds before Hannah felt Rich suddenly tear away from her.

What the hell
? Hannah struggled to think through the alcohol that clouded her judgment. Turning, she caught sight of Rich pinned against the wall, Gunner's arm pressed firmly against his throat.

"What the hell, Gunner?!" Hannah yelled, striding over to the pair. Rich looked frightened as the large, muscle-bound biker held him pinned against the wall.

"She's mine," Gunner growled, pushing Rich harder against the wall before releasing him. Rich clutched his throat, his eyes wide.

"Have you been following me?" Hannah asked incredulously.

"We need to talk," Gunner growled.

"Go away, Gunner." Hannah said, positioning herself between the two men. She was all too aware of what Gunner was capable of when he was angry and drunk. Hannah had carefully avoided him the last two days since he had been back in town. Atlas wasn't big enough to hide in forever, but she was going to do her best.

But he had changed. He was bigger somehow – more muscular, and his very presence was imposing. Gunner's once closely-cropped blond hair was now wild and shaggy, falling in waves to his shoulders, and he sported a new scruffy beard. Hannah couldn't deny that her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. Gunner would always be her first love, no matter how much betrayal and hurt had destroyed them in the end.

"Not without you," Gunner growled, turning his attention back toward Hannah. Rich put his hand protectively on Hannah's arm, his gesture was not lost on Gunner, a frown marring his face.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Gunner. Please, leave us alone," Hannah pleaded, trying to hide the desperation in her voice.

Gunner's eyes searched hers, silently pleading for forgiveness and for her love. Hannah had none to give. There had been too much damage done, and now she had to think of Charlie.

"Get out of here," Gunner said, raising his eyes back toward Rich.

"Not without you, Hannah," Rich said protectively. Hannah shook her head.

"It's fine, Rich. Please, I will see you soon," she promised. Hannah knew that there was no way Gunner was going to leave them in peace. Hannah felt herself starting to sober as the fresh air and the reality of the situation started to settle in.

"Are you sure?" Rich hesitated, he didn't like the thought of leaving Hannah here with this brutish man, but equally, he knew that he was no match for him in a fight. Rich was all too well aware of the James brothers' reputation.

"I'll be fine. I promise." Hannah said, laying her hand on his arm and smiling. Rich thought about it for a minute before nodding.

"I will call you tomorrow." There was a fire in his voice that told Hannah that he would.

"No you fucking well won't," Gunner growled, but neither Rich nor Hannah acknowledged him. Rich hesitated before turning to leave, and Hannah watched him until he disappeared out of sight before turning her attention back to Gunner.

"Just when I didn't think it was possible to hate you more, you go and prove me wrong. I told you I’m with Rich now," she spat.

Gunner jerked back as if he had been slapped in the face. There was so much venom and hatred in her voice that he never thought possible – not from his sweet Hannah. He suddenly became aware of the people who had stopped on the street to watch the three of them. Groaning, Gunner knew it would only be a matter of hours before the James brothers would, once again, be front-page news. He shook his head. How was it that he could never manage to stay out of trouble for more than one day?

"Let me take you home," Gunner growled gruffly, heading back toward his bike.

For the first time in his life, he felt unsure of himself. He knew that Hannah was going to be pissed, and he had spent the last three years praying for her to be there when he got him, but he never expected to hear hate in her voice. Their lives had been set, and they had been inseparable for nearly four years. They were going to get married, raise a family, and sure, she was pissed at him, but had she really given up on him? Looking over his shoulder, he could see that Hannah had made no move to follow him. She stood in the middle of the road, arms folded, watching him leave.

"Are you coming?" he said, stopping. Hannah flashed him a look that could have killed a weaker man, and shook her head.

"You have to be kidding, right? You’ve been drinking, and you're more pissed than a caged polecat. I’m not going anywhere with you."

Gunner considered this for a moment, but he knew she was right. “Fine” he said, stepping out onto the street and hailing a passing cab.

I have to get out of here
, Hannah told herself. Gunner was determined to win her back, and he would not let her rest until he got his way. Joining Gunner beside the cab, Hannah tried to slide in, but Gunner blocked her entrance. He slung his arm across the top of the passenger door, and leaned in close. Hannah's mouth went dry and she felt the palms of her hands start to grow clammy.

"Baby, I love you," he whispered. Gunner's eyes searched Hannah's, looking for some glimmer of hope, but he found none. "Please, don’t give up on me yet."

Gunner pushed himself off the car, allowing Hannah to get into the cab, his eyes never leaving her. Hannah opened her mouth to say something, but the words would not come. Slamming the cab door behind her, she motioned for the driver to start driving, leaving Gunner standing there, watching Hannah leave him once again. What he didn't hear was the sound of Hannah's own heart breaking as she once again left the only man she had ever – or would ever – love.





Chapter Four

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