Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance) (9 page)

The sound of the door opening and closing brought me out of my daydreams and back to reality. Looking up, I saw Maria come rushing up to me.

“Was that the Luke Wallace?!” Maria exclaimed. I couldn’t help but smile at my friend’s enthusiasm.

“Yes, that was the Luke Wallace” I teased.

“What’s he doing back in town?”

“He’s back for Christina’s wedding.” I looked out past Maria back into the diner to see that the table was empty. What did Luke want? What did I want? It wasn’t simple, but there was one thing I knew and that was that nobody would ever understand me the way Luke did, and I knew he felt the same. But Luke was famous now with a reputation that couldn’t be ignored. Fame changes people, and Luke had definitely had more than his fair share.


Chapter 6



The bell above the door of the diner jingled, and I looked up. A few questions to the right person revealed that Skye finished her shift every day at 7 PM sharp. She was so busy looking at her phone that she didn’t see me standing there waiting for her until she was right on top of me.

“Kinda like old times,” I said, as she walked into my waiting arms. Her head jerked back and her cheeks reddened.

“Sorry, Luke. Wait, what are you doing here?” Skye stepped back, pulling her arms away from mine.

“I thought we could talk some more. I missed you.”

“What would you like to know, Luke?” Skye sighed. I cocked my head to the side. This was not the Skye I once knew.

“I want to know all about you, Skye. What have you been up to the last few years?”

“Working, mainly. Really, my life is not that exciting compared to the life of a football player.” Skye smiled. It was the first genuine smile that I had seen from her since coming back to town. She was still beautiful, with gorgeous, long-black hair and stunning green eyes and a killer smile.

“It’s pretty great,” I admitted, “the fame, the fortune, life on the road… and I get paid to do what I love.”

Skye considered this for a second. “I am really happy for you, Luke. I am so glad that you have everything you ever wanted.”

“Not everything,” I murmured. The intent behind my words was not lost on Skye who diverted her gaze.

“I have to go, Luke, but it was really good to see you again.” I could have kicked myself. Here I was, trying to win back a woman that clearly still didn’t feel the same way.

“Yeah, you too, Skye.” I couldn’t hide the bitterness of my voice, and Skye jerked back, as if I had slapped her. She hesitated for a moment, as if she wanted to say something, but choose not to. Turning her back on me once more, she headed down the road and out of my sight.

You’re a fool, Luke
, I told myself.
She ended it with you. She’s clearly not into you, and, of course, you want the one woman in the world that doesn’t want you.

Pulling the SUV away from the curb, I turned the corner toward my parents’ place. I could have driven this route with my eyes closed. I had made this trip so many times before, and still, nothing had changed. Houses still belonged to the same people, and the shops remained the same. Up ahead, I could see Skye standing at the bus stop, checking her phone. With a sigh, I angled the SUV over to the bus stop and stopped beside her. I couldn’t have a friend catch the bus when I had a set of wheels, even if that friend was being difficult.

“Hop in. I will give you a lift,” I said, as I rolled down the passenger window. She shook her head.

“The bus will be here any minute. Bedsides, I’m living on the other side of town, and it is way out of your way.”

I shrugged. “It’ll give me a chance to see the town like old times.” I could see her hesitating; she was considering it. “Come on,” I said, inclining my head.

“Thank you.” Skye sighed, as she opened the passenger door and slid in. She gave me her address, and I easily turned the car around and headed across town. I was surprised when Skye told me where she lived. It was not the greatest part of town, especially considering that Skye’s parents were fairly wealthy. Skye stared out the window the entire way back to her house, lost in dreams that I had no place in. I switched off the car engine as I pulled up outside her house.

“Here we are.”

“Thank you, Luke” Skye whispered, finally turning to face me.

“What’s wrong, Skye?” I had known her long enough to know when something was very wrong. She took a deep breath and looked back out the window.

“I lied, Luke.” I frowned, what was she talking about?

“About what?”

“Everything,” She admitted.

“Skye, you know you can tell me anything, right?” Skye continued to stare out the window. I wanted to shake her, to make her tell me what the hell was going on.

“I didn’t leave, Luke. Everyone else left, but I stayed here. I didn’t go to that fancy music school. I just carried on working at Mitchell’s.”

She turned to look at me then, her eyes searching mine. I could see her pain, but there was also something else there I couldn’t quite recognize. Why did Skye stay? She was so talented, her music lit up her life as she struggled to escape her oppressive parents.

“Wait, why?”

“It’s complicated,” she said, sighing. I could see her cheeks were crimson and she was close to tears. I could feel her embarrassment.

“Skye–” I started, but she cut me off.

“Goodbye, Luke,” she said. It sounded final and I knew she wasn’t just talking about tonight. She wrenched the passenger door open and sprung down, shutting it firmly behind her. Skye ran the few steps toward her apartment, fishing her keys out of her handbag before heading inside and slamming the door. Sighing, I turned the SUV back on and, once again, headed back to my parents’ home with more questions than I had begun with.


Chapter 7



I didn’t know what I was doing here or why I had agreed to come. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the hardwood door and stepped back. Looking around, I surveyed the house. It was huge – the biggest house in town, for sure. Luke’s parents boasted to anyone who would listen that the house had cost Luke a quarter of his signing bonus. They weren’t bad people, just incredibly proud of their son. I heard footsteps quickly approaching and the door opened to reveal a very excited Christina who stood there in a very pretty and expensive sun dress.

“Skye!” she exclaimed excitedly. “Come on in.” She stepped back and I followed her into the large foyer. I tried not to look too overwhelmed. The foyer was bigger than the entire apartment Emmy and I lived in. I followed Christina out into the back garden while she talked excitedly about the upcoming wedding. Down in the garden, two sun loungers were laid out with a table full of cocktails and a waiter waiting for us.

“I’ve really missed you, Skye. You know, you’re the only one who remembers the real Christina. Everyone back home is so superficial,” Christina said as she sunk into a sun lounger, holding her hand out to accept the waiting cocktail.

“I’ve missed you, too.” I had missed Christina more than I would care to admit and, sitting here talking away, it felt like we had never been apart. I felt bad lying to my friend as she told me all about her life in L.A., but I wasn’t ready to tell her the truth.

“Christina!” A voice called from the house. Looking up, I could see Max waving a mobile phone in our direction.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Christina said quickly, standing up and moving toward the house. As I watched her leave, I saw a familiar shape coming toward me: Luke. My heart sunk while butterflies danced in the pit of my stomach.

“Mind if I join you?” Luke said as he arrived at Christina’s empty sun lounger. He didn’t wait for an answer before sitting down and taking a sip of his sister’s drink.

“It’s a bit much, isn’t it?” he said, waving his hand around the property.

“You’ve done well for yourself, Luke,” I said, smiling. I was genuinely happy for him.

“All that doesn’t matter if you’re not part of it, Skye. We spent an amazing night together.” He leaned in and whispered, “The best sex of my life. Then you tell me a month later that it’s all over, with no explanation.” I felt my mouth go dry and my hands begin to tremble. I tried to steady them before Luke could notice. All I could think of was Emmy with her mop of blonde hair and green eyes that were so much like Luke’s. I felt sick to the pit of my stomach.

“Luke–” I started, but he cut me off.

“You can’t change the past, Skye,” he said, his voice low, “but you can change the future. Come with me to the rehearsal dinner… as my date.” Was Luke asking me out? My heart hammered in my chest, all of the emotions that I had suppressed were bubbling back to the surface. Over his shoulder, I could see Christina making her way back toward me, and I felt instant relief.

“Okay,” I agreed, trying to get him away from me before Christina could become suspicious, but deep down, I knew this was a bad idea, and I needed a way out fast.


Chapter 8



“Hey man!” Joe called out, as I joined him at the bar, slapping me firmly on the back. I grinned at him; it was so good to see my old best friend again. “This here is the real life Luke Wallace,” he said, as he introduced me to his group of friends who sat with him at the bar, most of whom I knew and several I played high school ball with. I greeted each in turn, happy to see familiar faces. The beers started to flow, each finished one replaced with a new one before I had a chance to blink, and it wasn’t long before several women found their way over to our booth.

“Hi, I’m Alisha,” a beautiful blonde woman said, sliding into the booth beside me. There wasn’t much room and her legs were pressed close to mine. There was no hiding her attention. She was dead set on scoring Luke Wallace for the night, but she didn’t care for me. I shrugged. Sex was sex, right?

“Hi Alisha,” I said, placing my arm around her and returning her smile. But it wasn’t Alisha’s face that I saw; it was Skye’s.

“And I’m Amanda,” her friend said, sliding in on the other side, sandwiching me between two beautiful women. I could see my friend’s eyebrows raise, and they laughed loudly. They were enjoying this. I took a sip of my beer; this was going to be one hell of a night.

“I have to go,” I exclaimed, putting my beer down and extracting myself from between Alisha and Amanda, ignoring their drunken protests.

“Where are you going?” Joe called, but I waved him off. I needed to get Skye out of my mind once and for all.

“See you tomorrow, Joe,” I called back, as I stumbled out the door and into the cool night. Without thinking about it, my feet carried me towards Skye’s apartment, and I walked all the way to the other side of town.

“Fuck!” I exclaimed as I stood outside the apartment door. There were no names on the doorbell and I had no idea which one was hers. “Skye,” I shouted drunkenly. There was no response, so I shouted again


I called her name over and over again, staggering around outside trying to get her attention, but why was she not answering? I could see the lights of several apartments turn on and, from above, I heard a man shout.

“Shut up!”


I called again, and this time, I heard a door open. Looking up, I could see Skye standing on a second floor balcony, hurriedly wrapping herself in a robe.

“Luke, what are you doing?” she shouted down to me in a hushed tone.

“Let me in!” I yelled back.

“No! Be quiet and go away.”

If she wasn’t going to let me in, I was going to go to her. Looking around, I could see several footholds that would allow me to climb up onto her balcony where she was going to damn well talk to me. Placing my hand on the railing of the lower balcony, I pushed myself up. I felt myself sway as I realized how much beer I had had to drink, but I carried on.

“Skye!” I exclaimed as I landed in front of her.

“Luke, what are you doing?” she asked, extending her hand helping me to my feet.

“I had to see you!” I exclaimed, “All I want is you, Skye.” She jerked back like I had slapped her in the face.

“Shush, you’re drunk Luke. Go home,” She turned to go back inside, and I grabbed her gently by the shoulders, turning her back around.

“But why? I’m Luke freaking Wallace.” Skye stood there for a moment; I could see she was pissed off. Sighing, she took me by the hand and led me inside.

“That’s why, Luke,” she said, as she led me into a small bedroom. I could see a floor covered in toys, and in a bed against a wall laid a small child. “I can’t have you here drunk with Emmy.” Skye had a daughter? I felt myself sober.

“You have a daughter?”

“Yes, now please go.”

“How old is she, Skye?” I demanded. Skye shook her head, “Is she mine?”

“No, Luke, she’s not,” Skye whispered. I sunk down in the sofa, my head spinning as Skye placed a glass of cool water in my hand and sat down beside me.


Chapter 9



This was never how I imagined Luke would meet Emmy, but sitting here on my couch, he looked so defeated, so vulnerable, and it made me remember the Luke I had fallen in love with back in high school.

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