Read Reed's Reckoning Online

Authors: Ahren Sanders

Reed's Reckoning (42 page)


I can’t believe this! I knew something was wrong last week, but I ignored the symptoms. When I threw up this morning, there was no doubt in my mind.

I hear Reed coming back from taking Davis to daycare and talking on his phone in the kitchen. Once again, my mind fills with uncertainty and I think back to the twenty-one year old sitting in the café. The minute the doubt creeps in my head, I dismiss it.

“Ari, where are you?” Reed calls.

“In the bathroom.” I open the door.

He walks in and tugs me to him. I lean back into him and enjoy the feel of his lips along my neckline.

“What are you doing in here?”

“Just having flashbacks.” I grin at him.

“Flashbacks to what?”

“Flashbacks to when I first figured out you have super sperm.”

He looks at me with confusion and I giggle in his face.

“Once again, I find myself pregnant—while on birth control.”


“We’re having another baby.” I pull the stick from behind my back and show him the positive test. “I’ll have to see a doctor to confirm, but I think I’m about eight weeks along.”

His expression turns from confused to excitement. I wonder if he realizes he may have gotten me pregnant on our wedding night. He picks me up and spins me around.

“Hell yeah!” he screams and carries me to the bed. “We’re having a baby!”

“Reed! “ I squirm against him.

“No way, baby, stay still. I want you to remember this for the rest of your life. This is the same reaction I would have had all those years ago.” His hand moves to my lower stomach and he rubs lightly. “This right here is my reason for living. You, Davis, our baby. I swear to God, you will always know how loved you are.”

“I already do.”


Two Years Later

“Another one? Jesus Christ, are you two building your own football team? “ Sophie asks.

“Three children is hardly a football team. And I agreed to four. That’s a good even number.” The truth is I had to fight to stop at four. Apparently ‘Operation Matthews’ is a long term plan that started with a reconciliation and now includes lots of children. Even though he agreed to stop at four, I know his persistence when he wants something. And I have a feeling he may want more. He loves being a father more than anything in the world. I find this incredibly sexy.

We didn’t find out the sex until delivery on the last pregnancy and when the doctor announced it was a girl, Reed cried. We named her Katy Jayne. The experience was much different than when Davis was born. We had endless visitors and Luke and Sophie moved in with us for a week. I didn’t want to be away from anyone I loved and I felt the loss of Katy especially hard. Amy and Cara came too for a few weeks until Reed kicked everyone out and declared he ‘wanted his fucking family to himself’.

When Davis started Kindergarten this year, it hit Reed as hard as me. He still has intense regret missing so much of Davis’s first few years, but has gradually moved on. As promised, Davis is involved in pee-wee football and Reed doesn’t miss a practice or a game. God help everyone when the sport gradually becomes competitive because Davis is his father to a tee.

I guess being around each other so much, it was inevitable. Sophie and Jack started dating seriously and she moved to Jacksonville last year when he proposed. It only took us one month to talk Luke into moving as well. I think it was mostly because Davis begged him to come.

Davis went from having one male figure in his life to having three in a matter of months. If you counted the football players and Connor, then the number was endless. But he was still very close to Luke and wanted him around as much as possible. I thought Reed would have a problem with this, but surprisingly, he encouraged Luke to move as close to us as he could.

Luke was dating casually, but I get the feeling he has finally met someone special. She’s been around for a few months now and his attraction is obvious. The best thing is she has no jealousy with the closeness Luke and I have. Since he started seeing her, I haven’t seen him with anyone else.

A day hasn’t gone by that Reed hasn’t showed me how much he loves me. I try to tell him that I’m the lucky one, but he disagrees. We found out I was pregnant again last week and this time no birth control was involved. We were able to safely remove the IUD the last time I was pregnant and I had an uncomplicated pregnancy. I never inserted another one. We started trying as soon as Katy turned one.

I couldn’t wait to tell Sophie and Luke because they took bets on how long it would take for Reed to get me pregnant again. Sophie won, it only took one month.

“Mama?” Katy reaches her chubby finger up to me. I put her in the high chair, knowing it’s time for dinner.

“Where is that husband who keeps knocking you up?” Sophie asks.

“Someone looking for me?” Reed walks in and immediately comes to me. One hand rests on my stomach while the other goes to my neck. He kisses me until I’m breathless.

“Really? I’m standing right here. And your daughter is watching.”

“I haven’t kissed my wife since this morning, get over it.” He tells her and bends down to kiss Katy on the forehead. “I’m hitting the shower.” He walks out and winks at me.

“Is that Reed speak for ‘join me in the shower’?”

“Probably, but I have a baby to feed.”

“Let me do it.”

Looking at her like she’s crazy but I’ve noticed the signs lately of her maternal instinct coming out. I hand her the baby food and watch as she sits down and takes over.

“Sophie, I don’t know if I ever took the chance to thank you. Because of your push to stop fighting against Reed, I now live the fairytale he promised me. I want that for you too.” I squeeze her hand tightly.

“Ari, babe, you give him the fairytale too.”

I want to argue but can’t. Through even the worst times, we have overcome the obstacles my grandma told me were worth it. She was right and my husband is living proof that even the most horrible situations can have happy endings.

I kiss her on the cheek and walk towards my bedroom. My husband wants me in the shower and he almost always gets what he wants.


None of my books would be possible without the incredible support from my family. The late nights, interrupted vacations, and impossible scheduling can be aggravating, but they stuck by and cheered me on. This book is for them.

Vi, Thanks again for everything. You are an incredible friend and mentor. If it wasn’t for you, I’m positive I would go insane.

Ahren’s Angels, you guys are the best street team ever. I have enjoyed getting to know each of you and especially love our raunchy and sexy sense of humors. Jaci, AnnMarie, Teresa, Jeana, Allison, Helena, JC, Kimberly, Sabrina, Daniela, Leigh Ann, Stephie, and Jeneane, thank you for your support and never ending enthusiasm about my work. I look forward to all the journeys we have ahead of us.

Beta Beauties, I have gratitude form the bottom of my heart for you. Amber, Evette, Vanna, Rosanna, Amy, Emily, Laurie, Rayna, and Susan, you guys are amazing readers. Your attention to detail and suggestions mold my stories into a better storyline.

Anna Gorman Coy, you are a master of the English language. Your ability to help shape words and a sentence is incredible. I’m so lucky to have you in my corner for so many reasons, but mostly because you have a passion for your work and the authors you work with. It’s more than a job. Thank you!

I’ve met some incredible, crazy, and questionably certifiable friends this year. Gina, Nikki, Julie, Kristen, Heather, Glorya, Stephanie, Cory, Lynn, Andrea, Kathy, and Amber, you guys gave me laughter on tough days. Being able to work through issues with y’all has been a delight. I also have a much more dynamic vocabulary.

Jordon Legault, I know you probably questioned your own sanity after you agreed to work with me, but I truly appreciate your patience. I am thrilled with the results. Thank you.

To all the bloggers who have been supportive and promoted my work, you are greatly appreciated. I know how hard it is to manage a blog and all the social media that goes with it. You all handle it with ease and professionalism with endless support to Indie Authors. Thank you!

Readers, with all the options to choose from in the book world, I am honored you choose to read my work. Without you this would not be possible. Thank you for your messages, words of support, fan made teasers, and encouragement.

Meet the Author

Ahren spent her formative years living in an active volcano. There her family made collectible lava art. She studied rock collecting at the Sorbonne in France. There she met the love of her life-her pet pig Sybil. She returned to the states and started writing. She is happily married to a guy who used to live under a bridge and she met while pole-dancing. They have one amazing daughter.

Now, meet the real me. I grew up in the south and consider myself a true “Southerner”. Most of the special locations mentioned in my books are reflections of my favorite places. Living on the Florida coast, my family spends a lot time at the beach which is where I usually can be found with a book in my hand. I started writing my Surrender Series, in the spring of 2013 and have received incredible support from the Indie community. Throughout this year, I have been privileged to meet some amazing people that I am thankful to have in my life.

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