Read Reed's Reckoning Online

Authors: Ahren Sanders

Reed's Reckoning (37 page)

“Nothing really, Mom. Why do you ask?”

“Well, Davis asked me who was God and why Ari was screaming at him this afternoon.”

I don’t even have to look at Ari to know she is turning red. Laughter fills the kitchen and I can’t help but join in.

“Stop laughing! It’s not funny!” Ari shouts at us.

“Yeah, babe, it is. No wonder Reed was on fire tonight. I guess getting laid before a game is the lucky charm.” Jack says.

“Oh my God, please tell me you did not just say that in front of my soon to be mother-in-law?”

“Ari, honey, I’m not a prude. But it would be a good idea if you two remember there are little ears in the house.”

Ari fists my shirt and hides her head in my chest. I feel her warm breath through the cotton and instantly want her mouth on me again. Leaning down, I scoop her up, which causes her to yelp.

“Got it, Mom; little ears, screaming God. I’ll try to be less godlike. But now, I’m taking my fiancée to bed. Whoever is sleeping in the room closest to ours, you may want to use headphones tonight.”


“Fucking great.” Luke mutters.

I don’t say anything else but carry a squirming Ari to bed.

Waking up after game day always sucks. My whole body aches. Ari’s soft breathing fills the room and I move closer. Her bare ass hits my hip and I feel myself getting hard. She does too because she tries to wiggle away.

“Nu-uh, get back over here.” I kiss a trail down the back of her neck.

“Are you insatiable? Seriously, I’m beginning to think you have a sex problem.”

“Angel, sex is never a problem.”


“Are you complaining?”

“No,” she sighs, “but I hear people in the kitchen and think we should get up.”

“We will after I get my morning fill of you. One of us always has to get up with Davis, let’s take advantage of someone else doing it.” I roll over and push her under me. I’m still naked from last night, and she’s wearing a purple satin nightie.

She looks so beautiful with her eyes full of sleep and hair fanned out on the pillows. There is a fresh hickey on her right tit from last night and I grin remembering giving it to her. I may be pussy-whipped but I feel all man knowing she’s marked. She’s going to kill me when she sees it so I take advantage of her ignorance. Using my knee to nudge her legs apart, I brace on my elbows.

“Reed, I have to brush my teeth.”

“No—” I cut her off, crushing my mouth to hers. The feeling of her hands running up my back makes my already hard dick, harder. I move one hand down to her side until I get to her hip then run my fingers over to test her wetness.

“Baby, you’re drenched. Do you have a sex problem?” I say against her lips.

“Seems so.” She grins.

Breaking the kiss, I sit back on my knees, positioning myself at her entrance. She wraps her legs around my waist and pushes against me. When I am fully inside, her hips buck against mine.

“Slow down, baby. This morning I’m taking my time.” I slide in and out gently.

Her chest rises and falls as we stare at each other with heat and yearning. I may have had a lot of sex in my life, but none of it matters. Being inside Ari erased any memories of other women. She was made for me.

I run my hand up her stomach and under her nightie. Once my fingertips touch her breasts, I tug lightly at her nipples which causes her to whimper. She breaks our gaze and arches her back. Her nails dig into the skin on my thighs. She pushes against me again. I increase my strokes and move my hands down to grip her ass. I hold on tight pumping in and out and feel the tightness in my balls. Sweat starts to drip down the back of my neck as I try to hold back.

“I’m so close, Angel.”

She thrashes against the bed and moans. When I know she is ready, I pinch her ass hard. She screams into a pillow as she quivers. I let go and feel myself filling her up. Just watching her, makes me ready for round two.

When we both come down from the high, I lie on top of her and kiss her neck gently.

“Thank you, baby, with all I have facing me this morning, I needed that.”

She looks at me sympathetically because she knows things with Cara could go either way.

“I love you Reed, and whatever you decide, I’ll support you.”

“That makes me a lucky motherfucker. Now let’s go shower.”

“Thank you for meeting me.” Cara sits down.

“Thank Ari.”

“That’s what I thought. I knew she was my only hope.”

“Tell me why I am here, Cara.” I say with venom in my voice.

“I want to apologize. Really apologize. What I did is unforgivable, I understand that now. Mom has shared some stuff with me and I know Alex Moore used me. For years, I thought she was my friend, but she only wanted to get close to you.”

“Wow, somehow you made that apology sound more of a pity party. Are you sorry to me or sorry you found out she was using you?”

“Reed! “

“No seriously, Cara? Which one is it? What exactly are you apologizing for?”

“Care Bear. You call me Care Bear.”

“Not anymore. That was a term of endearment. Not feeling too endearing lately.”

“All of it, Reed; all of it. From the lie I told you about being upset about Mitch so I could stay with you that week, to the pretending to be your girlfriend. I’m sorry I kept you from going after her when you wanted to. I’m sorry my actions led you away from your son.” Her voice cracks and tears form in her eyes. “I’m so sorry I hurt you all, especially Ari and Davis. If it wasn’t for me, he would have had an amazing dad the first three and a half years of his life.”

“He did.”


“He had Luke Adams. He wasn’t his dad, but he was there for him and Ari. He’s one of the best men I’ve ever known.”

“I’m so, so, so sorry.” She cries.

Watching her fall apart causes something in me to change. I’m still mad as hell, but seeing my naïve little sister crying eases some of the anger.

“Cara, I accept your apology. I’m not saying I forgive you because that’ll take time. I don’t know what to tell you about Ari, but you’re gonna have to work hard to put chinks in her armor.”

“Understandable. I’d expect nothing less.”

My phone chimes with a text from Ari.

Ari— You have to STOP marking my boobs! I just gave the whole bridal store a laugh because I didn’t know it was there! No more…cut off from my chest…maybe forever…

I don’t think so.

Me— Remember what happened last time you tried to cut me off? Cabana sex? I’ll do it again- don’t care about our guests.
Ari— Cut off until you can stop leaving bite marks or hickeys
Me— We’ll see

I chuckle and look up to see my sister with more tears running down her cheeks.

“I almost ruined that. You really love her.”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m now in a good mood so I’ll tell you. Love isn’t a strong enough word for Ari. Captivated may be a better term.”

She nods and gives me a small smile.

“Fill me in on mega bitch Alex. Mom’s only told me so much.”

I tell Cara everything that happened, and how no one has seen or heard from Alex in weeks. I think Ari’s rant got to Mr. Moore that day in the bank because he told Phillip he did find it strange he never saw us together. Trey’s been watching her electronic communication, but there’s nothing.

I get up to leave and think about what Ari would want me to do next.

“Cara, we may not be back to where we were, but I still want you at my wedding. Ari wants it too. It’s in three weeks.”

“I know when it is and I want to be there too.” Her voice is full of emotion. “Reed, the answer is probably no, but do you think I could meet Davis?”

Damn! How do I handle this? I think about saying no, but know my mom and Ari would want me to give her this opportunity.

“When are you going back to Orlando?”

“I have all weekend free.”

“Since tomorrow’s Saturday, we will all be around. I’ll text you a time to come over; plan on being in the pool a lot.”

She smiles so wide and I almost forget I still have a lot to work through.

Chapter 31


“Bobbie, can you drive any faster? I swear Katy goes faster than you and she didn’t drive for four years!” I tap my fingers against my knee.

“Why are you being such a dick?” He looks over at me.

“I’m not, but I could have jogged home quicker than this.”

“Next time you’re picking me up and driving.”

Shit. I am being a dick.

“I’m sorry man, I’m just on edge. I hate that Ari didn’t travel with us this weekend. This is the last time. She’s going from now on.”

“Reed, it’s a little disgusting how obsessive you are over her.”

“Say what you want, but I haven’t spent a night away from her since early June. I hate when we have to stay over after a game. And the fucking airport was a madhouse.”

“Reed, you know the drill. Late night games, early morning departures.”

“I know but I wish I could have flown home last night. I hoped to get home before Ari took Davis to his new daycare.”

“Sorry, man, going as fast as I can.”

I nod at him and dial Ari’s number for the third time this morning, still getting no answer. We spoke last night after the game but for some reason, I feel the need to hear her voice this morning. She left after me on Saturday to spend the weekend with Katy. The wedding is only two weeks away and they have some last minutes things to handle.

Ari finally decided to move to Jacksonville permanently. Sophie will rent her place. There are a few items she wants to bring up here, so we’ve scheduled movers to come a week after the wedding. After the way she was treated at the birthday party, we pulled Davis out of his daycare and found a private facility close that he starts today. It didn’t take long for her to find the errors in my finances and investments and she has mostly taken over. A few of my friends have asked for her advice on their portfolios as well. Phillip has called a few times but Ari refuses to go back. Her leave of absence became a resignation.

“Are you trying for the shortest engagement in history?” Bobbie asks.

“Yep, not taking any chances. I wanted to give her everything she’s ever wanted.”

“You know you’re a man right?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Just checking because you sound more and more like a pussy every time you talk about her.”

I open my mouth to argue, but close it with no response. He’s right. I laugh along with him.

When we drive up to the house, my body goes on alert when I see Darius waiting in the driveway. Something feels off.

“What’s up man?” I ask confused why he’s not with Ari.

“Waiting on Ari to get here because she texted me that she stayed with Katy again last night. They have Grange with them. I agreed to meet her here this morning but she hasn’t showed.” He answers.

“You haven’t heard from her?” The hair on the back of my neck starts to tingle.

“Not yet.”

“Davis was supposed to start his new school half an hour ago.” I go into the house and look around to see if they did come home this morning. There’s no sign of them—no overnight bags or breakfast items in the sink.

“Something’s wrong.” Panic fills my mind. I pick up the phone and dial her number again. On the fourth ring, she finally picks up.

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