Read Radiance Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Radiance (31 page)

So much stimulation. 

The orgasm that took her made her hands grip him roughly.  They broke the kiss to watch her in the clutches of it.  Panting, whimpering, her heartrate through the roof, she stared at them through half-lidded eyes. 

The way she felt around him was incredible. 

She started to lift her hand, caught herself on his chest, inhaled deeply to gain control over her body, and tried again. 

Raking fingers through Harper’s hair, she cried, “

Gathering her close, he kissed her until she was moaning into his mouth and then supported her so Elijah could kiss her as well.  Touching them both was strangely important to her in ways it had never been with their women in the past. 

Already, she could barely lift her arms. 

“You love me, Brie.”  She nodded against the side of his face.  “You love Harper.”  Another nod.  “I love you both with all of me.  I need you to understand the strength of it.” 

“I do.  I
, Elijah.”  Her voice was barely audible. 

Their faces were close, the three of them huddled as Harper continued to thrust inside her.  He could feel the way her body spasmed, coiling for another climax. 

“You matter to me, Brie.  You
.  Your life is not forfeit to save ours.  Tell me you understand.” 

, Elijah.” 

He exhaled slowly and looked at Harper with a small shake of his head.  When he stood, she tried to hold him, collapsing on Harper as she fell down the rabbit hole of physical pleasure while her emotions raged out of control. 

Gripping her tight, he drove her through to the other side and she petted his skin, kissed his shoulder, and murmured words he couldn’t hear. 

Watching Elijah drizzle oil across the top of Gabriella’s ass cheeks was one of the most erotic sights he’d ever seen.  The force of his thrusts made the taut bubble ripple. 

Elijah took his time rubbing it in, smoothing it along the crease, and all around the pucker he imagined was clenched from the stimulation of the cream and her orgasms. 

Entering her with two fingers, pushing deep, Gabriella gasped and bit Harper’s shoulder.  Then she came and the slickness of her body was audible in the quiet room. 

Pulling from her, she sobbed as Elijah explained, “When two men take a woman at the same time, it’s important to be careful, Brie.  The inner flesh of your pussy and ass is tender, easily chafed, bruised, and torn.  Harper and I will
harm your body.” 

Her fingers kneaded Harper’s chest.  She murmured quietly and he felt her tears on his skin.  Pressing deep, he stilled.  Her entire body trembled. 

Elijah watched her as he used a wipe on his hand and stripped.  Harper held his breath watching him lube his length. 

Crouching over them, he growled, “However, we
take you hard and repeatedly.  We
will not stop
until you forget where you end and we begin.  There will be
no quarter given
until you
to me, Brie.” 

Placing his cock at the entrance of her ass, Elijah’s eyes met his.  The wolf that lived inside him prowled the green depths.  It had never failed to make Harper breathless. 

Then he pushed hard and deep in the first thrust. 

Gabriella gasped with a long wail and her entire body tightened like a bow as she absorbed the pressure and the fullness. 

Since the morning they talked to the only woman in their history to capture Elijah’s interest, he’d refused to touch anyone else, including Harper himself. 

Feeling him through the thin layer of skin that separated the two entrances of her body was spectacular.  Holding Gabriella tight to his body, he let his head drop back on the chair so he could catch his breath. 

Filling her completely, they remained still.  She panted between them, her body shaking hard.  Elijah kissed her shoulder. 

“From the time Harper was a small child, I’ve worked with him in self-defense.  Until he was almost eleven, he believed the lessons were games.  That was the first time a faction attempted to take him in retaliation for his father’s work.  Working together, we disabled two full grown men, killed another, and captured one for questioning.” 

  I love you.” 

“I know, Brie.”  Pressing deeper, he lowered his chest to her back.  “There have been more than twenty attempts on his life since he assumed leadership.  At all times, he’s able to aide in his own defense.  I made sure of that to improve his chances of survival.”  She tried to hug Harper but she was physically and emotionally drained.  He held her hard.  “Should anything happen to me, I know he has a better chance to save himself.” 

No, no, no.

“Over the years, others have been taken to use as leverage.  Some broke quickly while others took days. 
All of them
gave up crucial information about Harper, the company, and the workings of his security team.  Every single one of them, Brie.” 

Harper said softly, “The methods used range from amputation to gang rape.  Some are barbaric in their pursuit of information, of access.”  He kissed her hair.  “Do you think
of those innocent people for saving their own life, for stopping the pain they were in, Gabriella?” 

She turned her face to his chest, weeping. 

Resting his head against hers, Elijah said, “If you’re taken, you’ll be traumatized.  The less damage you sustain before we get you back, the fewer people I’ll have to gut once you’re safe.  Play dumb, share meaningless information first, but if you’re threatened, you tell them
whatever the fuck
they want to know.” 

Inhaling carefully, he turned her face and kissed a cheek that was wet with sweat and tears.  “Tell me you understand, Brie.”

“You’ll be careful.” 

“I’m the best at what I do, Brie.  Harper has been personally trained by me for thirty-five years.  He’s
very good at what he does.  Trust me.  Tell me you understand.” 

There was a long pause and her heart pounded against Harper’s.  “I understand.” 

“Do you submit to me, Brie?” 

“Yes, Elijah.” 

He watched as Elijah closed his eyes and exhaled quietly.  After several deep breaths, their gazes locked over Gabriella. 

“Now you receive only pleasure, pretty girl.” 

Harper was as thankful as the woman between them. 

Chapter Thirty-Four


It was rare for Elijah to feel exhausted. 

Forcing a woman with a heart like Brie’s to submit in such a way had not been easy for him. 

However, it had been necessary. 

The moment she casually stated she’d rather
than endanger them, it drove home
how different
she was from the women they’d known in their pasts. 

Everything inside him had recoiled in true
, an emotion he didn’t recognize at first. 

That she
what she said without understanding what it would do to him if anything happened to her told him that she didn’t give herself much of a priority in his life. 

She believed she was disposable. 

Such a belief could
be allowed to stand. 

All his life, he’d known and accepted that he would die to protect Harper.  His lover, his friend, the first person to make him feel love, Harper shared space inside him. 

Both of them were broken for different reasons. 

It was a reality they’d always recognized and, for the most part, ignored until Brie started putting those shattered pieces back together accidentally. 

For Elijah, it changed his entire outlook. 

Away from her, he worried, ached, and was often distracted.  Near her, he felt a calm he’d never experienced.  She settled the rage he’d carried since his first memory and slowly knitted together the wounds that continued to bleed. 

Unwilling to risk Harper’s safety, he’d taken the best men from each of his teams and started training them to back him up. 

Those watching Brie were equally competent.  Two of the team she didn’t really understand that she had were already bonding to her.  They’d requested permanent assignment to her detail. 

Elijah understood. 

Many thoughts filed rapidly through his brain as he regained control of his mind and his heart.  Tears slipped from beneath her closed lids to Harper’s chest. 

Gaining her submission had cost them both.  He’d broken her down.  Now it was time to build her back up. 

“Brie.”  Thick black lashes fluttered open.  As the sun moved into the skylight above the sanctuary, it made her skin glow and made the blue of her eyes more obvious.  “Are you alright?” 

She nodded.  Her fingers petted Harper’s skin. 

Carefully gathering her in his arms, he brought her back to his chest.  Harper reached over and pulled a wipe from the box.  Sitting up, he wiped her face while Elijah gathered her hair to one side. 

When he was done, Harper bent his head to suck her nipples and her head dropped back.  Both of them were seated deep in her body, throbbing against each other as her muscles spasmed around them. 

Hypersensitive to stimulation, Elijah stroking his fingers over her belly to her clit slammed her into another climax. 

Moaning, shaking, as her body responded, Harper released her nipples and reclined again.  Together, they lowered her to rest on him.  He braced her as they started to move. 

Elijah withdrew until only the head of his cock was clasped by the snug muscles of her ass.  As he pushed deep again, Harper stroked out. 

The friction of her body and their friction against each other was not unfamiliar.  They’d taken more women than Elijah cared to remember in such a way. 

Familiar, yet different in every way that mattered.  

They took her up gently and heard her sigh as another orgasm crashed over a body primed for them.  Moving with her, supporting her bodyweight, he stared into Harper’s eyes. 

“Have you missed each other?”  The barely audible question took both of them by surprise.  “How lonely you must have been, Harper.  I’m sorry.” 

“It’s better now.” 

“I’m glad.  You deserve to be happy.  I want that for you.” 

“What about you, Gabriella?  What about your happiness?” 

“I’m blissfully happy in this moment, right now.”  She reached back with a shaking hand and stroked her fingers over Elijah’s thigh.  Turning her head, she kissed Harper’s chest.  “I feel grateful to have you both inside me, filled up with touch I’ve craved for months.” 

The women who’d found themselves between them over the years were cold, disconnected.  Touching them,
touched by them, hadn’t been expected or desired. 

Without speaking, the friends took Brie slowly and they touched her.  Hands slid over her hair and skin, massaged muscles taut with tension, and kissed flesh they could reach. 

She soaked it up, giving back as much as she could, as tired as she was.  Brie touched them with her heart and communicated it through her body. 

Another climax stole control and she went limp between them.  Still they took her, fucked her, loved her.  Gave her what she deserved as Harper met his gaze and smiled. 

Elijah returned it and they braced her as they went harder, faster, deeper in the body of a woman who welcomed what they offered. 

Pushing her, pushing themselves, she shook powerfully between them as they provided counter thrusts. 

Inclining his head, they ramped up the force and she moaned low in her throat. 

“You’re so hard and hot. 
, I could get
to this.”  The words were murmured almost incoherently.  “I’ve never felt as complete as I feel right now.” 

“Focus down, Brie.  Absorb every sensation.  Hold back if you can.  Let it build.” 


The sun was fully over the sanctuary, bathing her in light that turned her skin caramel and made her hair shimmer.  She panted, whimpered, as she let them drive her higher. 

Open, exposed in a way
no woman
had ever been. 

Harper’s eyes glowed silver as he struggled to hold back, to wait for Elijah’s signal.  His jaw was tight, clenched against the very real stimulation from Brie’s repeated orgasms. 

A few minutes later, she whispered, “Elijah…h-help.” 

Circling her upper body, Harper wrapped her close to his chest.  Elijah slid his arm between them, crossing to Brie’s shoulder and wrapping his hand there. 

Their heart rates were through the roof, pounding against the sides of his forearm. 

“Bring your thighs in, Brie.”  Harper grunted as she followed instruction and sealed herself to his sides.  “Feel every inch of Harper buried in your pussy.  He’s desperate to come, to fill you up.  Do you want him to fill you?” 

“Please.  Please.” 

He stilled his own thrusts and smiled at Harper with a small nod.  Taking her harder from beneath, Elijah braced her for the force of his thrusts.  “Watch his face.  Tell him, Brie.  You can give him permission.” 

“I want to feel you.  I want your come.  Please, Harper.  Let me have it.  Let me please you.” 

”  Upper body rising from the chair, jaw clenched, he gasped as he let go after hours of holding back.  Pressing her hips to him, he groaned as he gave her everything. 

Harper was a beautiful man. 

He was even more so in the grip of passion.

Jerking against the chair, he held her to him, trying to breathe as pleasure stole the ability and her body milked him dry.  Slowly recovering, nostrils flaring, he moved enough to cup her face and kiss her aggressively. 

Raking her damp hair away from her face, Harper murmured, “Rest here.  Hold on, Gabriella.  You’re strong.  One more.”

Lying back, he scooted his body lower to give Elijah better access to her.  “I can feel how he throbs in your ass.  He wants to coat you, fill you up.” 

Weakly, she replied, “Let’s enjoy him fucking me together.” 

Hugging her hard, Harper stared at him.  Feet flat on the floor, Elijah placed his palm in the center of Brie’s back, stroking her gently.  She glistened with sweat, panting with her lips slightly open as she held back until he gave her permission. 

Pulling back, he thrust forward until his pelvis met the cheeks of her ass.  Gradually, he raised the tempo until she was shaking, mumbling, and trying to hold on, hold back. 

Every stroke was as deep as he could get in her ass.  Hot and tight around his cock, his balls pressed against Harper’s with each push.  She was so tight with tension and he forced himself past natural resistance. 

“Tell me how you feel, Brie.” 

“Loved.  Safe.” 

The words sank deep, clawed their way into his soul, and he dropped his head back on his shoulders.  Inhaling deep, he bent over her body and nuzzled against her ear. 

“I want to feel you take your pleasure, to feel you fall apart for me, so I can pump my come into your stunning ass.  Come for me, Brie.  Come for me.” 

The feel of her removing control over her muscles fascinated him.  He watched her inhale slowly as she allowed herself to feel the effects of their attention. 

Then she screamed his name and he drove hard into flesh that tightened like a vise.  His climax crawled through his thighs, his ass, his low back, and around to his groin as he gave her every scalding drop.  Thrusting, thrusting, thrusting. 

Brie passed out cold. 

When he trusted himself to move, he carefully pulled from her body, lifted her from Harper, and carried her to the bed. 

Quietly, they worked together to clean her of their combined fluids and covered her in satin as they straightened the room and walked to the shower.

In the enclosed space, Elijah slammed Harper against the tile and claimed his mouth with force. 

Moving back slightly, he stared into eyes filled with renewed passion.  “I won’t push you.  You’ll know when you’re ready.” 

“I throb for you.” 

“Eventually, you’ll let me soothe you as Brie watches.  She’ll come harder than ever before, no aphrodisiac cream required.” 

Breathing rapidly, he whispered, “How do you know?” 

“She loves me, loves you, and desires us both.  Her reaction when we touch each other is open and honest.  I trust her.” 

“I’m…not there yet.” 

“When you are, I’ll destroy you with pleasure.”  He smiled tightly at the thought, a spasm in his balls.  “I wonder if she’ll touch herself while she watches us.” 

Harper rested his head against the tile and closed his eyes.  “To have a woman who…accepted us.  I refused to hope for such a thing.”  He ran his hands up Elijah’s chest and opened his eyes.  “Give me more time.” 

He nodded.  “Wash.  Rest a few hours.  Then we take her downstairs for food and to prepare.” 

“She won’t be pleased with me.  She won’t like being forced to interact publicly.  Not here in Washington.” 

Grinning, Elijah replied, “She protects
, not herself.  Going public with her is different and you know that.” 

He nodded.  “Let’s show her why it isn’t necessary for her to protect me.” 

Stepping from the shower, they kissed again before drying and returning to a woman who slept soundly in the room they’d always called a sanctuary. 

It had never felt more of one until she entered it.

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