Read Radiance Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Radiance (30 page)

Harper stood behind her stool, lightly stroking his fingertips over the pinked skin of her back. 

“For such a delicate woman, you took a
of pain, Gabriella.  I’ve never seen anything like it with another female submissive.”  Sliding his palm along her shoulder, he asked, “Had you ever dabbled before Winters?” 

“No.  I barely touched
before I met them.”  She cleared her throat carefully.  “I didn’t understand my own body.  I didn’t know…much at all.”  Shrugging, she added, “I was ashamed about what I
know because I’d been taught to feel that way.” 

The admission floored Elijah and he saw Harper was similarly surprised.  He sent up a silent prayer of thanks to Winters. 

She finished what she could, they ate the rest, and he took her plate. 

Wiping her mouth daintily, she drank her water and smiled.  “Thanks.  Better than the post-apocalypse food.”  He winked and watched her mind working.  “You always mention Hudson, ask about him specifically.  Natalia was as important to me sexually.  In some ways, definitely more.” 

“Why?”  Harper was genuinely interested. 

“She was the first woman I’d ever met who embraced her sexuality openly and without apology.  She was confident.  When I asked her questions, she answered them and didn’t make me feel bad that I didn’t know or dirty for
to know.” 

Elijah hated that she’d clearly encountered those attitudes before meeting her friends.  “You should never feel ashamed of wanting to know things, Brie.” 

She shook her head.  “It’s different for women and I know you know that.  When I was in high school, I was tormented
about my breasts.  Every degrading thing boys could come up with, I heard them.  Yet, I was almost suspended when I argued with my health teacher for discussing male ejaculation but not female climax.” 

Shrugging, she took a deep breath.  “I accepted the way it was.  Then I met Natalia.  She was the first woman to look me in the eye without blushing and say words like
.  The first person to discuss topics like
, and
in a context that fit who I’d crushed down all my life.” 

Nodding, Elijah admitted, “I’ve never been so grateful for her existence.” 

It made her smile.  “I’m glad you didn’t get her.  She belongs with Hudson.” 


“With him, she’s
submissive.  Stunning in her stillness and calm.  As the focus, she’s
beautiful to watch.”  Her eyes met his.  “I learned from watching her.” 

Elijah planted his palms wide on the countertop.  “You’re an outstanding pupil, Brie.”  He meant it.

“Thank you.”  She blushed.  “She taught me many things.” 

Harper lowered slowly onto the stool next to her.  His face was filled with curiosity.  “She was
with you.  She was
with you.” 

She met his eyes.  “Yes.”  Elijah watched her choose her words.  “When I was the focus, Hudson was in control, but she sort of…facilitated at specific points.  I know she was generally dominant with women.” 

It explained her knowledge of switching with Harper. 

“Brie.”  Her eyes lifted.  “You’re comfortable in any role as long as you feel you’re
something to the interaction.” 

“Does it bother you that I’m submissive, Gabriella?” 

Turning her head sharply, she frowned.  “Hell no.  If I was bothered by
natural tendencies, that would imply that for us to be
is a bad thing.  Do
think that’s bad?” 

He shook his head with a small smile and Elijah knew Brie’s mind would never bore him. 

Her hands cupped his face and Harper stared at her with incredible focus.  “I find you strong, brilliant, and beautiful.  I don’t give a damn which end of the whip you’re on or whether you’re giving or receiving cock.  None of that
.  You have to
it doesn’t matter before you understand how I feel about you, Harper.” 

That she’d said it so plainly stunned them both.

“I’m afraid, Gabriella.” 

“I know.  I’ll never push and you might never feel comfortable.  You’ve had your relationship forever.  It fascinates me, stimulates me, to think of you and Elijah together but I don’t have to be included if you don’t want me to be.” 

“It would hurt you.  Eventually, it would hurt you to be left out of that aspect of our lives.” 

Elijah watched her face and how she considered her answer. 

“Maybe it would…long-term.  We’ll have to see.  If I get to that point, I’ll talk to you about it.” 

There was no doubt in his mind that Brie didn’t expect to be part of their lives for long.  Harper’s eyes locked with Elijah’s and he saw that he understood what she wasn’t saying.

Gathering her in his arms, Harper pulled Brie into his lap.  Her entire body wrapped around him and her pleasure in the simple attention was awe-inspiring. 

“I like you, Gabriella.  I trust you more than any woman.”  He rubbed her back. 

“Thank you.” 

“Twenty years ago, I wanted to be with Elijah publicly.  Hudson and Natalia witnessed an interaction between us and for weeks after, the stress of how he’d
the information weighed on me.  Though he
did, I didn’t forget the way I felt.  Most aren’t as honorable.” 

“The ones that aren’t can fuck off.  I’ll never give you any reason to regret your trust.”  Her smile was gentle as she traced his face.  “No matter what happens, Harper. 
No matter what
, I love you and
would make me betray you.” 

There was a long silence.  Elijah straightened slowly and watched Harper process what she was telling them.

“If you’re ever in danger, if you have to make a choice between withholding details about me and saving your life,
save your life
, Gabriella.  Elijah guards my back.” 

“Who guards his?”  She shook her head and Elijah thought his heart would stop with the implication.  “I’d never take the risk.  I’d rather die knowing you still have each other.” 

The loving and
expression on her face told him they wouldn’t get anywhere
to Brie about appropriate responses during crisis situations. 

Harper had no clue how to handle the new information.

she would give her life for theirs.  That couldn’t be allowed to be considered as an option if she were ever taken. 

They’d have to
some sense into her. 

Chapter Thirty-Three


Harper stared at the woman in his arms and wondered where the fuck she’d come from and how she’d developed into a small female willing to give her
to protect men she’d known for such a short time. 

That she
it was bad enough, that he could truly
her making such a choice if faced with it made his mind contract in horror and something he couldn’t identify. 

He wanted to
shake her
until she took back the words. 

Glancing at Elijah, he could see the vibration of wildness in his stance, on his face.  Normally, it was evident when he prepared to fight. 

Harper knew he was about to fuck Gabriella Hernandez until she swore to never put her own life on the line in such a way. 


After dropping her statement like a
, the little kitten had curled up against Harper’s chest without a clue about what was going to happen to her. 

She sat up and looked at Elijah, the command clear in his voice. 

Come.  Here.

Sliding off his lap, she kept her hand on Harper until he was out of reach.  He found it amusing that she’d been naked for a full day and hadn’t questioned it.

As she stopped in front of him, Elijah looked at Harper.  “Chair and necessary supplies.” 

Nodding, he walked swiftly to the sanctuary and pulled a heavily padded curved chair from the side of the room into the center.  Dropping a heavy linen sheet over it, he opened the closet and gathered lube, wipes, and a special cream. 

Gabriella wasn’t getting away easily.

Placing them on a small side table, he carried it within reach of the chair.  Stripping the sleep pants away, he tossed them in the hamper hidden in the closet and waited. 

The object of their focused sexual attention practically
into the room.  Unlike most women he’d known in his life, Gabriella showed the world her inner self without reservation and ended up hurt more than others for her honesty. 

She had
survival instincts. 

Harper admitted it was adorable.

The moment she saw him standing naked in the middle of the room, her eyes lit up and she smiled happily. 

Elijah came into the room as exactly what he was as well.  A powerful male animal prepared to assert his dominance.  It was a sight that inspired a prickle on the back of the neck.

Two feet from Harper, his best friend commanded her to stop. 

She did so instantly with her shoulders back and her chin up.  Barely five-three or so, she was small and curvy but carried herself with a grace rarely seen anymore. 

Her features, so different from the women he normally chose, were what initially drew him.  Full breasts and a gorgeous ass competed with her incredible curly hair and caramel skin. 

It was odd that he’d never wondered more about her. 

Only seen from a distance, and only ever briefly, he now knew she was responsible for the overwhelming success of a niche winery that could have struggled to survive.  Her mind was almost as impressive as her heart.

Elijah circled her slowly. 

Watching the man move was incredibly erotic.  The first time Harper noticed it, he was barely sixteen and ashamed of the fact that he’d become hypnotized by watching his bodyguard spar with several bigger and more physically imposing opponents. 

For months after, he masturbated to the memory.

Walking, fighting, fucking, or standing still, Elijah had a presence about him, a
that was difficult to define and impossible to deny. 

Harper watched as he turned that will, all the power he possessed, on a small, pretty woman who loved him –
both of them
– more than she valued her own life. 

“Brie.”  She met his eyes.  “If you were to be kidnapped off the street right now, if you were told that you would be raped, tortured, or killed if you didn’t provide information about Harper Delkin or his life, what would be your response?” 

“Fuck you.” 

“Incorrect.  The response would be to spill your guts…
.  Allowing us time to find you and get you to safety.  You would tell them anything you know.” 

“I would

“Brie.  We need to come to an understanding before we leave this room.  You’re a gentle woman.  The methods used to extract information from you would be extreme physically, mentally, and sexually.” 

Harper saw the instant she realized Elijah was furious. 

She swallowed and murmured, “And my guilt would be

Elijah tightened his hands into fists.  It was his
.  Harper knew he was having difficulty navigating the emotions of the woman in front of him.  “Once we
you, we could put measures in place to protect everyone involved.” 

“It might be too late.” 

“I need you to believe that I’ll do everything possible to keep you from harm’s way, Brie.  I’d destroy anything or anyone necessary to get you back safely.”

“I know, Elijah.” 

“Do you trust me to protect you?” 

“Of course.” 

“Would you give information to save your life?” 

“I’m sorry.” 

“Your reasoning, Brie?” 

“You can’t control everything.  Things would probably move quickly.  In reality, you
know how you and Harper will react at any given time.  You can’t determine other people, places, or situations.  If I were to give up information, it could be
acted on
before you even know I’m missing.” 


“I know.”  She added in a whisper, “I’m also right.” 

, Brie.  We can defend ourselves.  It does not fall to
to protect us from…” 

“You aren’t fucking
, Elijah!”  Harper’s eyes widened at her scream.  “I won’t be the cause of someone knowing information that allows one of you to be shot in the fucking head!”  She pressed her palms to her temples.  “I won’t.  You can’t make me do that.” 


“Do your fucking worst.  I can take it.” 

Stepping close to her, he murmured, “Ah, but can you handle my fucking
, Brie?”  She blinked up at him in confusion.  “You belong to me because you love me.  Not out of obligation or greed or status.  You placed yourself into my care and keeping because you trust me, you love me.  Is that right?” 

“Yes.  I love you so much.” 

“I love you, Brie.”  Her eyes filled with tears.  “Do you
in my love for you?”  She nodded.  “If anything happened to you, I would obliterate entire
in retaliation.  I would carve a path of death to the people who hurt you.  There would be
guilt as I bathed in their blood.” 


“Silence.”  He gathered a handful of her hair and tilted her head back.  “You are Gabriella Lenora Hernandez.  Many things to many people.  Artist, friend, lover.  You are not a lamb to be
.  I am Elijah Mathias Eklund.  I am also many things.  Protector, friend, lover.  I am
he who slaughters
in our relationship, Brie.” 

Tears flowed from her eyes. 

“You sharing information to save your
has a
slim chance
of resulting in the death of Harper or myself.”  Gabriella sobbed painfully hard.  “If you do
share information and unknown persons
take your life
, I give you my
that it will result in the brutal death of hundreds, if not thousands, of people.  I will see it done

She broke, throwing herself against him, hugging him hard. 

“You can dig in on
…but this, Brie.  I love and respect your mind and heart.  I will consider your thoughts on all but your safety.  You
will not
take my place.  You
will not
take Harper’s place.  Tell me you understand.” 

“Please, Elijah.” 

“Tell me you understand, Brie.” 

“I understand what you’re saying.” 

“Clever, Brie.  Tell me you understand that
your life
is as important to
as my life, Harper’s life, is to


“Bring it, Harper.”  Carrying a small tub of cream, he stopped beside Elijah.  “To avoid chafing tender skin.” 

They worked together to smooth the organic blend into the soft flesh of her nipples, cheeks and pucker of her ass, inner thighs, outer folds, and inside her pussy. 

The change of course made her sway on her feet. 

“It will also stimulate the nerves,” he added when she was coated thoroughly.  “Something that will feel more like a curse than a blessing by the time we’re done.” 

She blinked up at him and he used his thumbs to wipe her tears. 

“You’re a beautiful woman.  Brilliant and kind in ways I’ve never experienced.  You don’t know death, torture, and pain as I do.  In this, you
allow me to lead.”  Bending, he kissed her fiercely.  As he lifted away, his smile was slow.  “You will come as many times as your body allows, Brie.” 

Harper returned to the chair, reclined, and held out his hand to Gabriella. 

Confused and heartsick, she glanced at Elijah who nodded once.  Then she walked to the chair and let Harper pull her astride his body. 

“Put his cock inside you, Brie.”  With shaking hands, she did and started to lower herself, her hands on Harper’s shoulders.  Elijah gave her a sharp spank on one rounded ass cheek.  “Wait for instruction.” 

“I have you, Gabriella.”  With just the head inside her, he held her waist, supporting her weight since only the tips of her toes touched the terracotta tile beneath the chair. 

Then the cream started to do its’ work and her eyes widened. 

“Do you feel it, Brie?” Elijah asked.  “Do you feel the blood moving closer to the surface?  It’s a similar effect to spanking without the wait.” 


He gave her a spank on the opposite cheek and she put her head back to inhale deeply. 

Stroking the flat of his palm over her throat, to her breast, and down her torso to her clit, Elijah delivered another spank to her clit.  The orgasm took over and Harper felt warm wetness coat the tip of his cock.

“I said as many times as your body allows, Brie.  You are not to hold them back.  You are not to breathe through them.  Stay in the moment.  Stay with us.” 

Shaking as her body did what it wanted, she nodded with her teeth gritted. 

“Very good.”  Elijah stroked up to roll her nipple and asked, “Do you want more of Harper’s cock?” 


Green eyes focused on him intensely.  “Give her all of you.”  Harper lowered her until their bodies sealed snugly.  She pulsed around his shaft and his eyes rolled up in his head.  “Don’t move.” 

Gabriella’s hands alternately squeezed his shoulders and massaged them.  She stared at him and Harper lifted his hand to cup her face. 

Her hips reflexively rolled on him and Elijah slapped her ass.  “Don’t.  Move.  Brie.” 

Petting her hair, he bent to kiss her forehead.  “You
loved.  You
be protected.  You
understand, Brie.” 

“Elijah…”  She raised her face to look at him. 

“Ssh.”  He claimed her mouth and Harper wanted to move as badly as she wanted him to move.  Against her lips, he murmured, “Take her, Harper.  Show no mercy.” 

Bracing her hips in his hands, he withdrew enough to drive hard inside her.  Short, brutal strokes that worked their groins against each other, causing friction on her clit that caused her to flex around him. 

With a sharp smack to her ass, Elijah commanded, “No holding back, Brie.”  A shiver worked its’ way over her.  Inhaling sharply, she stared at him as he crouched beside them.  “Watch.” 

A strong hand slid along the side of his neck and Elijah’s mouth devoured his own until he was desperate for
.  Licking inside, coiling their tongues together as Elijah gripped his hair, the feel of Gabriella’s pussy pulsing around the length of his dick as he fucked her. 

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