Read Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One) Online

Authors: Barbara Huffert

Tags: #Romance

Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One) (11 page)

“I bet it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to see it.”

“Did you keep Sadie waiting on Saturday?” Kiley could listen to him talk forever.

“Not too long.” He paused. “Kiley, about Saturday, did you realize that we were set up?”

“Set up? How? By whom?”

“Brett and Dee mainly, with Sadie as an accomplice.”

“But why? How do you know? Did they tell you?”

“Why, because Brett thinks it’s taking me too long. He has no concept of long-term relationships that are very important. He doesn’t understand that some things shouldn’t be rushed. I know because Sadie doesn’t like her sister-in-law. She’d never visit her for the heck of it. And no, none of them has admitted it yet. I neglected to tell Sadie that we got along very well during our chance meeting. I also didn’t mention to either Brett or Dee that we saw each other on Saturday. While Dee was out of the room yesterday, before Brett showed up, Will apologized for not being able to convince them to leave us alone. Since they didn’t know about our conversation Friday, they could have maneuvered us into a situation that was uncomfortable for you.”

“I was happy to see you, Jordan.”

“I’m glad and likewise but they couldn’t have been positive it would be fine. They risked pushing you and created a chance where you could have just as easily turned away from me.

“Kiley, I told you where I’d like us to end up. You are extremely important to me and I don’t want our friends, no matter how much they love us and want to help, to interfere without being invited to. I appreciate the thought but I’d prefer us to see where we can go on our own. You need to get to know me at a pace that’s right for you, not them.”

“Jordan, I understand what you mean and I agree but I can’t be mad at them for trying to help.”

“I’m not mad either. I’m sorry if I seem to be. I just thought you should be aware of what they’re up to.”

“You really didn’t tell Brett we ran into each other? Did you tell him what we talked about Friday?” She was amazed since the two seemed to share everything.

“Nope. There are some things that are private, even between Brett and me. Did you tell Alyssa?”

“No. I’m not ready to share you yet. Like you, I think we should get to know each other better first. Alyssa would demand too many details, some I don’t want to talk about and some I simply don’t know yet.”

“Then we’ll just have to spend some time together, won’t we?”

“Mm, I’d like that. Want to meet me for breakfast tomorrow?” Kiley asked impulsively.

“I’d love to.” He’d rather meet her tonight and make her breakfast in the morning but resisted saying that.

Kiley named a time and place. “I like it there because they don’t rush you. We can talk a little if you have time.”

“I have as much time as you’d like.” Yeah, like forever and then some.

“Okay…good.” What had she done? “Well…I…”

“Getting nervous on me again, sweet Kiley?” he said softly. “There’s no need. I won’t bite until you ask me to.”


“I’m serious. After all, you’re my best girl so you can have anything you want.”


“Absolutely. All you have to do is ask.”

“Hmm, I’ll have to think about it. Maybe you shouldn’t say things like that.”

“Why not? I mean it. I’m at your disposal. Your wish is my command,” Jordan declared before he could stop himself.

“Jordan.” She made his name sound like a wistful sigh. She was fantasizing about telling him exactly what she wanted him to do but didn’t have the nerve. How would he react if she said they should take the day off and spend it together, naked? Would he be appalled if she asked him to describe what he would do to her when they made love? Did he realize that listening to him talk made her tingle all over? If he talked about sex she’d probably climax instantly, without either of them taking off their clothes. Oh God, she had to stop thinking like that!

“Kiley? You still there?” Jordan hoped he hadn’t scared her again. What was it about this woman that made him forget all the instructions he kept giving himself?

“Yes but I…ah…I really should get ready for work.” She had to hang up before she asked him to come over.

“All right, I’ll see you at lunch. Until then, I’ll be wondering about your new dress.”

“Oh…uh…I hope you’re not disappointed.”

“I don’t think that’s possible.” She could wear a potato sack with a paper bag over her head and she’d still be beautiful to him.

Jordan heard Kiley take a deep breath. “Uh…bye,” she said quickly and hung up before he could respond.

Jordan sat and looked at the phone. She was gone again. What would she do when he said things like that in person? He was half-afraid that she’d actually run away. He tried to settle back into working but eventually decided that today might be a good day to get to the restaurant early. He’d relax in the bar and spend some time talking with Henry. Maybe Winslow would be there so he could try to intimidate him. Maybe he’d be able to discourage the man from hanging out there again if he let him know that he knew what he was up to and intended to keep an eye on him. Oh, who was he kidding? Jordan knew his only reason for going early was Kiley. New dress or not, he needed to see her.

* * * * *


Jordan froze just inside the door. My God, she was breathtaking! The dress Kiley termed okay was unbelievable. No, it was Kiley who was unbelievable. The dress simply suited her perfectly. Instead of the normal, tailored sets she usually wore, this was a soft, straight, knit thing. Jordan thought it resembled an extra-long sweater. It was the same green as her eyes and moved when she did as he had only dreamed about since her normal attire concealed so much. It wasn’t at all tight or clingy but the way it shifted with her emphasized her features in a way that left Jordan weak.

He was generally semi-hard in her presence to begin with but this different style was almost too much for him. It took tremendous effort not to grab her, drag her out of the restaurant to somewhere private and spend the next hour running his hands all over her. And then he’d peel her out of her new dress and start all over again. He’d kiss her from head to toe and back again, pausing to lick all the best parts.

Jordan had to unclench his hands and force himself to relax. If Kiley noticed how tense he was she’d think there was something wrong. He shook his head. There was something wrong. He wanted the woman so badly he could taste it and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it at the moment. He had to settle for imagining how she’d taste once he got his mouth fastened over her clit and his tongue buried inside her. He wondered what sort of attention she liked best. Was she a woman who needed a lot of stimulation or was she highly sensitive? That was something he couldn’t wait to learn from experience. Just like whether she was quiet or loud when she came. Would she talk, telling him what she wanted, crying out his name as she let go or would she be as serene and ladylike as always?

He couldn’t decide which he hoped for and then admitted it didn’t matter. As long as he got to make her come repeatedly he’d be a very happy man. Then he wondered if she was multi-orgasmic or not. He hoped so. He’d love to spend unlimited time, pleasuring her with his tongue, making her come over and over again with his mouth until she collapsed in sexual exhaustion.

He groaned softly. This waiting to get a taste of her was driving him insane and he had to stop obsessing over it. At least until he knew if she liked to be eaten or not. Mm, now there was a thought that fascinated him to no end. Eating Kiley’s luscious pussy. And he was positive every inch of her, pussy included, would be the most luscious thing he ever got his mouth, hands and cock on. It couldn’t happen soon enough for him but he would be patient and give her as much time as she needed even though it was damn near killing him.

Kiley sensed he was there before she saw him. Very slowly, she turned from the table she just set up and met his eyes. She was amazed when she saw how stunned Jordan looked. His usual, confident smile and ready greeting were missing, even as Kiley stopped in front of him.

“You’re early, Jordan. Anything wrong?” she asked when he remained motionless.

Without thinking, Jordan reached out and pulled her into his arms. He tipped her head with a finger under her chin and kissed her lightly. “Thank you.”

“For what?” She was confused.

“For buying this dress. If I die today, I’ll die a happy man. I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman than you.” He was still holding her and his voice had dropped into a caress.

Kiley was so affected by his nearness and tone that she couldn’t make herself move away. “Oh please, stop exaggerating.”

“He’s not.” Henry approached from the bar. “You’re drooling, Jordan. And Kiley, your phone is ringing.”

“Oh.” Kiley blushed and jumped away from Jordan.

“Come sit down and let the poor girl work,” Henry urged. “You can stare from the bar.” After he handed Jordan a glass of iced tea, he continued, “Dee says you’ve been asking about Malcolm Winslow.”

“He’s bad news, Henry,” Jordan answered without taking his eyes off Kiley.

“I think so too but until he does something inappropriate, I can’t toss him out. Sometimes being the owner sucks.”

“Yeah, I guess you have to stay impartial. You can’t refuse to serve someone just because you can tell he’s scum.”

“You got it. I know he’s only showing interest in the women to get their money. But not a one of them has complained, not even when they see him with someone else.”

“They’re probably too embarrassed to admit they made a bad choice. They may lose some cash but they keep their pride. I doubt if he takes too much from any one of them either. It’s more likely that he just skims the surface so they won’t protest.”

“I’ll continue to keep an eye on him but maybe it’s time to let it be more obvious.” Henry glanced at Kiley and chuckled. “Ease up, son. You’re devouring her with your eyes and making her uncomfortable.”

“You’re wrong, Henry.” He saw Kiley sneak a peek and grinned. “She bought that with me in mind, knowing that watching her move would almost kill me.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Oh, just some things she’s said recently. And the way she keeps checking to make sure I’m still watching her.”

Henry tried to continue the conversation but realized that Jordan wasn’t hearing a word of it. Giving up, he tapped Jordan’s arm. “Why don’t you wait for Brett on the bench over there? You won’t have to strain your neck when she moves away from her podium.”

“Sorry, Henry. I can’t help it. She’s always gorgeous but today’s soft look is getting to me.”

Henry laughed as he waved Jordan away.

“Done talking to Henry?” Kiley asked as he approached her.

“I have no idea. I was too preoccupied to pay attention.” Jordan shamelessly looked her over from head to toe and back again. “Woman, do you have any idea how incredibly sexy you look in that dress?” His voice was seductive. “I’ve been trying so hard to control myself around you and you’re making it damn near impossible. The thought of other men looking at you is going to haunt me all afternoon.”

“Jordan, you’re the only man who looks at me like that.” Kiley was thrilled by his reaction.

“Ha! You should check more closely. No, forget I said that.”

“I have checked,” she declared. “But you’re the only one I noticed.”

Jordan groaned. “Are you tormenting me on purpose?”

“I’m not tormenting you at all.”

“You are and you know it.” He stepped closer and leaned on her podium so he could whisper in her ear. “I want you, Kiley. I’ve always wanted you. This dress is so much softer than what you usually wear. It’s taking all my willpower to keep my hands off you. Every time you move I come up with another idea for the many ways I’m going to make love to you.”

“Oh my God.” Kiley lowered her head. “You can’t say things like that. Please, you have to stop.” She felt her knees start to shake and was afraid she’d collapse at his feet. What she really wanted was to drag him out of there and explore all his ides. She also had a few of her own to add to the list that he might have missed.

Jordan misunderstood and assumed he’d offended her. “I’m so sorry. I was out of line there. See? I’m not completely sane around you and until we know each other better, I should keep thoughts like that to myself.”

“But—” she tried to explain.

“I’ll behave. I promise.” Jordan gave her a tentative smile. “Forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive.” She put her hand on his arm.

“Damn if you’re not looking hot today!” Brett instantly noticed the different style of Kiley’s dress. “Oops, sorry, pal. What I meant to say was nice dress, Kiley. Or maybe it was that I’m just going to go sit down now.”

“Stop scowling, Jordan,” Kiley giggled.

“He just proved my point. Other men do look at you like I do. Even my best friend, who knows how I feel about you.”

“Don’t tell me you’re jealous!” Impulsively, she hugged him. “It doesn’t matter. You’re still the only one I want to notice.” She kissed his cheek. “Now go talk to Brett.”

“I’d rather stay with you,” he muttered to her amusement. “Did Dee ask you about Saturday?”

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