Read Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One) Online

Authors: Barbara Huffert

Tags: #Romance

Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One) (29 page)

“Anyway, about half way through the party a clown showed up. He had those big, floppy shoes, huge pants and a bright red nose. He brought a bunch of balloons bigger than I’d ever seen. I was so amazed that when he started calling for the birthday girl I couldn’t stop looking at them. It wasn’t until someone tied them to the porch railing that I finally looked at the clown. When he was saying happy birthday, I realized that it was my dad. He’d made it back to surprise me. Alyssa took the most perfect picture. I still have it too.”

“I’d love to see it sometime if you want to show me. I can tell by your expression what a great day that must have been.”

“It was one of the best. And yes, I’d like to show you. I was thinking that you could come to my apartment tomorrow if you have time.” She saw a flash of sadness on his face. “I’m not asking you to take me home yet, Jordan. I need to do some weekend chores, you know, pick up dry cleaning, pay some bills, a few loads of laundry. I was going to ask you to just drop me off but you could stay if you like.”

“I’d be happy to help. We did well making dinner together and shopping earlier. We can see how we do at other domestic tasks.”

“I’m sure we’ll be fine.” She gave him a shy smile. “It’ll ruin my surprise but I think I’d like you to stay.”

“Surprise?” Jordan saw her begin to blush again.

“Mm, I was going to pick up my green dress and do laundry so I can wear Artie’s gift under it on Monday. I know you have your exam and I heard you telling Brett that you’re all going out for coffee afterward and it’s my long day so we’ll both be too busy and tired to get together. I think, once you see this and know I’m wearing it again under that dress, you might not be as tempted by any of the girls in your class.”

“Kiley,” he took her hand and held her gaze, “no one, anywhere, ever, will tempt me. I’m with the only woman I want to be with. I promise you that if you decide to keep me, you’ll have me forever. I’m not the kind of guy who would ever jeopardize the sort of life I want us to have by doing something stupid like playing around. I’ll tell you though, I do have some female friends but I trust you to know the difference between simple friendship and something more. The only something more I want or need includes you.”

“Does that mean you won’t be jealous if other men pay attention to me at the restaurant?”

“No. But if you say I have no cause to be jealous I’ll trust you and attempt to keep it under control,” he said honestly. “Now back to Artie’s gift. I was wondering if I get to see it. When you didn’t mention it, I was afraid you didn’t like it.”

“I think I like it. I’m not sure since this is the first thong I’ve ever had on. The top thingy is a new experience too.”

Jordan was actually speechless, imagining her in a thong. He had no idea what the top was but he enjoyed the way it held her under her sweater.

“Let’s toss the dishes in the dishwasher and then maybe I’ll let you see.”

“Such a tease.” Jordan grinned.

“I’m creating anticipation so you’re not too sweet. Is it working?” She peeked at him as if gauging his reaction.

“You think forcing me to visualize you in a thong will prevent me from being as emotional as I was this afternoon?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “It’s just… I was serious when I said that you being that tender is more than I can handle right now.”

“And I meant it both times I said you could set the pace for us.” He relaxed against the counter as he flashed a seductive smile. “Although, I do feel it only fair to tell you that I’m extremely curious about seeing you in Artie’s gift and what it would take to get you to lose control.”

“Don’t you know, Jordan? I thought you could tell. All it takes is you, talking to me and looking at me like you are now for me to want to rip our clothes off. It makes me tingle all over. You get within a foot of me and I can feel the heat radiating from you.” She paused to kiss him greedily. “About Artie’s present, come with me.”

Kiley led him to the living room where she traded in the CDs from dinner for some blues. Soon she was swaying along with the pulsing beat. When Kiley pulled her sweater over her head and shimmied out of her jeans, Jordan felt as if he’d been punched in the chest. He’d glimpsed the color when Artie stuck it in the bag so he already knew it matched her eyes. The thong was a mere wisp. Jordan could see her red curls peeking around the edges. The top was stretch lace that molded to her breasts, stretching to accommodate her rapidly hardening nipples. Kiley twirled, letting him see how the thong was nestled between her cheeks. Wrapping her arms around him from behind, she pressed against his back.

“Jordan,” she kissed his neck, “you should breathe. You look like you’re about to pass out and I have plans for you.” She lowered a hand and squeezed him through his pants. “Does this mean you like me in this?”

“There are no words to describe how gorgeous you look.”

She moved in front of him and kissed him again. “So you’ll think of me wearing this too on Monday?”

“God woman! That dress alone fueled my fantasies for days. Knowing this is under it might kill me.”

She rubbed her chest against his, sure he could feel her nipples through his T-shirt. “Jordan,” she breathed against his neck. “Touch me. Please.”

“Kiley,” he groaned when she pulled his hands to her breasts.

The lace seemed to enhance her sensitivity when Jordan lowered his head and sucked her into his mouth, leaving the covering in place. Kiley’s head was thrown back as she arched toward him. His fingers kneaded her cheeks while he nibbled the length of her neck. Her hips pulsed against his obvious arousal in time with the music. Trapping her tightly to him, Jordan claimed her mouth only to let Kiley take over the kiss. One finger traced a line from her navel downward until he found her opening, already drenched with her desire. He pressed a finger to her wetness, relishing her excitement. The thong itself was the same thin lace so when Jordan brushed her clit through it, Kiley responded instantly. Continuing to stroke her, Jordan returned his mouth to her breasts, sucking hungrily, nibbling and nipping with his teeth. Soon she was writhing with pleasure. She urged his lips to hers, devouring him when she came.

Jordan eased Kiley to the floor, caressing her gently while she collected herself. “Mm,” she stretched. “Remind me to thank Artie. Maybe I’ll see if he can recommend anything else.”

“You realize I’m going to walk around with a hard-on all day Monday.”

“And the thought of that is going to keep me soaked.” She grinned. “Take off your clothes now please. As good as that was, I know it’ll be even better with that hard-on you just mentioned inside me.”

Jordan stripped. When she started to peel off the thong, he stopped her. “I noticed something about this little thing you almost have on.” He shifted over her, hooking her legs over his arms. “It provides absolutely no barrier.”

Kiley gasped when he nudged it aside and entered her. “More!” She attempted to pull him in even deeper.

“Tell me what you want.” He held himself motionless.

She lifted her hips toward him. “Move with me, Jordan. Let me feel all of you.” He did as she requested. “That’s it…oh God, yes…harder,” she panted. She was close. “Please! Don’t hold back. Come with me, Jordan.” As she peaked, his climax pulsed with her constricting muscles. Before he could slide his weight from her, Kiley urged him down on top of her. “Stay.”

“I’ll crush you,” he managed.

“Stay. Just for a minute.” She held on tighter. When she loosened her hold to caress his cheek, she sighed, knowing she loved him completely.

As if reading her mind, Jordan whispered, “I love you, Kiley.” He kissed her. “You’re incredible.”

“No more than you.” She nipped his shoulder.

Jordan chuckled as he watched her eyes slide closed. “Tired?”

“Mm, happily exhausted.”

“Me too.” He sat up, pulling her with him. “Come on, bedtime.”

“But it’s early,” she protested.

“So? We’re not on any schedule here. We’ve had an emotional, active day after a stress-filled night. I’d like nothing more than to fall asleep, naked, with you wrapped in my arms.”

“We did that last night,” she pointed out as they got ready for bed.

“Yes but last night I had to be careful not to touch you. I couldn’t relax because you brushed against me in your sleep.” They crawled in. “Tonight, I can savor the feeling of your breasts pressed against my side. I can pull your leg over mine and enjoy your softness while we both slip into sleep. And if I wake up during the night with your hand wrapped around my cock like I did last night, I can coax you awake with some well-placed touches of my own and see where it leads.”

“You sound so sexy,” Kiley said sleepily. “If I weren’t so relaxed…”

“Take a nap.” He kissed her forehead and stroked her back. “If you want my attention during the night, wake me.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

“Mind?” he chuckled. “Why would I ever mind if a very desirable woman wanted me enough to wake us both up during the night? I’m serious here. I’m willing to indulge you any time, day or night. Never doubt your appeal or my desire.”

“Same goes for you, Jordan.” She snuggled closer. “This feels right.”

“More right than I ever knew it could,” he agreed before they drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Nineteen


Kiley woke up alone. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, she saw it was after ten. She never slept that late! They’d turned in early, so she’d slept for over twelve hours. Jordan must think she was incredibly lazy. How embarrassing! Kiley hopped out of bed and grabbed one of his shirts. Quickly, she brushed her teeth, splashed her face and attempted to make her hair more presentable.

Before she started downstairs, Kiley heard music coming from Jordan’s personal office. Hesitating in the doorway, she watched Jordan typing away at the keyboard, deep in thought. The man was undeniably hot. Even totally engrossed in whatever he was working on, he was the most delicious man she’d ever seen.

“Jordan, why are you always so well-dressed at lunch? Do you meet with people everyday?” She startled him when she spoke.

“What?” He looked at her blankly for a minute. “Morning.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” She made to back out of the room.

“Wait. Don’t go.”

“But you’re working.”

“Not really. I only came in here so I wouldn’t ravish you in your sleep. I guess I got a little involved.”

“Oh.” She blushed, sinking onto the window seat.

“Now, to answer your question, I did have an appointment the day we met. After that, I dressed to try to impress you.”


“Well I did have occasional meetings but mostly it was for you.”


“Mm. Brett had a field day when he realized what I was up to.”

“That’s very flattering but you needn’t have bothered. You’re impressive no matter what you have on. Why didn’t you wake me?”

“Because you were sleeping so peacefully. I figured you’d wake up when you were ready. You must have needed the rest and we really don’t have to be anywhere at any particular time. You’re still visiting Vera, right?”

“I don’t have to.”

“But don’t you usually?”

“Well yes but…”

“But nothing. I hope to add to your life, Kiley, not disrupt it.”

“Okay then, she’d love it if you came with me. She’s asked about you several times since you were there.”

“You don’t have to take me unless you truly want to. I don’t want you to get sick of me.”

“Not likely.” Kiley smiled. “We can stop in with Vera before we go to my apartment.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He shut down his computer. “Why don’t you grab a shower and get dressed and I’ll make some hot chocolate to go with breakfast?”

“Hot chocolate?”

“Sure, it’s cold and drizzly. I thought it would be a good day to make you my specialty.” He couldn’t suppress his grin.

“What’s that?”

“Hot chocolate and the cookies we got from the bakery yesterday.”

“Cookies for breakfast?”

“Not every day,” he explained. “I don’t always give in to the urge when I pick up Max’s. I can make you real breakfast if you prefer.”

“No, your specialty will be just fine.” Kiley let him pull her to her feet. “I take it that you already showered?”

“Yep, hours ago.” He saw the disappointment on her face.

“Can I tempt you?” She unbuttoned the top button on his shirt.

“You always tempt me.” He seared her with a lusty look. “However, we have a plan and I’m sure you don’t want to disappoint Vera. Off you go.”

“Jordan,” she started to mutter.

“Patience, sweet. Remember the old saying? Good things come to those who wait.” He propelled her toward the bathroom and then headed for the kitchen.

* * * * *


“Okay, now don’t expect much.” Kiley shifted nervously in front of her door.

“Kiley,” Jordan said firmly, “do not apologize for your home. I noticed how you did that while we were saying goodbye to Vera this morning and there’s no need for it. I caught the look she gave you. I’m guessing she’s heard about your apartment and is going to call you on being so insecure about it next time you see her without me.”

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