Pleasure Bound - Complete (63 page)

Feminine fingers brushed along the sensitive flesh underneath his cock, unleashing erotic sensations making him groan.

“We can talk afterwards,” she breathed. “We can get to know each other then. But first, I need to extinguish this fire screaming through me. Please, Jarod…”

With each of her fevered touches, each of her whispered words, his self-control slipped. He fought the familiar panic as it began to burn inside him. Fought against the fear she would dominate him. Swallowed back the sinking feeling that he would once again become a sex slave…

New sensations were enveloping him as her head dipped and she planted hot kisses across the expanse of his chest. To his surprise, her wet tongue flicked out and laved along the raised welts of old scars that once had no feeling but now seemed so alive and vibrated with arousal.

“Don’t be frightened, Jarod. I would never hurt you,” she whispered, and she sucked a taut nipple into her beautiful, hot mouth.

Nerve endings burst as her fingers clamped around his cock.

“Take me, Jarod.”

He grimaced at her soft whisper. Winced at the words he’d heard spoken by so many other women as they’d demanded sex from him.

“Fuck me as a free man, Jarod.”

A free man. Those words he’d never heard spoken by a woman before.

She thought him free.

He almost laughed out loud at the irony of the situation.

A free man didn’t have demons that wrestled inside him. A free man wasn’t enslaved by a ferocious lust for one woman.

Yet, as he thought of the magic words of love spoken between the Hero brothers and their women, it brought the sweetest agony pouring through him.

Realization was beginning to sink in.

He’d declared he would never fuck a woman again. If he went through with his test, his vow would be useless.

Yet, if he trusted her and he didn’t test her, and he was wrong, he would be leading an enemy into the camp of the people he’d sworn to protect with his life.

He had to test her

Only then could he be sure she could be trusted.

Only then could he be sure his heart was telling him the truth. That she was who she said she was.

“Come with me,” he whispered, and tugged gently on her hand.

She followed easily. Unafraid and eager.

He led her to the far end of the gully. Led her to the lone tree that shone brightly beneath the flickering lights in the sky.

“Stay here,” he instructed.

She cocked her head prettily. “What are you up to?”

His heart pounded violently against his chest as she gazed at him. Her eyes burned with such intensity he almost gave in. Almost lay down on the ground as a male sex slave was supposed to do to show a woman she was his superior.

He resisted his training. Resisted the urge to submit.

“Wait here,” he said again. His voice was a strangled whisper, his cock a piece of hardened steel demanding to impale her luscious pussy.

She nodded, the lust and curiosity on her face increasing.

He left her there.

It took him only a few minutes to find the item he was looking for.

When he returned he was a little surprised that she’d actually listened to him. It was unheard of for a woman to do as a male said. Yet here she was, standing exactly where he’d left her. Standing beneath the lone tree, watching him with lust-filled eyes as he approached her.

A savage need sliced through him, a need to pleasure her, to put away any lingering doubts he had for her.

He picked up his pace.

Her eyes widened as she spotted the item he carried. Thankfully, there was no fear there, only curiosity and excitement. If there had been fear, he would have known she wasn’t who she claimed to be, for she would have known his intentions toward her. Would have known she wouldn’t be able to hide the truth for much longer.

“Usually a guy brings me flowers after we’ve had sex, not before,” she chuckled. “What are they? They look like orchids.”

He lifted one of the aromatic blooms from the small bouquet he’d picked, and touched the tip of her nose with it, watching her carefully for any reaction.

Still there was no fear in her eyes. But she could be acting.

She inhaled deeply, almost too deeply for it to be safe.

He pulled the bloom away quickly and grabbed her as she stumbled.

“Wow, that’s some scent,” she purred, and pressed her warm body against his. “You should bottle it. It makes me feel so good. You could make a fortune back on Earth.”

He would have to ask her more about this Earth.

His twin had told him about the Hero brothers coming from a planet called Earth on one of his visits to their village.

But she hadn’t said too much. Only that women and males were equals on that planet.

It was a concept Jarod still didn’t understand.

She’d also told him that if the brothers could find out if it was safe for them to return to their planet, they were taking the women and children back home with them.

He would ask Piper more questions about this interesting planet, Earth.


First, he had other questions to ask.

“Your reaction is to the scent of the passionflower. It is sexually intoxicating. It can also be mixed with other ingredients and used as a sexual drug.”

She frowned prettily, blinking away the blurred vision the scent temporarily created.

“You drugged me?”

“The overwhelming sexual effect you are currently experiencing only lasts minutes.”

She giggled and avoided his gaze. “Oh, somehow I don’t think I’ll be losing this sexual feeling for you. Ever.”

He grinned, heat rising inside him at her words. The passion scent was working already.

From what she was revealing so far, this was going to be more than an enjoyable test.

“The scent also has another unique effect,” he breathed, as he gently pushed her back against the smooth bark of the tree, her breasts jiggling provocatively beneath the gauze top.

“What’s that?”

“I will tell you later.”

Jarod fought against the urge to take her now.

To take her hard and fast.

Thrusting into her tight, little pussy while she was held captive between his hard body and the solid tree.

Instead, he cupped her pretty heart-shaped face in his hands, tunneled his fingers through her soft feathery hair, and gently kissed her delicious frown away. Her lips were warm, ultra-responsive. She whimpered into his mouth, and her hands slid up over his shoulders, her fingertips feeling like satin as she stroked the back of his neck.

“Can’t you tell me now?” she whispered as she broke the kiss.

He clenched his teeth, stopping himself from telling her what that side effect was. She could still be playing with him. Making him believe she was innocent.

All women were educated about the various effects of the passionflower. They also knew what would happen to them if they merely inhaled the scent. If she were a woman sent here by Cath, she would know exactly why she shouldn’t have smelled that flower.

Yes, she could be acting. Trying to make him think she was all sweet and innocent, making him believe that the test he’d decided upon wasn’t necessary.

It was time to do what needed doing.

He would suffer any consequences afterwards when he told her the truth about the effects of the passionflower, that is, if she’d spoken the truth. He would tell her he hadn’t been able to take the chance of her possibly lying and that she was actually here to kill the Hero brothers. If she really was a sister to the Heros, she would understand his precaution and deception, and forgive him.

Gently, he kissed the pulse in her warm temple. Licked the edges of her eyebrow.

He could smell the heat of her skin.



A craving to see all of her silky flesh once again exposed to him, as he’d seen her in his bed during her fever sex dreams, ripped through him with lightning speed.

“Lift up your arms,” he instructed.

She did as he asked, and he lifted the filmy cloth over her head, sucking in a harsh breath at the sight of her swollen mounds.

His abdomen tightened as he cupped their silky heaviness into his hands. Rock-hard, dark nipples shone in the moonlight, and he brushed his calloused palms against the glass-hard peaks, knowing that the too gentle touch would be torture for her.

She shuddered against him, her hands now eagerly descending along the length of his back, sliding along his spine until she reached the ties of his loincloth.

His cock pressed tightly against the cloth, his swollen testicles were near to bursting, his sex throbbed with the need to be touched by her, pulsed with the desire to slide deep into her silky, slippery vagina.

He looked up, captivated by the glassy look in her eyes. The scented effect of the passionflower had taken a firm hold on her.

A momentary pang of guilt sliced through him. When he told her why he’d asked her to smell the passionflower, would she hate him for not believing her?

He couldn’t think about that now. He had to trust she would understand why he was doing this to her. Had to trust the passionflower would bring out the truth.

There was only a narrow room for opportunity. It was time to begin the test.

“Where do you come from?” he asked, as her fingers played with the strings of his loincloth.

His cock strained painfully against the material.

Ached to spring free.

“Earth,” she whispered shakily. Her fingers trembled so much from the effects of the passionflower she was having great difficulty with the loincloth strings.

He could barely hear her answer over the harsh sounds of her breathing.

“Are you working for Cath?”

She shook her head, her brown, tangled hair bouncing in denial.

He grinned. Relief sifted through him. No, it was more than relief. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his entire being.

It was as if he was suddenly…free.

“Are you the sister to the Hero brothers?”

“Yes, please, Jarod… I want you to fuck me, now.” Sexual frustration marred her face. Her fingers continued to fight with the ties at his sides.

He reached and felt the shakiness in her hands, felt the fevered heat of want.

He released the ties.

The loincloth fell away, delivering his thick solid erection into the mild night air.

He bucked and groaned as her hands slid around his shaft. She hungrily explored the length of him with her fingers until his cock burned with such a carnal lust he almost forgot he was supposed to be the one in charge.

There were more questions to ask. More things he needed to know.

He squeezed her breasts, pushing the luscious mounds inward until her dark nipples moved closer together. Dipping his head, he licked at her nipples.

“Do you really have sexual feelings for me?”

She’d said she did, but with the passion scent now racing full tilt inside her, she would speak the truth.

“Yes,” she hissed.

Yes! She’d said yes!

“I’ve wanted you since the moment I woke up with your head buried between my legs.”

“Is it because of the fever sex dreams you had that you want me?”

She frowned, confusion twisting her lips.

“Maybe…a little…some of what I remember has to do with it.”

Her hands slid off his waist and settled onto his hips pulling him against her. His cock rubbed erotically against the thin cloth of her thong.

He could feel the heat pulsing between her legs. Could feel the wetness of her arousal drenching the material.

“But there’s something else,” she continued, and sucked his disfigured nipple into her hot little mouth.

He groaned as sparks shot through his tender, marred flesh.

“I love the way you protect my brothers.” She licked the hard bud, her soft tongue laving it. The lusty sensations just about drove him crazy.

“I love the way you look at me. Like you want to possess me. Like you want to devour me. Like you have feelings for me.”

Feelings were an understatement.

Her hands were exploring his back, her fingertips sliding over the whip welts and excruciating stun baton burns he’d endured at the hands of Cath and her women. Piper’s fingers felt so tender compared to the extreme harshness he’d experienced at Cath’s hands, and it almost brought tears to his eye.

Wherever Piper touched his flesh, she left a trail of fire.

A very nice trail of fire.

As if her touch was healing his flesh. Exorcising the demons that had settled inside the welts and burns over the years.

She let go of his nipple and looked up at him again, fire blazing in her lusty eyes.

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