Pleasure Bound - Complete (62 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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No one knew except for a handful of her brothers’ astronaut friends on Earth about their mission. The last thing anyone wanted to do was alert the public that astronauts were missing. It wasn’t good for morale or for future space exploration.

So everyone involved with this top-secret mission had been sworn to secrecy. They’d been instructed to say nothing, no matter what happened to Piper and her sisters. It had been agreed that if they never returned from this planet, it was to be considered hostile and no one from Earth would come looking for them.

Now that she thought about it, it had been a very bad deal to make.

It wasn’t until Jarod’s gaze collided with hers, and she noticed the frustration and pain in his eye that she realized his anger wasn’t directed toward her but at this woman Cath, the one who’d beaten and brainwashed him.

Concern ripped through her. “My God, what else did she do to you?” Her whispered words had escaped even before she’d thought them through.

“She held me as her personal sex slave for more than a year.”

Piper felt every word hit her like a blow.

Personal sex slave
. To do with him whatever she wanted. By piecing together everything he’d said, she knew his enslavement to Cath had included beatings and sexual torture. That explained all the scars on his body.

“She forced me to pleasure her and the prison guards several times a week, sometimes several times a day. The forced servicing is not what angers me. Servicing females is what I was trained to do from as young as I can remember. It wasn’t so bad. It was the torture I endured at Cath’s hands. Endless days of agony. Whippings. Ball weights. Painful nipple clamping, cock rings that caused enormous discomfort.”

A muscle in his jaw jumped wickedly. “Then I discovered she was beating my twin when she was in prison, while she was pregnant. For what she did to my twin alone, I cannot allow her to go unpunished. And now Cath is said to be lobotomizing the male babies.”

Lobotomizing babies

Her stomach clenched in agony. Her fists tightened in frustration.

It was insanity. Surely, she wasn’t so evil to hurt little babies?

“And she is lobotomizing the males that the Death Valley Boys are capturing for her.”

“The Death Valley Boys are working for Cath?”

He nodded. “Yes, it was the only way for the males to survive. There was an agreement made by the leader of the Death Valley Boys and Cath. Without it, she would have sent the drones and hunting parties into The Outer Limits to try to locate us. The drones would have disintegrated the village if they had found us. But since the agreement, peace has reigned between the Death Valley Boys and Cath and her women. I fear what will happen when news travels that the leader is dead.”

“What…what was the agreement?”

Jarod exhaled slowly and frowned. “It was agreed that the Death Valley Boys would raid the numerous cities, villages and hubs and take the women’s male slaves and hand them over to Cath who would in turn lobotomize them. In return, Cath would leave Death Valley village unharmed and the Death Valley Boys in peace.”

Anxiety tightened in Piper’s chest. “And you agreed to this?”

Jarod straightened and shook his head. He looked toward the flickering Northern Lights in the sky.

“All who did not agree with the leader were to be handed over to Cath. Taylor and I escaped before this could happen to us. We have been hiding from the Death Valley Boys and from Cath and all women for almost two years. Cath is the Goddess of Evil. She is putting others through torment right now as I speak. She must be stopped.”

“Why doesn’t someone go to the law? I mean you must have some sort of judicial system if you have prisons.”

He sighed heavily, his clenched fists loosened and his wide shoulders slumped in defeat.

“Cath owns the law now. Unfortunately, no matter how much I wish to kill her, she is too powerful to stop by one man’s hand alone. She has guards surrounding her every day. I have tried to get to her on several occasions but it is impossible.”

Now he looked downright miserable, and Piper reached out to touch his arm in comfort.

“Nothing is ever impossible. There is always a way if you look hard enough and I don’t mean murder. If you murder her that would make you as evil as she is, and I know you could never live with yourself after doing something like that. You have to go through a justice system even if a new one has to be created.”

“You speak too innocently to be from here. I almost believe you when you say you aren’t on a mission on behalf of Cath.”

Piper groaned with frustration. “I am telling you the truth. I am not working for this Cath woman. Exactly what do I have to do to get you to believe me?”

At her question his one-eyed gaze moved intimately over the length of her meager clothing. She trembled as she had the feeling he was undressing her inch-by-inch. Under his gaze, her nipples tightened into hard buds. Warm cream of arousal pooled between her thighs.

Her heart began a wild pound, and her throat suddenly went dry as he lifted his hand and threaded his fingers through her hair. Having his fingers slide through her hair felt so good. So right.

“A woman sent by Cath wouldn’t be as soft as you are. Nor would she be as desirable as you,” he whispered huskily.

Have mercy—he was drawing closer to her. Close enough so she could feel the sensual heat from his magnificent body wash all around her, his sharp masculine scent made her heady.

The calloused pad of his thumb rubbed erotically against the small dip behind her earlobe, and Piper closed her eyes at the shimmering sensations the sensual touch created.

“A woman belonging to Cath wouldn’t smell so intoxicating.”

His fingers swept the hair off the back of her neck, and he dipped his head and kissed her there. The feel of his warm lips pressing upon her flesh made her pulse skip, made her whimper with want for more of his tingling touches.

“A woman sent by Cath wouldn’t allow herself to be dominated by a male…in any way or under any circumstance. But a woman not sent by Cath would allow me to do whatever I wanted to do to her…sexually.”




Red-hot heat roar through her as she met his gaze.

“So…try me,” she whispered.


Chapter Six


She didn’t have the harshness that most women here possessed toward males, Jarod thought as he intertwined his fingers with hers, ushering her to stand.

Perhaps it was that delicate innocence that drew him to her?

An innocence he craved.

A need for her to accept him as a free male, and not view him as a sex slave.

With her free hand, her soft fingertips gently brushed along his chest, leaving a streak of fire in its wake, and making him inhale at the wonderful explosions her feminine touch created.

“What exactly did you have in mind?” Her voice was a trembling whisper in the moonlit night as she looked up at him.

Sexual starvation sparkled in her eyes. It was the same way she’d looked at him when she’d been held captive by those fever sex dreams after drinking too much of the swamp water.

“You’re having flashbacks,” he whispered. “They are quite common.”

He’d known those sex dreams would come back to haunt her. Had known the mounting scene with Jasmine and the Death Valley Boys in the graveyard would trigger their return.

Her eyes widened at his comment, and he noticed her cheeks darken in the moon glow.

It was rare to see a woman blush. He’d seen it only when he’d been given a virgin to service.

But Piper wasn’t a virgin. His tongue had told him that news upon his first exploration into her pussy when he’d first started to suck the poisoned cream from her body. To his surprise, he’d been disappointed at her not being a virgin but not really surprised.

Most women were not virgins.

“The flashbacks are the side effects of the swamp water,” he explained.

She inhaled sharply.

“They are sexual cravings, an intense need for the male who cured you to bring you to orgasm again and again.”

The smooth column of her neck moved as she swallowed.

“Will these flashbacks ever go away?” she asked.

“Do you want them to?”


“Then they will not.”

“What do you mean?”

“They will stay with you for as long as you wish them to stay, or they will go, if you wish for them to go.”

Her beautiful lips parted to ask him another question, but he could hold himself back no longer.

His mouth descended upon hers, crushing against her petal-soft lips. She responded eagerly as he’d known she would. The lust had been flaring in her eyes since they’d seen the Death Valley Boys fucking Jasmine, just as the lust had consumed both of them when they’d touched each other afterwards.

His eager tongue parted her lips. When he entered her hot mouth, new blazes cleaved through him, making him groan with wonder at these fantastic sensations.


He needed to mate with her. He needed her so much he could feel the anger toward women sifting away and being replaced by something else, something sweet and innocent.

Nothing in his past as a sex slave had prepared him for these warm explosions humming through him. Nor had he ever experienced such an unbearable desire for a woman.

He pressed harder against her mouth. At the sound of her sexy whimpers, heated blood sang through his veins.

He smoothed his hands over her silky shoulders, down her arms, feeling her soft, fevered skin.

Despite his desire to rip at her clothing, he resisted, making her body tremble with excitement and making her whimper in frustration at his slowness. He liked teasing her, and he enjoyed the way she was teasing him. The manner in which her hands whispered over his scars and blazed over his taut abdomen toward his rock-hard cock had him groaning into her mouth.

He touched her velvety breasts, her soft mounds hardened with arousal. He relished the way her stiff nipples poked against his callused palms, and the frantic beat of her heart as it thumped against his fingers.

When she cupped his rigid scrotum and held him in her palms, a rough shudder raced through him. His cock trembled with need.

His brain was screaming—yelling at him to stop this before it was too late. Stop this before his heart was so deeply involved he would have to give up his control to a woman yet again.

Deep down, however, he knew it was already too late. Each warm caress of her sweet breath against his face made him weaken. Made him forget his past, made him lose his need for revenge.

She must have sensed his turmoil, because she pulled away ever so slightly, her lips brushing against his with earnest.

“What’s wrong? I thought you said that you wanted me to prove that I’m not lying. That I would do whatever you want me to do to prove myself.”

“Yes,” he breathed. He swallowed hard at the intoxicating way her fingers massaged and squeezed his rigid balls. His cock throbbed with the need for release.

“Then why are you so tense?”

He stalled for as long as he could before meeting her questioning gaze.

“I don’t know what’s happening,” he admitted. He nibbled on her chin, and she trembled against him. He pushed his hard erection against her lower abdomen. Her cloth-covered flesh was so hot against his rod that he almost exploded.

“What do you mean?” she asked softly and pushed herself against him.

He tried to keep his voice impassive, uncaring. It didn’t work. When he next spoke, his voice dripped thick with emotion.

“I want to fuck you so bad, Piper. Only you. Never any other woman again.”

He saw her eyes widen in surprise. He, too, was surprised for confessing such an unheard of thing to a woman.

Male sex slaves weren’t supposed to want to fuck one woman. They weren’t even supposed to have feelings for a woman.

Especially the way women had treated him all his life, with such brutality. Such cold contempt.

“You’re afraid.”

Despite not wanting to admit it, not wanting to show his emotions as he’d been trained to hold under control at all times, no matter what, he nodded.

“I am, too. I mean we don’t even know each other. But we can take it slow.”


Yet, his mind raced.

How could he take it slow? He wanted to explore these unraveling feelings of lust coursing through him, but he couldn’t trust her.

She was a woman. What if she really was sent by Cath? If the Hero brothers hadn’t been involved, he would take her at her word. He would risk his heart. Would fuck her senseless.

But because of the vow he’d made to protect the educated males at all costs, he needed to find out if she was telling him the truth.

Needed to know for sure…needed to test her.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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