Read Piercing a Dom's Heart Online

Authors: Holly Roberts

Piercing a Dom's Heart (9 page)

“The answer is no. I have a date for the benefit and would never consider escorting someone you suggested.”

“I can only imagine what type of female you found to attend with you.”

“You may leave now mother. Unlike you, I have work to do. Please see yourself out.”

The door shut quietly, his mother would never be caught dead doing something as common as slamming a door.

Jenny stepped in. “Do you really have a date for the event on Saturday?”

“Do you enjoy listening to my private conversations through the intercom?”

“How on earth would I complete writing my book of insults if I didn’t? Date, Saturday?”

“No, I lied. I’m going alone unless I can talk you into attending with me.”

“Sorry, my calendar is full on Saturday. I downloaded a good murder mystery to my Kindle and we’re sharing a bottle of wine.”

“I’m wounded.”

“Yes, I know. A woman the size of the Grand Canyon can do a lot with a man when he’s lost between her thighs.”

“Stop or I’ll need to take advantage of my private shower here.”

“Be my guest but I’m sure it won’t be my luscious thighs that get you off. It will be the picture of the sweet little sub you left behind in Houston.”

“You know me too well.”

“Have you at least contacted Damian and asked about her?”

“My best friend is not speaking to me but his wife has been nice enough to give short clipped replies to the enquiries I make.”


“She continues to work at the club and has a steady Dom. Lydia won’t tell me who but I don’t think that’s something I need to know anyway. Lydia doesn’t pass on any personal information just that Willow is content.”

“That sucks.”

“Yes it does.”


Chapter Twelve


He hated formal dinners but he was a major contributor to the hospital and had no choice but to attend. He stood next to his mother in the receiving line and shook hands hoping the boring evening would somehow end sooner than later.

“Mr. and Mrs. Damian Collins and guest Miss Collins.”

His eyes turned from the man he was greeting.

The woman invading his nightly dreams was here and she was breathtaking. He smiled and then began laughing. Everyone around looked at him curiously and he noticed his mother’s grimace over the names announced. He wasn’t close enough to take in every detail but he would recognize her gown anywhere. It was the exact replica of the red evening gown worn by Julia Roberts in the movie Pretty Woman. The same movie they watched over a month ago in his hotel room on one of the best days of his life. She even wore the long white gloves with her hair styled in the same manner though it was brown and not red.

He didn’t wait for her to make her way down the line. His long strides quickly carried him forward. She turned and they stared at each other. Most of her facial piercings were gone with two concessions. She wore the delicate gold wire through her eyebrow that he bought for her and a small diamond in her nose. Her blue eyes were huge and she all but gobbled him up while he stood watching her.

Finally, he took the last few steps barely noticing Damian and Lydia. His eyes were for one woman. He lifted her gloved hand and very deliberately peeled the cloth from her fingers and brought them to his lips.

Her voice was breathy but also held humor, “Do you know how difficult it was to put that glove on?”

He pulled her close. “It doesn’t matter because the dress and other glove are coming off in less than five minutes.”

“No, they are not.” It was Damian’s irritated Dom voice.

Bran could match him Dom for Dom. “I owe you a bruised jaw. Don’t push your luck.”

“Both of you behave.” Lydia’s voice was an irritated whisper. “We are going to enjoy our evening.” She looked directly at Bran, “And you will keep your cock in your pants for the next two hours. If you’re lucky I’ll let you dance with my sub.”

“Your sub?”

“Yes, she didn’t want another man touching her so I had the honors.”

“Stop it. I wanted him jealous and wondering what I’ve been doing for the last month.”

“And you don’t think I’m jealous over Lydia putting her hands on you? I want no one but me touching your body.”

“That’s enough, we’re holding up the line.” Damian voice reflected his lack of patience.

Bran took her ungloved hand and pulled her away from the greeting line. He walked quickly past his frowning mother not caring if he caused a scene. Approaching a waiter he requested a change to his table seating and the Collins party seating. He handed the waiter a large tip and then looked around the ballroom. Keeping a tight grip on her hand he strode between tables and then across the dance floor. He walked to where the orchestra was playing and took her into a section behind the stage. As soon as they were out of sight he pressed her back to the wall and kissed her with every bit of pent up frustration he possessed. The kiss went on and on as he sucked, nipped, and fenced with her tongue. When at last they came up for air he rested his chin on her head and took deep breaths. His stomach unclenched for the first time in over a month and his body relaxed.

“This will be the longest two hours of my life but I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

“Yes Sir.” Her seductive voice made his cock throb.

His thumb went to her lips where he’d messed up her red lipstick. He wiped it gently and fixed the damage. Her hand came up and returned the favor. He bit her thumb and then laved it with his tongue.

“Come.” His fingers tightened on hers and he walked them back into the ballroom. She protested but he refused to acknowledge her complaint. If he was alone with her for one more minute, the sexy red dress would be over her head and he would be buried balls deep in her pussy. Many curious eyes followed but he zeroed in on Damian and Lydia and paid no attention to their stunned audience. They took their seats and he placed her hand in his lap against his hard cock. If he couldn’t get her naked he would damn sure keep her occupied.

“How are you feeling Lydia?” He would be polite even if it killed him.

“As big as a house and wondering if I’m carrying twins.”

“No twins, only a pudgy little baby girl like her mother.” Damian’s hand went to the large rounded tummy in question.

“Did you just call me pudgy?”

“I did and I’m hoping you’ll punish me for it later.” Damian whispered in his wife’s ear but Bran heard the comment and smiled. He wanted Willow pudgy with his child and he planned to begin working on it when they got home. Determined fingers wrapped around his dick and slid back and forth. His eyes met her wicked grin.

They ate dinner and then listened to far too many speeches. Eventually, he was able to escort her to the dance floor.

“I don’t dance very well.”

“I’ll show you. It’s like making love with a Dom. I’ll lead.”

And he did. Her smell; spicy, floral, and sensual filled his senses. “You have no idea how much I missed you.”

“I think I do.” She rebuked.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“But you did.”

“I hurt us both. Will you forgive me?”

“Will you get your dick pierced?”

He flinched but answered honestly, “If that’s what it takes.”

“No, I just wanted to see how far you would go.”

“I’ll go to my knees.”

“I want that privilege Sir.”

“Granted. We must get you out of her so I can fuck you.”

Damian cut in. Bran burned with need but turned and took Lydia into his arms.

“Are you sure you don’t mind dancing with a pudgy lady?”

“You are the second most beautiful woman here and you would have Willow beat if you added a few piercings.”

“I’m not sure she’ll fit into your world but you’ll be happy.”

“She doesn’t need to fit she just needs to be herself.”

“She loves you.”

“I’m glad to hear that because we’re flying to Vegas tomorrow for our wedding.”

“Does she know?”

“No, but her answer will be yes Sir.”

Lydia laughed, “I believe you may be right.”

Finally the evening ended. They said their goodbyes to Damian and Lydia but as he turned he found his mother waiting to pounce.

“Half the people in this ballroom recognized your whore’s dress.”

“Mother.” Bran’s tone threatened murder.

“You cannot be serious. You only want her because she came in with your slimy friend and his slut of a wife.”

A hand went to Bran’s arm and cut off his reply.

“My sister-in-law is a far more beautiful slut than you. We are here tonight because Damian thought this benefit would have possible clientele for his club and we were happy to hand out business cards.”

For the first time, Mrs. Brandon Edward Sterling III had no reply. She turned on her heel and walked away like she had a fireball up her ass.

“Bravo my dear, anyone who can leave my mother speechless turns me on.” He nipped her earlobe gently. “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and I can’t wait any longer. Don’t stop walking or talk to anyone.”

And they didn’t.

The drive to his house was interminable. He grasped her fingers within his hand not releasing them even when he changed gears.

When they arrived at his home he took her straight to his bedroom and grabbed handcuffs from a drawer next to his bed.

She raised her eyebrows.

“I am locking you to my bed and have no intention of letting you go until the plane takes off tomorrow.” He unzipped her dress and it slid over her body to the floor and then made quick work of her bra but left her panties, garters, and stockings on. He picked her up and laid her on the bed. He secured the handcuffs with a resounding ratchet. His dreams did no justice to having her body spread before him in that moment.

She shivered. “Where are we going?”

“To Vegas. We will be married by this time tomorrow. What do you have to say?”

“Oh god my mother.”

“That’s not what I wanted to hear and I’ll delight in punishing you for not giving me the correct answer.”

“If you think your mother is bad, wait until you meet mine.”

He ran his hands into her hair and took out the pins. It fell gloriously around her shoulders.

“I like the braids but I love being able to run my hands through it like this. His fingers threaded the soft strands and massaged her scalp.

“Are you ever going to fuck me?”

“In a moment but I want to look at you and let it sink it that you are actually in my bed. Kneeling beside her his hands went to her panties and tore the crotch. At the same time his fingers entered her pussy and his other hand went to her chin making her look into his eyes. “Your answer?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Perfect, but I think you still require more sub training.” He took his clothing off in between torturing her with his hands and mouth. At last he released the handcuffs from the headboard but reattached them to her wrists. He placed her arms over his head. Sitting up on the bed, he brought her pussy even with his cock and adjusted her legs around his back. They were chest to chest and he took hold of both her breasts and twirled the rings on her nipples. She rubbed her pussy against him but he didn’t yet enter her hot sheath. His kiss held promise but still he kept his cock from her opening.

She pried her mouth from his. “Fuck me Bran, please.”

His hands traveled down her chest and waist to her hips then around to her ass and dug his fingers into her soft flesh. With one forward thrust he buried his cock deeply inside her hot moist heat. He took her scream into his mouth and pulled his cock out without making another forward thrust.

“What are you doing?” She breathed raggedly.

“Loving you.”

“But I want you to fuck me.”

“That too.” His hips plunged, his cock driving deep into her depths but this time he didn’t stop his movements until they both felt the hot rush of their orgasms.

Taking her once wasn’t enough and it was after three a.m. when he called Jenny. Her voice was alert even though he knew she had been asleep.

“I’m flying to Vegas tomorrow and I need you to call and schedule my plane. Clear your calendar too because you are going with us.”

“Who is ‘us’?”

“My future wife.”

“So she accepted the invitations I sent for last night’s event?”

“Yes, you may write yourself a hefty bonus.”

“I thought so and I can’t wait to meet her and get the kinky lowdown on your sexy body.”

“I may be able to talk her into a threesome.” He received a not so gentle pinch to his arm and grinned. “Or maybe not.”

“You know what they say; once you go cow you continue to plow.”

He shook his head and laughed again. “I’ll be sure to let her know that before she makes a final decision.”

“Tell her my bellybutton is pierced.”

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