Read Piercing a Dom's Heart Online

Authors: Holly Roberts

Piercing a Dom's Heart (3 page)

He decided to visit the gym before breakfast. He grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl before heading out the door. It was five thirty a.m. on a Sunday morning and the gym was silent. He hit the weights and put his body through the grind. It felt good to stretch his muscles after a full night of sex. Sweat dripped down his chest and soaked his t-shirt. Finally he moved to the treadmill and set it at a steady heart pumping pace.

"Are you following me?"

He looked over and saw Willow, clearly disgruntled, standing beside the adjoining treadmill. She was wearing baggie black sweatpants and a short black top that showed off her belly button ring. He wondered if she owned another color of clothing.

He couldn’t help his grin, "I believe I was here first and the thought of you following me is downright scary but if you show a little nipple I’ll probably get over it."

"So you can attach a torture device to it?"

His grin stayed in place, "I think you’re too afraid to admit that the idea turns you on."

"Argh, you must be kidding. You are the most egotistical ass I've ever been unfortunate enough to meet."

He hit the button and his treadmill stopped. He was hot, sweaty, and aroused. He was also tired of playing this game.

She backed up as he moved forward. She wasn’t as dominant as she liked to act.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm planning to paddle your ass and give you something to complain about."

"This is a public place and you'll be arrested if you even try."

"By whom?"

She glanced around and he saw the calculating look on her face. A split second later she ran for the door.

Once outside the gym, she gained speed down the long hallway. He managed to grab her before she reached the elevator and bring her around facing him. He used his body to push her back into the wall and then he grabbed her hands forcing them above her head. She was breathing hard and he saw desire spark in her eyes.
Damian’s little sister was submissive and w
ithout tons of black makeup, she was sexy as hell. He didn’t hesitate. His mouth crushed hers. He expected a knee to his groin or a loud scream but what he got was one long leg wrapping around his waist and an aching cry when her pelvis ground into his erection. She had a tongue ring and the sexy feel of it drove him wild.

The kiss grew in intensity and his hand went down to the bottom of her cropped top and slid beneath the material. She was wearing a sport’s bra and his fingers delved underneath and closed around her soft breast. Her pierced nipple was hard and erect. Thank god his sweatpants allowed his erection to grow unencumbered. He pressed his cock against her pussy. Even covered he could feel her wetness seep into the material of his pants.

The elevator door beside them binged. Bran released her mouth but rested his forehead against the top of her head as her leg slid to the floor. There was no way he was releasing her at this point no matter who came through the doors.

Damian walked out of the elevator his displeasure apparent. "There I was, on a Sunday morning, in the process of tying my wife’s hands to the headboard and having very appropriate sex with the woman I married. The phone rings at a crucial moment, and my security staff tells me two very inappropriate hotel guests are getting hot and heavy in the hallway outside the main gym. Now here I am and I find my sister playing hot lip Lucy with my best friend while entertaining the guards monitoring the security feed."

Bran looked into Damian’s lethal stare; the same stare that gave him the reputation as a down and dirty fighter when they were in college.

"I couldn’t help myself and she needed a spanking.”

Willow pushed out of his arms. "Why you..."

"That's enough sister mine. I think the two of you need to find a private room and get whatever this is out of your system. You've been caught on the security tapes and I'm sure Mr. Uptight here would rather not have this video on the evening news."

Bran laughed. "I don't know about that, my mother would have apoplexy."

"You bastard, you forced me."

Bran burst out laughing and then fought for control in order to speak, "Your pussy ground into my cock and your tongue snaked down my throat. I think the cameras will tell the real story if you care to go watch. You can rub my cock while we enjoy vanilla porn."

Willow turned on her heel and tried to walk away. Bran’s large hand on the back of her neck stopped her. He brought her backward to his body and not caring if her brother was standing there he whispered hotly into her ear, “You’re wet. I can smell you. We will finish this and I will fuck you so hard you won’t be walking away for a few days.”

She turned and lifted her hand but he grabbed it in a tight hold. “I owe you a spanking across my knee but I can change that to a whip if it rocks your boat.”

“If the rock is tied around your neck and you fall overboard my pussy will cream from here to next Sunday.” She turned and entered the elevator without a backward glance.

“Well Romeo you sure know how to attract the chicks. I don’t think my sister is sub enough for you.”

“I’m not sure she’s sub enough for anyone but I plan to find out. God she pierced her nipples and they drive me wild. I wonder what other body ornaments she has hidden.”

“You did not just tell me that. I’m her brother for god sake.”

“Go back to your room and finish tying up your wife. I’m heading to my room for a cold shower.”


Chapter Four


After his shower, Bran couldn't help but check phone and email messages. He had several voicemails from his mother along with one from his secretary telling him to stop checking his messages. She went on to say that nothing had fallen apart while he was gone.

One of the reasons he hired Jenny Mack was to infuriate his mother but it was the best move he ever made. Jenny weighed three hundred plus pounds, was smart as a whip, and refused to put up with anyone's shit including his. She most definitely didn't fit the corporate world's administrative assistant stereotype but she was perfect for him. She kept his schedule tight but made sure he was eating and exercising. To top it off the woman could cook and she took better care of him than his long parade of nannies ever had.

He deleted his mother's messages only hearing the angry tone of her voice and not the words. He then called Jen.

"What would I do without you?" He greeted.

"You would turn into a frog, waist away to nothing, murder your mother, and lose your fortune. Have I mentioned a raise recently?"

"For putting up with Mrs. Sterling you deserve one."

"I'm hoping you find the real Mrs. Sterling on your trip. One who can handle your mother, carry a teacup in one hand and an AK-47 in the other."

Jen knew about his fascination with weapons. He possessed a private collection that was the envy of the Unites States’ Secretary of Defense.

"Hmm, I hadn’t thought of the tea cup angle."

"While you’re at it, get some relief for your blue balls. I’m tired of your crabby mood."

He laughed. "I wasn't aware you inspected my balls before I left."

"If that cold bitch you were engaged to was putting out, your dick would have frozen off, and you would be in the hospital getting it reattached."

"This is exactly why I hired you. You not only keep my office running smoothly but you keep my personal life under control."

"We'll talk about my raise when you get back but for now stop calling and checking your messages."

"Understood. Are you sure you’re not available for a week of vivacious fornication and carefree copulation?"

"I'm fanning myself over such big bad words but I'm not sure if it's a hot flash or the beginnings of my first female ejaculation."

"Goodbye Jenny."

Her boisterous laugh sounded and then the line went dead.

He called the hotel lobby, "Could you connect me to Ms. Willow Collins’ room please?"

The phone rang and Willow answered. "This is Bran. I'm heading to the firing range for some target shooting and thought you might like a chance to fire a few rounds. No sex, no D/s, just a place to let off some steam."

"Is this for real?"

"Can you shoot?"

"When are you leaving?"

"Thirty minutes."

"I'll meet you in the lobby."

She was waiting when he got there. Her camouflage green toned shirt was tight and showed off her breasts. Safety pins adorned her black cargo pants. She now had a large gold barbell above her eyebrow with various gold hoops displayed on various parts of her face. A pair of huge black military boots added another three inches to her height. She had toned down her makeup but that was the only concession she made to their outing.

"Are we preparing for war?" Humor laced his voice.

"With you in the mix, I thought it best."

"Then let's get out of here."

They walked outside the main lobby and Carl; Damian's driver, waited beside a limousine. "Good morning Mr. Sterling, Miss Collins." He nodded his head and held the door as they entered the back of the luxurious vehicle.

They didn't speak on the drive to the range but he noticed her furtive glances at his body. He decided to let her look her fill. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. If Goth chick wanted to look he would give her the chance.

They went to Top Gun, one of Houston's most popular indoor shooting ranges. Bless Jenny for giving him the idea. He needed to blow off some sexual frustration and there was nothing like the cold grip of a firearm in his hands to focus his energy.

When they arrived, he told Willow to pick a handgun.

She looked at the clerk, "Do you have a Glock 35 .40 caliber available?"

"Yes ma'am we do, I'll get you set up."

Bran turned and watched as she admired the guns in the glass case beneath her sparkling gold fingernails. "Is there a reason you want that particular model?"

"Yes, it's used for competition shooting and I like the feel. I have one back home with a custom grip but that’s because Damian spoils me."

"You can shoot?"

"Do you care to make a wager?"

"I never wager on the unknown. I'm quite conservative."

Her laughter was deep and sexy. He felt his cock stir beneath his jeans.

"I must see if the use of nipple clamps is in the definition of conservative."

"You are too stuck on nipple clamps and I don’t understand. Isn’t having them pierced a lifelong clamp?"

"No, I don't usually notice them but my nipples are always hard."

She was doing this on purpose but he was willing to play along.

"There's hard and then there's a pair of nipples slick with saliva and begging to be sucked."

"I could say the same thing about your cock but I won't."

The cock in question jerked. He knew when to cut and run. If they were in private he would win this match but not here. He gave her a wicked smile.

They made their way to a private shooting lane.

Damian loaded his .45 caliber rounds into two magazines. His gun of choice was a Kimber Pro TLE II. It was lightweight but packed a nice punch. He liked the look and feel of the Kimber.

They both put on eye and ear protection provided by the range.

Willow looked like she knew what she was doing and had no trouble loading her magazines. They stood in side by side cubicles and emptied their first rounds at fifteen feet. They lay down their weapons after the last shot and pressed the button bringing the targets in close. His were a tight grouping of shots to the head while hers were to the body primarily in the chest though one went high and into the neck.

"Now that we're warmed up are you ready for the twenty five?"

"Bring it on business man."

He had to smile. There were a lot of things she could call him and "business man" was tame in comparison.

They spent the next hour going through rounds. Willow was more than good.

"Who taught you to shoot?"

"Back before my mom let drugs and alcohol get the best of her she was married to a cop for a short time."

"I had no idea cops married strippers."

"In Vegas it's a fairly common practice though strippers prefer to be known as show girls."

“So noted. This cop taught you to shoot?"

"Yes, when my mom went on a drinking binge he would take me to the range."

He almost didn't ask but he had to. "Can you shoot an AK?"

"Now you're talking but I don't think this range is set up for a high powered rifle."

"No it isn't I just wanted to know."

"Yes, but I prefer a Bushmaster AR-15."

His dick became uncomfortably hard. This was a woman Jenny would like. He didn’t ask about the tea. It was too much for his cock to handle.


Chapter Five


He was relaxed when they climbed into the back of the limo and Carl drove them toward the hotel.

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