Read Online Ménage Online

Authors: Sara Kingston

Online Ménage (8 page)

How on earth does she know so much about anal sex?
Tyler wondered.

As if reading his thoughts, Ryan said, “Pixy, it seems like you’re not an ass virgin from what I’m seeing here.”

“Actually I am. I’ve just read a lot about it,” she replied as she pulled her mouth off Tyler’s cock.

“Well, honey, you’re a quick study. Now get that cock back in your mouth. I need to take his ass now before I explode,” Ryan demanded.

* * * *

Ryan watched as Alex removed her fingers from Tyler’s ass. He then positioned his lubed cock against his lover’s dark ring and pushed, savoring the feeling of his cock being strangled by the tight muscles. As they loosened, allowing him access, he groaned with pleasure. He was where he wanted to be, inside his man, his love. Tyler was hanging on by a thin thread, and Ryan wanted nothing more at this moment than to snap that thread. As soon as he felt Tyler’s muscles relax enough to take him without causing any pain, he started deep, slow thrusts into his tight tunnel of love. “Alex, honey, increase that suction. We are going to drain our boy.” Continuous moans came from Tyler as he increased his pumping, and on each inward thrust, he pushed Tyler’s cock deeper into Alex’s mouth. Ryan looked down at Alex and saw that one of her hands had disappeared down between her legs to her crotch, and he realized she was playing with her pussy, getting off on their play. “Ty, baby, our girl is playing with her pussy as she sucks and swallows your cock, while I fuck your ass.” Tyler’s only reply was a groan, and then a jerk as his body stiffened and he lost all control. This was Ryan’s signal to pound into his ass, giving himself over to his own release, as Tyler pumped his cum deep into Alex’s throat. As his cock softened, Ryan pulled out of Tyler, and Tyler’s softened cock slipped from Alex’s mouth, but Alex was still rubbing at her clit. They were so lost in their orgasms they hadn’t noticed that Alex hadn’t got off.

Both men looked at Alex kneeling on the floor, her lips red and swollen. A drop of cum had escaped from the corner of her mouth and dribbled down to her chin, and her eyes were glazed and focused on a distant goal she was straining to achieve. As her fingers worked on her wet, swollen pussy, her other hand rubbed and pinched her nipple through the fabric of her shirt. “God, Ry, is there a sexier sight on the planet?” Tyler asked, leaning back into Ryan’s arms and watching Alex.

“If there is, I don’t know of it,” he replied. Alex suddenly jolted and jerked as she finally found her release, moaning and slumping to the floor in a molten mass of pleasure. “God, she’s so damn hot. Come on, sweet Pixy, we need to get some food into you and get you into bed.”

* * * *

Alex opened her eyes to the early morning sun streaming in through the window and panicked. She didn’t recognize her surroundings. She looked to her right and saw the two men lying next to her in the bed. Then she remembered last night.
She remembered all that the three of them had done into the early hours.
Hours, shit!
What was the time she had to get work? Wait a minute. What day was it?

“It’s Friday, if you’re wondering,” Tyler said.

“Can you read my mind?”

“No, honey, it’s just that I know that look,” he replied.

“So what time is it?”

“It’s just gone six thirty.”

“Shit! I have to go. I have a meeting at nine o’clock, and I’ve got to get home, shower, get dressed, grab something to eat…no time, I’ll eat later.” Alex continued to babble on, running over all the things she needed to do for the day.

“Alex, honey, stop…” Alex looked at Tyler. “I know you have a meeting at nine, but I can assure you that your client is going to be late and will need to reschedule to a later time, maybe eleven.”

“How could you possibly know that? I don’t want to miss Mr. Hot…Oh! Right.” Alex could have kicked herself. Here she was in bed with Mr. Hottie and Big Red, and she was rushing to leave for a meeting with Mr. Hottie.

“So tell me, Alex, how long have you been calling me Mr…what was it?”

“Mr. Hottie,” Ryan called out.

“She’s been raving about this hot gay client she’s been working with for the past six months. Whining about how all the good ones are gay,” he added.

“Ryan, shut up, that was strictly between Big Red and Amazon Pixy,” Alex said as she thumped Ryan on the arm.

Really, only between Big Red and Amazon Pixy?” Tyler responded as he started to tickle Alex. “Maybe I should join your online chats.”

“That’s a good idea…uncle, uncle.” Alex giggled, trying to roll onto Ryan to escape Tyler’s tickle torture. “We need to come up with a username for him.”

“Well, he is all dark and mysterious. He should be dark something,” Alex replied.

“And he is my knight in shining armor,” Ryan said as they both looked over at Tyler deep in thought.

“Dark Knight,” they both called out at the same time.

“It’s perfect. We are Big Red, Amazon Pixy, and Dark Knight.” Alex chortled then wished she could take it back. Her statement gave the impression that she thought they were all a couple. They had only spent one night together. She shouldn’t be getting proprietary.

“I like that,” Tyler replied. Alex felt as though she could breathe again.

“Well, boys, I need to get going.” Alex left the bed and started to gather her clothes together.

Alex felt a wave of unease. She didn’t know what she should say or do or if this was a good-bye of sorts. She swallowed her fear and put on a brave face as she finished getting dressed and walked toward the front door. “See you later, guys, and thank you so much for last night.”

“Okay, I’ll see you soon at your office,” Tyler replied.

As the door closed behind her, Alex took a moment to whimper in concern and fear that this was the last time she would see them.

* * * *

As the front door closed, locking Alex out of their life, hopefully for only a few hours, Ryan turned to Tyler. “We need to talk about the future, the present, and maybe even the past.”

Tyler looked at Ryan, his love for the past six years. He didn’t want to lose him, but he also wanted to keep seeing Alex. “Ryan, I love you, and I always will. If you say you don’t want to continue seeing Alex, then we stop, and I’ll get over it, but I’m hoping that you want to keep seeing her and give us the chance to see if this goes anywhere.” Tyler tried to swallow with a suddenly dry mouth, hoping and praying that Ryan understood.

“Thank God! Man, I was worried you wanted to end it. I feel like we’ve just begun something so great, so, so…unbelievable,” Ryan added. “Yes, God, the sex was the best, and the three of us just cuddling, talking, laughing.”

“I know,” Tyler sighed as he thought about last night, the best night of his life.

“So you’re going to make sure she comes over tonight, right?” Ryan asked.

“Of course. I would have asked her as soon as I woke up, but I thought we needed to talk and work this out between us first,” he replied.

“Yeah, I thought the same thing, but now we know we’re both on the same page. Let’s get our girl.”

“Our girl, I like that.”

“So do I. Oh my God! What about the kitchen sex? God, when I asked her if she could handle me fucking you as she sucked you off, my heart stopped while we waited for her answer. I was scared shitless that she’d be grossed out by the idea.”

“Reject it, fuck, she prepped me for you.”

“I know. It now gives me a great idea. I’ve been dying to try it, I’ve spent many hours jacking off to the fantasy but never once thought I would even mention it, let alone try it.”

“What fantasy is this?” Tyler asked.

“Of us fucking a woman together,” Ryan replied.

“Didn’t we do that last night?”

“No, baby, of us double penetrating her,” Ryan said, letting the idea cement in Tyler mind.

“I want her ass first,” Tyler demanded.

“Well, so do I,” Ryan countered.

“Okay, well, let’s just put it in the too-hard basket for now. We don’t even know if Alex is up for the idea yet.”


Tyler had a bad feeling that this would be a problem not easily resolved.

* * * *

Alex was nervous. She hadn’t heard anything from either Ryan or Tyler, and the nine o’clock meeting had been pushed back to four. She steeled herself as she walked into the boardroom, hoping that Tyler wouldn’t be angry or cold to her, or even worse, try to get her fired.
No, it’d be worse if he was cold after all that had happened last night.
Tyler already sat at the head of the boardroom table, and his face lit up as he saw her. Her heart lifted at the look in his eyes, and she scolded herself for a day wasted doubting them and questioning herself.

The meeting finally wound up just past six o’clock. The campaign was signed off and her artwork approved. As she packed up her designs, Tyler walked up to her. “So, Ms. Thompson, I have a few more questions regarding the designs. Could you by any chance stay another moment or two and answer them for me?” Alex looked at Tyler then back at her boss, wondering what she should say.

“Of course our Alexis would love to answer any question you have. Would you like anyone else as well to help you?” her boss replied.

“No, Alexis is more than enough,” Tyler answered with a smug expression on his face. Alex realized at that moment that Tyler was setting her up. She was going to be at his beck and call, and he was going to abuse his position as best he could. Well, two could play at that game she thought smugly to herself.

“Of course, Tyler, I’d love to answer any of your questions. Your comfort and needs are most important to me,” she stated in her best seductive tone, batting her eyelashes like a fifties actress. Tyler smiled and hid a chuckle with a cough.

“Well, then, Alex, I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

With a bewildered look at the two of them, her boss said, “Okay then, Alexis, it seems you have this all under control. I must be off then. I have a function to attend tonight.” Shaking hands with Tyler one last time, he turned and left the room. While they were speaking, everyone else had also left the room, and most were on their way home.

“Well, it looks as though we’re alone now, my sweet Pixy. Let me just shut this door for you, Alex. Sometimes I need a quiet room without other distractions.” Alex heard the click of the lock engaging, and the room was silent except for their heavy breathing. Anticipation of what was to come was thick in the air, and they sat and gazed at each other. “So, Alex, let’s talk about what I want.”

Chapter Eight

“How about we talk about what
want?” Alex smirked.

“I don’t think so. I’m the client, and the client is always right,” he replied with a wicked smile.

“Ah! You want to play that game do you…sir?”

“Well, role-play is always fun. You like to have fun, don’t you?” Tyler stood and stalked her round the boardroom table like a lion hunting a gazelle.

“Yes, I love fun, and I love role-play, as long as some of my fantasies get played out sometime,” she replied.

“What fantasies do you have, my dear?” he asked.

“Oh, the usual ones like the pirate and the wench, the slave and the demanding master, the mistress and her pets, or maybe even the innocent maiden who is captured as a prize by the warlord.”

“We can definitely play out those, but right now I’m the demanding boss and you’re the ever-pleasing employee.” Tyler stood in front of her, giving her his best demanding stare.

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