Read Online Ménage Online

Authors: Sara Kingston

Online Ménage (6 page)

“Why? Because it was you that Tyler kissed last night and Tyler is your Mr. Hottie?” Ryan asked.

“What!” Alex gasped. “When did you put it together?” she asked.

“Today at the coffee shop, as soon as you introduced yourself as Alex and told me about kissing Mr. Hottie,” he replied.

“Are you mad, Big Red? Do you hate me? God, don’t tell me you hate me. I couldn’t live with it or with you not being my friend. Honestly, I didn’t know, and if I had, I would never have kissed him,” Alex stammered

“Darling, I’m not mad, and I definitely don’t hate you,” Ryan cooed.

“Hold on a second!” Tyler bellowed, pacing the floor and rubbing his hands over his face in frustration and confusion. “So let me get this straight. You have, for the past six months, had an online relationship with Amazon Pixy, who it turns out is Alex, the graphic artist at the advertising agency that I use. The same Alex, in fact, that I’ve been lusting after for the last six months.” He stopped pacing and faced them both. “The very one I kissed in a bar last night and nearly mauled in the process.”

“Yep. About sums it up,” Ryan replied with a smile.

“And you figured this out today when you met her for the first time in the coffee shop?” Tyler looked at him, needing to understand if this was a setup. “How did you not put it together before this? I mean, you chat to her every day,” Tyler said.

“I never knew her real name until this morning, and she told me how she’d finally kissed her Mr. Hottie, a gay client whom she’d been lusting after for the last six months. She also never told me where she worked,” Ryan replied, smiling at the shock on both their faces.

“What the hell are the chances of that happening? I mean, seriously, if we told anyone about this, they wouldn’t believe it. They’d think we made the whole story up,” Tyler added.

“I know. It’s an amazing set of circumstances that have come about to bring a very special person into our lives, one that accepts us both,” Ryan said, not missing the double meaning in Tyler’s words and remembering what Tyler had said before his shower. Could it be possible? Could he actually be able to have both Alex and Tyler? Until today he’d never even thought about a three-way relationship, nor had he ever even fantasized about it, and now here he was with the prospect a definite possibility.

* * * *


“So when would you like me to serve dinner, chef?” Tyler asked calmly.

“That’s it! You’re ready to accept all this and sit down to dinner like everything’s normal!” Alex said.

“Well, Alex, my sweet, what do you think I should do?” Tyler asked

“I don’t know. I just…just…” Alex didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t understand what was going on.

“I know what we should do. What I wanted to do once I pieced this all together,” Ryan said as he walked up to Alex and wrapped his hand behind her head and pulled her toward him. Locking his lips onto hers and tilting his head, he deepened the kiss, crushing her closer to his chest. He was shocked, not at them kissing in front of him, but at the fact that it excited him so much.

Watching Ryan kissing Alex was like a Viagra on steroids. His cock was so hard he thought he may actually have a permanent tattoo of his pants’ zipper imprinted on it. They finally ended the kiss, both groaning and panting, and their eyes glazed with lust.

“God, Tyler, you must be a saint. How did you honestly stop last night with just a kiss?” Ryan asked.

“Extremely difficult, probably that hardest thing I’ve done in my life, but my thoughts of you helped me through it,” he replied. As he stood looking at both Alex and Ryan, all he wanted to do was drag them both off to the bedroom and never let them out. He was consumed with his thoughts of having them. He just couldn’t choose which one he wanted first.

* * * *

Alex didn’t understand what was going on, her brain churning with so many different possibilities it was difficult to focus on one thought. So much had happened in the past twenty-four hours. Firstly, the kiss from Tyler, and then that kiss just now from Big Red, he’d actually kissed her. She’d thought about it every night for the past six months as they were chatting online. Always wondering what his kiss would feel like, she’d fantasized about him being her knight in shining armor. They’d ride off into the sunset together. Here he was, kissing her, but he was gay, no, bi. He would only ever come as a package deal, but who would have ever thought his package was none other than Mr. Hottie, the other man who had been in her fantasies.

“Honey, even clicking your heels three times, repeating ‘there’s no place like home,’ isn’t going to change this. It’s real, not a dream,” Ryan said as if he was actually reading her mind.

“Big Red, you know me so well. You understand what I’m thinking. You always have. That’s why we’re such close friends. Unless of course you have some supernatural skills you haven’t admitted to me yet?”

“Big Red?” Tyler questioned.

“It’s my username online when I chat with Amazon Pixy. It’s the only name she’s known me by for six months,” Ryan said.

“Hey, does she also know how you got that name?” Tyler asked

“He told me you called him Big Red because he was big and had red hair,” Alex said. Tyler burst out laughing.

“Oh, honey…I did call him Big Red because he is big, but not exactly because of his height, and of course there is his red hair,” Tyler replied.

“Really! Do tell more,” Alex said, picking up her wineglass and waiting for Tyler to fill her in on the whole story.

“For a start, our boy here is very well hung, and not only is he a true redhead, but his pale skin happens to allow certain areas of his delectable body, because of the extra blood supply needed, to take on a delicious red tone.”

“Aha…so the carpet matches the drapes. His cock is huge and can glow in the dark, hey! Really, Ryan, you should have told me the real reason. I might have pushed our first meeting forward just for an eyeful.”

“What can I say? I didn’t want you to think of me as some horn bag looking for an ego rub!” he replied. “Besides, you, my dear, thought I was gay, so why would you care about the size of my cock?” he added.

“So tell us, Alex, does your carpet match the drapes?” Tyler asked, looking her up and down.

“A bit of a personal question there, Tyler, but what little carpet there is basically matches the drapes,” she said with a flirtatious smile and a wink which had them both drooling.

“Ah, God, baby, shaved or waxed?” Ryan drawled.

“Waxed, it lasts longer.”

“That’s it, I’m turning the oven off. I can’t wait any longer,” Ryan said.

She watched him rush over to the oven and turn the dials.

“It can all wait, and if not, we can order pizza after,” Ryan stated.

“Why, aren’t we having dinner now?” Alex asked

“There will be eating, don’t you worry about that.”

She saw Tyler look at Ryan, wink, and then nod his head. “Why do I get the feeling that I’m one of the courses?” she asked, feeling the sexual tension and anticipation thick in the air. This was it. She was going to sleep with two men. All those fantasies were about to become reality. Was she ready for this? she wondered to herself.

“Baby, you’re the first course,” Ryan drawled as he wrapped his arm around her chest and pulled her carefully from the stool.

“Say no and this stops right now. Last chance?” Tyler asked her as he held the side of her face in one hand, looking into her eyes.

“Okay,” she answered, breathless from fear and excitement.

“We need a better answer than that,” Ryan said as he kissed he neck.

“Yes,” she moaned, tilting her head to the side to give Ryan better access.

“There we go, baby. That’s all you need to say. Let’s move this to the bedroom,” Ryan drawled, his voice taking on a husky tone. Tyler moved in front of Alex, and in one swift move, Alex’s world turned upside down.

“Hey, put me down, caveman. I can walk.” She laughed.

“Takes too long,” he replied. Ryan snickered as he followed them down the hall into the bedroom.

Tyler mounted the bed with her still over his shoulder, and then dropped her in the center. “She has too many clothes on, Ry. I think we need to get rid of some of them.” Ryan moved to the opposite side from Tyler on the bed. She then looked from one to the other in amazement.

“This is really happening, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Tyler said gently.

“Scared?” Ryan asked.

“A little,” she replied

“Don’t be, sweetheart. We would never hurt you. You’re what’s been missing, Alex. All those times I told you something was missing between Ty and me, it was you. Now let us show you, so you know we’re what’s been missing from your life, too. We three parts make one whole.” Ryan grabbed the bottom edge of his T-shirt and pulled it over his head. Alex gasped at the sight of his naked chest. She had an overwhelming need to touch it, rub her hand over it, and lick every inch of it.

“Amazing, isn’t he?” Tyler asked, noticing her stunned then lustful glances.

“Have you ever shared a woman together?” Alex needed to know if she was just another number in a long list of bedmates. Also, if they were experienced in just how this would play out. Not that she was insulted to be another number. It was not like she was a virgin.

“You’re the first,” Tyler replied.

“And hopefully the last,” Ryan added.

“So this is a first for all of us,” she replied. She sat up and started rubbing her hands over Ryan’s chest, and lowering her head, she licked him from the top of his pectoral muscle to his collarbone. Ryan moaned as his head fell back, opening himself to the pleasure of her exploration. She lapped at his nipple as it beaded, and then she lightly bit at it, alternately nursing and nipping. Ryan growled.

“Honey, you’re killing me. Fuck!”

“Tell me, Ry, tell me what it’s doing to you?” Tyler asked as he moved behind Alex and started undoing the buttons on her blouse.

“Fuck, my cock is so hard and pulsing I want to come right now,” he replied.

“No, baby, you’re going to hold off, but let’s make this a little fairer, shall we?” He pulled Alex away from Ryan’s chest as he removed her shirt. Once her shirt was removed, they both gazed openmouthed at her dark blue lace demi bra.

“God, look at those,” Ryan said as he nearly drooled at the sight of her breasts nearly popping out of her bra. Feeling brave and sexy, Alex decided to torment them a little, so with a provocative smile she mounded her breasts with her hands, raising them as if on offer. Reaching behind her, she unhooked the back clasp and let the bra fall free. She then began molding her breasts again in both hands, lightly pinching her nipples and stroking them until they were hard little pebbles. Both men stared at her.

With more bravado than she had ever felt in her life, she unzipped her pants, and straightening her legs, she wiggled out of them, taking her panties as well. Now kneeling naked on the bed in front of the two spellbound men, she felt like a queen, a goddess, as she ran her hands over her body with a sultry pout. “Well, boys, are we going to play, or are you all talk?”

Both men shook their heads as though to clear the cobwebs from their brains and stood up, and they quickly removed their clothing as she sat there watching with awed wonder. When Ryan removed his pants and boxer briefs, she understood the term Big Red. “You were so right, Tyler. He is Big Red for sure, and he’s huge. Ryan, God! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cock that big except in a porn movie.”

“You wait till you see Tyler’s cock. Hold on a second, you just said except in a porn movie. You watch porn, do you, baby?” Ryan snickered. “Well, we can sure have some fun, can’t we, Ty? Maybe we should get some ménage ones and recreate the scenes,” he added. Alex turned and saw that Tyler was now naked, and she couldn’t help but inspect his cock. It was slightly shorter than Ryan’s but was easily a third thicker. She worried for a second if it would fit in her, but that thought was quickly replaced by a wave of lust, and she thought, bring it on, boys. Bring it on. The bed moved as both men crawled back toward her with a common target in mind. Her.

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