Read Neil (The Uncompromising Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Sybil Bartel

Tags: #The Uncomprimising Series, #Book Two

Neil (The Uncompromising Series Book 2) (38 page)

With one quick swipe, his thumb swept over my cheek then his giant hands cupped my ass. He drove my hips into his and shoved forward, then he stilled.

His tongue sank into my mouth and my orgasm erupted with the tight, hard pulsing of my core as the first wave of his hot release pumped into me. Gripping me tighter, he used his hands to rock my ass on his cock with each pulse of our shared orgasm. His seed spreading inside of me, his hard length filling me, his mouth on mine—it wasn’t contentment that washed over me, it was possession.

I belonged to him and he belonged to me.

This was how a Viking showed love.

I was finally home.

giggles dragged me from sleep. I looked at the clock and sat upright when I saw that it was almost noon.
. Conner! I threw the covers off and Viking’s deep voice carried through the closed door as he spoke in Danish. I exhaled a worried breath and it hit me. He’d let me sleep in.

I stretched my deliciously sore muscles and stood. The evidence of Viking’s lovemaking leaked out of me and full-body tingles chased a fresh wave of desire. Smiling, I threw on a short nightgown, made a quick trip to the bathroom and ran my hands through my hair.

When I walked into the living room, my heart completely stalled.

Both Viking and Conner in swim trunks, Viking tossed Conner in the air and caught him as giggles cascaded out of my son. But that wasn’t the shocking part. White perfect teeth, lips spread wide, Viking was smiling—
he was fucking smiling.
He tossed Conner up again and as his huge, capable hands caught my son, Viking erupted in laughter.

Rich and deeply seductive, Viking’s laugh mingled with Conner’s squeals of joy and the two of them, this moment, it was
. And I wanted it to last forever.

Still smiling, holding my son high on his chest, Viking said something in Danish and Conner wrapped his tiny arms around Viking’s neck… the same neck I’d wrapped my arms around last night.

“Wow,” I murmured, staring.

Viking turned.

“I think I just fell in love.” I wasn’t being sarcastic. At all.

Viking took two strides and while holding my son, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Possessive, intimate, familiar, new, his simple touch was alarmingly telling.

“Good morning,” he quietly rumbled.

“Mama!” Conner reached for me.

I took him into my arms and hugged him tight. “Hi, sweet boy.” He smelled of sunscreen and ocean and Viking.

“Beach,” he said seriously. “Biiig sand castle.” He spread his arms wide, showing me.

I glanced up at Viking. “You went to the beach this morning?”

All traces of his smile gone, he studied me. “Yes.”

“Did you get any sleep?”


He didn’t look like he hadn’t slept. Hair slightly tousled, muscles rippling, his skin a shade darker than last night, he looked amazing. And hot. And so fucking sexy I wished it was Conner’s nap time. But I didn’t know why he was still here. Or if he had to work. Or what he thought would happen after last night. “What now?” I blurted.

“You move,” he answered, as if reading my thoughts.

I nuzzled Conner’s nose. “Go play, sweet boy.” I set him down and when he took off for his room, I turned back to Viking. “To where?”

“My house.”

Okay. Wow. I didn’t see that coming. “I don’t want to live in Ocala.” I wasn’t about to move into Jannat’s domain. I knew he’d said it was a marriage of convenience but I didn’t care. Call me petty, but no way in hell was I going there.

“There’s the condo on Collins Avenue, a house in Key Largo and a house in Golden Beach.”

“Those are all yours?” I was making sure, because

“Yes.” His gaze traveled the length of me and darkened.

“Stop that.” My nipples hardened. “I don’t want to live in a condo.” This was the most bizarre conversation I’d ever had.

The back of his hand brushed across my breasts. “You will like the house in Golden Beach.”

I fought a moan. “Is that where you live?”

“I’ve stayed there.” His hand moved slowly down my stomach.

Anticipation swelled. “Are we really having this conversation?”

He reached under my nightgown and ran a finger through the length of my core. “Yes.”

Oh my God
. “Before I’ve had coffee?” Was this really happening?

“It is not a difficult decision.” He plunged his finger deep inside me. “Any choice will be an improvement for you.” His thumb landed on my clit.

,” I hissed, grasping at his arms for support. I didn’t take offense at his last statement, he was right. “So you’re giving me a choice?” How the hell was I was still holding a conversation?

He plunged a second finger into me and worked my clit. “Yes.”

Holy fuck
that felt good. “Are you doing this on purpose to get me to agree to move in with you?” I shamelessly rode his hand.

“No.” He increased the pressure. “I like to watch you come.”

…” My legs started to shake, my head fell back and I fucking came. If I weren’t holding on to him, I would’ve melted into the carpet. And I probably should’ve been embarrassed by how quickly he could set me off but when I looked up at him, I lost my train of thought.

Eyes dark, expression pure lust, he slowly pulled his fingers out of me and inhaled. “Which place?”

My pussy was quivering, my muscles were on strike and my head was spinning. “What if I want to live on my own?”

His shoulders curved slightly toward me and all of his attention was singularly focused on me but he wasn’t touching me. It was as if he were giving me room to make the decision but at the same time reminding me exactly what was in store. “You can have the house in Golden Beach.”

I came off my orgasm cloud. “Have it.” He was going to what? Let me live there? Because I couldn’t afford the rent on this dump, let alone a house in an expensive beachside community just north of Miami.

It wasn’t a question but he nodded once anyway. “It’s a good place to raise a family.”

My eyebrows drew together. “Is that why you bought it?”


Suspicion descended. “When did you buy it?”

“Three months ago. It was a good investment.”

Three months ago… after the first time I’d met him. “When did you first notice me?” It was a juvenile question but I asked it anyway because Viking didn’t do anything on a whim.

“In what way?”

“You know exactly what I’m asking.”

He paused. “When you started working at the security firm.”

“Is that the safe answer?”


I smiled. Not because I liked how fate threw us together but because I wasn’t alone on that boat in the waters off Key West. And I remembered the day he’d walked through the lobby with André like it was yesterday. He hadn’t spoken to me but his stare that day was the exact same as it was right now. It’d made me shiver then and it was making me shiver now. “So, are you asking me to move in with you?”


Trying to pretend his answer didn’t sting, I breathed in through my nose and took a step toward the kitchen. “I need caffeine.”

He caught my arm and turned me back to face him. “I am telling you. You are moving in with me. Pick a location.”

His eyes were so clear up close, it was like looking at the ocean on a winter day. I could stare at this man every day for the rest of my life but if there was one thing I’d learned about him, it was that he didn’t respect something he didn’t have to work for. “You know what? Living with a guy didn’t work out so great for me last time. I think I’ll pass, thanks.” I wasn’t just giving him a hard time, I kinda felt strongly about this. I needed some sort of commitment before I just plunged into the deep end.

His eyes actually narrowed. “This is not a request.”

“I’m confused. Are we talking about a relationship? Because unless the definition has changed, a relationship means two people are involved. And? I’m past coffee now. I’m leaning toward Starbucks and a nice drive… alone with my kid.” I looked pointedly at his hand on my arm.

“Negotiate,” he said abruptly.


“You heard me.”

For once, I didn’t appreciate his direct manner and blunt honesty. I wasn’t going to settle this like a contract negotiation. “No. You want something? Work for it.” I pulled out of his grasp. “Conner! Come on, baby, we’re going to Starbucks.” I was out of the good coffee he’d bought me anyway. Starbucks was as good a place as any to escape this conversation.

“You are angry. Why?”

I spun and my hands went to my hips. “First of all, I’m not angry, I’m irritated. And second, seriously? Do you suck that bad at this? You just
got divorced. You’re experiencing empty-nest syndrome and you want me to move right in? You’ve had your life one way for two years and now that it’s not that way, you have a hole to fill and guess what? I’m not going to be anybody’s
hole filler

He rushed me.

His hands landed in my hair, his mouth crashed over mine and just like last night, he curved his body around me and consumed me. Except this kiss wasn’t claiming and possessive like last night. He didn’t come at me like the surge of a tidal wave. His tongue teased mine until he coaxed me out to play and then he pounced. Hot breath, thumbs stroking my face, he fucking kissed me like he meant it.

And I melted a thousand times over.


I abruptly pulled back but Viking didn’t let me go. He said something to Conner in Danish and Conner ran back to his bedroom.

Overwhelmed, I fought for balance. “What’d you say? And why do you do that? He doesn’t understand.”

“Yes, he does.” His lips wet from our kiss, his response calm and measured, he took my flustered dig and turned it into something positive. “I told him to get a shirt because we are going out to lunch. He will benefit from being multilingual when he is an adult. The time to teach him is now. When he is grown, it will be second nature to him.”

My heart soared with the implication that he was going to be around to raise my son but simultaneously, I thought of why he was so good with children and jealously flared. “Did you speak Danish to Jannat’s kids?”

“No, English.” He cupped the back of my neck. “Do not be jealous.”

“I’m not jealous,” I lied.

“You are but you do not need to be.”

I exhaled. “So how many other women around the world do you rescue on a regular basis?”


I scoffed and Conner came back with one of my shirts and held it out to me. I smirked. “Yeah, I can see he really understands.”

Viking eyed me and if I didn’t know better, I’d say he was holding back a smile.

“Go ahead,” I egged him on. “It’s funny as shit. You can laugh.”

“Language,” he snapped but there was no bite to it. Squatting, Viking took the shirt and made eye contact with Conner as he placed his palm on Conner’s chest. He spoke to him in Danish and Conner looked down at Viking’s hand then nodded. When he ran back in his room, Viking gracefully rose.

I got a full-frontal of all of his muscled glory. “If he actually comes back with a shirt for himself, I’ll buy you lunch.”

“I am buying lunch, you are moving in with me and you are a substitute for no one.”

I sighed theatrically. “Is this how my life is gonna be? Pushed around by a bossy-as-shit Viking?”

“Yes. And you will love it.”

Okay, my heart melted.

“Unless you want to wear only a shirt, go get dressed.” He handed me the tank top Conner had brought me.

“Always trying to make me put clothes on.” I drew the word
out sarcastically.

“When in public,” he replied without missing a beat.

I turned but glanced back over my shoulder at him. “You know, I kinda like you.”

He winked. “I kinda like you.”

he strode into the lobby. With his piercing gray-blue eyes on mine, the corner of his mouth tipped up for a fraction of a second. It was a Viking-style smile.

“Come,” he commanded, walking right up to my desk.

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