Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Fuck. It’ll be a damn war before it’s over with if there are really more than those two goons you mentioned getting in on the money.”

“Yeah, well, they don’t know what they’re getting into.” Morgan stopped outside the door and listened, but heard nothing to make him think Amanda was awake.

“So, wake her up or what?” Tyler asked.

Morgan could tell he was antsy to get back on the road. He was too, but he knew she needed her rest. He could remember from when his wife was pregnant

“She needs her sleep, man. Give her another thirty, forty minutes, and I’ll wake her up. I know we need to get going, but she’s about had it, and that’s not good for her or the baby.”

Tyler nodded his head toward the motel office. “I’m going to go find out where the nearest place will be to get something for breakfast.”

“Good idea.” Morgan turned back toward the door and inserted the key card in the lock. He hoped it wouldn’t wake Amanda up.

As it happened, she was still sound asleep, curled up around her stomach with her hand across her belly as if protecting the baby inside. She looked so peaceful until you looked closer and saw the dark circles under her eyes. It wasn’t right that she should be on the run for her baby’s life. It was like some sci-fi movie about the future and population control.

For some reason, it mattered to him that she be happy, not just that she live and her baby live, but that she be happy. She rolled over, and the cover exposed her slightly rounded abdomen and bra-encased breasts. She didn’t look comfortable in her bra. She probably needed a larger one now. Thinking about her breasts had his cock paying attention. He groaned, then turned around when Tyler walked in.

Morgan quickly strode over to the bed and pulled the cover back over her chest and caught Tyler staring at him with a grin.

“Who gets the shower first? Me or you?”

“Me. Keep your hands to yourself.”

Tyler’s eyes turned serious. “You know I’d never poach on someone else’s property, man.”

“Hell, yeah, I know. But she’s not mine either.” He grabbed his pack and quietly closed the door behind him.

What the hell was happening to him? He’d snapped at his best friend over a woman. They’d shared women so often in the past, he couldn’t remember the last time they hadn’t shared, except when he’d been on his own these last few months. What was different now? The fact that he’d promised Amanda that Tyler wouldn’t touch her shocked him. It shocked him even more that he meant it.

Morgan grabbed his shirt over his shoulders and dragged it off over his head. Then he stripped out of his jeans and boxers before turning on the shower. He stepped into the barely there spray even before it turned warm in hopes it would ease his erection, but no dice. He couldn’t ride with a hard-on all day. He’d have to take matters into his own hands.

Morgan let the water flow over his head and down his back as he soaped up the bath cloth and made quick work of scrubbing the road grime off his body. When he was clean and relaxed as much as possible, he wrapped his hand around his hard cock and stroked slow and tightly as he thought about how it had felt to have Amanda’s hot mouth around his cock. He imagined her there now, on her knees in front of him, playing with his balls. He reached with his other hand between his legs and manipulated his balls as he pulled harder on his rigid cock. He wanted to taste her, though, and hadn’t been able to do that the last time she’d sucked him off.

The way she’d swallowed him down had his balls constricting as he fought to maintain control of his strokes. He rubbed the pre-cum over the mushroom head of his cock and twisted on the downstroke as he felt the beginnings of his climax attack his balls. Amanda would stick her tongue inside the slit and then run it around the underside of his cock while he held her head still. He would stroke in and out of her hot, wet mouth as she tasted him and sucked on him.

Faster and faster, he began to stroke, pulling hard as he imagined her deep-throating him as he held her by the hair. Just as his balls erupted, she would swallow him and take him all, every drop he could pump into her throat as she milked him dry. Morgan erupted with a muffled shout and shooting cum against the back of the shower stall wall. He leaned one arm against it as he slowly stroked himself down. As good as it was, it didn’t nearly come close to the real thing. Fuck.

* * * *

Amanda slowly awoke to a quiet room. She was sure she’d heard voices earlier. She listened closer without opening her eyes and realized she could hear the shower in the bathroom. Then she heard the scrape of a boot on the floor, and her eyes flew open.

The morning sun streamed around the drapes where they didn’t quite meet in the middle. Light illuminated from the TV. Tyler sat with one leg over the arm of the little love seat, switching TV channels with the sound turned off. They were there. They hadn’t left her alone. She relaxed.

Nausea rolled around in the pit of her stomach, but she refused to be sick. Amanda reached across the bed for the crackers Morgan had thought to leave by the bed and took one. She nibbled on it until she felt a little better.

“You can turn the sound on now if you want to,” she said.

He smiled and turned up the volume. “How are you feeling?”

“A little sick, but I’ll be okay. What time is it?” She looked around, but didn’t see a clock.

Tyler looked at his watch and grimaced. “Still early by my standards. It’s a little after eight.”

“Morgan in the shower?”

“Yeah, but I’m sure he’d be happy for you to join him.”

Amanda’s face grew warm, and she ducked her head to rest her chin on her knees.

Tyler chuckled and went back to switching channels. Amanda debated on how to get out of bed without flashing Tyler. Then she nearly laughed out loud. She’d slept with him like that last night. She’d had sex with Morgan in the same room as Tyler the other night. Why was she worried about him seeing her in her bra and panties? They were probably more decent than most of the bikinis were nowadays. She didn’t wear thongs.

The sound of the shower cutting off saved her from getting out of bed. She’d wait until he came out, then run inside and close the door. She gauged the position of her pack as it lay next to the bed and the pathway to the bathroom door and figured she could make it past Tyler with the barest of shows.

Nearly five minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and Morgan stepped out in jeans and socks, but bare-chested. The sprinkle of dark hair from his chest down to the waistband of his jeans, where he hadn’t bothered to button them, drew her eyes. Her face, once again, grew warm with embarrassment. She was really being silly. She’d not only slept with him, but she’d had sex with him in front of Tyler—and enjoyed it. She had to get control of her hormones. They were acting crazy. It had to be the pregnancy.

“Morning. Glad to see you awake. Thought we were going to have to go get breakfast without you,” Morgan teased.

Her stomach growled, and they all laughed, breaking the tension.

“I’m going to grab a quick shower and be right back out.” She slipped from the bed, holding the sheets till the last possible moment, then grabbed her pack and escaped into the bathroom.

It smelled of Morgan. She wasn’t sure if it were the soap he used, his aftershave, or if it were just him, but it smelled like him. She drew him deep into her lungs and smiled, then frowned. She had to get over him. Once this was all over with, he would be gone. She’d be alone again, but with a baby to take care of. A little heart-racing fear took over for a few minutes before she managed to regain control. No use in getting scared now. It was a done deal. She had to live with it.

Amanda made short work of taking a shower and drying off. She had a little trouble getting into her bra. She realized her breasts were much bigger now. She needed a bigger size. When could she manage to get a bigger bra? They were running from Guy. She wiped her eyes as tears began to seep from them. She didn’t have time to cry. The boys were hungry, and she needed to eat, too. The cracker had settled her stomach. Her jeans hung on her despite her bra shrinking and her stomach having a little rounded area now. It didn’t poke out so much as feel firmer.

She ran her hand over her stomach, then cupped her breasts through her bra. They felt heavier too. Yeah, she had to figure out some way to get another bra. She pulled on a T-shirt and grimaced, and maybe a couple of tops as well. This one clung to her major assets a little too tightly for her peace of mind.

When she walked out of the bathroom a little while later, Tyler took one look at her and groaned.

“I’m taking my shower now. If you can’t wait to go eat, go right ahead. I’ll follow when I finish.”

Morgan’s eyes missed nothing about her. He walked over and ran a finger across one nipple through her clothes.

“Looks like you need a size bigger,” he said.

“Yeah.” She sighed and plopped down on the messy bed. “If you don’t mind, I need to stop somewhere and pick up a few things once we get to a large enough town.”

“No problem. Cavern is big enough to buy a few things.”

Morgan leaned in and kissed the side of her mouth. “You smell delicious. Are you hungry?”

The switch in topics confused her for a second. “Um, not really. I was a little sick-feeling when I woke up. Thanks for leaving the crackers out for me. They helped.”

He wrapped his arms around her and held her for a few seconds before letting her go and packing up his things.

“Soon as you get your pack ready, we’ll head on over to the diner Tyler was talking about. He can meet us there once he’s ready.”

“Are you sure? I hate to leave him like that. It seems, I don’t know…mean.”

Morgan grinned at her. “Believe me, he’d be happier knowing we left him here to shower—alone.”

Amanda suddenly got it and turned around fast to start stuffing things into her pack. She heard Morgan’s soft chuckle and wanted to kick him in the shins. Tyler’s problem could be from someone he was thinking about and not her. Really, it could. She wished she didn’t turn red so easily. It was her curse for being redheaded and fair-skinned.

“Ready?” Morgan asked.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” She pasted a big smile on and turned around.

Morgan stood directly behind her and had to grab her to keep her from losing her balance.

“Easy there. Don’t fall.” He leaned in and kissed her. His lips sipped softly from hers. Then his tongue traced the crease of where her lips met until she opened them. He dove inside and sparred with her tongue until they both were breathless.

“We’d better go if we’re going to go,” he said.

She couldn’t say anything, so she nodded her head. He turned her toward the door and gently pushed her forward, but not before she noticed he had to adjust his cock in his jeans before he buttoned the top button. With a knowing grin, Amanda took the helmet from him and strapped it on while Morgan mounted the bike. She climbed on after him. He gunned the motor, but eased out of the parking lot and headed toward the diner.

Chapter Twelve

It wasn’t exactly a greasy spoon, she decided, but close. Still, the food smelled good if nothing else. They chose a booth in the back, and Morgan sat next to her, leaving the opposite side for Tyler when he showed up.

They had barely picked up the menus when the waitress, a fifty-something, round woman, came up with a coffeepot to fill up their cups.

Amanda put her hand over her cup. “None for me. I’ll take milk and orange juice, please.”

“Ready to order then, or do you need a few?” she asked.

“Give us a few minutes.”

“See anything appetizing?” he asked.

“I’ll get toast and eggs again.”

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic)
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