Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series) (25 page)

“Good morning sunshine.” He replied with the dumb smile still planted on her face.

“What are you doing up so early?” she asked.

“I was about to ask you the same thing. But truthfully, I was coming in hopes to talk to you about something.” He answered.

“I don’t want to fight, Chance.” She moaned.

“I didn’t come to fight. I swear.” He said holding his hands up.

“Every time you say that we end up in a screaming match.” She replied cautiously.

“Just—come with me outside for a minute.” He insisted.

“I’m not dressed. Let me—”

It won’t take long I promise.” He replied flashing that smile again.    

“Chance, I look a mess.” She said looking own at herself.

“Never.” He said seriously. “Come on. I just want to talk in private before Hazel wakes up. I have breakfast,” he said showing her a plate with a croissant on it.

“Okay.” She smiled walking over and
grabbing the plate before following him out of the room.

Taking a bite out of the pastry, she
liked the taste. Following him down the stairs, she finished the pastry and sat the plate on a table. The moment they got outside, she spotted the baby birds washing in the birdbath. She couldn’t see them from her window, but she wanted to watch them sing. Their songs were like angels singing in Heaven. They reminded her of home, somewhere she missed but definitely wasn’t in a hurry to go back to. Chance watched her as she slowly walked over to the birdbath. Her white gown dragged along behind her, rustling the fallen leaves on the grass.

Reaching for the birds slowly, hoping not to scare them away, one hopped on her index finger. She giggled and looked back at Chance to show him. He smiled briefly before she turned back to watch the bird chirp at her.
Swallowing hard, she felt her vision blur as she stared at the tiny bird. It flew from her finger as she wavered a bit.

“Chance…”she said stumbling back and catching his arm
to try and balance herself.

Don’t fight it Athena.” He mumbled before walking up behind her slowly.

Grabbing her head, she blew out a strangled breath before
nearly crumbling to her knees as Chance caught her. Laying her on the ground, he hovered over her.

“I can’t let you make that deal and I know that’s w
hat you were planning to do.” He replied, but she only caught half of his speech as he pulled out a blade.

Everything was going black and she was panicking. Chance had obviously put something in the croissant he’d given her and she was going to make him pay for it the moment she could see straight. But her main focus was now on the blade he was hovering over her. She couldn’t believe he was going to kill her. That had only made her certain that she was truly the reason he had Fallen from Heaven. He must have become very bitter towards her over the years. How could it all come down to this? The one guy she trusted the most had betrayed her.

Mumbling under his breath, he
chanted a spell. The clouds began to grow dark as the wind picked up. The birds began chirping frantically at the dramatic change before flying away. In her haze, Athena thought she spotted a whirlwind that appeared behind Chance, which was unbeknownst to him. When the whirlwind cleared, she spotted a blurry Muriel. Waving her hand, a white light flew from it, sending Chance flying clear across the garden. 

Athena had the strength to, she would’ve cheered her on. The bastard deserved more than that for betraying her the way he had. Fluttering her eyes, Athena closed them as she let the oblivion swallow her whole.


CHANCE looked up to see Muriel standing over Athena’s motionless form. Grunting, pain exploded through his body. He was overly confused by what was going on. Waking up that morning, he went down to Athena’s room to find it already empty. Looking out of the window, he saw her outside in the garden, with someone that was wearing his face. Confusion and anger jolted through him as he ran as fast as he could through the house to warn Athena. The prick wearing his face was going to pay.

Unfortunately, by the time he got outside Athena was already on the ground beneath the doppelganger. The bastard was wielding a blade and
none the less about to use it on her. Rushing the guy, Chance grabbed him only for them to tussle a bit before he revealed his true identity.

Muriel had been the treacherous deceiver.

Using her power, she blasted him clear across the garden. He slammed hard into the concrete ground and temporarily lost consciousness. Coming to, he spotted Muriel kneeling over Athena. There was no way he was going to let her take Athena after pulling a stunt like that. Why she had posed at him? He didn’t know…especially when she asked him to get her to persuade Athena to go home with her. He had agreed only because he knew the dangers of her roaming Earth. Not to mention Muriel promised him his wings if he did so. But he was now questioning things just like Athena had been all along. Struggling, he tried to crawl over to Athena, but fell short.

“Get away from her.” He ordered weakly as he felt blood ease down his forehead.

Standing, Muriel smiled before spinning around to him.

“I suppose if I don’t, you think you are going to stop me?”
she teased.

“What did you do to her?” Chance barked.

“I did nothing. It was
dear friend who attacked her.” Muriel smirked. “At least that’s what she will believe when she wakes up.”

“You promised me my wings if I delivered her to you.” He hissed.

“But you didn’t did you?!” she shouted irate, stalking to him and grabbing his face forcefully. Staring him in the eyes, he saw pure rage.

“You had no intention of handing her over. You love her too much to.” She replied and she was right.

He hadn’t betrayed Athena before, even though that meant losing his wings in the process. So he damn sure wasn’t going to betray her now. Not even if it meant he would get his ticket back to Heaven.

“Although I do have to thank you.
Because of you Falling, she finally flocked to me the way she was supposed to. You were her distraction, and with you gone, I learned what she truly was. Michael never trusted
with that secret, and I loathe him for it.” She spat.

“I wonder why.” He said sarcastically.   

“What are you going to do, kill her?” he asked.

He was hoping to draw out their conversation until Athena finally stirred a bit. He had no real plan because if Muriel wanted to, she could obliterate him with just one snap. Being human sucked, especially after having a taste of power. To be drained down to nothing and then to know you will die only to head to Hell was horrible to say the least. But that was his reality.

“Killing her would defeat her purpose.” Muriel answered.

Their conversation was immediately interrupted by Samael who suddenly emerged through Chance’s house doors and stalked through his garden. Chance’s heart sank as things finally fell into place.

“Why?” was all he

“Simple.” Muriel replied. “Samael is my brother. He wants to finally be recognized for someth
ing more than killing. So, we’re raising our brother Lucifer from Hell to assemble his army and take over Earth. I know it’s cliché but Earth is where the power lies. Winning over souls has been an unfair battle. One that will have to be fought no more.” She smiled.

“You’re mad.” Chance replied pushing himself up off the ground.

“Maybe, but our plan is almost complete. Once Athena realizes she has lost
but me, she will be more than willing to do what she was created to do. I
her to Fall, that’s why I had them send her to Earth. Only she was going to find the
. He is all that is left of the bloodline, and once she bargains her soul for Lucien they’ll be no turning back.” Muriel replied.

“I won’t let that happen.” he replied as Samael took Athena in his arms.

“You have no choice.” Muriel replied touching Samael’s shoulder and they vanished.








                                                        Chapter Twenty

Opening the Portal

Lucien struggled to
break the chains holding him in place. Since attacking Samael, he had been thrown back into isolation and caged. Escaping and getting to Athena had been his biggest motivation. It was something he did from day to night, in hopes to get free and tear Samael apart. The son of a bitch needed to be stopped, and if Lucien didn’t try, he now knew the world would cease to exist. Vulcan had spilled the secrets of their plan during a day full of torturing Lucien. Samael needed Athena to open the gates of Hell. So not only was he planning to use her to bare his child, he wanted her to literally unleash the bowels of Hell on Earth.

Unfortunately, it didn’t end there. Lucien
played the biggest part of all. He was supposed to willingly raise the all mighty Lucifer and his army. The idea was laughable—well it would have been if Samael wasn’t so close to getting everything he needed for his plan. Athena was the last piece of the puzzle that was missing. As much as he hoped she would stay away, he knew better. His princess wasn’t the type to run. She was one to kick some ass and take names.

The dungeon door opened and light spilled in
causing him to squint. Being trapped in nothing but darkness had become what he was used to. Vulcan slipped into the room and Lucien growled. When he got the chance to get his hands on the prick, he was going to rip his head off. His thoughts were immediately interrupted by Athena running into the room after him. His heart sank, but at the same time he was happy to see her again. Her white gown flowed as she ran over to where he was. Even in the worst of circumstances she was absolutely Heavenly.

“Lucien!” she shouted reaching the cage and falling to her knees.

Grabbing the tiny bars, tears ran from her eyes as she saw the state he was in. It was obvious that he had been tortured more since she’d seen him the night before.

He huffed. “Don’t do this.” He pleaded.

Talking had made him realize how raw his throat was. It was like sandpaper scratching against his voice box. The lack of water or any nourishment had definitely taken its toll on him. It was obvious this was exactly what Samael had wanted, Lucien looking more than helpless when they brought Athena in.  

“Look at you. I couldn’t leave you here.” She insisted.

His heart warmed at how
much she cared for him. He never thought in a million years he would find that in anyone, let alone an angel.

“It’s you I’m worried about.” He said truthfully as she reached through the bars and touched him.

Her slightest touch had made him more determined to protect her.

“Why on Earth would you worry about her? She is my most important guest.” Samael replied walking into the room.

He hated seeing Athena look at Lucien with such
—love and adoration. He was determined to steal her heart and make her his, now and forever. Her power was something he refused to live without and the moment he knew her loyalty lied with him, he was going to protect her from anything.

“Let her go! I’ll do anything you want!!” Lucien shouted, hoping to negotiate.

“I’ve heard that before. Truth is you can’t be trusted when it comes to her.”

“Let him go. You promised you would.” She sniffled, s
till keeping her beautiful bright eyes planted on Lucien.

“In all due time.”
Samael replied walking over to her and holding a hand out.

It was obvious to Lucien that the sick fuck hadn’t told her the whole truth, but he sure planned to.

“Attie, don’t go with him!” he shouted, pulling against the chains.

“I have to
, Lucien.” She insisted as her tears flowed harder.

“As your Guardian, she has to make the tough choices on what’s best for you.” Samael said smugly.

“Don’t you touch her or I’ll kill you!!” Lucien shouted.

“I grow bored of your empty threats. Free him Vulcan.” Samael sneered.

Vulcan did what he was told. Shuffling to the cage, he unlocked it and yanked Lucien out. Falling flat on his stomach, Lucien let out a huff as he hit the hard floor. Athena grabbed him and pulled him into her arms. With his hands still cuffed behind his back, Lucien had no choice but to stay put. The moment Athena kissed him; it was like their world stopped. Nothing mattered to him more than saving her.

“I love you.” She replied kissing her fingers and pressing them to his lips.

“How touching” Samael replied repulsed. “Time to go, Angel.” He barked.

“Attie—get the hell out of here.” Lucien warned kissing her again. 

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