Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series) (22 page)

from me Attie.” He warned with an angry tone as if he’d tear apart if she didn’t.

What did he do to you Lucien?!” she begged hoping he’d give her an answer. Something she could fix.

“Did Samael get to you?! Like he did your brother?” she cried profusely.

Lucien just stood there as cold as a statue as Chance grabbed Athena by the waist. Dezmon rounded the corner and Chance knew they had to get out of there. Dragging Athena to the elevator, he held her as she screamed for Lucien to answer her until the doors closed. Everything doubled as Lucien’s vision blurred. Realizing he’d lost time again, he tried to pull himself together. There was no way he was going to look weak in front on Samael.

Is. She?!” Samael shouted irate as he stalked up to Lucien.

“She got away.” He merely said sneering at Samael as they eyed each other.

Samael got the message loud and clear, just by looking at Lucien. It was more of a warning to say “stay the hell away from her”. Looking at his men lying on the floor hadn’t sat well with him.

“Bring them back.” He ordered looking Lucien dead in the eyes.

bring them back.” Lucien bit.

He knew he was supposed to comply with
Samael’s rules if he ever wanted Dezmon back, and intact, but none of that mattered at the moment. Not when the douche had sent henchmen to attack Athena. If he thought going after her was something he’d accept, then Samael was dead wrong. Lucien was never gonna let anyone lay a hand on any hair on her head. He even regretted the little battle they’d had the night before and wanted to tear himself a new asshole.

Samael sneered
as he walked up to Lucien and bawled his hands into fists.

into Dezmon eyes, he hoped his brother would forgive him for what he was about to attempt, but he felt this was his only opportunity. Grabbing Samael, he shoved him to the wall and cornered him there. Drawing his power, and hoped it would make him drop dead. The light flashed into Samael’s chest, and he jolted. Looking into his eyes again, Dezmon’s eyes flicked to a crimson color. Feeling his power drain from him, Lucien fell to his knees as he heaved heavily.  

“Foolish demon.”
Samael tsked as he gathered himself and brushed off his clothes.

Grabbing Lucien by th
e hair, he yanked his head back to make him look at him. Menace was in his eyes and had he been able to kill him with just a look, Lucien knew he’d be right back in Hell in an instant. To be perfectly honest, he would welcome Hell instead of the things he was facing on Earth. At least there he knew what to expect. But he wasn’t leaving. He wasn’t one to run from anything or anyone no matter how hard the task.

“Thanks for the pick me up. I was feeling kind of drab.” He said sarcastically.

Samael had drawn in Lucien’s power and did nothing more than feed on it.

So you really are a Divine.” Samael replied releasing the grip he had on his hair.

Since working with Samael, Lucien had never used his powers. Samael had of course ordered him to, but he refused. He agreed to be head of his army, but not use his gift in any way shape or form.

“A what?”
Lucien asked weakly.

“You have no idea what you are
, do you?” Samael chuckled.

What the hell are you talking about?” Lucien inquired.

“Makes sense why your angel is hanging around.” He said pacing around him in a circle.

Keeping his eyes on Samael, Lucien waited for the death blow. He knew it had to be coming because he had just tried to execute him.

“If you
try and touch her I’ll—”

A smile flickered on
Samael’s face. “What happened to you not caring about her? So quick to jump and defend her honor.”

Swallowing hard, Lucien realized that Samael was right. There was no way he could hide his feelings for
Athena. Not when the love he had for her was dripping from is very pores. His heart beat was nothing more than her name. His “princess” was his life now and forever. He couldn’t live without her no matter how hard he wanted to stay away from her to try and keep her safe. 

“You have
me, which is what you wanted right? Just leave her out of this.” Lucien begged.

Chuckling, Samael stopped in front of him.

“Whoever said I wanted
?” he laughed.

Frowning confused, Lucien stared up to
Samael. Reaching down, Samael grabbed Lucien by the face and stared him deep in the eyes. Lucien was tired of the asshole invading his personal space.

’ve been after your angel since she came to Earth, long before you were here.” He made clear.

What he was saying had dawned on him. Had he simply been toying with Athena the whole time? From what he was saying, it obviously had been true. Remembering the things he alleged the night he took her banged him over the head as well. He had threatened to have her carry his child. After being in his lair, and seeing the many pregnant women caged, he realized that Samael wasn’t just blowing smoke. He wanted Athena as his own. It wasn’t just about making Lucien jealous, he’d had plans for her well before he arrived to find Dezmon.

“Over my dead body!” Lucien shouted.

“That can be arranged.” He replied as Lucien felt arms grab him from behind as yank him to his feet.

“She won’t fall for you or your tricks.” Lucien replied trying to wrench free of Vulcan’s grip, but he was too weak from using his power.

“Oh, no.
She’s too smart for that, I know.” He smiled at the thought of her. “But she will come for you and I’ll get her to make a deal. Just like I got you to make one for your brother.”  

“I won’t let her bargain herself for me. I’d rather die!” Lucien shouted through bare teeth.

“Oh we can’t have that.” Samael replied as if he were sympathetic. “Not yet.” He laughed.

Lucien knew there was no way to stop Samael. Whatever he wanted, he would ultimately get. There was no doubt there. How was he going to warn Athena to stay away? It was obvious that she loved him and was determined to save him.
He was sure Samael was going to get her to fold because he would do the same for her. He wanted to just die and get it over it.

He failed to protect her.

He put himself in the way and got pigeonholed into working for the worst of any evil he’d ever faced. Doing the exact thing he had sworn off. All to save his brother and the woman he loved. But he was the fool he knew now. There was no way to save Dezmon and maybe the rumors of Athena dying because of him were gonna happen because of his actions. Leaving sure as hell didn’t help.

He was going to lose everything he cared about and there was no way to stop it.









                                          Chapter Seventeen

Missing Pieces

“We have to go back.”
Athena insisted.

“Are you crazy?!” Chance shouted as the elevator whizzed upward.

“Chance something isn’t right, don’t you see that?” she asked pacing the elevator.

“Yeah,” he said nodding. “I see that. If you were talking about Samael—
—as in the Angel of Death Samael—then you need to run in the other direction.” He said clearly.

“I can’t believe you just said that.” She said baffled.

Looking over to her, Chance rolled his eyes. “You must be kidding, right?” he asked.

“Has being on Earth changed you so much?” she inquired

Thea, listen to yourself. If you hadn’t noticed, I’m not an angel anymore. Even if I were—how do you think we would take the Grim Reaper down?! He’s not just an angel like you or I was. Angels aren’t exempt from vanishing. Sure— you’re a soul, but if you mess with him chances are, you’ll be thrown into purgatory.” He replied, as the elevator stopped on their floor.

Everything he’d said was right
, and he would know more about it than she would, seeing as how Michael trained him. How in the world do you stop Death? There was no way. Strolling cautiously down the hall to the hotel room, they saw a path of bodies heading to their room.

“Hazel!” Athena yelled running down the hall to the already opened door.

Dread shot through Athena because she feared that she’d once again let Hazel down. Nudging the door open more, she saw Hazel safe and sound, but definitely frightened. More men were scattered on the hotel room floor in their own blood.

“Are you ok?!” Attie asked running over and hugging her.

Hazel was shaking like a leaf, but she nodded.   

“What happened?” she asked drawing her back again to look into her eyes.

“They—they came looking for you. They had guns.” She stammered. “Lucien showed up and killed them all.” She insisted.

“Lucien?” she asked as Chance packed up a few things.

Nodding, Athena checked her over once to make sure she truly was alright. Nothing was bruised or broken and she was glad to see that. Athena truly liked Hazel and they were growing to be close friends. Even though Athena wasn’t her Charge, she still felt awful for letting her down. It was her fault that Samael plunged a knife into her gut and killed her. If it hadn’t been for Lucien, Hazel would have been six feet under. The thought of Lucien caused Athena’s emotions to stir and she needed a clear mind.

Grabbing Hazel, they left the hotel and headed
to Chance’s home.

The moment they got there, Chance put the plac
e on lockdown. No one in or out, and security was tight. The whole hotel scene had put Chance on edge. Keeping Athena away from demons had now become his number one priority. She seemed too blind and caught up to know what was best for her. After checking every security camera and double checking every lock, he headed to his bedroom where Athena was.

Opening the door,
he saw Athena sitting on his oversized king bed. She was obviously lost in thought because she didn’t even bother to look up when he entered. He hated seeing her so caught up in things that she didn’t need to be in. Especially when it came to demons, and if what she said about the Angel of Death was true—he needed to keep her far away. Sighing, he walked over to her and sat down.

“Penny for your thoughts?” he said even though he knew it was cliché.

Looking over to him, he saw the sorrow written all over her face. She didn’t have to say a word for him to know that she was hurting.

“I’m worried about him.” She replied and Chance rolled his eyes.

“He’s a demon Athena!” he shouted.

He had become more than fed up with the situation and wasn’t
gonna keep letting her dig herself a hole that she couldn’t climb out of.

“A demon that was my Charge!” she shouted back standing to her feet.

Bawling her hands into first, she stared at him with anger filled eyes. Standing, he faced her as she went on.

“Don’t you find that weird? I mean a demon that has the power of a
should make you wonder.” She said sarcastically.

“It does.” He said truthfully. “But it’s not our concern.”

Charge.” She insisted staring him in the eyes.

your Charge remember? You were ordered to back
.” He bit, making it perfectly clear.

“I’m not giving up on him.” She protested shaking her head.

“Why not?! He’s obviously given up on you!” he shouted. “He. Left. You.” He said sternly and that hit home for her.

down on his bed she tried holding back her tears, but they flooded out anyway. Cursing to himself he felt like an asshole. He was bashing her every time she seemed to bring Lucien up, and that was not what he wanted. He didn’t like them screaming at each other. That wasn’t their relationship and he wasn’t going to let it turn into that. He knew that if he kept throwing that in her face she was going to put up a wall that he would probably never be able to tear down. This meant the ultimate demise of their relationship and he wasn’t gonna allow that to happen.

“Look, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to keep throwing that in your face.” He said kneeling in front of her and drying the tears from her eyes.

Sniffling, she nodded without looking at him. He didn’t like the coldness seeping between them in the slightest. Grabbing her face gently he made her look at him.

Thea, I’m truly sorry.” He replied sincerely staring her deep in the eyes.

Nodding, she smiled when she saw the truth buried in his eyes. She knew he wasn’t one to willingly hurt her. She
loved him like a brother and trusted him with her very life.      

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