Read Lovely Online

Authors: Jez Strider

Lovely (3 page)

Chapter 6

In my sculpting class on Wednesday, I’d finally put the finishing touches on a bust of myself. It was one of the more difficult assignments I’d ever done because I overemphasized features that I found negative. The instructor graded the final product high and I learned some truth about my perceptions of myself.

I had this large creation in my arms when I left the building and began the walk home. More than a few students stared at me. Either way I carried the damn thing I looked stupid. Facing outward, it was obvious that the sculpture was of me. If I turned it around, the statue appeared to be
motorboating my breasts. I opted for narcissist and faced the sculpture outward instead of running the risk of looking like a chick making niche porno.

I’d made it to the edge of campus when I heard a familiar voice call my
name. It had been months since I’d heard from Brody York and he should have been hundreds of miles away. Yet, here he was in Miami invading my personal space. I wanted to bury my head in the sand. If I’d have been closer to the beach, I would have tried.

Picking up my pace, I pretended I didn’t hear him call my name. When he yelled a second and third time, I stopped. Half the
campus could probably hear. I spun on my heels, clinging to the sculpture and glared in the direction the voice came from.

“I travelled all night. The least you could do is say hello.”
Brody looked me over and disapproval flashed in his eyes. He was the same preppy rich boy in his designer polo shirt and slacks. Blonde hair. Clean cut. Smelled like Heaven.

I inhaled the scent of his cologne. Even
though I had stop loving him, that smell almost sent me head over heels again. “What are you doing here?”

“I graduated and began working at father’s law firm or I would have come for you sooner. Unfortunately, it appears you are still going through this phase.” He gestured at me from head to toe. “
Let’s return home and I’ll dress you like the privileged woman you are.”

“Brody, I want to be free to do the things I want. Are you ever going to understand this?” I sighed. “Why am I even asking? You won’t
ever get it. I don’t want to be a decoration on your arm and drink cocktails with other socialites.”

extended his arms, offering to carry the sculpture and I conceded. It was slightly heavy for its size and inconvenient to manage with my purse on my arm. He couldn’t have planned showing up in my life again better. He had a knack for catching me in situations where I needed him.

“This is a great piece of work, Farrah.” He walked beside me along the street.

I glanced at him sideways. “Since when do you like my art?”

“That’s harsh. I always have. We come from families with money and that gives us certain obligations. Our only difference is that I accept that and you don’t.”

“I won’t accept it. You’d have me married before the end of the year in an extravagant wedding if you had your way,” I said.

“It would only be one day. I know you don’t like the idea of such a big celebration, but I would be by your side. We’d be okay together.”

He looked at me imploringly with those light hazel eyes and I focused my attention ahead of me. Maybe he had changed a little. He’d never seemed so vulnerable. “I shouldn’t have said yes when you proposed in the first place. I’m sorry for that.”

“You said yes because you love me.”

“Loved… that’s past tense.” I closed my eyes briefly. I really hadn’t meant to sound like such a bitch.

We walked in silence before arriving at my apartment. I wanted to send him away, but he was standing there melting in the Florida sun with my artwork in his arms and not even complaining about his clothing getting dirty
from the sculpture.

“Come in and I’ll get you a drink.” I unlocked the door.

Slowly, he stepped into the small apartment, too shocked to speak when he saw that all the walls were covered in my drawings and paintings. “Shit, Farrah. You are into this lifestyle deep.” He placed the bust he’d carried from campus on the table.

“You make it sound like I’m snorting cocaine
off my coffee table and turning tricks on the street corner.” I grabbed a cup from the cabinet and set it on the counter.

“Even the way you speak. It’s… not as ladylike.”

“I’m sorry I’m not up to your standards anymore. I’m angry at you, your family, and my family. It affects my speech.”

“Everyone is worried about you. Your parents love you. I love you.” He walked into the kitchen, cupped my face in his hands, and kissed my lips gently. “
We can spend tonight in each other’s arms like we did before you ran away. Then I’ll help you pack and we’ll go home.”

He almost had me convinced. One visit and one kiss
had me ready to give up being out on my own, living a life where I didn’t care what anyone thought of me. For a moment, I hesitated in denying him and in that brief time frame my phone vibrated. I stepped back and poured Brody a glass of juice, distancing myself from the conversation and temptation. He frowned, but accepted the drink.

“Too bad it’s not scotch.”

I checked my phone casually. It was Gavyn confirming we were still on for a date tomorrow. He’d saved me from doing something stupid by texting me at that exact moment.

“Thanks for helping me out today, but I’m not going back to that life full of fake people.”

“All people are fake. Rich, poor… it doesn’t matter. I'm real and what we had was, too.” He placed my engagement ring on the counter. “Put it back on.” He headed for the door in a hurry, leaving me staring at the floor. He paused with his hand on the knob and turned back to me. “I’m not going back without you.”

“And I’m not going back
… ever,” I said softly though he was already out the door. Half an hour with him and my willpower and defiance were already slipping away. I thought of the real reason I’d left him… left home. All the time apart and neither of us had the courage to speak of it.

two carat diamond ring sparkled even under the cheap fluorescent kitchen lights. I crossed my arms, staring at the ring that had meant the world to me the night Brody had slipped it onto my finger in front of our family and friends on my last birthday. Fearing touching it would undo all my resolve, I didn’t move for a long time.

“This is stupid.” I stepped closer and picked up the ring between my index finger and thumb. Memories I wanted to
remain buried flooded my mind.



months earlier—

“Happy Birthday, dear Farrah.
Happy Birthday to you!” My family and friends sang to me in the dining room of the country club.

A large two tiered cake with one lit candle on top was placed
on the table in front of me. The smile on my face was so wide my cheeks ached. I stood up to blow out the candle.

“Don’t forget to m
ake a wish,” Brody whispered into my ear as he slipped his arms around my waist from behind. It was like he was touching my bare skin through the silken material of my lavender dress.

I closed my eyes, wished to always be as happy as I was in that moment, and blew out the flame. “Oh, I made a wish, but I won’t tell.”

He gave me a squeeze. “Good thing they didn’t put twenty-two candles on there. Could have been a fire hazard.”

I feigned being offended, but leaned back against him. I never wanted to leave his embrace. “
A comedian tonight, aren’t you?”

“And a little tipsy already.”
He laughed and released me from the hug. “What’s that box on the lower tier? A gift or decoration?”

With all the singing and excitement, I hadn’t noticed
it. “Probably a decoration.” I set my glass of champagne down and picked up the box. Carefully I peeled the shimmering silver paper off. I didn’t want to ruin my new French manicure. When I saw the ring box, my hand started shaking so severely that I nearly dropped the gift back onto the cake. I turned around, expecting to be eye to eye with my boyfriend, only I wasn’t. He was on one knee. The room was quiet. I wondered if all the guests could hear my pounding heart. It was thundering in my ears. Brody extended his hand and I gave him the box.

Caine, will you do me the honor of being my wife?” He flipped open the box and I saw the ring for the first time.

” I said breathlessly, thinking that I should have said more, but lacking the composure. I extended my hand and the ring was slipped onto my finger. The massive diamond seemed out of place, much too large for my hand, but beautiful nonetheless.

Cheers broke out around the room, but I barely heard them as Brody rose to his feet, pulled me close, and kissed my lips firmly.


My eyes glistened as I relived the moment, but I didn’t cry. What was the point anymore? Hadn’t I shed enough
tears? I closed my hand around the ring and headed over to the full sized bed in the corner of my studio apartment with the ring hidden from view in my fist. Beside the bed was a nightstand. I moved aside a box of unopened condoms and placed the ring in the drawer. I covered it with the box and then added a few pair of underwear and a red bra for good measure. As soon as possible, I would return the ring… even if I had to mail it. I shuddered to think of what it would cost to insure such a pricey item.

Chapter 7

The next day, I did my best to push all thoughts of Brody from my mind and focus on my date with Gavyn. He’d called me and told me to dress casual. We were going out to dinner near the beachfront, but nowhere too fancy. That suited me just fine. I’d had enough fancy dinners for one lifetime.

I took the time to blow dry my long hair, which was unusual for me. Afterward, I dressed in a black plaid
babydoll dress that I hadn’t been able to resist when I’d saw it on sale. I wasn’t even sure they were still in style and I didn’t particularly care. It was cute and good for a first date. It hung nearly to my knees and I had no intention of dressing like I was an easy lay.

The digital clock on my stove read
fifteen minutes after seven when I finally heard a knock at my door. I know because I’d been staring at the numbers change for half an hour in anticipation of his arrival. I forced myself to move slowly across the room. I didn’t want to seem desperate. When I opened the door, I didn’t expect Gavyn to take my breath away.

He was wearing slacks and
a button up with a loose fitting blazer over it. His hair was still wild, but he wasn’t wearing his glasses. The epitome of casual sexy was standing in front of me.

” I said.

“Sorry I’m late.” He smiled.

“It’s okay. I didn’t notice the time.” So I’m a liar. Everyone gets a free pass, or ten, on their first date. I grabbed my purse and locked the door behind me. He offered me his arm and I held on at his bicep. Yep. The fireman was definitely more muscular than I’d thought.

He kept glancing over at me with a strange grin on his face.

“What?” I asked.

“You look amazing. I’m glad you’re well again.
Seems like it’s been weeks since I was last here.”

comment had me wearing a grin to match his. I’d always been a sucker for a compliment. “Thanks. It does feel like it. I’m glad we are spending more time together.”

“Me too.”
He opened the car door for me and I slid into the seat.

“You cleaned up the car,
” I said, taking note of the missing plastic bottles.

laughed briefly. “Yeah. For some reason I’m a slob when it comes to my car. I swear I’m not like that at home.”

“I guess
ed that when you took your shoes off in my apartment last week.” I smoothed my dress and my fingers fidgeted at the hemline. “When I had a car, I kept it washed, waxed, and vacuumed. It was a stupid obsession.”

“What kind of car was it?” He asked.

I hesitated, but answered truthfully. “It was a black sports car.”

Wow, nice. I don’t think even I would be messy if I had a sexy ride.”

“It was just a car.”

He nodded. “What happened to it? Or is that in the category of none of my business?”

“I left it behind when I transferred here to go to school.”

“Well, with the buses and things being in walking distance, the added fees associated with a car are pretty excessive.”

I watched him, studying his features as he drove. He caught me
staring and I turned my head quickly to observe the scenery outside the passenger window. “I try not to tie myself to material possessions anymore.”

had to be curious, but he didn’t press the subject further. We made small talk about the history class we shared until we parked at the restaurant.

Once again, I held onto his arm and we walked into the restaurant. It was a seafood place called
Clawz ‘n’ Finz. It became obvious why when I saw the huge tank containing the lobsters when we stepped through the front doors.

“If you’re allergic or don’t like this, we can go somewhere else
. I’ll tell you, the food is heavenly.”

“No, it’s fine. I like seafood.”
I smiled.

“Good, because I’m starving.”

A hostess called us up when it was our turn. As Gavyn spoke to her about our reservation, I looked at the décor. The decorator had gone way too literal when using the restaurant name as inspiration. On the walls were mounted fish on plaques. Underneath the fish were engravings with dates and the names of the individual who had reeled in the catch. I wasn’t lying when I said I loved seafood, but I didn’t like the idea of the big-eyed fish watching me devour their buddies.

“Right this way,
” The hostess said and we were led to a table in the back.

pulled out my chair before taking a seat across from me and opening his menu. “Go ahead and choose what you want to drink, Farrah. Anything. They have some great daiquiris. I’m driving, anyway.”

“I’ll have the strawberry lemonade
,” I told the waitress.

“Sounds good, I’ll have the same.”

The waitress walked away and I turned my attention to the menu in my hands.

“Well, guess the alcohol didn’t interest you.” He laughed. “I wasn’t trying to get you sloshed.” His accent
had become more evident. The more time we spent talking, the more prominent it became. I hoped it meant he was relaxed with me.

“I guess I’m a weird college kid. I don’t drink.”

“At all?”

I didn’t look up, focused on choosing what to order.

“What about champagne at a wedding?”

Slowly, I lifted my gaze from the plastic covered menu. Something I’d wanted to keep hidden must have shown on my face because his teasing grin faded. “Not at all,” I said.

“So, what are you going to eat?” He asked, obviously changing the subject.

“Crab legs, I think.”

“Want to get a big platter and share?”

I nodded and closed my menu, smiling. “That works.”

placed our order when the waitress returned with our drinks. I caught him staring at me as I sipped from the straw. His big brown eyes were locked on mine. I swallowed the lemonade in a slow gulp.

“I’m kin
d of rusty with the dating game,” He said.

“Me too.”

And completely unprepared to like a guy again

“I’m going to guess your favorite color. That’s a basic fact two people need to know about each other.”

I laughed. “It can be important, I guess. Do you want a hint?”

“Nope, I got this.” He rubbed his chin a little as he thought about an answer. “

The memory of
the lavender dress from my birthday/engagement party flashed in my mind briefly before I forced it into hiding. “How did you know that?” I eyed him suspiciously.

He grinned, sipping on his drink with the straw in the corner of his mouth.

“You are a spy.”

“I am in deep cover, lovely. Keep your voice down.” Gavyn embellished his accent and lifted one eyebrow and gave it a wiggle to tease me.

It was sexy as hell and I bit my lip involuntarily for a second before I realized it. “That was amazing. You should be an actor.” I laughed. Well… it may have been closer to a giggle
than a laugh if I’m being honest.

“You think?”

“Mmhmm. I’d go see all your movies.”

He smirked. “I
suppose I should tell you why I knew it was purple. Other than being a spy. There’s a lot of purple in your paintings, so I figured it was a good guess.”

“How am I supposed to guess yours? I haven’t been to your house.”

All he did was shrug and keep the smirk.

“Okay, let me think.”
I steepled my fingers. “Green.”

“Wrong. Why green?”

I rolled my eyes. “Because you like to recycle.”

“That kind of makes sense
, but only a little bit. Want to try again?”

“Hmm. Blue.”

“Nope, why blue?”

I sighed.
“Because you’re a male.”

“You’re not a very good spy
, Farrah.”

“I give up.”

“Red.” He pushed his drink aside to make room for the large platter of crab legs the waitress brought to our table.

“Those smell so good.” The scent alone made me salivate.

She placed two shell crackers on the table and smiled. “Anything else I can get you?”

“No, thanks,
” I said and Gavyn echoed my words.

“Enjoy!” She checked a table nearby before heading off again.

“These legs are massive. What do they do? Feed them steroids?” I picked one up and eyed it up and down in approval before going for a pair of the crab crackers.

did the same, making short work of opening the shell and pulling out a long strip of meat. “Whatever it is, it works.”

I frowned, struggling with my own crab leg. I switched to two handing the cracker and squeezed as hard as I
could. I’d never been skilled at opening them. Gavyn had a smug look of amusement on his face as he watched me fighting with the limb.

“Need some help?”
He asked after a bit.

“No, I’m fine. I’m making progress.”
Independent Farrah, that was me.

When the shell finally cracked, I grinned triumphantly. That was, until half the leg sho
t from the left side of the cracker as it broke into two pieces and went rocketing at the neighboring table. The projectile smacked into a mug of beer, knocked it over, and the contents began spilling over the edge of the table onto the floor.

“Oh. My.
God.” I said. Each word was a slow sentence of its own.

stared in shock from me to the couple that was the victim of the accident. When they started laughing, he relaxed and joined in. I was frozen with cracker still in hand, but when I saw him doubled over cackling, the giggles took me over as well.

“I’m so sorry,
” I told the couple. They reassured me all was well. The waitress was already at the table with a fresh drink and cleaning up the spill.

“I have never seen anythin
g like that in my life.” Gavyn could barely speak between the chuckles, had tears in his eyes, and his face was a little red. “I’ll open them from now on.”

I shook my head, feeling completely mortified, but I couldn’t deny the hilarity of the situation.

He cracked open a leg, pulled out a strip of meat, dipped it in butter, and th
en extended his hand in offering. I leaned forward and took a bite. The remaining half, he popped into his mouth. Once again, his casual intimacy surprised and pleased me, but it was still unsettling. The date certainly was more comfortable than a first date should have been.

We continued talking throughout the meal, both relaxed in the other’s compa

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