Read Lovely Online

Authors: Jez Strider

Lovely (9 page)


Light cloud cover and a breeze kept the day from being unbearably hot. Across the picnic table from me, Malcolm bit into his half foot sub sandwich and gulped
it down. Beside me, Gavyn scolded.

“Eat like a normal person. The playground isn’t going anywhere.”
He chuckled briefly.

I smiled, taking a hefty chunk out of my meatball sub. “I’ve eaten a sandwich too fast and choked before. No fun.”

Malcolm slowed down his chewing and sighed. His foul mood from having to wash off the face paint had faded by the time we left the apartment.

Now we were sitting at a picnic table in a busy park. The closest attraction to us was the playground equipment. Several children were already crawling through the holes or climbing up a small wall. A short distance away, two middle-aged women
were power
walking around a track. They were probably moving faster at that pace than I could run and I was half their age. A few other people were running. Even further out, there was a fenced off area of the park for dog owners.

“I’m done. Can I play now?”

“Go ahead,” Gavyn said with a grin.

Their voices brought me back from looking around the area. “Have fun,” I said.

Mac sat the stuffed bird on the table. “Take care of him.” He then ran off without another word.

I stuck my finger in my mouth and sucked off the sauce that had leaked on
to it from my sandwich. When I noticed Gavyn staring at me, I popped my lips off my finger and apologized. “Sorry.”

“No, I’d have done the same. It’s just that when we’ve gone out
before you were all proper with your silverware and always had a napkin in your lap.”

“Proper manners were kind of instilled in me for as long as I can remember. I’m more comfortable around you now, so I’m relaxed.”

He wiped a bit of marinara sauce off the corner of my mouth with his thumb and then licked it. “Good.”

The memory of what had happened in the bathroom caused my cheeks to burn and
I picked up my drink, taking a sip as an excuse to look away. As if reading my mind, or maybe my expression, he brought it up.

I hope I didn’t overstep any boundaries this morning.”

“No, not at all.
I have zero complaints about what you did.” I leaned closer and kissed his cheek.

“It just that I
haven’t cared about another woman like this since Mac’s mom died and I don’t do the casual sex thing anymore.” He gave a shrug, looking embarrassed about it. “I get a little pent up sometimes… and when I’m around you, I can barely keep control.”

I crumpled up the paper my sandwich had been in and stood up, cleaning off the table and tossing our trash in a nearby bin. “I dated the same guy since I was a teenager. Only
man I’ve ever been with. I think that’s why I get nervous.”

“You can always tell me no.” He slipped his arm around my shoulders when I sat back down and hugged me close.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen.” I rested my head against him.

Then, at the periphery of my vision, a strange reflection caught my attention. I turned in the direction to see a man dressed in a suit walking away. Around his neck was a camera.
Clenching my hands closed into tiny fists and then opening them, I tried to fight against the anger and fear. If my family had someone tailing me and taking pictures, the documents they had shown me were probably more than a threat. Unfortunately, combating their efforts would take more money than I had.

Gavyn squeezed me closer against him to get my attention.

“Sorry. I thought I saw something.”

He eyed me for a second before looking in the direction I had been facing again. “Don’t lie.”

Damn, I sounded guilty.

“I know you were thinking about my abs again.”

His joking made me smile despite my worry. “Should be a crime to keep a body like yours hidden under clothing,” I said.

“I could say the same about you.”

“Maybe you’ll find out someday.”

Such a tease.”

Chapter 24

Later that night, I walked along the path leading to my apartment building. Gavyn had dropped me off at work and I’d ridden the bus home afterward. The entire day I’d been a mixed bag of emotions: love, rage, and a smidge of hope.

I reached out to unlock my
front door when I made it to my floor and froze. The door hung ajar. I placed my fingers on the door and gave a push. Maybe I had forgotten to shut it when we left, but I’d never done so before. I’d always had a case of OCD when it came to making sure the door was locked.

Poking my head into the now open entrance, I scanned the room. Nothing appeared to be out of place from what I could see from the hallway. I walked inside and flipped on the light. The dim bulb cast a yellowish glow on everything.
Until now, the lighting hadn’t seemed ominous.

My living room was still a mess, but exactly the way I’d left it. Kitchen was fine. “Hello?” I called out.
Please don’t kill me.

I picked up a thin blue vase I’d crafted in class and held it poised as a weapon. It wasn’t ideal, but I
wouldn’t go down without a fight and I would bludgeon the hell out of the intruder. I opened the closet door and stepped back, pressing my back against the wall. After several deep breaths I scrounged up the courage and peered inside. Nothing. Moving on, I did the same thing at the bathroom. It was clear as well.

“Maybe I did leave it op
en.” Panic struck me. “The ring!” I ran over to the nightstand and jerked open the drawer. The diamond engagement ring was still there. It hadn’t been stolen.

crossed the room, shut the front door, and checked the locks three times. The vase was still in my hand. Shaking my head, I put it back on the table.

Gavyn and Mac had been talking and distracting me when we left.” I tried to think back and remember shutting the door, but I couldn’t be sure. After another check around the small apartment, I finally began to calm down.

icking off my shoes, I climbed into bed on the side I usually slept on and stared at the empty side where I’d cuddled up against Gavyn the night before. I wished he was there with me. I crawled over, snuggled into his spot and hugged the pillow he’d slept on against me.

Chapter 25

The rest of my week had been uneventf
ul leading up to my Thursday date with Gavyn. No strange photographers or open doors put me on edge. Only the anticipation of my date filled me with butterflies every time I thought about it. We’d have the entire night to ourselves and, best of all, a faculty meeting had cancelled our classes for tomorrow.

Right on time, my date arrived. Without a word of greeting,
Gavyn coiled his arms around my waist and we kissed with the passion of star-crossed lovers reuniting after decades of forced separation. His tongue flicked around mine and I moaned against his mouth, my lips vibrating as they touched his.

A loud blare from the fire alarm separated us. I smiled as I bolted over to
the kitchen, turned on the fan, and shut off the element on the stove. “This thing is so sensitive,” I yelled. When my attempts at quieting the alarm failed, I removed the cover and tugged out the battery.

inhaled deeply as he kicked off his shoes and moved across the room, hanging his jacket over the back of a barstool. “It doesn’t smell burnt. More like… delicious.”

“Surprised I’m a good cook?” The steaks were nearly done, but I gave them one more
flip to make sure while the pan was still hot.

Kinda. You never have any food in your house.”

“True. Not much point in making a big meal for one person.”

“You look amazing, by the way.”

I walked up to him again and did a little twirl. I’d gone all ou
t. Earlier in the week I’d scrounged the clearance racks at the mall and found the perfect dress. It was tight, short, and black. I’ll admit, it was slutty, but the plan was to stay indoors all evening. No one else would see me.

His hands went around me again, this time resting flat on my ass. He squeezed as he picked me up into hi
s arms. My legs went around him and I stared into his eyes. He wasn’t wearing glasses. Gavyn often complained about the annoyance of contacts, but he’d gone the extra mile to impress just as I had.

“What are you thinking?” I ran my hands through his wild hair and kissed his lips before he could answer. H
e carried me toward the bed in uneven steps since I wasn’t willing to break the kiss.

“I’m afraid you’ll be offended if I speak them aloud.” He moaned, covering me with his body as he placed me on the bed. “Show me your tattoos.”

I leaned my head to one side. Gavyn’s mouth followed, kissing along my bared neck. “You’re close to my first one.”

“Mm, where?”
His voice held surprise as he examined my neck in between kisses, but found nothing. “I can’t find it, baby.”

He lifted up a little as I rolled over and rose to my knees. His hands never left my body for very long and he was pressed against me from the side. I tilted my head and my long hair fell
over my shoulder. With one finger, I traced a path up my neck and tapped behind my ear. He leaned in to see the tiny tattoo.

“My parents would have killed me, but it’s a pretty good hiding spot.” I laughed. “I didn’t wear my hair up for two years so they wouldn’t find out.”

“It’s adorable.” He traced an outline around the little red heart with his fingertip. My dress was pushed off my shoulders. The silky red straps of my bra went along with them. Once again, his lips were on my skin, nibbling and suckling along the top of my shoulder.

I turned around to face him, both of us now on our knees. My hands ran beneath his t-shirt and along his ha
rd abs. After moving my fingertips downward again, I grabbed his shirt at the bottom and began lifting it upward. His arms went over his head long enough for me to tug the shirt off before his hands found my body again.

“No tattoos for me to look for?” I asked with a grin before kissing his tight
pecs and flicking my tongue across his right nipple briefly.

“Not yet. Maybe I’ll let you give me one someday.”

When I turned my eyes upward, I saw his were closed and his mouth was open slightly. “Don’t open them.” I touched his mouth with my fingertips before shifting backwards a few inches away from him.

A smirk played at the corner of his mouth.
“Yes, ma’am.”

Normally, I would have been mortified to have a man see me naked for the first time. The heat between us drove away my trepidation and I stripped out of my dress. “No peeking.” I unlatched my bra and wiggled out of my underwear. “Catch, but don’t look.”

He held out his hands blindly and I tossed the bra at him. His hands closed around the soft fabric and his fingertips traced the lace pattern on the slightly padded cups. “You really gotta let me look, Lovely.”

“I like when you call me that.” My fingers made short work of the button on his pants and the zipper.
Gavyn’s bulge strained against the material, needing escape.

After hanging the bra around his neck, he extended his hands and cupped my breasts
with them. “I think I’ll keep your bra as a trophy of my conquest.”

Forcing me backwards, he covered me again with his hot body. He replaced his hands with his exploring, tasting mouth as he worked his pants down around his ankles and kicked the jeans off the bed. When he rose to kiss my lips again, I noticed his eyes were open. I don’t know when he’d first
opened them and looked at my nude form. My own eyes fluttered at his every touch. For the moment, the hunt for my tattoos was forgotten.

His hands tangled in my hair as mine did the same to his. Our foreheads met and he remained still, resting his against mine. “You’re gorgeous.”

“That’s what all the sexy British spies tell me,” I whispered. A short laugh escaped him in response.

“I need to work on my skills. I should have taken the condom out of
my pants pocket before I kicked them across the room. Now I don’t want to leave this spot.” He grinded his hips and his erection throbbed as it pressed between my spread legs.

“Top drawer.”
I wrapped my arms around him and trailed my fingernails along his back before he could leave the bed.

reached over and pulled out the box of condoms that I kept in the drawer… just in case. The top ripped open easily and he tossed the cardboard aside. “Unopened. That always makes a boyfriend happy.” He smirked.

figure we’ll need an entire box.” I bit my lip as I watched him, realizing that in mere moments my fantasy was about to become reality. As thrilled as I was, a fleeting uncertainty crept into my mind. For a long time, I thought my ex would be my only lover and now the point of no return loomed seconds away.

Gavyn placed one arm beside my body as the other traced my form.

Once again, he seemed to read my mind… to know me.
“Absolutely.” I touched his cheek, resting my palm on it as he lowered his mouth to mine.

A sharp inhale of air filled my lungs, the gasp a reaction to him pressing his member between my legs, splitting and filling me as I arched
upward to meet him. His reaction mimicked mine, though his breath left him in an exhalation and groan of pleasure.

I’d expect him to thrust immediately, to lay into me with that wonderful pulsing shaft. When he didn’t, I opened my eyes and saw him gazing down into
them… into my soul. Complete. It was the only word I could think of to describe the feeling.


An eternity of seconds, a lifetime, and yet only a moment passed and his lips crushed into mine. I ran one hand down his back to touch his firm ass as it clenched on each thrust into me. The other wound underneath his arm and around his shoulder as I held on. My short fingernails dug into his flesh and I had to make myself lessen my grip, though he made no indication that he noticed any pain from my clinging.

We were a mess of legs, tongues, and wild hair entwined in our first lover’s embrace. Each movement of his body sent me to heights greater than I’d ever known. My entire being was so sensitive that I could have creamed from
the intense look in his brown eyes. Gavyn made sure that’s what I did, until I was trying to push him away because the exquisite pleasure was driving me into a state of wonderful madness.

“I want to be with you forever,” He whispered. His mouth brushed against my earlobe, followed by him sucking it into his mouth. The clenching of my inner walls around his member must have finally been too much because he gave a few more thrusts before going still
as a deep, manly groan escaped his lips.

“I can’t… think.” I rubbed my hands over my face as he slipped away from me slowly, caressing down my trembling body with his lips. He lifted my leg and kissed my toes.

“Found another tattoo.” He grinned down at me, kissing the side of my foot with the Van Gogh quote:
I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.

“I did that one myself a few months ago.”

“Beautiful handwriting.”
He ditched the used condom in the trash and then climbed into bed with me again. “What are you thinking?” He traced his finger around my belly button.

“I’m feeling overwhelmed. In a good way, but I could almost cry from the emotions.”

He nuzzled into my neck and whispered, “That means I did a good job.”

Gavyn, you are amazing.” I smiled, lying on my side and facing him.

“Not nearly as amazing as you.”
He planted a kiss on my nose.

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