Read Levitate Online

Authors: Kaylee Ryan

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Teen & Young Adult, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary

Levitate (18 page)

BEAUTIFUL AND SMART. In the last couple of hours, Kensington has taught me more about my own fucking business than I could have imagined. She knows her stuff.

“So you see, if you scan your receipts, you can attach them to the line item. This allows for you to go paperless and still have all required documentation for the IRS.” She’s explaining when Bright and Nicole walk in.

“Hey, you two, what’s up?” Nicole bops into the apartment, Bright hot on her heels.

“Maxton brought pizza. We were just going over some books for the bar,” Kensi explains.

“Kens! That’s awesome. Why didn’t we think of that sooner?” Nicole says.

I turn to look at Kensi. “What’s she talking about?”

“Her externship. She’s been looking for a local business to extern for during winter quarter and you’ve been under her nose the entire time.”

My eyes are still on Kensington. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She waves her hand in the air, dismissing me. “I didn’t want you to feel obligated.”

I consider her words. Would I have felt obligated to her? No. Would I have jumped at the chance to spend time with her? Abso-fucking-lutely!

“So it’s settled,” I say. “You can do your extern at the bar. Just let me know what you need and it’s done.”

“Max, no, you don’t—” I place my fingers over her lips.

“It’s done. No arguments. That’s the least I can do for all that you helped me with tonight.”

“Right, well, kids, we’re off to bed. See you in the morning.” Nicole pulls Bright from the chair, and he waves goodnight.

Holding my hand in the air, I wave to them, but my eyes never leave hers. I need to make sure she understands that I want her there. The thought of her being around the bar for six weeks excites me. Hell, normally I avoid this kind of shit like the plague; this time it’s different. I’d be lying to myself if I said otherwise.

“Thank you. I won’t be in the way. I can even do more of what I was showing you tonight, help you get everything set up and make sure—”

I place my fingers to her lips. “I want you there.” The words roll of my tongue with no regret. I mean every word. I can think of nothing I would like more than to have time with her. If Dad could hear me now.

I almost leaned in to kiss her again. Not wanting to push my luck, I stand to leave. “It’s getting late. Let me help clean this up before I go.” I grab for the pizza box and make my way to the kitchen.

Kensington stops me when she says, “I could have gotten that.”

After situating the pizza in the fridge, I turn to face her. She’s leaning against the doorframe, legs and arms crossed. I want to grab her, sit her on the counter, and devour her. Yep, definitely time to go.

“You’ve been drinking.”

“I’ve only had two, and that was hours ago, I’m good,” I reassure her.

She shakes her head, letting me know she disagrees. “I don’t like the thought of you driving after drinking two beers or ten.”

My heart skips a beat as yet another protective layer tumbles to the ground? Knowing she cares enough to be concerned crumbles my resolve. In two long strides, I’m standing in front of her. I hold my arms open and she settles into her place, right against my chest. I rest my chin on the top of her head. I hold her tight and soak up the feel of her in my arms. Realizing it’s time to go, even though leaving her is the last thing I want to do, I change my plans for her. “I can call a cab, and then Bright can bring my truck home tomorrow.”

Lifting her head, she says, “I think you should stay.”

Stay? I want nothing more. However, I’m sure my version of staying over and hers is completely different. I see myself in her bed; I’m sure she sees me on the couch. Regardless, I say, “If that would make you feel better, I’ll stay.” If it makes her happy, keeps her from worrying, I’ll do it.

Her face lights up with a smile. Pulling away from me, I watch as she makes sure the front door is locked and turns out all the lights except for the lamp beside the couch. I sit down on the couch and bend over to take off my shoes. Her hand appears in my line of vision. Looking up, she’s holding it out for me. “Kensi?” My heart is racing. I hope she wants me in her bed and I get the chance to wake up next to her again.

She doesn’t say anything. Instead, she reaches for my hand, laces our fingers together, and pulls me from the couch. Leaning down, she turns off the lamp. I follow her blindly down the hallway. Once we reach her room, it’s lit from the moonlight shining through the window. When we reach the bed, she lets go of my hand. I sit on the edge because my knees are weak just knowing I get to hold her again. All. Night. Long.

It’s a good thing I’m sitting down. Kensington pulls her shirt over her head and drops it to the floor. I have to remind myself to breathe. I watch as she reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra, slowly sliding each strap down her shoulders before letting it fall to the floor. I ball my hands into fists against the quilt on her bed. I want to reach out and touch her so fucking bad it hurts. Next comes her pants, she shimmies her hips to wiggle free, kicking them to the side. She steps close in between my legs; I swallow hard, fighting against what is featured before me. Pure. Fucking. Perfection. Nothing else could ever describe her.

Even in my aroused state, it doesn’t escape me that she no longer hides her scar from me. She trusts me. It’s that trust that is keeping me from throwing her on the bed and having my wicked way with her. All good things come to those who wait and all that. At least, that is what I keep repeating in my head, trying to convince myself.

Her hands grip the hem of my shirt and lifts. Instinctively, I raise my arms in the air, letting her take control. I watch as she takes my discarded shirt and brings it close to her face and inhales. She’s fucking smelling me. My dick is so hard right now; I need to touch her. “Kensi,” I croak. My voice sounds like a pubescent boy, but holy hell, this girl affects me like no other.

She doesn’t answer; instead, she slides my shirt over her head. I watch as the material glides over her naked body. Mine. The first thing that pops in my head at the sight of her in my shirt is mine. I want her to be mine. I want that claim. I want her in my arms every night. Kensington James has just officially turned my world upside down.

Her soft hands graze my abs as she works to unbutton my jeans. Placing one arm around her back to steady her, I stand and allow them to fall to the floor. Kicking them to the side to join her discarded clothing, I wait for her next move. It’s barely a heartbeat before she’s wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her cheek against my bare chest. Not one to let opportunity pass me by, I wrap my other arm around her and hold on tight.

PROTECTED. THAT’S WHAT it feels like to be in Maxton’s arms. It’s a feeling I crave. I really was worried about him driving, but it wasn’t until I asked him to stay that I was able to admit to myself what I really wanted. Taking a deep breath, I decide to take the plunge and ask for what I want. It’s risky because my heart beats faster any time he’s near, and I think about him all the time. I’ve gotten to know several sides of Max and I still don’t know if I can trust who my heart tells me he is.

“Hold me.” My voice is soft yet loud enough in the quiet darkness of the room.

“Anytime, anywhere,” he replies. Sweet Max is still here. It seems like he’s the one I see more often than not.

Reluctantly, I break our connection. Pulling the quilt back on the bed, I climb in. I hold it up in invitation and he takes no time sliding in next to me. He immediately aligns his body with mine and holds me against him. Relaxing into him, I let his warmth and scent surround me.

Max scoots closer, if that’s even possible, and buries his face in my neck. His hot breath sends goose bumps across my skin. We lay like this, not saying a word, just enjoying the moment, at least I am. It’s not until I hear him release a satisfied sigh that I know we’re on the same page.

Kissing my neck, he whispers into the darkness, “Goodnight, pretty girl.” It’s with those words and the protection of his arms that I drift off to sleep.

Waking up with Maxton draped around me is something I can definitely get used to. Nicole peeked her head in about ten minutes ago to tell me she and Bright were headed out to breakfast. They wanted to know if I wanted to join them. Imagine her surprise when she found Maxton curled up beside me.

I’m glad Nicole bursting into the room didn’t wake him up. It gives me time to study him, to enjoy the feel of his warmth swathed around me. I watch as he slowly opens his eyes and grins. “A guy could get used to this,” he says, tightening his hold on me. He runs his stubble covered chin against my jaw and a giggle escapes my lips.

“I love that.”

“What?” I question. He’s obviously still half asleep.

“You, the sound of you giggling and happy, in my arms. Waking up with you. All of the above.”

Wow! He just… wow. My heart is fluttering in my chest and the butterflies are working overtime in my belly. I open my mouth to speak but the words won’t come. I lay my palm against his cheek. Max takes that as an invitation as he leans down and softly presses his lips to mine.

Breaking the kiss way too soon for my liking, he asks, “What are we doing today, beautiful?”

He wants to spend the day with me. Giddy excitement takes over as a smile spreads across my face. “First, I’m going to make you breakfast. Nic and Bright left about twenty minutes ago.”

Shit. I forgot to tell him Nicole walked in on us. Not that we were doing anything, but we were tangled up in each other.

Max places his thumb on my bottom lip, which causes me to release it from my teeth. “What’s wrong, Kensi?” His voice is gentle. This big bear of a man is always so tender with me. I have not seen Asshole Max since that first night. It almost makes me think sweet Max is here to stay. Could I be that lucky?

“Um, Nicole kind of walked in this morning thinking it was just me. She wanted to see if I wanted to go to breakfast with them.” I’m staring at his jaw, not wanting to see the look in his eyes if he’s pissed off.

Max lifts my chin with his index finger. “What’s wrong with that?” he asks.

“Well, I know this,” I point between the two of us, “is not something you do. I’m not sure how you feel about Nic and Bright knowing you spent the night with me, again.” I rush through the words.

“Baby, I’m right where I want to be.” He tucks a wayward curl behind my ear. “I don’t care who knows you spent the night in my arms.” He kisses my forehead. “Kensi, I don’t know what this is between us, but I know I can’t seem to spend enough time with you. I know being with you changes something in here.” He lays his hand against his chest above his heart. “I’m not a believer, at least I wasn’t. Now, I’m not so sure. What I can tell you is no one else even enters my mind, not since the night I met you. I know I want to give us both time to see what this means.”

“Max, it’s hard for me… to trust. My past is something that shadows me every single day.” His face falls a little and I’m eager to tell him the rest so that look will disappear. “Even so, I feel different with you, protected. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true nonetheless. I find myself opening up to you more and more, and it scares the hell out of me.” I watch his face as my words sink in and a slight smile tilts his lips. “Six months ago, I couldn’t see myself allowing a guy to stay over, to become so entwined in my world.” I laugh aloud. “Hell, six weeks ago, the night we met, I would have bet my life that you wouldn’t be.” I run my fingers through his hair. “That all changed when sweet Max showed up; sweet Max changed the rules.” I lean up and kiss his cheek.

“Sweet Max?” he questions, a smile crossing his face.

I scoot closer, if that’s even possible, my lips mere inches from his. “Yes, sweet Max. The one who’s okay with holding me.” Kiss. “The one who’s okay with sneaking a few of these.” Kiss. “The one who protects me.” Kiss. “The one who’s slowing reviving me.”

He crashes his lips with mine. Urgently, his tongue slides against mine. This isn’t slow and sensual. No, it’s sloppy and intense… hot! Pulling away, his lips brush against mine one last time. “That’s not sweet Max, sweetheart; that’s me. That’s me falling so far out of my comfort zone that sometimes it’s hard to breathe. That’s just you and me; that’s us together, pretty girl.”

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