Read Levitate Online

Authors: Kaylee Ryan

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Teen & Young Adult, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary

Levitate (14 page)

AFTER THE GUYS get the trailer loaded, we hit the road. I’m still not completely sure what I’m getting myself into, but Nicole is happy and that’s what matters. So many times she has sacrificed for me; this is the least I can do. Maxton pulls into a strip mall that has a grocery store, a bike shop, and a salon. I assume we’re here to get the supplies I overheard him and Brighton talking about earlier.

I watch as Maxton hops out of the truck, walks around the front, and to my door. He opens the door and holds his hand out for me. Brighton opens the back door, and he climbs out with Nic right behind him. I place my hand in Maxton’s and he helps me down. Not that I needed it, but it was another chance to touch him and have a good reason for it, so I took it.

Instead of heading toward the grocery store, like I assumed, he leads me to the bike shop. I guess we need more than just food for the trip.

Brighton opens the door for Nicole and leads her inside. Maxton catches the door, places his hand on the small of my back and guides me to follow them. A big burly guy behind the counter greets the guys by name. “What can I do for you?” he asks.

Brighton speaks up first. “These lovely ladies need helmets. We’re going riding today.”

Nicole smiles at him sweetly, soaking up his need to take care of her. I, on the other hand, feel awkward and out of place. Maxton probably feels obligated to insist I have a helmet as well.

“All right, you two, follow me,” burly guy says. Nicole dutifully follows him to the back of the store, while I stand still holding my position.

I feel Maxton grab my hand as he begins walking to the back of the store. I’m no match for his strength, which leaves me no choice but to follow along. Nicole already has a helmet on her head. Big burly guy and Brighton are checking to make sure it’s the right fit for her. Maxton, still holding my hand, stops in front of a shelf and studies it. He chooses a helmet, releases my hand, and offers it to me. “Here, try this on,” he demands.

I shake my head no. “Maxton, this isn’t necessary. I don’t need this. I might not even ride. I can just stay back and cook or something.” I don’t know what exactly the protocol is for bringing a girl riding, but I can only assume it will mean I am riding with him, or another guy. I fight back the panic of the unknown.

Maxton studies me, looking for what, I don’t know. He sets the helmet on a stack of boxes beside us and cups my face with his big hands, his eyes boring into mine. “I’m only going to say this once. Understand?” I nod my agreement. “I need for you to be safe. There is no way I would let anything happen to you, and you wearing this helmet is a part of that. Please don’t argue, and try the damn thing on.” His voice is pleading.

I blindly reach over and grab the helmet from the stack of boxes. He takes it from my hands. With his free hand, Maxton pushes my hair back behind my shoulders. He then lifts the helmet and places it on my head. Once in place, he fastens the chinstrap, making sure it’s tight. He then turns my head in all kinds of different angles to ensure the proper fit.


“I couldn’t agree more,” burly guy says from behind Maxton. He walks over and places his hand on my shoulder while the other goes through the motions Maxton just went though. Satisfied, he loosens the strap and slides the helmet from my head. Leaning in, placing his hand on my hip, he whispers in my ear, “Looks real good, doll.”

I don’t get time to respond before Maxton is jerking the guy back by his shoulder. He twirls around to stand in front of me, facing off with burly guy. “Don’t ever fucking touch her again,” he seethes.

I place my hands flush against his back. I can feel his ridged muscles underneath his shirt.

Burly guy throws his hands in the air. “Didn’t realize she was yours. I wasn’t about to let a beauty like her slip away,” he smarts off. Maxton growls and I feel him start to take a step forward. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his back. He stops in his tracks. I feel him take in a deep breath and slowly exhale. His large hands slide over top of mine, which are still clinging to his stomach.

“Consider yourself warned. You don’t touch her, don’t even fucking breathe in her direction. You see her on the street, you turn around and walk the other direction.” His voice is filled with anger.

“I would listen to the man, Marty.” Brighton’s voice comes from behind me. Seems burly guy does have an actual name. “Ring these up so we can be on our way,” he tells him.

Marty makes it a point to bump his shoulder into Maxton’s as he walks by. I feel the contact and wrap my arms tighter around his waist. I don’t want him to go at it with this guy over me. That’s when it hits me. Maxton protected me. Not once did memories of the past surface at Marty’s closeness. His sleazy come on and his hand on my hip normally would have sent me back to that night. I don’t do well with these types of situations. Uninvited touching is off limits. Sometimes, even dancing with a stranger can cause panic to swell in my chest. Instead, my thoughts were solely on Maxton, on keeping him from beating the shit out of the guy.

I wasn’t afraid of Marty. I knew Maxton and Brighton were there. Later, when I’m not plastered to his back with my hands planted firm against the hard ripple of his abs, I’ll figure out when I placed that kind of trust in him. I knew deep down I was safe. He’d protect me.

I’M RELIEVED WHEN Brighton steps in. He’s saying something, but I don’t know what. As soon as he starts talking Marty fucking shoulder checks me and I am about to lose my shit on him, until she tightens her grip. Kensington is holding me like her life depends on it. I close my eyes and focus on taking deep even breaths.

I overreacted.

What Marty did wasn’t that bad. If it had been any other girl, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it. The hand he placed on her hip was in a respectable position. He didn’t pull her into him. He simply lightly touched her and leaned in to tell her how good she looked in her helmet. What Marty didn’t realize was it wasn’t just any girl… it was Kensington.
My girl.

As soon as he touched her, I saw red. Jealous rage plain and simple. I’m losing my shit over this girl.

“Max?” Her soft voice brings me out of my head. It doesn’t escape me that she calls me Max. It’s always Maxton, formal. Not this time.

I grip her arm and give it a gentle tug to guide her in front of me. I want him behind us, where he can’t even see her. Irrational, but it is what it is. As soon as she’s standing in front of me, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her against my chest. She doesn’t fight me as her hands land on my hips.

“I’m sorry,” I finally say. “He should have never touched you.”

She looks up and our eyes meet. I fight against the urge to press my lips against hers, to taste her. She smiles and my heart skips a beat. “I thought you were taking me riding?”

Just like that, the anger is gone. It’s as if just being around her grounds me. It’s bizarre yet comforting at the same time. It’s also scary as hell.

“Let’s get the hell out of here.” Bright’s voice grumbles behind us. I couldn’t agree more. Reluctantly, I release her from my grip, place my hand on the small of her back, and lead her out of the store. We drop the helmets off at the truck and venture into the grocery store. I’m more than ready to get the rest of this day started, putting the incident at the bike shop behind me. I don’t have time to analyze my actions; besides that, I’ve already concluded I overreacted. However, I couldn’t control my response.

Luckily, the grocery store is uneventful and we’re back on the road in no time. The drive to the trails we are riding today is about an hour away. I settle into my seat and try to avoid the pull of the gorgeous girl who is once again riding shotgun.

The four of us make small talk. Nicole and Kens asking questions about the trails and what it’s like. They both seem genuinely interested and that’s a rarity. These two, they’re in a league all their own. A league I’m not sure I’m ready to be a part of. I’m used to girls who just want to hang on your arm and get into your bed. I’ve never brought a girl on any of our guys’ trips. Technically, she’s not with me, but I think I want her to be.

We arrive in what seems like no time. Kensington and Nicole start unloading the truck with our purchases while Bright and I unload the quads. By the time we’re done, Nicole and Kensington have the cooler stocked and are waiting for instruction on where to put the food. “We generally put a few folding tables together in the center of all of our trucks and everyone helps themselves,” Brighton explains.

Nicole points over her shoulder. “There?”

“Yep,” Brighton chirps. Yes, he fucking chirped his reply. He’s in deep.

Without saying another word, they gather the rest of the food and carry it over to the table. I turn away from them, working on getting our gear unpacked. I start with Kensington’s helmet. I take all the tags off and sit it on the rack of my bike.

“Shit!” I hear Brighton curse beside me.

Turning around to see what the deal is, I freeze. Lance and a guy I’ve only met one other time, so I cannot even remember his fucking name, are standing close to the girls, talking… flirting.

I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder. “Chill, man. You look like you’re ready to murder him.”

I realize my hands are at my sides in tight fists. I shove them in my pockets, trying to calm myself down. “Why in the hell does he always seek her out?” I grit out.

“So far, it’s harmless. Just wait.”

Brighton tightens his grip on my shoulder. We’re both watching them, waiting to see what happens. A gust of wind blows through and Kensington’s hair falls in her eyes. Lance raises his hand to push it out of her face. “He needs to keep his hands to himself,” I growl. My hands, which were tucked into my pockets, come out and are once again balled into fists.

“You willing to fight for her?” Bright questions.

Am I willing to fight for her? Her sweet smell, her soft lips, her smooth skin. That smile that makes my world shine brighter? Fuck! “Yes,” I growl. Breaking away from his hold, I head toward the girls.

Kensington looks up and sees me coming. She takes a step back from Lance. Good girl.

Never breaking my stride, I don’t stop until I’m standing behind her. I place my hands on her hips and pull her back against my chest. She doesn’t protest and my chest swells at the realization. “Babe, your helmet’s all ready to go.” The words leave my mouth before I realize what I’ve said.
I wait for panic to take me at my blatant display of affection toward her. Nothing happens. No panic. Just increased heart rate due to her body being aligned with mine.

Kensington looks over her shoulder at me. “Thank you.” She doesn’t scold me or give me the look— the one telling me I’m a possessive asshole and need to back off. She doesn’t tell me I have no claim to her. None of that, a simple thank you with a smile is what I get. It’s with that smile that another layer to the walls I have constructed around my heart falls away.

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