Read Legally Bound Online

Authors: Blue Saffire

Legally Bound (13 page)






Chapter Twenty

aige woke and blinked the sleep out of her eyes. When she became aware of her surroundings she let out a small giggle. Bobby had insisted they sleep in this crazy position. With her on top of him with her back to his chest and his hands cupping her breasts. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as one would think. With him being so much taller and broader than her, she fit perfectly on top of him while his chest and shoulder cushioned her head.

“What’s so funny,” Bobby murmured sleepily as he started to knead her breasts. Paige shook her head and giggled moaned. “Are you soar?”

“A little,” Paige sighed happily.

Bobby kissed her neck and growled. “I want you again.” Paige could feel his arousal pushing into her butt and wiggled against him. Bobby snaked out his arm and pushed it between her legs. Paige let her legs fall apart as she arched her back to push her breast into his other hand. “Oh yeah, you’re wet for me already, Paige.”

Paige was humming with need for him. Bobby slowly lifted Paige and slipped inside inch by slow inch. Paige couldn’t believe she was so turned on. They made love more times than she could count, way into the morning hours. He was definitely insatiable.

Bobby reached for her face and she cringed at the thought of kissing first thing in the morning, but he took and devoured her mouth like it was minty fresh. Paige yearned for him in a way she didn’t know was possible. Before him, orgasms were always just outside her grasp but with Bobby he took her there every time, some times more than once.

Bobby pinched her nipples and picked up the pace as he got closer to his own release. He was pushing Paige so close to bliss she thought she was going to pass out as she cried out his name and her words became incoherent. Bobby growled out his release while continuing to pump inside for a few more stoke while his seed spilled into her.

“Now that is the perfect way to wake up,” Bobby crooned in her ear when he caught his breath.

Paige laughed shyly and rolled off of him and climbed out of bed to go freshen up and shower. Paige used the toilet and washed her hands. She placed tooth paste on her brush as Bobby entered the bathroom and stood behind her. He started to knead her shoulders and kissed each one.

Paige watched him in the mirror as he reached for her hair band on the stink and placed it on his wrist. He then surprised her by pulling her hair from her face. He braided her hair back into a French braid before twisting it into a bun and securing it in place with the band on his wrist. Paige spit out the tooth paste as she looked at Bobby with a raised brow in the mirror.

“What?” He smiled and kissed her shoulder again. “You think you are my first black girlfriend? I want to shower with you. No wetting the hair I know the rules.”

Paige burst into laughter and bent to rinse her mouth. She straightened and looked at Bobby with an amused smile. “And these other black girls taught you to braid?”

“That was courtesy of having younger sisters, Nate’s sister and my sister. Marie and Rita could talk us two into anything, at any time.”

“So I have heard,” Paige giggled. “Nathan told me quite a few stories yesterday. His sister sounds pretty great.”

Bobby’s face took on a somber expression. “Yeah she is. I just hope she is happy,” Bobby said.

“I think you should talk to Nathan. He was having a bad day yesterday and I think she had a lot to do with it,” Paige said turning to cup his face.

“I’ll make sure to do that, but you and I better get in the shower before we get left behind,” Bobby said as he reached for his toothbrush.

“Oh, speaking of Nathan. He is bringing the jet skis so we can go for a ride. I promised him before we became….well you know,” Paige shrugged and bit her lips. They were boyfriend and girlfriend, right? Why did she feel silly saying it first? She thought back, well technical he sort of said it a little while ago.

“Before you became my girlfriend,” Bobby chuckled and rinsed his mouth. “You can say it baby, come on. Bobby Mairettie is my boyfriend and I love him.” Bobby was teasing her but hearing him say it made her want to tell him her true feelings.

Paige moved to stand before him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Bobby Mairettie is my boyfriend and I am madly in love with him.”

Bobby’s eyes sparkled and his chest swelled with love for her. She was admitting that she loved him. Bobby knew how big a step that was for her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

“I love you so much, Paige, it makes me crazy,” Bobby bent to take her lips and backed her into the shower stall. He turned to place his back to the shower spray and reached behind him to start the water. “I want to hear you say it again.”

“I love you,” Paige beamed up at him.

“I love you, too.”







Chapter Twenty One

hat was so much fun,” Paige squealed as Bobby helped her out of her life jacket.

“Yeah and next time you’ll actually let one of us teach you to drive yourself,” Nathan teased. Paige noticed he was putting on a smile but his face was still holding the tension from yesterday.

“I agree baby,” Bobby laughed. “I can’t believe you wouldn’t at least try.”

“I agreed to let you take me surfing tomorrow. One potential life threaten learning activity per vacation,” Paige chirped and lifted her chin.

“But you are going parasailing with Camille?” Bobby lifted his brow and grinned.

“I have been parasailing before. Different vacation and the lesson has already been learned,” Paige shrugged.

“Why do I argue with you?” Bobby chuckled.

“I don’t know, Baby. We both know you don’t stand a chance of winning,” Paige purred and lifted on her toes to kiss his lips.

Bobby laughed and shook his head. The three of them made their way to the top deck where everyone else was lounging around. Bobby pulled Paige to the plush empty seats along the wall and tucked her under his arm as they sat together.

Paige noted that he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of her. When they were on the jet skis he kept a hand on her knee or over her hands on his waist whenever he had a chance. On the sail out to this beautiful location he kept her wrapped in his arms.

Though soar from their love making the night before and this morning she couldn’t deny wanting him again. Just his touch made her think of all the things he did with those hands. Paige started to squirm in her seat at the images that were floating through her mind.

Bobby slid his hand across her belly and leaned into her ear. “Did I tell you how sexy this bikini is?” Bobby brushes his lips across the thin strings of her purple bikini top. It was a gift from Camille that she hadn’t planned to wear. “You’re so beautiful I can’t wait to pile this thing off of you,” he whispered and nipped at her earlobe.

Paige stifled a moan and looked up at Bobby narrowing her eyes. He knew his power over her and was being unfair with that sexy voice and his words. Two could play that game.

Paige had learned a lot about what he likes last night. She reached behind his back and let her fingertips trail up his spine to the nape of his neck and locked her fingers in his hair giving a subtle tug.

Bobby groaned and cupped her face bringing it to his consuming her plush lips. “You are in so much trouble,” Bobby playfully growled into her neck once he broke the kiss.

Paige giggled and when she heard the snickers coming from around them, she looked to see all eyes had been on them. Paige’s mouth popped open in an o shape and this time she had to laugh too. Bobby was turning her into a mindless nympho.

“I see the room arrangement weren’t a problem after all,” Minnie said with a naughty grin.

“No, they absolutely weren’t,” Camille mock grumbled. The smile on her face took all the bite out of her words. “If I want any sleep tonight I think I will be taking a sleeping pill.”

“Cam,” Paige hissed.

“What, you had a better night than most of us, honey. Wear that badge with honor,” Camille chuckled. “I’m just disappointed that Minnie and James stopped at three sons. It’s just not fair.”

The men all laughed and the women shook their heads as Camille pouted. Paige was surprised with herself because she wasn’t really as embarrassed as she thought she would be. Maybe it was the soothing circle Bobby was rubbing on her back. She felt so relaxed and happy.

“Hey Nate,” Julia called out as her brows etched with concern. “Is everything alright you don’t look like yourself.”

Nathan turned his head in their direction. He had been staring off into the water not really tuned into the conversation. He frowned a little and shook his head.

“I’m sorry. I have something on my mind,” Nathan replied. “I was supposed to be going to Italy but things seemed to have changed.”

“Oh, Italy,” Julia gushed. “I have always wanted to go. I would love to go there for the honeymoon, but Marcus hasn’t committed to any location yet. Did your girlfriend cancel the trip or something? You look like you just lost your best friend.”

“Actually, I was going to a wedding,” Nathan sighed. “My sister was getting married.”

Paige felt so bad for Nathan. She knew this was eating him up, especially to be talking to everyone here about it. He didn’t like to bring the wedding up because they hadn’t been invited. Paige wished there was something more she could do.

“Oh, I’ve heard about her. I can’t wait to meet her,” Julia beamed.

“Wait, you said was getting married, as in no longer,” Marcus said as he looked up from the tablet his eyes had been glued to. Paige noted that for the first time Marcus was giving everyone his full attention.

“She called it off,” Nathan shrugged. “I have no clue what’s going on with her.”

“Oh dear, well is she okay,” Minnie asked. Paige watched the concern in Minnie’s eyes but she saw something else there, relief?

“I don’t know. That is what is bothering me. She doesn’t sound okay,” Nathan replied and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Did he hurt her,” Marcus bit out. The sudden tension in his body was obvious; at least Paige thought it was. It seemed that Nathan wasn’t the only one that was protective of Rita. Paige noted that Bobby was becoming a little ridged at her side as well.

“No, she broke it off,” Nathan sighed. “I just want to know my baby sister is okay.”

“Well why didn’t you go to her,” Julia chimed in, wanting to help.

“I can’t, we both have responsibilities at the moment and she plans to leave for Greece soon as she can,” Nathan replied.

“Why won’t she just come home,” Marcus asked through tight lips.

“You know as well as I do why that’s not possible,” Nathan said and narrowed his eyes at Marcus.

Paige knew there were things being said between them that no one else could hear. It was obvious Nathan had left some detail out that would help Paige understand all of this. But there was something else, something not even Nathan knew from the look that crossed his face.

“It doesn’t have to be permanent. Just until she figures things out,” Marcus sighed.

Nathan exhaled a deep breath and shook his head. “I thought of that. I would have tried my best to make it happen but she doesn’t want to come home. She said she doesn’t want to stay with me because I pry, and you know she hates staying at the house with dad, too many memories,” Nathan’s shoulders slumped as if he had this conversation in his mind a million times already and couldn’t find an answer.

“She could stay with Mom and Dad,” Marcus said quickly. “There are tons of rooms for her to hide away in if that’s what she wants.”

“That’s a great idea,” Bobby said and nodded at Nathan. “I’ll handle everything else. If she wants to come home we’ll make it happen.”

“Of course she is welcome to stay with us,” Minnie said with a brilliant smile.

“I would love to see her again. I think our wedding was the last time I saw her,” Ellen spoke up. “She is almost as elusive as Marie.” Sam chuckled behind his hand and looked off into the water clearing his throat.

“I can try,” Nathan sighed. “I can’t believe you all are still so welcoming to her after how she has been behaving.”

“The heart is a funny thing Nathaniel,” James said. “It will make you do some of the strangest things when it just wants to find its way back home.”

“Sometimes I think it was a mistake to let her take that assignment,” Nathan murmured almost to himself.

“She was a big girl, Son. She has her reasons for her requests and the choices she makes.” James said warmly. “In time you too will understand her motives.”

“Has she reached out to you?” Nathan asked curiously.

“No, but I will do all I can to help her if and when she does,” James assured him.

Marcus snorted and his eyes snapped to his father. Paige noticed the tension in his jaw and watched his fist clench. Paige tilted her head to see what she was missing. James sent Marcus a warm smile and Marcus just lowered his head and gave a slight nod.

“Well I do hope I get a chance to meet her,” Julia said as she flipped through yet another bridal magazine. She looked up at Marcus and smiled. “Is she as pretty as Nate is handsome, I’m sure she is gorgeous.”

Marcus kept his head bent but Paige had her eyes locked on him. “I guess she is. I wouldn’t have really noticed something like that. She’s like a little sister,” Marcus said and there it was. Paige watched his eye lids slowly descend and slowly open again. Paige gasped at the lie she just witnessed.

Marcus’s eyes cut to Paige and widened. He knew she could read him like no one else. It was one of the things he respected about Paige and it always made him a straight shooter around her. He gave Paige a slow shake of the head pleading with her to keep his secret.

“Rita is very pretty,” Ellen replied. “I’m not surprise some Italian tried to claim her as soon as she got there. He’s a race car driver too.”

“He’s a douche,” Sam grumbled.

“Sam,” Ellen chided.

“What, I checked the guy out. I didn’t like him. Yeah, he was good to Rita but I just didn’t think he deserved her. If you ask me I think he had something for one of his crew members. That is one of the guys on his team,” Sam shrugged.

“Seriously,” Paige squawked and started to laugh as she looked at Nathan. He gave her an,
I told you so
, look. Sam shrugged again.

“No man will ever be good enough for Rita,” Marcus bit out and stood to leave.

For the first time Julia looked up and actually noticed something was wrong. “Babe,” she called after Marcus but he was gone.

“No worries, Julia,” Minnie waved her off. “Rita is the baby of the family. We all worry about her. Did you find anything else interest in your magazines.”

Julia sat looking lost for a moment. She blinked away her confusion and smiled at Minnie. “I…um, just a few things I want to toss around with Marcus later,” Julia muttered.

“What do you say you put those magazines away and we go find some strong drinks so that maybe I can get some sleep later,” Camille chirped as she picked up on the sudden tension.

“Sure, why not,” Julia tried to paint on a smile but her confusion was still playing around her eyes.

“Come on, sex kitten, lover boy can spare you for a little while,” Camille purred at Paige.

Bobby frowned and looked at Paige. “Enjoy yourself but please keep in mind I don’t really like my woman to drink, especially not before sex,” he leaned into her ear and whispered.

Paige looked him in the eyes to see he was absolutely serious. He pupils were even dilated telling Paige he meant to make good on his words. Paige thought she should have been offended that he was trying to monitor her behavior, but something in the way he said it appeased her.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Paige replied and kissed him on the lips before Camille dragged her away.




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