Read Leader of the Pack Online

Authors: Leighann Phoenix

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #horror, #sexuality, #fantasy, #paranormal, #sex, #sexy, #werewolf, #werewolves, #hot, #sexual, #romantica, #erotic romance, #excessica, #leighann phoenix, #werewolf pack

Leader of the Pack (23 page)

“You’re the one who wants to believe Aislinn when she says that they won’t do anything that they would be drastically disinclined to do in real life.” Keith argued. He thought that all of the men and women on the list should be caged for their own good until this was figured out. He didn’t care who they were.

Cullen growled. “Is there anything else?”

“Not until Sarah gets back,” Keith said.

“Good. I’ve had enough news for this afternoon. I’m going to find Aislinn.”

Keith got up and walked with Cullen out into the hall. “You
Aislinn an awful lot you know,” he said with a chuckle. “She in heat or something?”

Cullen rolled his eyes. “Do you have to make this into a joke?”

Keith shrugged. “No, I don’t
to make it into a joke. It’s just more fun that way.” Keith’s voice took on a mocking tone. “The mighty Lord General Cullen Arnauk chasing after a woman.” He started chuckling again. “Actually, the best part is that she seems so clueless about the grip she has on you. I can’t decide if it’s denial, or if she’s just that dense.” Cullen growled a warning at Keith that caused him to start laughing again.

* * * *

Aislinn was getting seriously bored with the way things were turning out. Cullen refused to let her do anything that might put her in what he saw as danger. If she hadn’t been sleeping with him, she probably would have put up more of a fight about it. But she just couldn’t argue with him when he got that concerned, hurt tone in his voice and asked her to stay upstairs in the den for a little while longer. She was just too used to always having something to do. This sitting around was driving her nuts. All she did was think about the next time she would get to be with him. Those thoughts only made sitting around more miserable. She squirmed in her seat a little and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. She still couldn’t decide why she was so infatuated with the guy.
Maybe I just don’t know what’s bad for me. First Rafe and now Cullen. He’s a werewolf,
she told herself.
What am I doing?

She growled to herself and turned the page of a decent book she had found in the library. At least there was plenty of entertainment on the main floor, even if no one except Rissa would talk to her. Aislinn fully planned on making Cullen let her have a job after this was all over. Alpha or not, she didn’t see anything wrong with waiting tables at the Taigh-O

sda. That way she could feel useful. There was also the thought in the back of her mind that she’d like to have her own stash of cash somewhere, just in case. She couldn’t help feeling like this couldn’t possibly be real. She was waiting for Cullen to get tired of her and move on. With all the talk about the women who were after him, it was impossible for Aislinn to completely believe that he wanted her more than one of them.

She couldn’t concentrate on the book she was reading and looked out the window instead. Every time a plane flew by, her stomach would jump. She couldn’t wait to see her grandmother. It had been so long, and she missed her family so much. Aislinn tried to tell herself that they were safer this way, but that didn’t make the hurt stop. Although, she had to admit, Cullen had been a fairly good bandage for that pain recently.

she thought,
and then there’s Cullen again. Can’t I stop thinking about him for just one minute?
Her heart nearly beat out of her chest. The way he touched her was more than she could handle.
I’m in love with him,
she finally admitted to herself as she stared out the window.
The question is if he feels the same and then what do I do about it.
According to Rissa an alpha male could choose any female he wanted. They generally tried to find a woman equal to their abilities who could compliment their position in the pack, but that wasn’t a prerequisite. There was supposed to be someone out there that the fates intended for each of them. That didn’t stop people from mating with whomever they liked. It just made matters more complex for the few lycans who put effort into trying to find the one who was meant for them. Rissa said that Cullen had been around a long time and had chosen not to mate on several occasions. At least one of those occasions had been badly handled. The girl had been wrongly given the impression that he was in love with her. Ever since that mismatch Cullen put a lot of effort into making sure that he spread himself thinly, so as not to accidentally make a girl think he was interested. Then there was the Jenna incident.

She was so lost in thought that she missed Celia’s approach until it was too late. Celia took the book out of Aislinn’s hands and tossed it aside. “We have some unfinished business little one. I’m surprised you’re out and about all alone. Have you finally qualified for grown up status?”

Aislinn stared back at Celia. She had learned quite a bit about Celia. If the woman thought that Aislinn had just been sitting around doing nothing and waiting for Cullen to have time for her then Celia was mistaken. Aislinn had spent most of time quizzing Rissa about the supposed competition, and she was feeling pretty confident in her position with Celia at this point.

“I could say the same of you Celia. Doesn’t Mack usually follow you around?” Aislinn’s tone was haughty. She didn’t bother to stand up. It wasn’t necessary yet.

“I would be careful to not talk about things you don’t understand little one,” Celia growled in warning.

But Aislinn had been planning for this and wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity to use the material she’d been preparing. “So I heard that you’ve turned him down three times now. That’s either cruel or stupid. I mean I guess I kinda pity you. Do you actually prefer the idea of being alpha over mating with someone who you were meant to be with?”

Celia’s eyes were wide and the anger that had been kindling in the back of them flared into a blazing fire. “You ignorant galla. You have no idea what you’re talking about,” she spat vehemently.

“I know that Mack believes you’re his mate. If he’s feeling it for you then you should most definitely be feeling it for him too. I think that the reason you’re so pissy is because you want something you can’t have, and at the same time you need something you won’t accept.” Aislinn flashed a superior smile at Celia. The people in the room who were listening to the conversation were starting to look frightened. Everyone thought exactly what Aislinn was saying, but no one had the courage to say it to Celia’s face.

In a shadowy corner of the room Mack stood watching and listening. He decided that he very much liked Aislinn, and that she made an excellent match for Cullen. Now if only some of her common sense would rub off on Celia. Or at least shock her into reality. He readied himself to help Aislinn, just in case she couldn’t back up her sharp tongue and smiled, hoping she’d torment Celia a little more.

Celia was struck dumb by Aislinn’s gall. The only woman in this pack able, physically, to stand up to Celia was Sarah, and with good reason. No one was dense enough to talk to her this way. “You’re not one of us. You have no rank. You have no right to speak to me this way,” Celia growled menacingly.

“We haven’t established that yet.” Aislinn stood up at that point. “I should probably tell you that I had a dream last night. You will lose this fight.” Aislinn had been doing a lot of dreaming lately. For the first time in years, she wasn’t afraid to sleep, as long as Cullen was there. She didn’t really know why, but Rafe didn’t seem to be able to get into her head when she was with Cullen. There was something about being with him that made her feel stronger, more confident in herself. She didn’t know if Rafe’s inability to bother her was because of Cullen, or the way Cullen made her feel. Either way she was more rested than she had been in a long time.

Doubt flashed in Celia’s eyes. Everyone in the pack had heard about what Aislinn was capable of. Celia considered that she may be bluffing to put her off guard. Then again if she wasn’t and Celia started a fight and lost then she’d look like a fool. Celia hesitated. It was just long enough for Cullen and Keith to enter the room.

Cullen and Keith stopped when they saw the women standing toe to toe. Cullen growled a warning at Celia that Aislinn stopped with a pleading look. Keith started laughing again, and Celia stormed out of the room. Mack then appeared from a corner to go after her. He nodded at Aislinn as he left.

“I suppose it’s good that you interrupted,” Aislinn said, as she walked over to Cullen. “If Grandma came here and found me bruised there might be trouble.”

“Then you two need to lay off the rough sex? That really is a shame,” Keith chided.

Aislinn was getting used to his running commentary. Cullen ignored it so she didn’t see why she should let it bother her. She slid her arms around Cullen’s waist and nuzzled her face into his chest. Cullen responded by wrapping her in his arms and placing an affectionate kiss on top of her head. After everything Rissa had said about Cullen not touching women affectionately in public, every time he was like this with her she felt a little stronger in their relationship.

“Eww,” Keith mocked. “Get a room.”

“Don’t tempt me,” Cullen said. Then he looked at Aislinn with a wicked grin and raised his eyebrows.

“You serious,” she asked incredulously. Things had been getting increasingly more intense between them. He didn’t seem able to stop touching her. Not that Aislinn minded, but Rissa said behavior like that was how couples got just before mating. Aislinn didn’t know what she thought about that, especially after learning how it was done. Besides, Cullen hadn’t said a word about mating. Everyone else did. They joked and suggested and poked fun, when they knew Aislinn was in hearing distance. But Cullen never said anything about it. After everything Aislinn had been told about his habits with women, she still wasn’t certain what he was doing with her. He was showing her a great deal more attention than anyone else he had been with in the past. However, he hadn’t actually defined the situation, and she was scared to make him. As long as it was uncertain, she could still hope.

Cullen looked seriously hurt by her response. “If you’re not interested then maybe an early dinner instead?” He was wondering if his wolf was making a mistake. She was always pulling back from him just enough to make him nervous. He wanted her so badly, but she seemed reluctant. He wasn’t used to chasing women, as Keith had put it. He kept trying to come up with a magic thing to say that he knew she wouldn’t be able to turn down. He didn’t think he’d be able to handle it if he suggested mating, and she told him that she’d prefer to just be friendly. At the very same time, he knew that if friendly was all she wanted he’d take it for as long as she was willing to give it.
Life would be much easier if human over thinking didn’t complicate wolf instinct,
he thought.

Keith dropped his eyes and looked embarrassed. It was a rare occasion that someone was capable of making the alpha obviously upset. It wasn’t any fun to pick if it actually ended up hurting his friend. From the way Cullen sounded after Aislinn’s reply there was no doubt that she’d stung him that time. Keith wasn’t even sure what she had said that was so terrible. Cullen appeared to have lost his ability to read signals when it came to her. He was usually a savvy diplomat, and never showed when someone got to him. Keith often wondered if it was even possible to get under his skin. Keith had never seen Cullen lose his confidence so readily as when he was dealing with Aislinn.

Aislinn looked into Cullen’s hurt expression. She hadn’t meant anything by her response. “You just took me by surprise,” she said apologetically. She smiled hopefully at him and softened her voice, hoping that Keith wouldn’t hear her confession. “I don’t actually think I’m capable of telling you ‘no.’“ Aislinn bit her lip. He didn’t look like he believed her. Aislinn’s brain raced to find a way to repair the misunderstanding and to get his smile back. She felt like her heart was being ripped in half by the upset look on his face.

“It’s okay Aislinn,” he said, trying to sound normal and reassuring. But the look in his eyes didn’t match his voice. “You don’t have to spread your legs for me every time I ask. Come on, we’ll go to dinner.” He started to pull her toward the door, trying to force a change in subject.

Aislinn was overwhelmed with frustration.
You stupid jerk,
she thought
. If I could arrange to never leave your bed I would.
Aislinn was so scared that she had just messed things up with Cullen that she did something she had been telling herself she’d never be able to do, no matter how long she might be here. People were always having sex out in public around here. She knew they wouldn’t find anything she did embarrassing or unusual. That didn’t change the fact that Aislinn had been raised with human ideals, and the idea of public sex sent butterflies fluttering through her stomach.

Aislinn stopped him and leaned into him. Her left hand on his shoulder urged him down so that her lips were right next to his ear. “If you don’t believe what I said then maybe you’ll believe what you feel,” she said softly.

Cullen could hear a slight tremor in her voice. Her face had flushed, and he could feel her hand running down his arm. When her hand reached his she pulled it to herself. With what little confidence she could muster and praying that he didn’t pull away from her and make her look like a complete fool, she guided his hand beneath the waistband of her jeans, inside her panties, and pressed his fingers into her slit. When she pulled her hand away to give him more room, his hand remained behind.

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