Read Kisses to Remember Online

Authors: Christine DePetrillo

Kisses to Remember (38 page)

“Right, Pep.” Kam had waved Johanna and Holden off.

Now her hand was firmly in Holden’s as he pulled open the door of the hotel and guided her to the elevator. She hadn’t allowed herself to imagine being with him again. Best to stop thinking of him altogether. That hadn’t gone all that well, and when she’d heard him talking to Kam at the hospital, the way he’d made her son laugh, the way he’d said he wanted both of them, wanted to be with them forever, she’d melted. She couldn’t deny wanting the same thing.

Holden’s arm rested around her waist as they both leaned on the back wall inside the elevator. “When can you take Kam home?” he asked.

“Not sure yet. They want to watch for any infection before sending him home.” Johanna was confident there wouldn’t be an infection. Kam had a kickass immune system. There had been many times when she, Alex, Kallie, and Ted were sick, but Kam never got the slightest sniffle.

“We should get him a new Lego kit. Something with a zillion pieces.” Holden nuzzled Johanna’s neck with his nose, then his lips.

“Going to be tough playing with Legos one-handed.” She closed her eyes as he gave her ear some attention with his tongue.

“We’ll help him.” He stepped in front of Johanna and pressed his body against hers. His arousal was evident and that made Johanna’s center flood with liquid heat. Her insides tensed with anticipation.

She ran her fingers down his neck, stopping at the purpling bruises at his throat. “Does this hurt?”

“A little.” He pulled her hand off his neck and kissed her fingertips. “It’s feeling better by the moment though.”

As she was about to catch his mouth with hers, the elevator doors hissed open. An older couple waited to get in, so Johanna took Holden’s hand and yanked him out into the hallway.

“This your floor?” She ran her hands through Holden’s hair.

“Don’t know, don’t care.” He pushed her against the wall opposite the elevator and crushed his mouth to hers.

A low laugh rumbled in her own throat as she kissed him back. Every one of her nerve endings sparked to life with his touch.
How did you think you could live without this?

Voices sounded around the corner, and Johanna forced herself to push Holden back by his shoulders.

“Where’s your room, Holden?”

“Doesn’t matter.” His eyes were huge blue pools.

“Yes, it does. I can’t do what I want to do with you out here in the middle of the hallway.” She got close to him again and ran her leg up the side of his leg.

“This way. Hurry.” He huffed, but a smile dimpled his cheeks as he tugged her down the hall. He moved at warp speed, dodging other hotel guests and workers.

When they arrived at his room, he opened the door and bowed in front of her. “Our chambers, my lady.” He didn’t wait for her to reply. He simply scooped her up and walked into the dark room.

With Miles barking a fevered greeting, Holden tossed her onto the bed and turned on the small bedside lamp. The light cast the room in a soft, golden glow, and Holden’s eyes glittered like the Caribbean Sea. He spent a quick moment ushering Miles into the bathroom.

“Sorry, buddy. You can say hi to Mommy when I’m done with her.”

He closed the door then climbed on top of her, grabbing her hands, pulling them up over her head, and pinning them down with his own hands. Hovering over her, he looked at her for several quiet moments.

“Thanks,” he said.

“For what?” She was thinking she ought to thank him for what he was about to do with her.

“For giving me a second chance. For letting me into your life. I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage breathing without you, Johanna.”

“Careful now,” she said. “You’re slipping into the Lethally Charming range here, Lancaster.”

He laughed, a raspy, masculine sound that caused her girl parts to clench and release, clench and release.

“I’m hoping for the Sinfully Sexy range next.” He let go of her wrists so he could slip his hands under her shirt. His finger traced a slow line along the waist of her shorts. He made quick work of unzipping the shorts and sliding them down her legs. He kissed her thighs, her knees, her ankles as he traveled to her feet. His lips were warm, soft, moist, and she wanted them on every inch of her.

She helped things along by pulling off her shirt, then peeling Holden’s off as well. Was there a more perfect chest in all of creation? There just couldn’t be. When he sat on her lap, a leg to either side of her thighs, she leaned forward and kissed his pectoral muscles. First one side, then the other until the taste of him filled her and a yearning for more grew inside her.

Kissing his lips as she unbuttoned his jeans, Johanna focused on the man before her. He’d dropped out of the sky one day and completely changed her world. He was her soul mate. She couldn’t wait to see what the future held for them both.

“Love me, Holden.” She pushed his jeans down over his hips, and he slipped out of them entirely, tossing them to the floor.

“My pleasure.”

He lowered them both to the bed and covered her body with his. The heat of him stoked a fire inside her. One she hoped would only grow as the days went on, only burn brighter.

Holden closed his mouth over her breast, possessing it with his lips until Johanna arched her body closer to his. She raked her hands through his hair, holding his head right where it was so he’d have no choice but to continue stimulating her every molecule. He obliged, then moved on to her other breast, her stomach, her heated, ready core. When he finally pushed himself into her, she was soaked with wanting him.

Their mouths met again as he glided in and out first with rhythmic precision, with calculated skill, then with wild passion capable of launching Johanna to a new plane of ultimate satisfaction. She spoke his name on each exhale, climbed higher on every inhale, reached her peak, then bathed in the waterfall of his love.

Still riding the wave, she flipped them so Holden was on his back. In slow strokes, she pumped him until he grabbed a fistful of sheets and hoarsely roared her name. He exploded into her and her own pleasure swept around again. They merged, connected, shared souls. Johanna had never experienced anything like Holden Lancaster. It was as if he had been made especially for her. As if he were the only one who would ever truly know her so completely.

She eased off him, but he quickly caught her around the waist, tucking her against him. He rested his head on her shoulder, both of them breathing hard and trembling. He reached down and draped the bed sheet over their bodies.

“Kam told us to get some sleep.” He closed his eyes. “I’d hate to lie to the boy.”

“That wouldn’t do. He looks up to you.” Johanna snuggled against him.

Holden opened his eyes. “I won’t let him down, Johanna.” He squeezed her closer. “Or you.”

He kissed her cheek. Just a feathery brush of his lips against her skin, and Johanna knew she could believe him.      


Holden had never taken a more sensual shower. Johanna lathered soap over every inch of him until their bodies were slippery, wet, hot. He’d turned the water to cold a few times to keep from igniting. Washing Johanna’s hair had proven to be an extremely erotic task as his fingers combed over her scalp, rubbing shampoo into the water-darkened red tresses. Droplets of water beaded on her light eyelashes, making her blue eyes look like jewels. She was magnificent, and he didn’t think he could ever shower alone again. 

Now he rested against the headboard of the hotel bed with Johanna’s head in his lap and Miles sprawled at his feet. He combed his fingers through her damp hair, which looked like flames spread across the white sheets beneath them. The television was on, but he wasn’t watching it. How could he when the view in his lap was so striking?

Johanna’s eyes were closed, one of her arms draped across his knees. Her index finger found the scar on his kneecap, and she opened her eyes.

“An imperfection?” She rose to her elbow. “You’re not flawless. How disappointing.”

He knocked her elbow free, and she flopped down on the bed beside him. “That scar gives me character.”

She leaned over and pressed her lips to the pinkish gouge. “I suppose it does make you seem more real. I might otherwise think I only dreamed you up.”

Holden scooted down, cupped her cheek, and kissed her. Slow, soft, easy nips, each time pausing to look into her eyes. “This is real, baby.”

She hummed her pleasure and put her head back on his lap when he repositioned against the headboard.

“So you’ll take that pilot job with Carl? I mean, you still like flying, right?” Johanna tugged at Holden’s T-shirt, which she now wore as a nightshirt. She’d mentioned she’d bought some lingerie while he had been in Texas. The thought of seeing her in silk and lace definitely excited him, but she looked magnificent right now too.

“I think it’s a good place to start,” he said. “I definitely don’t want to get involved with a mega-corporation again.” Just thinking of DE sent a little shiver through him. God, he hoped the police found evidence and cracked down hard on Donovan Electronics. He’d lost a buddy and almost a family—a chance at true happiness—because of that company’s greed and corruption. He wouldn’t allow them to hurt anyone else. He’d do whatever it took to bring them down.

“Carl doesn’t have a dishonest bone in his body. He was in the military with Ted. He’s all about respect and patriotism.” Johanna shifted to look up at Holden.

“Sounds like a perfect boss.”

“Anything’s better than your last one.”


Johanna sat up now, a slight crease between her brows as she stared at her fingernails.

“What is it, Johanna?” Holden nudged her.

She hesitated, then looked up at him. “On the plane…you said…” She cleared her throat and hooked some of her hair behind her ear. “You said you and Sabrina were lovers.”

Holden immediately shook his head. “No way. That was to get her to think I was on her side. I had no interest in her at all. She’s the type of woman that eats men for dessert.”

wanted you. That part wasn’t fake.” Johanna stared at the television, and the screen’s flickering lights painted colors over her features.

Holden turned her head back to face him with a finger to her chin. “She harassed me. If I hadn’t liked flying DE’s King Air 350i so much and wasn’t afraid of getting my balls busted by every man I knew, I would have reported her to human resources. I should have, but Vaughn had a thing for her, so…”

“You didn’t want to start trouble.”

He nodded. “Vaughn didn’t know she constantly hit on me.”

“You’re a good friend.” Johanna patted his forearm.

“No, a good friend would have figured out how to keep his buddy from dying.” His throat stung as he thought about all the time he and Vaughn had spent together, flying, eating, hanging out. “He was like a brother to me. A pain in the ass most of the time, but he had my back.”

Johanna wrapped her arms around Holden and hugged him close to her. She dropped kisses on his cheek, his bruised neck, his bare shoulder. “Kam and I promise to be your family, Holden.” She kissed his lips, then pulled back. “We could always make more members too.”

Holden couldn’t stop the smile from taking over his face. “I would love to add to our team.”

“Good.” Johanna got to her knees on the bed and took Holden’s hand between hers. “Marry me then.”

He pulled her onto her lap, her giggle filling his heart. “Yes, my lady. I shall marry you.”

Johanna clapped her hands together, then placed them on either side of Holden’s face. “I’m going to make you so happy.”

“You already have.”

He lowered his head to her lips, but Miles jumping off the bed and barking rabidly at the sliding glass door had both their heads snapping to that area of the room. A nanosecond of silence passed, then Miles ran around the room, snarling and whipping his tail from side to side.

Holden opened his mouth to say something, but glass exploding into the room, shards spraying like water from a garden hose, cut him off. He and Johanna scrambled off the bed. Holden angled his body in front of Johanna, his back acting like a shield against the flying debris. The fragments bounced off him and fell to the floor. Johanna screamed when two enormous shadows stormed into the room. They wore all black from head to toe, and their faces were covered by ski masks. The bedside lamp’s light glinted off two silver guns, aimed and ready, while Miles barked like a creature three times his size.

Holden turned around, tucking Johanna behind him. Her fingers dug into his hips, her breath coming in gasps in his ear. Miles stood in front of them both, his front paws up on the bed as his jaws snapped.

“Told you it was Room 319, not 320.” The German accent was unmistakable.

“Claus?” Holden took a step forward despite Johanna’s grip.

“Shut up, Lancaster,” Eli said. “And shut that dog up too. I hate dogs.”

Both men removed their masks, guns still pointed at Johanna and Holden. Claus wandered deeper into the room, glass crunching under his boots. Eli stayed at what remained of the sliding door, his eyes darting from Miles to the broken slider.

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