Read Kisses to Remember Online

Authors: Christine DePetrillo

Kisses to Remember (34 page)

“Do I need to hit you again, bitch?” Ted clamped a hand on the seat as he held himself steady.

Holden rushed toward Sabrina. Grabbing her under the arms, he pulled her away from Kam, Johanna, and Ted. Away from the gun still somewhere on the floor.

Away from the future he wasn’t ready to give up on.


Sabrina growled as Holden dragged her toward the open hatch. Johanna pulled at her restraints, wanting desperately to help Holden, to comfort Kam, to high-five Ted for whacking Sabrina. Instead, she watched helplessly as Holden wrestled Sabrina closer to the hatch.

“Look out!” she yelled when Sabrina managed to squirm a leg between her and Holden and almost pushed Holden out of the plane.

He recovered quickly, using his body to pin Sabrina to the floor of the cabin. For a moment, Sabrina stopped struggling against him and laughed. The sound made a shiver run through Johanna’s body.

“You know how many times I’ve wanted you in this position, Holden?” Sabrina purred. “My original plan was to have a little fun before I kill you. We can stick to that plan.” She reached up and bit Holden’s ear.

He drew himself back as if he’d been touched by fire, and Johanna was more than ready to pummel Sabrina. She looked back to Kam and found Ted untying the boy and guiding him to the rear of the plane. When he came back for Johanna, his hands worked quickly. The ropes fell away from her arms and ankles and she immediately stood.

She took a step toward Kam, then one toward Holden, before Ted said, “I’ve got the kid covered.” He limped toward Kam, sat in the last seat and pulled the boy onto his lap. Connecting with Kam’s gaze for an instant, Johanna knew she had her son’s permission to help Holden.

She sprinted to the front of the plane and peeled Sabrina’s fingers off Holden’s throat where the woman was trying to simultaneously kiss and choke him. Red-faced, Holden coughed, sucked in a huge breath, and coughed again while Johanna sent her fist into Sabrina’s jaw.

“That’s for slapping me,” she said. “And I’ve got another one waiting for trying to kill Holden.”

Sabrina wiped at the blood on her lip and smiled. “This really is so cute, Holden. You playing house with these hicks. You could have been quite comfortable with me, but instead you chose to lower yourself.” She shook her head at the blood staining the thigh of her pants.

Holden didn’t say anything as he took deep breaths and rubbed at his throat.

“Maybe he lowered himself,” Johanna said, kneeling next to Sabrina, “but he’ll be happier down here with me.” She pulled her arm back, preparing to launch another fist to Sabrina’s face while Holden caught his breath.

Sabrina rolled out of Johanna’s range and sent a foot up to Johanna’s chin. Johanna’s head snapped back, and she fought to remain focused on Sabrina.

“Holden will never be happy. All he’s going to be is dead.” Sabrina launched herself on top of Holden. Her hands went to his neck again, and this time she banged his head against the cabin floor beneath his body.

That can’t be good for a recently healed concussion
, Johanna thought as she scurried back to the seats and groped around on the ground for the gun. By the time her fingers curled around the weapon, Holden was clawing at Sabrina’s chokehold. Turning the gun around, Johanna lifted her arm, planning to send the handle into Sabrina’s skull.

“Don’t move.”  

The two goons were back, guns raised and blocking the only exit. They quickly pushed their way inside the plane. Eli took the gun from Johanna and held her while Claus picked Holden up as if he were a rag doll.

“Found him.” Claus smirked as he held Holden at arm’s length.

Sabrina stood, brushed off her clothes, and wiped at her still bleeding mouth. “Worthless,” she mumbled. Pushing her face close to Holden’s, she said, “We could have made a good team. Such a pity you’ll be going to waste.”

She took the gun that had been retrieved from Johanna and pointed it at Holden’s head. Johanna screamed as Kam ran down the short center aisle toward her.

“Kam, get—” Her words were cut off by a gunshot.

Oh, God.

In slow motion, Kam fell backward, his blood spattering the nearby leather seats. He bounced off an armrest, then careened to the cabin floor. Miles went wild with gagged barking as he rose to his hind legs and fought against the rope holding him back.

“NO!” Johanna wrenched herself free of Eli and bolted toward Kam.
Not my baby, not another one, not another one.
She kneeled beside him, but the boy’s eyes were closed. Blood gushed from his left shoulder, and it only took seconds for Johanna’s hands to be full of it. But he was still breathing.

Keep breathing, baby. Don’t leave me.

Johanna slid Kam’s head onto her lap and brushed his hair away from his forehead. He didn’t open his eyes, and each second that passed was a knife in Johanna’s chest. She couldn’t lose Kam. She couldn’t have both of her children die before she did. The world couldn’t possibly be that cruel.

She ripped Kam’s T-shirt off, balled it up, and pressed it to the hole in his shoulder. The blood was coming out so fast, so much, too much.

Ted limped over and picked Kam up from Johanna’s lap and glared at Sabrina. “You can’t let this child die. You can’t. Let us go.” His voice was scratchy, tears resting at the corners of his eyes.

“Don’t tell me what to do. You’re all going to die today. Claus was merciful to start with the kid.” Sabrina nodded at her minion, then turned her attention back to Holden. “You want to go next?”

Claus still held Holden. “I think he
have to see those he loves die. He’s cost us all time in our project. Lost time means lost money.”

“Good point, Claus.” Sabrina aimed her gun at Johanna instead.

“I don’t know these people.” Holden’s voice was so strained from Sabrina choking him that Johanna almost didn’t hear him.
Had he said he didn’t know them?

“Of course you do,” Sabrina said. “You’ve been staying with them. Hiding with them. And who knows why, but I dare say you

Holden shook his head and winced. He blinked slowly and looked around as if it were the first time he was seeing the inside of the plane. When his eyes rested on Johanna, his stare was devoid of any recognition, any emotion, any bond. She immediately felt disconnected, unglued, incomplete.

“I don’t know them,” he repeated. “I remember traveling to Texas. I looked for you, Sabrina. Aaron told me you were here.” He rubbed the back of his head where Sabrina had knocked it against the plane’s floor.

Sabrina lowered her gun a little. “You were looking for me?” She arched a brow. “Why?”

“I awoke this morning and knew I had to find you. You were the one thing I remembered.” He cleared his throat, his eyes focusing on Sabrina. There was a longing in his blue gaze that twisted Johanna’s insides. Hadn’t he looked at
that way? “We’re lovers, right, Sabrina?”

Sabrina let out a husky laugh and lowered her gun all the way. “Release him,” she commanded Claus. The goon opened his hand, causing Holden to fall to all fours.

Sabrina kneeled beside him, a finger to his chin to raise his face to her. She looked into his eyes for a long moment, an eternity to Johanna while her child bled.

“Yes, Holden, we were.” She leaned in. “I’m so glad you remember.” She pressed her lips to Holden’s.

When he didn’t back away—when he got to his knees, circled his arms around Sabrina’s waist, and deepened the kiss—Johanna knew all was lost.


Holden couldn’t get the image of Johanna’s face out of his head as his lips touched Sabrina’s. He’d hurt her by doing this, but if it saved her, it would be worth it. Sabrina had to let them go and she had to do it now or Kam wouldn’t survive.

He pulled back a little and stood, trying hard not to show his utter disgust at kissing Sabrina’s blood-spotted lips. Running a hand a through his hair and clearing his aching throat, he whispered, “Now
I remember.”

Sabrina smirked, her gray eyes turning smoky as she regarded him. Who knew a kiss could be such a weapon? He would have preferred a gun, but he’d work with lies if they kept the Wares alive.

“I’ve missed you, Holden.” Sabrina rubbed herself against his chest.

“You’re bleeding.” He hoped his eyes looked sympathetic. “Get us something to clean her up,” he said to Claus.

“Finish this, Sabrina.” Claus cracked his knuckles as he looked at Holden.

“We need each other to make our project work, Claus,” Sabrina said. “You have nothing without my products. I have nothing without your…expertise. We are partners.”

“Partners that don’t need all these people hanging around. Kill them and let’s get on with our plans.” Eli leaned against one of the seats, his gaze darting from one face to another.

“I’m handling this portion of our plans. They’ll all die, but when I’m good and ready for them to.” Sabrina licked her bloody lip. “Now go get something for me to wipe up this mess.” She gestured to her mouth.  

With a glare, Claus headed to the bathroom at the back of the plane where Miles charged at him. The rope around the dog’s neck tightened, making him back away and whine.

“Sabrina.” Holden held a hand to his throat and rubbed at the sore muscles. Each word he spoke caused him pain. What damage had Sabrina done? “That boy is shot.”

“Don’t worry yourself about it, darling. In fact, Eli is right. Allow me to take care of the rest of them and we can catch up.” She patted his cheek and took a step away.

Holden reached out and grabbed her wrist, stopping her from going near Johanna and Kam. “You can’t kill them.”

She narrowed untrusting eyes at him. “Why do you care? You said you didn’t know them.”

Careful, man. Careful.
“I don’t, but do you want our reunion marked by death? Especially of the death of a child?” Holden shook his head, trying to mask the pain Sabrina caused both physically and emotionally. He could hear Johanna crying as she huddled over Kam in Ted’s lap and tried to contain his bleeding. He would never forgive himself if…

“They’ve heard too much, Holden. They know you. I can’t leave them alive if I’m going to bring you back with me.” She draped her arms around Holden’s shoulders. It’d be so easy to take her out right now, but he couldn’t handle Claus and Eli too.

Think, idiot. Think!

Miles let out a low, fierce growl as Claus headed out of the bathroom with a wet towel. Sabrina took it and handed the towel to Holden.

“Clean me up?” She angled her chin toward Holden and licked more fresh blood from her lower lip. Johanna had been so right comparing Sabrina to a vampire.
Where is a wooden stake when you need one?

Slowly, Holden took the towel and dabbed at Sabrina’s mouth. His mind raced for something he could do. Anything that would allow him to have the upper hand. Kam needed medical attention immediately.

Medical attention…nurse…Nurse Nancy.

“There was another car,” he said. “When I arrived back at the house. There may be someone else besides these three that have seen me here.”

“There’s no father,” Sabrina said. “The father’s in jail.” She let out a little laugh. “See, they’re degenerates. Be glad you don’t remember them.”

“Maybe those two,” he pointed to Claus and Eli, “should check the house once more, and I’ll help you finish up in here.” He cast a glance toward the Wares with what he hoped was a disinterested expression.

“Actually, that would be an excellent test, Holden.” Sabrina took the towel and gave her lip one last swipe.

“A test? For what?”

“A test to see where your loyalties truly reside. You claim not to remember them, that they mean nothing to you. You kissed me as if that were true.” She gazed up at him. “But, I’m not thoroughly convinced, Holden. The woman looked at you as if the two of you had shared…something.”

Sabrina walked to Johanna and grabbed a fistful of her beautiful hair. She jerked Johanna to her feet and turned her to face Holden. “If you kill her, then clearly you’re on my side, darling. It will be all the proof I need.”

Holden fought to keep his face neutral as Johanna’s teary eyes begged him to recognize her.

I see you, Johanna. I know you. I love you.

“I will give you the proof you need, love.” He managed a smile and swallowed painfully. Maybe Kam wasn’t the only one who needed medical attention. It felt as if Sabrina had crushed something in his neck and looking at Johanna was crushing his heart.

Tears rolled down Johanna’s cheeks, then she yanked her hair free of Sabrina’s grip. Looking at Holden, she said, “I should have let you die.”

The acid in her tone scorched him.
Please forgive me.

“Don’t talk to him like that.” Sabrina spun Johanna around and threw her toward Ted still cradling Kam in his lap. The boy had opened his eyes several times, but his breathing grew labored, the rise and fall of his chest losing its natural rhythm.

There’s no time left.

“Sabrina, let’s get this done so we can go home. I miss Texas.” Holden walked to her and traced the rim of her ear with his fingertip. He continued down her neck and along the V-neck edge of her shirt. “I want to be with you.” The words were just a rasp.

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