Read It's A Crime Online

Authors: C.E. Hansen

It's A Crime (22 page)

He stopped when he saw her rush into the house,
angry she didn’t wait. He looked up to the sky in exasperation. Shaking his head, he slowly turned around. He walked toward the bustle of the kitchen area feeling defeated, hurt and dejected. When the last glass was washed, dried, and put back in its place, Karl walked into the kitchen and grabbed his jacket from the peg where he had hung it. He received an envelope with the night’s wages and slowly made his way down the long driveway toward the main street where he planned to hitch a ride into town. He could walk if he had to, but man he was tired.

He was on the county road
leading into East Quogue when a Mercedes sedan slowed to a stop on the side of the road directly ahead of him. He looked up, smiled at his luck and jogged quickly up to the car.

He rocked back on his heels, shocked to find that his driver was none oth
er than the belle of the ball, Katherine Worthington.

“I can give you a ride if you’d like.”
Her voice was soft and sweet, just as he imagined.

He stood and looked at her
, not believing his luck.

“Get in.
Now.” She barely whispered. “We need to hurry, they will be looking for me.”

His brain kicked in and he jumped into the passenger seat.

“Thank you,” was all he could manage.

He studied her profile as s
he looked straight ahead as she drove, the silence stretched; he didn’t know what to say. They were both quiet for the next few miles.

“I’m Katherine Worthington
,” she said by way of introduction.

“I know.”

“I, um, thought you may, um, I... You needed a ride home, right?”

Running both hands through his hair. “Thanks for stopping. I didn’t realize how tired I was till I started walking.”

She was silent again.

“My name is Karl.”

“Karl, it is nice to meet you.”
She briefly looked at him, then returned her attention to the road, “I saw you watching me.”

“Katherine, not a guy there wasn’t.
You’re a beautiful girl. Those boys, everyone, was watchin’ you. They all know who you are.” He paused for effect then continued, “Only I know what you



“Well, you seem to think you do.”

“That is because I do.”

They drove in silence. Even in the darkness he could see the color creep up her neck and spread across her ivory skin, painting her cheekbones.

He was very forward
; it both excited and scared her.

“You’ll have to tell me where to turn.” She
looked at him. He felt himself stir at the site of her beauty.

“I’d be happy to drive all n
ight with you.”

he must be attracted to him, coming out this late to find him, to offer him a ride. She was quiet for the next mile.

sensed her mood change and took his cue.

“I live about three miles from here.”

“Okay, just tell me where to turn.”

“You passed it.”

“Oh, no. Why didn’t you tell me...I’ll turn around.” She pulled the large car over and was turning around when Karl grabbed her arm.

Please,” he begged.

She turned to him,
a deer in the headlights look on her face.  Her blue eyes widened.

Just pull up a little bit. There is a park over there. I’ll get out there. It’ll be easier for you to turn around there too.” He didn’t want her to see where he lived. His home was modest and clean, but he didn’t want to her see it. Not her.

“Oh, I feel awful leaving you here.”

“Katherine, just pull up a little bit, over there,”–He pointed–“and shut the motor off.” His tone commanded.

ear crawled up her skin. Also exhilaration.

Okay,” she answered him quietly.

She pulled the car to the right and parked in
the spot he directed her to. The edge of the park was dark.

She sat immobilized
, her hands grasping the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles turned white with her exertion. He reached over and gently caressed her hand, her arm. He gently pulled her hand into his. He held it, caressing it until she calmed. The stress slowly left her body.

She turned her head to face him and
at once his mouth came down, devoured hers, his lips hard and demanding, searching. His tongue pushed her lips apart and dipped inside her mouth, finding her tongue, touching and flicking with hers. She froze, never having been kissed like this. She didn’t know what to do but she liked the way it felt. A slow numb-like feeling coursed throughout her body, paralyzing her. Other boys kissed her, but it felt like they just slobbered all over her. Karl was different, his kiss more demanding, knowing. The tingling spread throughout her body. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears, her breathing became labored.

He gently pulled her other hand off the wheel and pulled it up to his mouth
, kissing it, sending shivers up and down her spine. She felt like jelly as she physically slid toward him. He deftly climbed into the back seat and reached for her. Lightly gripping her around the waist, he dragged her into the backseat of the car with him. She groaned with the effort and stiffened when she found herself sitting on his lap.

“I think I had better go now…”

He pressed his lips to hers again. She grew increasingly nervous and skittish as she felt the hardness under her, bumping against her backside. His mouth still covered hers. He moved quickly, before she could protest, and had his hand up her top under her bra caressing her breast. She tried, unsuccessfully, to push his hands away. She tried to get her bearings; she was frightened, but the feeling of what he was doing was extremely pleasurable. Unwillingly, she moaned. He must have taken her moan as a sign and quickly maneuvered their bodies so she lay underneath him.

He pushed her top up and planted his mouth on her
nipple. She protested weakly, her breasts heaving as she panted. She pushed against him, but was unable to move him. She opened her mouth to tell him to stop, but he covered her mouth with his. Karl pulled her skirt up. He reached into her panties and rubbed her; finding her wet, he pushed two fingers into her. He was breathing heavily.  He had a far off look in his eyes.  She could see his excitement was building. He opened his fly and removed something; it rubbed against her leg.  Katherine looked down and saw he had his erection in his hand.  Fear froze her.  Then he quickly thrust it to her. Her innocence tore away way with the force of his thrust.

stiffened as the searing pain radiated throughout her private area, and she screamed into his mouth. Her scream went unheard, her tears slipping down her cheeks.

Karl was pushing in and out of her.
She moved her hips up in an attempt to eject him from her body but this only encouraged him and he moved faster.

“You are so beautiful.” He grunted, his lips still covering hers.
He lifted his head to look into her eyes; she quickly shut them squeezing tightly. She was moving frantically under him, but her movements propelled him into a frenzy. He started gyrating his hips; she was unable to stop him. Her breasts heaved, her breathing labored.

Stop, stop please stop, you are hurting me.

Her mind was screaming, her voice unheard. The tears continued to steadily stream down her face. Her feeble attempt to push him off only spurred him on. Her chest burned with her need for air. She bit his lip, the metallic taste of his blood in her mouth. His hips gyrating against hers, she was unable to stop him. Katherine prayed he would finish quickly. Her embarrassment knew no bounds.

pushed weakly at his chest and gasped under his mouth.

It confused Katherine when she felt
a strange sensation build inside her belly. The heat spread down to her thighs. She was embarrassed and felt betrayed by her own body as her hips began to move in tempo with his. A need in her, like a desperate hunger, grew. He reached under her top and using his fingers rubbed her nipples until they hardened. Moaning, she quickened her movements, and the first wave washed over her, sending her reeling. She was ashamed to admit to herself she didn’t want him to stop. She moved her arms from his chest to his back, pulling him closer.

“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God.”
She heard the words leave her mouth. “Oh my God.” It was a scream of pleasure.

sensed that feeling again, that wonderful feeling, and was pumping her hips faster and faster, desperate for the wave to ripple through her again. It was there, building slowly. She wanted him to keep moving inside her until she felt the sensation flow over her again. Her sex tightened around him, now stretched to accommodate the size of him. The pulse built and then it was there, the tingling feeling, taking her higher, higher...

”Oh. My. God
...Please.” She was pleading for that feeling to continue. Pleading for Karl to keep moving inside her. She wasn’t able to stop it nor did she want to. She raised her hips high, matching him thrust for thrust. Her head pushed back into the leather seat, rolling from side to side, and she cried out.

pushed into her. She felt her insides tighten around him, clenching him.  Then she heard his moan, like he was in pain.  He whole body jerked and Katherine felt hot liquid fill her. 

“I love you, Katherine.”
He whispered hoarsely, a far off look in his eyes. His last spasm caused his body to shudder.

Katherine was
immediately and intensely embarrassed, ashamed of the bold and brazen way she acted. She wanted nothing more than to get out of the car and run.

Instead she lay there unmoving
, her eyes shut tightly.

He kissed her gently.
She realized she was kissing him back, her tongue licking his lip, sucking at the blood still there. She felt him harden inside her again.

Remembering where she was a
nd the time, Katherine panicked. Her parents could be looking for her. Fear froze her. They could not find her here like this.

she said, her voice raspy, “I have to go, they will be looking for me. Please.” Her eyes pleaded with him, her tears beginning to flow again. “Please.” She pushed at him. “Please, I have to leave.”

Karl slowly pulled himself out of her.
Fastening his pants, he sat up and helped her to sit up.

will I be able to see you again?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know.
I have to go
please.” She heard the hurt in his voice, the distressed tone in his voice.

“You okay?”

She nodded quickly.

He started to help her with her clothing.
He pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped her gently, trying to clean her. She was horrified to notice
feeling start again when he touched her there. She sat up quickly and pulled away. She pushed his hands away, quickly adjusted her clothing, and scrambled into the front seat. He opened the back door and got out, adjusting his clothing, and leaned into the open driver’s window.

“Baby, you are amazing.”

Her heart quickened. “I’ve got to get back...Um.. my, um, father will be looking for me.”

Okay, yeah...yeah…” he stammered. “You and me. That was perfect. I knew we would be. I know I can’t give you what those other guys can, but I can give you what we had tonight and I will love you.”

“Karl, I’ve never...”
Katherine blushed. “That was…um.”

“I know
...I was your first.” His breathing labored, he reached over and brushed her tears away with his hands.

“You’d better go, baby, before I never let you leave
.” He looked directly into her eyes. “I’ll see you soon, real soon.”


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