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Authors: C.E. Hansen

It's A Crime (17 page)

BOOK: It's A Crime
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My mother’s voice called softly but with the tone she reserved for me when I had been naughty.
Dear Lord.
She must have spotted my quick retreat and followed me.

jumped, not expecting her behind me.

Don’t do that. You scared me.”

“Dear, what is wrong?
I saw you exit the dining room so quickly, I was sure you had a health issue.”

, Mother, please.” Annoyance seeped into my voice. Nothing was going to ruin my good mood. Cole was coming! “You left because you thought someone else might find out why I left before you did.”

that is no way to speak to me,” she chastised. “You know I care little for gossip and care greatly for you.”

“I know
, Mother.” I rolled my eyes.

, your tone is disrespectful.”

thought better of my behavior.

“I’m sorry
, Mother,” I responded. “I apologize. I am just very uncomfortable and would like to leave.” I was hoping to get my mother’s approval, while at the same time not really caring if she gave it.

“Grace, we are the benefactors of tonight’s affair.
We cannot be the first to leave,” she said exasperatingly. “I don’t know what has gotten into you, but you will just have to find your manners and persevere.”

“I understand
, Mother.” I reconciled myself to the fact I would have to take a different tack.

I apologize. I will be out in a moment. I just want to freshen up.”

looked at me questioningly. “I will be at my table. I will see you shortly?”

, of course,” I acquiesced.

“Very well
, Grace.” Katherine Chancellor, Belle of the Ball, took out her compact and re-powdered her face. “I will see you outside.”

The ste
ady click-clack of her heels echoed her departure. I locked myself in a stall and quickly texted Cole. “ASBURY IT IS, BUT I CAN THINK OF THINGS TO DO OTHER THAN TALK.”I pressed send, quickly reapplied my lip-gloss and returned to my chair. 

The evening progressed so slowly
I thought I would explode. I smiled when the band started to play, signaling to the benefit patrons the second half of the evening would be starting. The orchestra started and the guests made their way to the dance floor. I took this opportunity to plot my escape without alerting my mother and stepfather to my plans. I watched as my stepfather escorted my mother to the dance floor.

That is when
I walked toward the kitchen and took the stairs down one floor and walked to the elevator bank. I pushed the down button. Tonight’s event for Children’s Charities of America, although for a good cause, had been tedious. It was a gathering for the extremely wealthy and influential patrons to pat themselves on the backs for being a decent people. The fakeness of it all was nauseating.

exited the elevator and walked through the lobby toward the curb. I nodded to several acquaintances while keeping my focus. Sam, our driver for the night, was nowhere to be seen. I was desperate to get home, shower, change and get an overnight bag together before heading to the Asbury. I found the driver of a close family friend. Kurt. I half ran, half walked up to him.

“Kurt, can you please take me

He looked at
me and smiled a weird smile, quickly nodding.

“I’m sorry to
be a bother, but can’t stand the thought of getting into a cab in this dress and I’m in a hurry.”

quickly jumped into the backseat and gave Kurt my address. After driving uptown for the better part of twenty minutes, Kurt pulled over to the curb, got out and opened the door. I scurried to the passenger side and climbed out.

“Thanks again
, Kurt, you’re the best!”

“You are most welcome
, Miss Preston.”

Tony opened
the door to the building for me.

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure, Miss Preston.”

rushed into my apartment, clawing at the back of my gown and nearly ripping it apart trying to reach the zipper. I was just happy to be out of that dress. The fit was a nightmare. When I was getting dressed for tonight at my mother’s house, I never thought this night would end this way...

I was sure m
y perfectly planned night out with the girls surely had something to do with the timing of his arrival in New York. In any case, I was exhilarated. The adrenaline coursed through my body. I quickly got undressed, leaving my gown in a discarded heap on the floor and got in the shower, mentally planning what items to pack.

turned the shower off and stepped out. Grabbing a fluffy warmed towel from the towel bar, I briskly dried off my body and opened my lingerie drawer and chose a caramel gold bra and matching thong.

turned on the light in my bedroom and walked into the closet. I opened my Gucci overnighter and tossed several sets of perfectly matching lingerie I purchased after Cole’s departure. Wishful thinking. I had hoped he would, as he said, come back to NYC.

rifled through my huge walk in closet grabbing several outfits to cover any number of occasions such as an evening out, dinner for two, and play clothes for a planned night in. I thought I should grab two more changes, so I did. You would think I was going away for a week instead of just a few blocks uptown.

tossed matching shoes and clutches in my wheeled case, grabbed my toiletries and shoved them into my pocketbook. I brushed my teeth and called down to the garage for my car to be brought up.

For my
twenty-sixth birthday, last year, I bought myself a White Mercedes CLA. It rides like a dream; I love it. I pushed the code for my alarm into the panel shutting the door behind me. The elevator doors just closed when the thought came to me, I wasn’t prompted to turn off my alarm when I entered my apartment earlier tonight. I was sure I put the alarm on.

Jonathan pushed the curtain away from him as he stepped away from the window.  He wiped his
on the expensive brocade upholstering the overly expensive winged-back chair, a sadistic grin tipping the corner of his mouth.  He licked his full lips in anticipation.

After adjusting his clothing, he walked to the door, turned and reset the alarm, removed his key from the lock, and placed it in his pocket.  He walked to the emergency stairway, but not before turning his face up to the camera smiling.

The elevator doors opened and a couple got in from the 45
Floor. I must have been smiling like a crazy person; they looked at each other then back at me. When we finally reached the lobby, they exited rather quickly. I was certain they were relieved to be out of the confined space they shared with the crazy lady from upstairs.

opened the door and as the couple exited I followed them out. He immediately took my bags from me.

“Ah, Miss


“You seem to be in good spirits.”


“I am looking forward to my night
, Tony.” My crazy smile widened. My car was brought to a stop next to where we stood. Tony lifted my bags and placed them into my opened trunk. I walked quickly to the driver’s side and turned to Tony. “See you in a few days.” I momentarily hesitated. “Tony, if my mother asks, you didn’t see me.” I smiled brightly at him and got into the car.

Tony tipped his hat and
leaning toward the open window said, “See who?”

laughed out loud and slowly pulled away.

ifteen minutes later I pulled up outside the Asbury Hotel. While waiting for the two cars in front of me to pull up, my excitement for this evening built. The butterflies started flying in my stomach. The thought of seeing Cole again sent a shiver through me.

Four days
ago I was saying goodbye to him. It felt like an eternity. The memories of our time together had me panting, nearly out of breath. The butterflies were doing somersaults now.
Holy Hell.

I shook my
head, trying to focus and looked up as the car in front of me moved forward. I pulled my car up to the entrance of the hotel and climbed out of my car. I leaned over to grab my pocketbook and looked up to see three men exiting the building, one dressed better than the next, all walking toward me. I looked behind me, seeing no one and flushed at the thought they were here for
The first man bowed and took my car keys, another removed my bags from the car and yet another walked over to where I stood slack jawed and greeted me by name.

Preston.” He spoke eloquently, “My name is James. Mr. Grayson has instructed that you be brought up to the apartment and made comfortable.”

“I’m good with that plan
,” I said.

smiled and instructed the first man to drive my car to the private area reserved for Mr. Grayson. Then in a commanding yet kind voice, he instructed the second man to take my luggage directly to the apartment and hang the garments in the closet in the master bedroom. I was overwhelmed to say the least. I’m used to being treated well, but this went a step further. James escorted me into the lobby, stopping briefly to give Mr. Grayson’s directive to the pretty brunette at the reception desk, and continued to the single elevator last to the right, the same elevator Cole used during my last visit. Must be his private elevator. Once inside I quivered with anticipation.

reached into his pocket, pulled out a key he inserted into the panel and pressed in a code. The elevator sprang into action and climbed smoothly to the top floor. Once stopped, the doors slid open and I stepped into the lobby.

James’ phone rang
. He raised it up, then looked at her. “One moment Miss Preston.” And quickly answered, “Yes, sir...She’s just arrived...I will, sir...Yes, sir.” He ended the call and placed his phone in his suit jacket.

Preston, Mr. Grayson’s jet has landed and he has advised us he will be here within the hour.” James inserted his key, opening the door. “The chef has been instructed to prepare both you and Mr. Grayson a light supper. It will be up shortly after his arrival.”

BOOK: It's A Crime
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