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Authors: C.E. Hansen

It's A Crime (16 page)

BOOK: It's A Crime
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sellers would patiently wait for him to raise his offer and reject that as well. Cole stared mindlessly out the window, looking down on the City of Denver as the work day was begun. He crossed to his desk and sat down. He began drumming his fingers on the desk. Instead of strategizing the pending acquisition, he sat like a forlorn lovesick teenager, unsettled by an email he received three days ago from Grace.

He laughed to himself
, shaking his head. This feeling, this
was new to him, his lack of self-control infuriating. He typically enjoyed women, enjoyed being in their company, enjoyed their bodies. Cole prided himself on his attentiveness. Always courteous and kind, seeing to their needs. He was unable to give any more of himself. He was shut down emotionally. Cole had no intention of settling down or raising a family, it was not in his DNA. It would be unfair to lead a woman on, so he dispelled them of any notions of a future with him right away; he would never lie to them.

Then why in God’s name was he feeling this

. It was plain, obvious even. She was different, unlike any other woman he’d ever met. Aside from her astounding beauty and drop dead body that never quit, something there confused him. At times he would look at her and for the briefest moment, a look would cross her face. Clearly, she was as damaged as he was. She was also reluctant to enter into any relationship. It stunned him how easy it was to be with her, how comfortable, and that was something he’d never experienced before. If he were honest with himself, he would admit to feeling unsettled when he wasn’t with her.

he thought of another man putting his hand on her angered him beyond explanation. Somehow, for reasons unknown to him, with her everything was different. She reminded him of himself in so many ways it both scared and excited him. He wanted to be with
on all levels. Hitting the desk with both hands he quickly stood up. Right now he knew one thing. He had to get his head in the game to close on the New York City property. Business first. There would be time later to think about his
Time later to set things right with Grace. He’d make her understand his relationship with Lauren was over and done with. Fact was there never was any relationship.

eeding to pressure the sellers, Cole was about to make them an offer they would not want to refuse. The newly constructed building was perfect for his needs, but other interested parties abounded. It didn’t hurt he’d be near Grace.

sellers were seated in the conference room. He knew they were impressed with Cole the man; now he would impress them even more with his money. A sense of urgency overwrote his good sense. Cole abruptly walked into the conference room. The group of three men and two women, Knickerbocker Properties, Inc., co-owners of 412 2
Avenue, looked up when Cole entered the room. They were chomping at the bit to hear the offer they had no intention of taking. The game was about to begin; they’d string him along, wait him out, playing one interested party against the other to their own financial benefit. They smelled blood and were in a position of power knowing Grayson Industries wanted their property.

Cole took his seat
, looking each person directly in the eye. He made his proposal.

, gentlemen”—he turned his head—“ladies, I gave you my best offer. It’s on the table. I obtained all the necessary information I need, and you’ve have all the information you will be getting from me. The ball is in your court. I will leave you in the capable hands of my staff to finalize the details if you decide to take my offer.” Cole stood and confidently turned to his assistant. “Sandra, take over. I’ve got a phone call I need to make.”

The Sellers
stared at him, unable to believe what they heard. Cole looked once again at them, a trace of a smile curling his lips.

So that we are clear, this is my only and final offer.” He stood and walked out of the conference room.

, Mr. Grayson,” Sandra replied after him. She turned her attention to her co-workers and the Sellers. “All right, let’s see if we can finish this up and get to that amazing-looking lunch.”

group turned their attention to Sandra, speechless—they all nodded. They had received an offer that far exceeded the value of the property, and they simultaneously released a huff of pent up air. The tension lifted, and the spokesman for the group announced they were ready and would indeed be signing the offer. Sandra smiled.

Now, that was something you didn’t see every day.
Cole turned down the hall toward his office. He sat at his desk and tapped the keyboard; the screen snapped to life. Cole opened the internet browser and typed “Grace Preston,” the beautiful golden goddess with an appetite for sex matched only by his own. She drove him mad with want for her. He felt her absence, especially at night. The two nights she’d slept in his arms, his nightmares had abated. Of course, it was a pleasure having her gorgeous body molded to his when he awoke. The monitors flashed on, images of Grace covering each inch.

ictures of her and her friends partying and dancing three nights ago fed his
. There were men, a lot of men, crowding her. Surrounding her. The gold dress she wore revealed too much cleavage, hugging her body in all the right places. The places he didn’t want anyone but himself seeing. Her shoes screamed
fuck me
. Cole felt he was about to lose his mind. His hands opened and closed with his frustration. He hardened looking at her pictures.

This is ridiculous
. I’m a grown man.

He his chest burned as h
e moved the mouse quickly over the images. One picture opened on top of the previous and continued to until his screen was blanketed with pictures of Grace, smiling, dancing, flirting. Cole had to get back to New York. What he was feeling was something he had never experienced before. It pained him to realize he was the worst thing for her now; he had far too many demons, but something about being with her caused his demons to retreat.

e had just rationalized his decision.

He tapped
a few strokes on the keyboard and several articles along with pictures came to life. “Ultra beautiful Grace Preston steps out onto the red carpet for MOMA benefit.” “Ex-model Grace Preston
the Ronald McDonald House benefit at the Waldorf Astoria.” He closed his laptop and pushed a button on his phone. Jenna spoke.

, Mr. Grayson?”

a, come in here please.”

, Mr. Grayson.” Jenna, Cole’s secretary, quickly walked to the door and after lightly tapping entered.

“Jenna, call Captain Richards
. Have him file a flight plan to New York City. I’d like to take off within the hour,” Cole said without looking up from his desk. He gathered his papers and the large folder with the pertinent information for the New York City building acquisition, and shoved them into his briefcase. “Also, call ahead to the Asbury and advise them of my arrival. I’ll be there for four nights.”

, Mr. Grayson.”

walked back to her desk and called Captain Richards, then the Asbury as Cole instructed.

Sandra popped her head into his office
. “It’s done, and done. They all signed off. I’ll scan and email you a complete copy of all signed documents.”

“Thank you
, Sandra.”

laughed and shook her head, backing out.

Cole called Grace
, this time leaving a message when she didn’t answer.

I’ll be arriving in New York in approximately three hours, ten your time. You got my attention, Grace. Now I want yours.” Cole paused. “I need to see you. I’ll be at the Asbury.”

took the elevator to his apartment located on the top floor of the Grayson Industries Building. The elevator door closed behind him as he crossed the massive living room and walked down the hall to his bedroom. He grabbed the leather duffle out of his closet and packed a few items. Then walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He packed his toiletry bag, leaving it on the counter. After brushing his teeth, he walked into the shower.

put on a pair of worn jeans and selected a white denim shirt. Grabbing his duffle, he shoved his toiletry bag inside and put on his jacket. Walking back into the living room he looked up to see Dannie, his housekeeper, standing in the kitchen.

Mr. Grayson, you startled me. I wasn’t expecting you.”

“Good afternoon
, Dannie.”

I was just making a quiche and salad for lunch. Would you like any?”

“No, thank you
, I’m actually on my way out. I’ll be in New York.”

On business, sir?”

I should be back in four days.”

there anything I can get for you? I could pack you something to take with you?” She trailed off.

“No t
hank you, Dannie. I’m fine. Enjoy your lunch.” Cole turned to pick up his duffle. “Would you call Peter and have him bring the car around?”

“Yes, of course.”

“I’ll see you in a few days.”

Have a good trip, Mr. Grayson.” She walked to the phone and called Peter.

stepped into the elevator.

was waiting at the back door of the Black BMW SUV when Cole exited the building. He opened the door for his boss and took the duffle to stow in the trunk. He pulled away from the curb, easing onto 16
Street toward Broadway, toward Grayson Industries Airport.

Cole took his seat on the jet
, fastening his seatbelt and turned to Jessica, the stewardess, and asked for a Blanton’s—Neat. She placed his drink on a linen napkin next to him on the table.

“Can I get you anything else
, sir?”

“No thank you
, Jessica.” Cole lifted the glass to his lips and pulled his phone out of his pocket; no missed calls or texts. He leaned back and smiled remembering Grace’s grimace after her first sip of Blanton’s. He opened his briefcase and leaning back in his chair began to read the paperwork from the New York City acquisition. He was content the purchase was completed. Now he could start planning the move to New York City. Sandra advised him she would be making the move and was looking forward to living and working in NYC. Jenna was still on the fence; all of her family lived in Denver. A few of the agents stated they would be making the move as well.

He closed his eyes and his
thoughts drifted. He remembered a beautiful, golden haired, blue-eyed woman and her perfect curvy body. A smile tipped up the corners of his mouth.







Chapter 17


I was so regretting my choice of gowns. I tried on six but decided on this one for no good reason. It wasn’t the designer. It wasn’t the color or cut or fit. I had to believe I lost my mind. It fit too tight on my chest and too loose on my waist. I found myself drifting through the days not thinking or caring. Unfortunately, it showed in my work,
and my choice of gowns.

pulled my cell from my clutch and noticed I had two missed calls, both from Cole. My heart jumped when I saw he left a voicemail. I immediately pushed the voicemail button and put the phone to my ear, not caring the man to my left was speaking to me. He had annoyed me all night by “accidently” rubbing his hand over my bare shoulder. Another reason I cursed this gown. I immediately smiled broadly when I heard Cole’s voice and nearly fell over getting out of the chair when I heard the context of his message.

quickly pulled the napkin to my mouth and turned to excuse myself, making my way to the ladies room. When I entered the elegant, cavernous ladies’ lounge I put the phone to my ear and listened again to Cole’s message.

BOOK: It's A Crime
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