Read Indebted Online

Authors: A.R. Hawkins

Indebted (8 page)

“Well, I’m glad you approve.” He smiles and reaches out for the proffered clothing, taking it as he stands. “I’m going to put these on.” Stopping, he runs his hand through his hair. “We’re good, right?”

“We’re good.” I nod and watch as he leaves to get dressed.

I decide to get comfy myself, and I put some sweats on too. Getting things set up for the movie, I go into the kitchen to make some popcorn. I come out with our snack and some sodas, setting them on the coffee table.

Aaron comes out looking adorable and hot at the same time. My pants are barely hanging on his thin hips by the cinch cord in the waistband. Standing in bare feet, his smooth chest is more exposed than covered by my tank. There’s a certain satisfaction running through me, seeing him in my clothes, almost as if in some way I’ve marked him as mine.

Damn it, Liam! Stop it!

Aaron makes his way toward the couch and looks at me. “So, what are we watching?”

“You can pick something out. I can’t seem to make up my mind, and I don’t know what you like.” As small as my attention span is at the moment, I can’t care less what we watch.

Running over the titles, he pulls one out and turns around with a big smile, his eyes twinkling. “How about
Die Hard
? I haven’t seen that in forever. I used to love the smartass attitude of the main character.”

I’m surprised, but pleased. “Sure, I haven’t watched that one in a while.”

After popping the DVD in, we settle on the couch. Sitting further away from me than I would like, Aaron grabs his drink and sits back as I get the popcorn and situate it on my lap. I hit the controller’s theater option, and the lights dim as the movie starts.

He glances around, stunned. “That’s so cool! I want one, Chloe would love it.”

Laughing, I relax back to watch the movie. As it progresses, I keep gazing at Aaron, watching more of him than the screen. Seeing him chomp on popcorn, happily laughing at some little remark on the film, sends warmth through me—it feels so natural.

I notice him shivering a little, so I reach behind me, pulling down the plush blanket lying over the back of the couch. Signaling to Aaron to scoot closer, he does, cuddling into my side where I’d wanted him to be from the beginning, and I cover us both. As I put my arm around him, bliss consumes me.

I rub my hand up and down his bare arm, feeling him tremble. He nuzzles into my chest and sighs contentedly. My cock stiffens, and I try to focus back on the movie.

A little later, I notice Aaron isn’t giggling anymore and is quite still. I peer down at him and see his sweet face is slack in sleep, and I entertain myself for a few minutes watching him rest. He appears even younger with all the worry lines relaxed. Gently, I run the back of my fingers over his cheek, my chest tightening as he nestles into it—so perfect.

I pull my hand back, fisting it to lessen the current of electricity going through it. I shut off the movie, stretch out and pick him up, carrying him to the bedroom. I can’t help but notice how well he fits in my arms. Bending my head, I breathe in the scent from his hair. Feeling frustrated with myself, I yank back the covers and lay him down, leaving him in a hurry to put some distance between us.

I decide to take a quick shower to get my mind off the tempting man in my bed. The heat of the water loosens my tense muscles, letting the fatigue from the day set in. Getting out, I’m ready for bed too, and I climb in. After turning out the lights, I draw Aaron to me, spooning him.
You have two nights—enjoy them.
With him against me, I’m soon lulled into sleep.

Sometime later, I’m startled awake, but I’m not sure by what. Lying on my back, I try to get my wits about me. Aaron is curled into my chest with his head right over my heart, and I hear it then: he’s whimpering and mumbling.

Straining, I can make out a little of what he is saying. “No…. Don’t shoot…. Supposed to stay in the car…. Gonna be mad….”

My heart aches at the thought of him being tortured by nightmares because my dumb ass brought him with me to handle Sam. I could have gotten him killed. What was I thinking? He’s getting more agitated by the minute, moving around and pushing on me. I rub up and down his back, trying to calm him.

He starts getting even more frantic. “NO! I don’t…. Die. Please…. Won’t tell…. Promise.”

I can’t take any more of this, and shake him lightly. “Aaron…. Aaron, wake up. It’s okay, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

He slowly opens his eyes in a daze and glances around, then back at me. “Liam? What happened?”

“You were havin’ a bad dream. I couldn’t get you to calm down, so I had to wake you,” I explain. “Are you okay now?”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I was remembering….” Those few words confirm my fear that I am the cause of his unrest. The guilt fills me even more.

“I know, I figured out what was going through your mind. I never meant for you to get mixed up in that mess. You should’ve stayed behind. From now on, though, I want you to understand no one is ever going to hurt you again. I will kill anyone who tries,” I tell him while running my fingers through his hair.

He sighs and leans back into my chest. “Liam, you don’t have to make promises like that. You don’t need to take responsibility for me. I know this is a weekend deal. You can’t get into trouble for me. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.”

His lips form a slight pout, and giving in, I lean down and kiss them. He groans a little, moving up to hover over my face. Slanting down, he aggressively takes my lips with his and I surge with lust at this feisty Aaron. I wrap my arms around him, bringing him down to lie on top of me, and I trail my hands up his back as he consumes my mouth.

I moan as lips make their way down my throat. Gently, he nips at the juncture between neck and shoulder. Aaron’s fingertips are torturing me with an onslaught of little teases and touches on my abdomen and waist. I gasp as he dips a hand into my briefs, grasping my cock. Now sucking on my nipples, he starts pumping me with steady, sure movements.

Panting, I say, “Fuck, Aaron! I can’t take this.”

He continues anyway, making his way under the covers. Oh fuck, yes!

Sliding my pants down, he takes my briefs with them, and my aching cock is freed at last. His hot breath on my sack has me trembling with anticipation. Throwing the covers back to get a better view, I watch as he takes one of my balls into his warm mouth, whimpering as he massages it with his lips and tongue. I card my fingers in his hair and I try to rein in my urge to take control. I push my head deeper into the pillow, groaning loudly; listening to his obscene slurping noises has me close already.

Fuck, he hasn’t even touched your cock yet! You’re going to embarrass yourself.

As if reading my mind, he leaves my balls and envelopes my shaft in his warm, wet heat. He moves his mouth in a steady rhythm, working until he’s swallowed all of me. Feeling his throat constrict on the head, my back arches off the bed without my consent.

“Holy fuckin’ hell! Oh God.” I’m about five seconds from losing my shit. Pulling him off me, I pant heavily. “You have to stop for a minute.”

He sits up, frustrated at being stopped. I notice he’s not only been busy working me over, but has managed to kick off his sweats while pleasuring me.

Stretching to reach my side table, I pull out the supplies needed. “Aaron, bring that gorgeous cock of yours up here.”

Doing as requested, he positions himself straddling my face and he bends back over, encasing me again. I groan, opening the lube, and squirt some on my fingers, starting to stretch him. I’m hoping the distraction of this sexy ass will keep me from blowing. Sucking on the head of his cock, I continue to prep him.

When I finish, I move him off me and connect with his soft lips, giving a grunt at the light taste of myself. Whimpering, Aaron rubs his rock-hard erection against my thigh, searching for some kind of relief.

I lower him to his side, facing away from me, as I slip on the latex and slick myself up. Gripping his leg behind the knee, I position it close to his stomach and enter him slowly, hissing at the feeling of being swallowed up by his entrance.

Aaron grunts and grips his pillow, turning his head so his tongue battles with mine. I clutch his hip and begin to move. As the pace picks up, Aaron’s little moans and whimpers arouse me to new heights.

Mumbling softly, he says, “So good…. More…. Can’t get enough.” He drives back onto each of my thrusts and urges, “Harder…. Yes…. Right there!”

Hearing him demand more brings out the primitive animal in me. I growl as I suck hard on his neck, marking him as mine while snapping my hips at the right angle, nailing his prostate with every stroke.

He screams, “Fuck…. Coming…! Unh!”

I feel his passage clamp down hard on me. Grunting, I bite down on the place I was sucking, groaning through my teeth as I empty myself into his heat. As I remove my mouth from him, I lick and kiss the irritated area while wrapping my arms around him and locking our bodies together. He’s trembling much the same as I am. Relaxing, I rub my hands along his chest, still panting.

Our breathing finally starts to slow. After easing the condom off, I tie it and toss it in the wastebasket, then retrieve some wipes out of the side table to clean him up. Running my eyes over him, I can see he’s still flushed and lying with his eyes closed tight. I begin to worry I was too rough. As I scrutinize the mark on his neck, it’s darkening into a deep purple and already clearly showing my teeth marks.

What the fuck is wrong with you? You just said earlier that no one was going to hurt him, and this is what you do? I wouldn’t blame him if he leaves right now.

Biting my lip, I draw up the courage to say something. “Aaron? Are you okay?”

He sighs and turns over with a goofy little grin on his face. “Never better, why?”

I blanch, shocked by how happy and relaxed he is. “Um…. Well… I was worried you were going to be pissed at me for biting you. Are you?”

“Liam, I’m not mad. I’ve never had anyone bite me before.” Showing signs of embarrassment, he studies the bed and continues, “It, um… made me come harder than I ever have in my life.” Suddenly, he starts giggling. “Oh my God. I can’t believe I just said that.” He shrugs as he calms down. “Eh, what the hell, it’s true. I don’t want you to have any misunderstanding that I didn’t like it. It was a huge turn-on.” Gnawing at his lip, he glances up at me again. “Do you think I’m strange because of that?”

I’m laughing myself. “Hello! I bit you. How can I possibly think it strange to like it?” Peering directly into his eyes, I say seriously, “It turned me the fuck on.”

He stretches and gives me a languid smile. “Well, good. Now that that’s settled, you feel like getting some more sleep?”

With a nod, I lengthen out on the bed and cover us back up. After curling around him, we both drift off to sleep.

Chapter 6




want to get out of bed.

The feeling of Liam holding me in his arms is amazing. A sense of peace flows through me. Unfortunately, my stomach has other ideas. I’ve always been an early riser, and this is the first time I’ve disliked that aspect of myself. Very slowly, I pull myself out of those strong arms. He’s not making it easy, though. Every time I get loose a little, he tightens them around me again.

When I finally manage to get out of bed, I grab the sweats from last night. Slipping them on, I make my way to the bathroom to relieve myself. After that, I turn to the mirror to wash my face and notice Liam has set out a toothbrush, still in the plastic wrapping, along with a travel-sized deodorant. I’ve never met anyone as thoughtful as him.
Well, besides Chloe. To say I am surprised would be an

He is nothing like I thought he would be. I find myself increasingly attracted to him with each passing hour. Not only is he the hottest man I have ever seen up close, but also, he has this sweetness that draws me to him like a moth to a flame. It’s hard for me to reconcile the side of him I saw yesterday. It’s like night and day. He is so tender and gentle with me, but with others, he can easily be savage and ruthless.

Turning my thoughts back to more pleasant things, I try to understand more of the draw I feel toward him. The way he makes me feel when he looks at me, my God, the way his eyes consume me each time he gazes upon me. The heat of one glance from him is enough to ignite my skin with a burning need. I’ve never had anyone look at me that way—it’s intoxicating.

My heartbeat starts to race, as flashes from last night run through my head….

Liam’s rough hands trailing over my skin….

His thick fingers inside me….

Soft, urgent kisses taking my breath away….

His hips snapping against mine….

The sensation of fullness….

His teeth sinking into my shoulder….

Coming with so much intensity that spots formed before my eyes….

My audible groan startles me back to reality. As I blink several times, I notice I’m still in front of the vanity mirror. Taking in my appearance, I’m gripping the counter tightly, panting, and my cheeks are flushed. I’m also extremely hard. I can’t believe I almost jizzed in my pants like an adolescent.

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