Read Indebted Online

Authors: A.R. Hawkins

Indebted (4 page)


What the fuck, Aaron? Did you just think that?

Sitting back with an almost dazed look, he says in a deep, sexy voice, “You’re not Aaron Quinn, Sr.”

I speak up, trying to be brave. “No, sir…. I’m not.”

Shaking himself a little, his face turns cold. “You mind explaining to me why you said you were?”

Scrambling, I speak rapidly. “Sir, I wasn’t trying to fool you, honest. I’m Aaron Quinn, Jr. I meant no disrespect.” I shakily take out the note I’m supposed to give him and set it on the desk. “That’s from my father.”

He grabs the note and reads it. As I wait for him to finish, I pick at the stitching on the leather seat.

Suddenly, I hear a gasp. I look up, trying to read his reaction to the proposal. I see shock, disgust, and maybe a little bit of lust. The last one gives me some hope. Then, just as quickly, it’s gone.

He crumples up the paper in his large hand, and now all I can see is pure rage.

I close my eyes and brace myself for what’s next.

At least I’ll get to see my mom again.

Chapter 3




believe the amount of overwhelming lust I feel for the man in front of me.

Besides the shocking green eyes, he has gorgeous features, including tantalizing red lips that would look perfect wrapped around my cock.

From what little I can see of his body, it’s lean but fit. His legs look long, with the right amount of muscle, as though made specifically to wrap around my waist while I pound his ass.

Holy fuckin’ shit, Liam, you obviously need to get laid, but you can’t have him.

Snapping at him over the name mix-up, I feel terrible when he starts trembling. I hesitantly put the paper on the desk.

Now you’re getting emo over a cute guy being scared of you. It’s your fuckin’ job to scare him, you dumbass.

Not liking all these wishy-washy emotions going on inside of me, I decide to focus on this letter from the senior Quinn.

Reading that he has offered his son to fuck for the entire weekend as his payment for this month, I can’t help the images that pop into my head….

Aaron, on his knees, with those cherry-red lips working me over. Oh fuck, that’s hot! Fisting his hair and coming down his throat, while he peers up at me with his emerald eyes. Fuck yeah I want that.

I am so hard I can probably hammer nails.
You need to get your game face on, Liam. You’re acting like a damn virgin, for fuck’s sake!
Shifting in my seat, I try to alleviate the pressure and get my mind back on the task at hand.

I’m disgusted a father can do this to his son, all so he can keep some stupid advertising company. He and my pops should go get drinks.

It suddenly occurs to me this could all be some big joke. This fucker has the nerve to send his son as a jibe about my sexual preference. Even worse, this little prick I’ve been fantasizing about is in on it. They must both be insane. When I get finished with them, they’re going to be wishing for death.

Jerking up from my desk, I see the little asshole cringe.
Yeah, you should’ve fuckin’ thought about that before you came here with this farce of an offer.
I make my way around the desk and reach down, grabbing him by his sweater as I pull him up.

“You think this is fuckin’ entertaining? To come in here and make fun of me? Huh?” Swinging him around, I ram him into the nearest wall and he lets out a loud grunt. “Answer me, damn it!”

He opens his eyes, gazing at me wildly, “N-n-n-no, Sir. This isn’t a joke. I’m the last person who would ever criticize you for being gay. I’m gay myself. The offer is r-r-real, I promise.”

“What did you say?” I step back slightly, blanching as I peer directly into his eyes. After all these years, I know when someone is lying to me.

“I said this offer is real, not some game. I would never make light of someone for something I am myself.” His eyes widen with a hint of fire when he speaks that last sentence.

He’s telling the truth.

Well, fuck. Now what do I do?

Releasing him, I go back to my desk to put some distance between us. I have so many questions. I hardly know where to begin. Aaron is still up against the wall, nervously picking at his sweater. I sigh, irritated.

“Sit the fuck down—that jittery shit sets me on edge.” He hurriedly obliges without even glancing at me. “All right, I have questions, and I want honest answers. If you lie to me, I can tell. If you do, I’ll go pay your dad that visit I planned on. Is that understood?”

He seemingly comes to a decision, sits up straight in his chair, and looks me in the eye. “Yes, sir, I completely understand.”

I’m indeed a little impressed with his self-imposed bravery, and I start with the most pressing question. “Why are you doing this?”

He appears confused. “I thought Dad had said—”

“I’m not asking why that prick is doing this,” I correct him. “What’s in it for you? Did Daddy promise you part of the company?”

With a little more heat in his eyes than earlier, he says, “You honestly think I’m doing this for a piece of the advertising business? I don’t give a shit about that place! It’s been nothing but trouble since he opened it. He tol… asked me to do this so he wouldn’t be hurt.” Some of the fire leaves him, and those beautiful eyes get a little glassy. “I can’t let my dad get injured, especially when it’s….”

He stops and swallows a couple of times. I immediately miss the feistiness I’d gotten a glimpse of. That shit is hot and has my dick twitching.

“When it’s… what?” I utter, curious about what he’s leaving out.

“Nothing, never mind.” He shakes his head as if to clear unwanted thoughts. “It doesn’t matter.”

Staring at him for a moment, I know that isn’t true, but for some reason I decide not to call him on it. I can sense something more, but it seems more personal than relevant.

Continuing on with my list, I ask, “Okay, I can see you don’t want your daddy hurt. Now, tell me why I should accept the offer instead of the cold, hard cash that’s supposed to be in my hand.”

I can’t help but chuckle when Aaron’s face turns the color of a tomato. He starts to say something, then stops and bites his lip in a very alluring way as he tilts his head slightly. What he says next makes desire pump through me like a living thing.

“Oh, come on. What gay man in his right mind would want cash in his hand when he could have a thick cock in it instead?” I’m stunned by his boldness and more than a little turned on.

Huskily, I reply, “You do have a point there.”

We stare at each other and I can feel the electricity crackling between us. It’s all I can do not to bend him over this fuckin’ desk right now. I’ve never felt this kind of attraction to anyone. At that moment, I know there is no way I am going to turn down the chance to fuck him.

“Tell me, Aaron, what kind of experience do you have?” He blushes again with that question and anxiety creeps into his face. Throwing him a bone, I go into more specifics. “Have you ever sucked a cock?”

He fuckin’ better have, because he sure as shit will be doing plenty of that this weekend.

He clears his throat. “Yes, sir, I have.”

Oh fuck, yes! I hope he’s good. It’ll be a shame to waste that mouth with bad technique.

“Three more questions, and I’ll tell you my decision.” Staring at him directly, I continue. “Has anyone ever fucked you?”

I wait with baited breath for the answer to this one. For some reason, he strikes me as truly innocent and that’s even more of a turn-on. Being surrounded by all this shit, it’s attractive to see something pure. He places his hands on his knees, rubbing them up and down for a moment, and then blows out a breath.

“No, sir, I-I-I’ve never been with anyone.” Running his hand through his hair, he continues, “I hope that doesn’t reflect negatively on your decision.”

Fuck no, it isn’t negative—my cock is now practically jumping through my zipper, trying to get at him.
Down, boy, we have to finish this discussion first.

“No, that’s definitely not a negative.” In an uncharacteristic move, I want to soothe his fears a little, and he visibly relaxes at that. “Next—how old are you?”

“I’m twenty-two,” he promptly answers.

“Good, I don’t like the idea of being arrested for child molestation.” I’m literally smiling at him with relief. “Last question—are you sure this is what you want to do? There’s no going back. You’ll be mine for the weekend, as the letter states.”

He sits there and ponders this for a moment, then takes on a decisive posture. “Yes, sir, I’m sure.”

Done—I’m ready right now.

The thought of popping his cherry has me about to come in my pants. “I will take your offer. Since I’m not into delayed gratification, go lock the door and come here.”

I sit and watch him hesitantly get up and go to the door, enjoying the view as he does so. He has wide shoulders that lead down to a narrow waist. Oh God, that ass—yum—flawlessly curved to fit in my hands.

The latch locks into place, and then he’s standing in front of the desk again. He appears anxious, wringing his hands together with his shoulders slumped.

I draw in a deep breath to calm myself.
You’re going to have to take it slow.

Usually, I like my fucks fast and hard, but I’ve never been with a virgin before. I’m a self-admitted jerk, but tearing up this boy’s ass is over the line for me. With a plan of action of sorts in place, I scoot my chair away from the desk and call to him. The sexy little man steps right in front of me.

Watching him, I grab his hands and place them on the edge of the desk behind him. He raises an eyebrow, looking perplexed.

I try to settle him a little by joking, “Just trying to get those nervous hands under control. You need to take a deep breath and calm yourself. Concentrate on what you feel and the rest will work itself out, okay?”

Nodding his head, he follows my directions. Enough is enough. I gotta get my hands on him.

I reach up, trailing my fingers down his smooth chest. Even through the sweater, I can feel defined pecs and a small six-pack. When I reach the bottom, I dip my thumbs under the knit to rub along his tight abdomen, and he gasps at my ministrations. Deciding that’s a good sign, I push it halfway up to uncover a sexy-as-fuck set of abs. I bend and lick the taut flesh, tracing the lines of sinewy muscle as they quiver under my tongue.

Aaron leans his head back and groans. Fuck, he is responsive, and I love it. After giving his stomach some more licks and nibbles, I stand up and pull on his top until he raises his arms. Whipping the shirt over his head, I throw it on the floor, and my eyes latch on to his two perfect, dusky pink buds.

I pinch them and Aaron chokes out, “Oh fuck.”

Leaning in, I take first one, then the other into my mouth, nipping and sucking. While doing this, I reach around and grab two handfuls of that tight little ass, grunting in sheer bliss at the feel of it. I squeeze, then rub, his perfect cheeks while biting down on his right nipple.

Aaron jerks and lets out a mewling sound that makes my cock jump. I’m already panting like I’ve run a marathon. I can’t take this shit anymore. I need in him—now!

Pulling back and sitting again, I reach for the button of his pants. His hands frantically join mine, trying to get them undone. He also starts working his shoes off his feet. It seems like he’s as turned on as I am right now. We manage to get them open, and I slide them and his briefs down his legs. When released, his long, thick cock springs up and slaps against his stomach. It’s amazing. My mouth waters at the thought of tasting it.

The mushroom-shaped head is dark pink, with a drop of precome on the tip. Snaking my tongue out to lap it up, I groan as the flavor explodes on my taste buds. The tanginess sets me on fire and I engulf him to the root, burying my nose in his brown curls.

Aaron cries out from above me. “Oh… my fucking God…. Oh…. So good…. Ah!”

He reaches down, white-knuckling the table behind him as I start to bob my head. Hollowing my cheeks, I suck hard on the upward stroke and release him.

He glances down, concerned, until he sees me reach for the drawer where I keep my stash. Pulling out the lube and a condom, I go back to work on his cock. I lean around him, squirting some lube on my fingers, and begin massaging his little hole until the opening muscle begins to loosen, enough to get one in. I try to make quick work of stretching him, but damn, he’s tight! I can’t wait to have him wrapped around me.

As I make my way up to two fingers, the room is filled with the sound of cries and whimpers. Aaron isn’t going to be a quiet fuck. Hell yeah, I love hearing what I’m doing to guys.

I start a scissoring motion in his hot passage. While doing that, I reach around with my free hand and use it in conjunction with my mouth until he’s practically convulsing under me.

Confirming my suspicions, he pants, “So close… going to come.”

With that, I back off, and he whines in frustration, which makes me chuckle. I slow down, licking at the silken skin along the side of his dick.

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