Imperative: Volume 2, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (90 page)

“Yes.”  Darcy smiled and then sighed.  “I would probably benefit a great deal sharing this with her, and ordinarily I would, but . . . the violence in Kent is what holds me back.”

“That is Kent.”

“I do not want to worry her.  I do not want to disturb her equilibrium in any way.  Mrs. Darcy is to be relaxed and happy.   You know that stress can cause a miscarriage.”  Darcy’s brow furrowed and he missed the surprised expression on his man’s face.  “She shows so many symptoms!”  He picked up the letter from Mr. Gardiner and struck it with the back of his hand.  “I am sure it is true.”  He looked up at Parker, almost pleadingly, “Has Judy said nothing?”

“Not to me, sir.”  Parker assured him.  “But she would not, not if it is early.  The risk of disappointment is so clear.”

“And so I will have to think of more foolish excuses to keep her from,”  he consulted the letter, “violent exercise, lifting weights, reaching, jumping, vomiting, coughing, convulsions, blows to the belly, falls, fever, bad odors, plethora, indolence,
high living, or the contrary
, and violent passions of the mind, including joy as well as fear and grief.  Good God!”  His hand ran through his hair.  “And all this when she absolutely refuses to address even the possibility!  Have you ever seen a woman cry or sleep so much?”  Darcy demanded.  “There
be a cause!” 

“Assuredly, sir.  And it would be a joy if your theory is true, but . . . that list you read, would not worry over you be one of the items?”


“Sir,  if ever I have seen a worried woman, it is Mrs. Darcy.” 

“I know, I know.  I saw it this morning, and again when I returned.”  He sighed and looked again at his letter.  “Nothing goes well when we keep things from each other.  When will I learn?”  

“I suppose that she is doing the same for you, is she not, sir?  By not telling you of a possible conception?” 

Darcy looked at his valet and smiled.  “Thank you for sharing the blame.  And how will my worry manifest itself, do you think?” 

“If you start rubbing your chest again, I think that Mrs. Darcy will throttle you.”  Parker said dryly.

“Will?”  The men turned towards the door and both heard the concern in Elizabeth’s voice.  They looked at each other and folding his letter, Darcy walked to the door.  “Coming, Lizzy . . .” Parker watched him disappear and hearing the sound of a kiss, he smiled when he next heard Darcy’s voice.  “I think that you and I need to talk.” 

Chapter 33


ama, it has been two weeks, please stop crying!”  Jane sighed and looked helplessly at Mary from outside of the parlour door as the rest of the party from Netherfield uncomfortably took their seats.  “I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble.”

“She just wants attention from you.  She was fine until the carriage pulled up.  I would not pay her any mind at all and she will stop.  Any other visitors and she would be boasting about one thing or another, my pregnancy, your buying an estate, Lizzy . . .”

“Lizzy?  I have never heard her brag of Lizzy.”

“She does when she wants to impress.  After all she has the richest husband, even if she is undeserving.”  Jane’s eyes widened as Mary sighed tiredly and stretched out her back.  “Those are her words, you have heard them enough.  Lydia will not sit with her anymore when she is like this, and Kitty received a letter from Aunt Gardiner yesterday inviting her to visit so she is too excited about travelling to London to sit still. Of course Lydia is very jealous and keeps demanding that she goes, too.  I am tempted to send her, but then Aunt would never speak to me again.” 

“Kitty is invited to London.”  Mrs. Bennet sniffed and put down her handkerchief.  “But she cannot go now!  Since you do not have your own townhouse, Mr. Bingley, she must go when Mr. and Mrs. Darcy are there!  Then you can all introduce her to rich men, not the tradesmen my brother knows!” The sisters glanced at each other, and Jane marvelled at her mother’s incredible hearing as they entered the room and took their seats.  Bingley’s fair skin was reddened and he looked down at his hands while Hurst coughed. 

“Oh, I do not want a very rich man like Mr. Darcy, Mama.  He is far too frightening.  Maybe one like Mr. Bingley . . .” She smiled at him.

“Thank you.”  Bingley cleared his throat.

“Not too rich, then.”  Hurst smirked.  “Just enough to get by.”

Jane said quietly, “I do not believe that Aunt and Uncle were going to introduce her to anyone, Mama.  This is just an opportunity to educate Kitty about a household and children, and seeing London a little.  That is all they ever did when I visited.  Besides, Lizzy and Mr. Darcy are unsure of their travel plans.”  She faltered when her mother’s gaze settled upon her.  “Whenever they next travel, I mean.” 

Mrs. Bennet instantly read Jane’s open face, “They are planning a trip to London?” 

visiting with Mr. Darcy’s family.  The colonel was to marry, and I do not know if they intended to stay longer than the wedding or not.  I have not heard from Lizzy for some time. . .”

“They visit
family . . .”  Mrs. Bennet said icily.  “They always have time for
.  It is as if she is ashamed of us!”

“Yes, Mama.”  Jane nodded.

“Of course they visit his family!  Why would they pass the opportunity to be with the earl?”  Caroline said.  “Even with the scandal that surrounds them . . .”

“Scandal?”  Mrs. Bennet’s ears perked up.

“There was no scandal, Caroline.”  Bingley corrected.

“There most certainly was.”  She chastised him and smiling, turned to Mrs. Bennet.  “The viscount is a drunkard and gambler, and nearly destroyed the family with his debts.  He married Miss de Bourgh to pay them off.”

“The same Miss de Bourgh who was meant to marry Mr. Darcy?”  Mrs. Bennet gasped and put her hand to her chest.

“Yes, she is Lady Gladney now.  But I do not know what good it all is, she is so weak, she will never produce an heir.”

“I will be curious to meet the colonel’s bride.”  Hurst settled back in his chair.  “Is she his choice or the family’s?”

“His, I believe.”  Bingley nodded.  “It will all be on them to continue the family name.”

“I do not believe it!  The viscount must be without fault.”  Collins declared.  “Lady Catherine would never align her daughter with such a notorious person.  She is far too proud of Rosings.  Her hopes were pinned on Mr. Darcy as her daughter’s husband until he married outside of the family’s wishes.”

“Poor thing had to settle for a
cousin instead.”  Hurst rolled his eyes, “And good thing for Darcy that he did not follow orders or he would have no chance at children if this blathering of yours is true, Caroline.”

Lydia shrugged.  “I do not see the difference.  Lizzy miscarried.” Seeing the collective stares, she looked at her mother.  “Did she not?  Isn’t that why she went away to Scotland instead of coming here when Papa died?”

“I did not know of this!”  Jane cried.

“Well, none of us know.  It was a theory of Kitty’s.”  Mary said quietly.

“It is a weakness for a woman to lose her husband’s child.  Lizzy is obviously unfit.”  Kitty said and feeling the attention of the room, she blushed, “Is that not what you said, Mr. Collins?” 

“Mr. Collins, if you dare speak of Mr. or Mrs. Darcy’s fitness to be parents before my wife and sisters again, you and I will have a very brotherly conversation outside.  Similar to the one we had over the steward?”  Bingley said in a low voice.

Collins hurriedly spoke, “That, that was some time ago and I was mistaken.  I did not mean to imply anything, Mr. Bingley.”

“Of course you did.”  Hurst noted. 

Silence pervaded until Lydia spoke up.  “How far away is Mr. Darcy’s family’s home from Pemberley?”

“I believe that the earl’s home is only thirty miles away.”  Bingley said while still looking at Collins.

Mary sighed with her husband’s unspoken plea for rescue, “A few hours in the carriage is not so bad.  Our travel to and from Hunsford was tedious, I cannot imagine staying at inns for days at a time to come to London.”

“It is wearing.”  Louisa agreed.  “But the trip is worth it in the end.”

“Mr. Collins, pardon me, sir, but you have received a franked letter.”  Mrs. Hill attempted to contain her excitement as she extended the note to her master.  “I have never seen one before.”  She composed herself and handed another letter to Mary.  “Here is one for you from Mrs. Darcy, madam.”

“A pretty penny that cost, I am sure.”  Mrs. Bennet eyed the note and then looked back to Collins, who was staring raptly at the letter in his hand and the word, “free” inscribed by the direction. 

“Would you rather Lizzy not write at all, Mama?”  Mary asked.

“She never writes to me.” 

“She probably has better things to do.”  Lydia said as she looked over Mary’s shoulder.

of course
she does,” Jane agreed as she looked curiously at Mary’s letter.  “Besides how much news can there be, after all?”

“Oh, Lizzy and I do not really talk about news so much.”  Mary looked at her letter and smiled.  “We have become such better friends now.  Is it odd, that she had to go away for that to happen?  Sometimes I do not quite understand what she is talking about, but I suppose that she has so much on her shoulders that I could not.”  Shrugging, she put her letter aside and did not notice Jane’s furrowed brow. 

“Lizzy has not one worry.”  Mrs Bennet said loudly.  “She has a rich husband, a grand house, and a hundred servants.   She has all of the time in the world, but she does not write to me or come to visit.” 

“Well, they are still visiting are they not?  Were they not to bring Miss Darcy to London?”  Mary asked.

“There!  I knew they were coming!”  Mrs. Bennet cried.

“No.”  Bingley started from watching Jane. “No, I had a note from Darcy.  They are returned to Pemberley.  He said something of the harvest, but he is considering honouring Miss Darcy’s plea to remain in Derbyshire until they travel to London at Christmas.  So we may make our way to Pemberley on our own.  I suppose that we will leave at the end of the month . . .”

“We are going to Pemberley?”  Mrs. Bennet clapped.   

Bingley shifted uncomfortably.  “By
, I meant . . . Jane and I, and the Hursts and my sister.  We are looking at estates as you know . . . and that will give the staff the opportunity to pack up our things, since we shan’t be returning, will we?” 

“No, we will not.”  Jane said quietly.

“Why should we not accompany you?”  Mrs. Bennet demanded.  “We should see this Pemberley of Mr. Darcy’s and see what is so grand about it!  Perhaps Mrs. Darcy could host a ball!”

“A ball!”  Kitty and Lydia chorused.

“We only have the one carriage, Mrs. Bennet, and yours is too small to bring all five of you . . . and it is a long journey.”

“It is expensive.”  Mr. Collins noted.  “We do not have the funds to waste on such luxuries.”

“Good.”  Hurst nodded and bending forward to snatch a piece of cake, he looked around.  “You are saving your money.  How wise.” 

“I suppose that when you leave here, you will become like Mrs. Darcy and never come again?”  Mrs. Bennet dabbed at her eyes and reached for Jane’s hand.

“Of course we will visit, Mama.”  Jane soothed.  “We will never abandon you.”

“I bet that Lizzy never comes back.  The only one she liked was Papa, and she did not want to be here when he died.”  Lydia said with a shrug. 

“You spent your time at Lucas Lodge.”  Kitty reminded her.

“So did you.” 

“At least some of us looked after things here.”  Jane said pointedly.

Hurst stepped in, “Well, Mr. Collins, what Member of Parliament has written to you?  Is this an answer to an inquiry?” 

“No . . . no, no, I would not presume to address Lord Whitby with my meagre concerns.”  He returned his gaze to the letter until Mary touched his arm. 

“Who signed it?”

“It says it is from Lord Matlock.  I . . . I suppose that I should open it and see why I am given such an honour.”   Shakily, he broke open the seal and looked quickly down the sheet.  “Lady Catherine!  Of course, she would be visiting Matlock for Colonel Fitzwilliam’s wedding, and naturally she took advantage of her brother, the earl, to save us the cost of the postage.  She is a magnificent woman, always caring for those below her.”

Mary looked over the paper he clutched in his hand, “What does she say?”

“Read it out!”  Mrs. Bennet cried.

“I am sure that it is full of her wise advice as always.”  He said eagerly. 

Dear Mr. Collins.
  He stopped and puffed himself up. 
I extend to you congratulations.  I have been informed by Mrs. Darcy that Mrs. Collins is expecting your first child.   You have wasted no time going about the business of securing your estate for future generations and I am pleased that you have found in Mrs. Collins a good woman who will surely provide you with your heir.  Please convey to her my hopes for her good health throughout her ordeal.

“How very kind of Lady Catherine, Mary!  To single you out in that way and to even consider your health!”   Mrs. Bennet preened.

“She is a fine woman, Mrs. Collins.  You should be grateful for her recognition.”  Collins said sternly. 

“I am, I assure you.”  Mary glanced over to Lydia, who was laughing behind her hand. 

“Grateful!  She said it was an ordeal?  Who is grateful for that!” 

“Hush!”  Mrs. Bennet admonished.  “Go on Mr. Collins!” 

“Oh, oh yes.”  He looked back down at the letter. 
I have come to the conclusion that you made the proper choice of wife.  Mrs. Darcy is most unsuited for a man of your sort.
  He attempted a look of humility, but it appeared as if he was holding back mightily from crying out his triumph.  Bingley’s stare caught his eye and he cleared his throat.  
However, I find it necessary to inform you that Mrs. Darcy has proven herself far more worthy to be Mistress of Pemberley.  I do not insult your wife in this as I also agree that my own daughter was not suited for this position.
  Hearing the murmurs around him, Collins blushed and smiled weakly at Mary.  “Of course you are not insulted, are you my dear?”

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