His Stolen Bride (Chicago Sons) (13 page)

“They threatened to kill me.”


Trent started talking fast. “I owed some guys some money. The deal was to offer her a discount price and pocket the difference. That’s all it was. I swear.”

“What guys?” Jackson demanded. “Who did you owe?”

Trent hesitated.

Jackson started to stand again.

“It was the Gerhards, okay? It was a land deal a few years back. I guaranteed their city permits. It didn’t work out. They lost big-time, and they’ve been dogging me ever since.”

The revelation surprised Jackson. He’d pegged Trent as a small-time criminal. He’d never guessed Trent was involved in this level of corruption.

He wasn’t sure he believed it now. “How could you guarantee their permits?”

“I know a guy,” said Trent.

“You know a corrupt guy in the permitting office who can be bribed?”

“The Gerhards have men inside the prison. And they
going to kill me. It was my only bargaining chip. I didn’t think anyone would get hurt, least of all Crista.”

“You painted a target on her back.”

“And then I came to you when it looked like it would go bad. I came to you for help.”

“You lied to me.”

“It got the job done,” Trent said defensively.

“They didn’t get their hands on the mine.”

Trent’s gaze narrowed, obviously not getting the point.

“What now?” Jackson elaborated. “How are you going to pay them back?”

“I sold them information. About the mine. We’re square.”

“So, they’re not going to kill you?”

“That was the deal,” Trent repeated with conviction. He didn’t look like a man who feared for his life.

But Jackson knew this wasn’t over. If he’d learned anything from his father, it was that criminals didn’t give up while there was still a prize to play for.

“It doesn’t matter if they kill you or not, they’ve still got their radar locked on her.”

Trent took a beat. “I didn’t mean for it to go like this.”

“Well, it went like this.”

Trent swallowed.

“You’re a sorry excuse for a father.”

Trent didn’t argue the point. He barely seemed to have heard the insult. His cockiness vanished, replaced by apprehension. “You’ll look after her?”

“I shouldn’t have to.” This time, Jackson did come to his feet.

“But you will?”

Trent’s emotional reaction had to be fake. But Jackson didn’t care enough to lie. “I will.”

Trent closed his eyes for a long second. “Thank you,” he muttered.

If Jackson didn’t know better, he might have thought the man was grateful. But he did know better. Trent was a self-centered, pathetic loser who didn’t deserve any daughter, never mind Crista.

He pivoted to walk away, letting his frustration and determination take him back down the long hallway.

The minute he cleared the prison building, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed his friend Tuck Tucker.

“Hey, Jackson,” Tuck answered.

“Got a few minutes to meet?” Jackson asked as he strode toward his car.


“If you can. It’s important.”

“Sure. Where are you?”

“Riverway prison.”

“That can’t be good.”

Jackson couldn’t help but smile. “I’m outside the wall.”

“Glad to hear it. The Copper Tavern?”

“Fifteen minutes?”

“Meet you there.”

As he started his car, Jackson placed a call to Mac.

“Yo,” Mac answered.

“You come across anything on the Gerhards bribing city officials?”

“Bribing them how?”

“Building permits.”

Mac went quiet, obviously thinking through the question.

“Did you find something relevant?” Jackson asked as he turned from the parking lot onto the gravel-littered access road.

Poplar trees swayed beyond the ditches, and clouds shadowed the sun as the afternoon moved forward.

“It makes sense,” said Mac. “A few committee decisions were overturned in their favor last year. That’s not unheard of, but there were more than what might be expected. Let me look into it further.”

“Check on Trent Corday while you’re at it. He may have had a hand in something bad at the city. Turns out he was the one who tipped Gerhard off about the mine.”

“Why would he do that?” Surprise was clear in Mac’s tone.

“He was in debt to the Gerhards and trying to avoid death or bodily harm.”

“By using his own daughter?”

“Yeah. Getting the mine into their hands was payback for the debt.”

Concern came into Mac’s tone. “But they didn’t get the mine.”

“I know. Trent seems to think they’re square anyway.”

“That doesn’t sound right,” said Mac.

“Tell me about it. Did you get Crista and Ellie dropped off?”

“Safe and sound at the Gold Leaf Resort. Ellie’s making spa reservations. Crista’s arguing, but I think Ellie’s going to win.”

“I hope Ellie can get her to relax, take her mind off all this.”

“If anyone can do it, it’s Ellie.”

“Good call. I’m meeting Tuck on my way back.”

“See you when you get here.” Mac signed off.

Jackson followed the expressway to the outskirts of the city, then swung off to cross the bridge and pick up the quieter streets that led to the Copper Tavern. It was a laid-back, comfortable sports-themed bar, with dark wood tables, padded leather chairs and good-humored staff that seemed to stick with the place for years on end.

It was easy to grab a parking spot in the midafternoon. Jackson left the bright sunshine behind and quickly spotted Tuck at a corner table. Tuck gave him a nod of greeting and signaled to the waitress for a couple of beers.

“Wings and ribs are on their way,” said Tuck as Jackson sat down.

“Works for me.”

“You’re buying,” Tuck added.

“You bet.”

The waitress, Tammy, arrived with two frosty mugs of lager. She gave Jackson a brief, friendly greeting as she set the mugs down on printed cardboard coasters.

“What’s going on?” Tuck asked Jackson as Tammy walked away.

“I need a favor.” Jackson saw no point in beating about the bush.


“It’s a big one.”

“How big? Should I have ordered lobster?”

Jackson coughed out a laugh. “It’s a whole lot bigger than lobster.”

“Lay it on me.”

“I need you to buy something for me.”

Jackson slid a web address across the table. “Cristal Creations. They have three stores in Chicago. You buy the company now. I’ll buy it from you in two years. I’ll guarantee whatever return you want to name.”

Tuck lifted the folded piece of paper. “Why?”

“I need my name to stay out of it.”

“No kidding. I mean, why buy it at all?”

“I know the owner,” said Jackson.

“You mean you’re sleeping with the owner?”

“It’s not about that.”

“That wasn’t an answer.”

“No,” said Jackson. “I’m not sleeping with her.”


“The person I care about is the jewelry designer, not the company owner. Gerhard Incorporated owns the company. The woman’s had a falling-out with them.”

Tuck pocketed the paper. “Anything in particular I need to know about that situation?”

“She was set to marry Vern Gerhard. She backed out. He’s not happy.”

“But you are?”

Jackson didn’t bother to hide his smile. “I’m satisfied with the outcome.”

“And now you need her to sever all ties.”

“I don’t trust them. They’re dirty, and they’ve got to be after revenge.”

Tuck gave a nod. “We’ve got a Bahamian holding company that’s not doing much of anything right now.”

“Can it be traced back to you?”

“It can. But it would take quite a bit of time and a whole lot of lawyers. I don’t know why anyone would bother, especially if the price was right.”

Jackson tended to agree. It was common knowledge that the wedding had been canceled. And Crista had been on network television last year pitching Cristal Creations. An offer to buy the company from Gerhard should look opportunistic more than anything.

“I really appreciate this,” said Jackson.

“Not a problem. My brother’s got Tucker Transportation humming like a top. I have to keep myself entertained somehow. So, why’d she do it?”

Jackson didn’t understand the question.

“Why’d she leave him?” asked Tuck.

“He was cheating on her.”

Tuck’s tone went hard. “Nice.”

Jackson knew Tuck’s brother, Dixon, had been a recent victim of infidelity.

“Anything else I can do to help her out?” Tuck asked.

“Not for the moment.”

“You think of anything, you let me know. Dixon will help out, too.”

“Thanks for that.”

“I’m serious.”

“I know.”

There was a moment of silence.

“The guy cheated on her
the wedding?” Tuck asked.

Jackson pulled out the photo of Crista. He handed it across the table to Tuck. “That’s the bride. And, yeah, it was before the wedding.”

Tuck whistled low. “Are you kidding me?”

“She’s bright, funny…good-hearted. Gerhard’s an idiot.” For that, Jackson was grateful.

“Or blind.”

“His loss.”

“Your gain.”

“Not yet,” said Jackson.

“You want some pointers?”

Jackson turned his attention to his beer. “No, I don’t want some pointers.”

Tammy arrived with the ribs and wings platter.

“Can I get you anything else?” she asked.

Tuck spoke up. “Jackson needs advice for the lovelorn.”

Jackson rolled his eyes at the absurdity of the statement.

Tammy took a single step back and made a show of looking him up and down. She put a good-natured twinkle in her eyes. “Show up.”

“Just doubled your tip,” said Tuck.

Tammy laughed as she backed away. “Enjoy. Let me know if you need another round.”

“I don’t need any romantic advice from you,” Jackson said to Tuck as he reached for a wing.

“What’s your next move?”

“She’s less than a week from leaving a man at the altar. I’m not going to crowd her.”

Tuck looked skeptical. “You’ve got to be honest. You’ve got to be up front. Otherwise women can sometimes conjure up all kinds of wrong ideas.”

“Just because you lucked out with Amber, that doesn’t make you an expert.”

There was a smug smile on Tuck’s face at the mention of his new fiancée. “That wasn’t luck, my friend. That was skill, sophistication and—”

“Honesty?” Jackson got the point of the lecture. But the situation with Crista had more than its fair share of complications.

“I was going to say groveling. But let’s stick with honesty for a minute. Trust is the hardest part to win and the easiest to lose.”

“There are things I can’t tell her.”

“Like what?”

“Like the fact that her father sold her out to a criminal enterprise over a diamond mine.”

Tuck raised his brow in obvious confusion. “You’re going to have to throw a few more details into that story.”

“Years ago, her father put some diamond mine shares in her name. She doesn’t know she owns them, but her father told the Gerhards about them to settle a debt. Vern Gerhard is after the diamonds.”

“The Gerhards need money?”

“More like they want money. If they based their behavior on needs, they’d have stopped building their empire a long time ago.”

“How many shares does she own?” asked Tuck.


“Four,” Tuck repeated, obviously looking for confirmation that he’d heard right.


Tuck raised his palms in incredulity. “What can they do with four shares?”

“It’s a privately held company. There are only ten shares in the world.”

“She owns 40 percent of a diamond mine?”


“Are there diamonds in it?”

“I’m told there are.”

“You have to tell her.”

Jackson closed his eyes for a long second. “I know.”

He’d spent the past few days telling himself there was a way around it. But there wasn’t. Jackson wanted Crista, and he wanted her safe. Gerhard might have walked away from a runaway bride. But he wouldn’t walk away from millions of dollars in diamonds and an outstanding debt.


hen Jackson’s lawyer Reginald Cooper had advised it would take several days to assess Cristal Creations and come up with a plan of action, Mac had suggested a spa getaway. Crista had vetoed the idea of leaving town again. She was tired of running from her problems.

But Ellie had begged her to reconsider. She reminded Crista that they’d been talking about a girls’ getaway and how it would give her time to think. Then Jackson had added that the owner of the Gold Leaf Resort was a client of Rush Investigations, making the weekend practically free.

With all three ganging up on her, Crista had finally relented.

Now, lounging with Ellie in the outdoor mineral pool, she couldn’t say she was sorry. The breeze was strengthening and clouds were closing up in the sky, but the rock pool was deliciously warm. Lounging on a seat, sculpted into the smooth boulders, with a tall glass of iced tea beside her, Crista closed her eyes and emptied her mind.

She felt more peaceful here than she had in days, and her brain had slowed down enough for her to picture her future. Maybe she’d find herself a new job. She probably would have to find a job, at least in the short term. Crista Creations was about to be dismantled. Without the Gerhards’ backing, the company couldn’t afford retail space. But without Crista, there’d be no more creations to sell.

She knew her designs were the unique element of the company. Without her, Cristal Creations was just another jewelry retailer. And it was a very competitive market.

She’d keep designing. But she’d pull back, retrench, rent booth space at a few jewelry fairs, work on her website and try to build up brand recognition. She’d make new pieces in the evenings, setting up in her kitchen like she’d done for so many months before Vern came along.

She pictured the work space on the island counter, the dining table covered with supplies, her closets overflowing.

Her eyes popped open. “Oh, no.”

“Huh?” Ellie seemed to give herself a shake.

“I can’t believe I forgot,” said Crista.

“Forgot what?”

“I canceled the lease on my suite. The movers are putting the furniture into storage next week.”

“You’re homeless?” asked Ellie.

“It’s almost impossible to find affordable rent.”

“You can stay with me,” said Ellie. “The new sofa folds out. It’s really quite comfortable.”

“That’s nice of you. But it’s not going to be that simple. I need to work from home again.”

“Why not wait and see—” Ellie’s eyes widened, focusing on a spot behind her.

“See what?” asked Crista, realizing she’d suddenly lost Ellie’s attention. She twisted her neck to look behind.

A cloud partially blocked the sun, and she had to blink to adjust to the light.

Then she saw him. It was Vern. He was pacing along the pathway toward them, and there was a smile on his face.

“How did he find me?” She wasn’t exactly afraid, but she was annoyed.

Ellie rose in a whoosh of water.

Crista pushed to her feet, striving for a greater sense of control. She crossed her arms and pinned him with a level stare. “What are you doing here, Vern?”

“I need to talk to you.” His tone was smooth, his expression open and friendly.

He was wearing a business suit, but he bent down on one knee on the cobblestones at the edge of the pool. “I hate the way we left things, Crista.”

She’d hated it, too, but it was entirely his fault, and there was no going back.

She held her ground. “Go home, Vern.”

“Not until you hear me out.”

She firmly shook her head. There was nothing he could say to undo infidelity.

“I know you’re upset,” he said.

“Upset? You think I’m
Try angry. Try incensed.
Everything about their relationship had been a lie.

“I can explain,” he said.

“Explain a girlfriend?” Now that she was rolling, she couldn’t seem to stop herself. “You can explain having both a girlfriend and a fiancée at the same time? How exactly are you going to do that?”

Ellie touched her arm. “Crista, don’t.”

Crista struggled to calm down. She knew Ellie was right. She shouldn’t be challenging him. She shouldn’t be engaging with him at all.

“She’s not my girlfriend,” he stated emphatically. “It was just a thing. One of those short-term, stupid things. I panicked. I knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life, but I panicked. I thought, well, I thought as long as it happened before the wedding—”

“Stop!” Crista all but shouted. “Quit rationalizing. You cheated. And I doubt you regretted it at all. I think you were going to keep doing it.”

“That’s not true.”

“It’s entirely true.” She was certain of it.

“I love you, Crista. I want to share my life with you.”

“You don’t love me. You can’t love someone and not want what’s best for them. You don’t want what’s best for me. You want what’s best for you. And you’re willing to sacrifice me to get it.”

“That’s the thing. I
want what’s best for you. And I’ve learned my lesson. I told myself it wouldn’t hurt you. If I thought for one minute it would have hurt you—”

“Shut up,” Ellie interjected. “Just shut up, Vern. Leave her alone and go away.”

Vern’s tone cooled as he looked at Ellie. “This is none of your business.”

A clipped male voice interrupted. “Maybe not. But this conversation is over.”

Jackson had appeared from nowhere.

“How did you…” Crista found herself gaping at him in surprise.

“Well, well, well,” said Vern, slowly rising and looking Jackson up and down.

“Goodbye, Gerhard,” said Jackson. “Or do I have to call security?”

“So you’re here with her,” said Vern.

Jackson didn’t answer.

“He’s not here with me,” said Crista. “He wasn’t here at all. Not until just now.”

Vern shifted his gaze to Crista, clearly trying to decide if she was lying.

She wasn’t. Then again, she didn’t really care what he thought.

“You don’t owe him an explanation,” said Jackson. He took a menacing step toward Vern.

“You want to do this?” Vern challenged, widening his stance.

“She wants you gone,” said Jackson. “You can walk out or be carried out. It’s all the same to me.”

Ellie grasped Crista’s arm. “Come on.” She tugged, urging Crista toward the glass-encased underwater staircase.

Crista realized it was good advice. She had absolutely nothing left to say to Vern, and her presence was only going escalate the situation. She left the pool and walked briskly away, scooping up the towels and robes they’d left draped over a pair of deck chairs.

Jackson caught up to them at the elevator.

“He’s gone,” he said.

“I’m beginning not to trust that.”

The elevator arrived, its doors sliding open for them.

“I don’t blame you,” said Jackson as they walked inside.

“I’m going to hide in my room now.” At least there, people would have to knock.

“You and I need to talk.” His expression was too serious for her peace of mind.

“Can it wait?” she asked.

“It’s important.”

“You can drop me at the smoothie bar,” said Ellie, pressing the button for the third floor.

Crista braced her hands on the rail behind her. “You know, I was happy in the mineral pool. All my cares and worries were flowing away.”

“Five minutes,” he said. “Ten, tops.”

“I don’t want any more bad news.”

Before he could respond, the elevator stopped on three, and the doors slid open.

“Mac’s around here somewhere,” he said to Ellie.

Ellie’s expression brightened. “He is?”

Jackson grinned at her telltale reaction.

“Catch you in a while,” said Ellie, and she stepped briskly away.

“She likes Mac,” said Crista, happy for her friend despite everything.

“Mac likes her back,” said Jackson. “He’ll track her down in no time.”

“Because he’s a skilled investigator,” Crista guessed.

“Because she’s still got the GPS phone.”

“You guys make me paranoid.”

“It’s healthy to be paranoid.”

Their eyes met as the elevator rose toward the presidential suite on the twentieth floor. His gaze was soft, and a rush of awareness heated her skin. She could fight it all she wanted, but he seemed more attractive every time she saw him.

Exiting the elevator, the suite was at the far end of the hallway. A set of double oak doors led to a spacious set of rooms with a dramatic bay window overlooking the spa.

She extracted the key card from her bag and swiped it through the reader. Jackson reached for the handle and held the door open wide.

“Do you want to change?” he asked as they entered.

She dropped her bag on an armchair and tightened the sash on her robe. “You wanted to talk?”

“I did. I do.” He seemed to give himself a mental shake. “I really missed you.”

She’d missed him too. And her feelings for him were getting more confused by the moment.

He was an extraordinary man. He was sexy and self-assured in a rugged and dangerous way. But he was also classically handsome. In fact, he could probably be a model. She had a sudden vision of him in a pair of faded jeans, shirtless on a windswept beach. She wanted to tear off his shirt so that reality could mesh with her fantasy.

“Don’t look at me like that,” his voice rumbled.

“I’m not.”

He eased forward. “You are such a liar.”

It was true. She was lying to him, and she was lying to herself. She was looking at him exactly like that. She was completely attracted to him and completely turned on, and she couldn’t figure out why she was fighting it.

“I’m sorry,” she offered.

“For what?”

“For lying.”

He seemed to take a breath. Then he squeezed her hands, causing her hormones to surge to life, and she swayed toward him.

He let go of her hands. Then he reached slowly up to cradle her cheek. He canted his head, easing his lips toward her.

“Do you want this?” he asked.

She was tired of lying. “Yes.”

“Are you sure?” he persisted. “Because if we shut it down again, it might kill me.”

It might kill her, too.

In answer, she reached for the buttons on his shirt, flicking open one, then another and another.

“I’m sure,” she whispered and stretched up to meet his lips.

His reaction was immediate. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her deeply. She molded against him, feeling the strength of his body and the thud of his heart.

He tugged at her sash, releasing the robe.

“I’m soaking wet,” she warned. Her bathing suit was going to soak through his clothes.

“I don’t care.” He stripped the robe from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

Then he lifted her into his arms, her flip-flops falling beside her robe. “Which way?” he asked.

She pointed to the bedroom door.

He carried her through then closed the door firmly behind them, setting her bare feet on the thick carpet. The balcony door was partway open, a breeze billowing the sheers. Muted sounds from the pool area below rose into the room. The fan whirred, and dappled sunlight danced on the buttercream walls.

He brushed back her damp hair, raking his fingers through the strands. She tugged free the hem of his shirt. Then she finished with the buttons, removing his shirt to reveal a close-up view of his broad shoulders and tanned muscular chest.

“I was right,” she muttered under her breath, then she kissed his smooth pec.

“Right about what?”

She was surprised he’d heard. “About you.” She kissed him again, making a damp spot with her tongue.

He gasped in a breath. “In a good way, I hope.”

“In a good way,” she confirmed.

He slipped off the strap of her bathing suit, kissing the tip of her shoulder. “I was right about you, too.” The vibrations of his deep voice penetrated her skin.

It was becoming a struggle for her to talk. “In a good way?”

“In a very good way.”

He released the hook of her bathing suit top. It fell, and her cool, damp breasts tumbled free.

He stepped back to look, and his eyes turned the color of dark chocolate. Her nipples beaded and a bolt of arousal spiked through her.

“Gorgeous,” he whispered with reverence.

“Not so bad yourself.” She ran her fingers from his navel to his chest and across to his shoulders. He was satisfyingly solid over every inch.

His hand closed on her breast, and his smile faded. He caught her lips again and wrapped his free arm around her waist to draw her close, her bare chest coming up against his.

Their kisses seemed to last forever. She wanted them to last forever. The whole world could disappear for all she cared. She wanted this moment, these feelings, this bliss she’d found with Jackson to go on and on.

Her knees began to weaken, and she could feel her muscles relax. He kicked off his shoes and popped the button on his pants.

In a moment, they’d be naked. They’d be on the big bed, and their inevitable lovemaking would finally come to pass.

“Protection?” she asked.

“I have it.”

She took a step, the backs of her knees pressing against the mattress. She gave him a sensual smile and hooked her thumbs into her bathing suit bottoms. Feeling sexy and powerful, and loving the molten expression in his eyes, she slowly peeled away the bottoms, stepping from them, standing naked in front of him.

He didn’t move. His gaze went from the top of her head to the tips of her toes and back again.

Her confidence faltered.

But then he met her eyes. “I’m in awe.”

“In a good way?” she joked.

“You’re stunning. I’m afraid to touch you. If you’re another dream, I’m going to be bitterly disappointed.”

Her confidence came back, and she smiled. “

“I’ve had several dozen.” He moved closer, stepping out of his pants.

“That’s good,” she told him.

“It was terrible,” he countered. “They weren’t real, and they were wholly unsatisfying.”

She wound her arms around his neck, coming up on her toes to kiss his mouth. “I’ll try to do better.”

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