His Stolen Bride (Chicago Sons) (17 page)

“This is going to sound crazy.” It was crazy. “My father says he trusts Jackson. He doesn’t want the shares for himself. He agrees I shouldn’t keep them. So he wants me to give them to Jackson.”

“Mac trusts Jackson,” said Ellie. “And I trust Mac.”

“Then we’re all in agreement, aren’t we?”

“Are you mad at me?”


“For saying I trust Mac?”

Crista let out a deep sigh. “I’m tired. I’m baffled, and I’m too exhausted to figure out the truth. Did you know Jackson was behind the Bahamian company that bought Cristal Creations?”

Ellie’s eyes narrowed in obvious puzzlement.

“For some reason, Jackson got Cristal Creations out of Vern’s hands. He’s somehow set it up so that I can run my own company.”

“That was an incredibly nice thing for him to do.”

“I don’t know why he did it.”

“Why don’t you ask him?”

“I can’t.”

“Sure you can.”

But Crista knew she couldn’t bring herself to face him. “If I was right about him, then I don’t ever want to see him again. And if I was wrong about him, well, I doubt he ever wants to see me again.”

“That’s not true.”

“Take him the papers. Let’s get this over with.”

Crista pulled open the door. By tomorrow, the next day at the latest, she’d be free of the Borezone Mine. She could finally get back to work and push Jackson out of her mind.

* * *

Jackson stared at the ownership transfer agreement for the Borezone Mine. “What’s the catch?” he asked to no one in particular.

“None that I can see,” said Reginald.

“Do you think her old man has really changed?” asked Mac.

“She doesn’t believe they’re worth anything,” said Ellie.

Jackson looked up and took in the three faces. “But they are worth something. We all know they’re worth millions. I can’t take them.” He shoved the papers across the meeting table in his Rush Investigations office.

“That’s how you protect her,” said Mac.

“She definitely wants you to have them,” said Ellie.

“You can still use them to her benefit,” said Reginald.

“It’s not the same thing,” said Jackson. “They belong to her. She has every right to own them, sell them—”

“Or give them away,” said Mac.

“Not to me,” said Jackson.

“Then who? Give her another solution. What is she supposed to do, sit at home and wait for Gerhard to come back?”

“If only you hadn’t lied to her,” said Ellie.

“That’s not helping,” said Mac.

“She’s right,” said Jackson. “But I didn’t think I had a choice,” he told Ellie. “If I’d revealed the whole truth up front, she’d have run fast and far from me. Gerhard would have convinced her to come back.”

“Maybe,” Ellie allowed.

“We should have gone to Vegas,” said Jackson. “It was always the best plan.”

“Want me to call Tuck?” asked Mac.

Jackson coughed out a laugh. “Right. Great idea. I could kidnap her all over again.”

“I wouldn’t kidnap her,” said Ellie.

“No kidding,” said Jackson. Clearly, he had to work on his sarcastic voice.

“But you can probably persuade her.”

Jackson huffed. “I can’t persuade her. I wouldn’t try.”

He loved Crista. There was no way he’d do a single thing to cause her more hurt.

“For her own good,” said Ellie.

“Not a chance.”

“Refuse to sign the papers.”

“I already did,” said Jackson.

“Offer to marry her instead.”

“I already did that, too. She turned me down flat.”

“Did you tell her you love her?” asked Ellie.


“Don’t bother denying it,” said Mac.

“I think she knows,” said Jackson.

Everyone else had figured it out. He was starting to feel like he was wearing a neon sign. Besides, what other explanation could there be for his behavior?

“She thinks you’re angry with her,” said Ellie.

“Why would she think that?”

“Because she refused to trust you.”

“That’s just good sense,” said Mac.

Jackson frowned at him.

“I’m serious,” said Ellie. “She’s afraid you won’t forgive her.”

“There’s nothing to forgive.” His brain latched on to the word
. Why would Crista care about his forgiveness?

Ellie gave him a secretive smile.

“Are you saying…” he asked.

“I don’t know anything for sure,” said Ellie.

But she suspected. It was clear Ellie suspected. She thought Crista might have feelings for him.

“Where is she?”

“She’s in Wisconsin by now. But I can take you to her.”


“Far away from Vern Gerhard.”

Okay, that was good.

Mac put his phone to his ear. “I’ll get Tuck to warm up the jet.”

Jackson was about to protest. Tuck had already done enough. But then he calculated the time savings and decided it was worth asking. Tuck could always say no.

“Good plan,” he said to Mac.

“Wisconsin only?” asked Mac. “Or all the way to Vegas?”

Jackson grinned. Persuasion and even kidnapping was starting to sound like a very good idea. “All the way to Vegas.”

* * *

Crista was in her motel room staring at her email, willing a message to arrive from Ellie. Surely she’d taken the papers to Jackson by now. Surely he’d signed. Crista knew he had to be angry with her, but she also believed he’d been trying to help her. Surely he’d be willing to do this one small thing.

She hit the refresh button, but there were no new messages.

“Come on,” she said out loud.

A knock on her door startled her.

Fear immediately contracted her stomach. Her first thought was that it was Vern. Had he followed her from Chicago? Had he staked out the prison? Or maybe he’d threatened Ellie and forced her to reveal Crista’s location.

The knock sounded again.

Crista carefully rose to her feet. The chain was on the door, but she had no doubt Gerhard’s burly security men would break it down. She could tell them Jackson already owned the shares. But she had no proof. They probably wouldn’t believe her.

She started to back away, thinking she’d lock herself in the bathroom and call the police.

“Crista?” came a man’s voice.


“Crista, it’s me, Jackson.”

Relief instantly rushed from her scalp to her toes.

“Open the door,” he called.

“Jackson?” She rushed forward. “Jackson?” she called louder.

“Ellie gave me the papers.”

“Good. That’s good.” She gulped a couple of deep breaths, staring at the door.

“Ellie and Mac are in the car.”

“Ellie’s here?”


That had to be good. It was all good. Vern hadn’t found her. She wasn’t afraid of Jackson. He must have signed the papers. Maybe he was here to give her a copy.

Her hands trembled as she pulled off the chain. Then she turned the dead bolt and twisted the door handle, opening the door.

Jackson was there, smiling. She was glad to see him. She was ridiculously glad to see him.

“Hi,” she managed.

“Hi yourself.”

“Ellie brought you?” That much was obvious, but she didn’t really know what else to say to him.

“Can I come in?”

“Yes.” She stepped back.

She glanced out at the parking lot. “Just you?”

“I need to talk to you alone.”

“Okay.” She shut the door behind him.

Then she turned to where he was standing, close, looking strong and sexy and not even a little bit angry.

“You signed?” she asked, so happy to have this all behind her.

She wanted to walk into his arms. She could hug him at least, couldn’t she?

“I didn’t sign,” he said.

She stopped herself short. “What?”

“I didn’t sign,” he repeated.

“Why not?”

“I don’t want your diamond mine, Crista.”

“But…it’s just a formality. You know that. Why would you refuse?”

Had everything he’d said been a lie? Did he not care about her at all? Was he so angry he was willing to let her take her chances with Vern and Manfred?

“Is transferring the shares all about the Gerhards?” he asked.

“Yes. If I don’t own the mine, they go away.”

“That’s true.”

She was starting to get annoyed. “So? What’s your problem?”

“The problem is, my earlier deal stands,” he said.

“You had a deal with my father?” What secret angle had she missed? She braced herself for what he was about to reveal.

“My deal was with you.”

She didn’t respond. He was talking in riddles.

“Vegas,” he continued. “The deal was that I’d keep you safe from Gerhard by marrying you in Vegas.”

“Is that a joke?”

“But I don’t think I presented it right,” he said.

She was growing more confused by the minute. “It was pretty straightforward.”

They got married and foiled Vern’s plan.

“No.” Jackson shook his head, taking a step forward to bring them close together. “It wasn’t straightforward at all. What I should have said back then was I love you, Crista Corday. Will you marry me and spend the rest of our lives together? Let’s do it in Vegas, because I can’t wait another second for you to be my wife.”

His face went blurry in front of her and she blinked, realizing her eyes had teared up.

“What did you say?” she rasped. “You’re not playing me?”

“I’m not playing you.” He cradled her face with his palms. “I’ve never been more serious in my life.”

“Because—” Her voice broke. “Because I couldn’t take it if you were. Money I can lose.”

“Trust in this, Crista. I love you with all my heart.”

He kissed her, and joy sang through her chest. It was long minutes before he broke the kiss.

“I love you,” she answered, breathless. “And I’ll marry you in Vegas or anywhere else you want.”

His arms went around her, and she hung on tight.

“You love me?” he asked.

“More than that. I trust you. I trust you with my heart, my soul and my life.”

There was laughter in his voice. “And the diamonds, because the diamonds are very real.”

“The diamonds aren’t real.” How many times did she have to say it?

“Maybe you’ll believe it when you start turning them into jewelry designs.”

“Maybe.” If diamonds showed up in her workshop, she’d concede they were real.

“In the meantime, my friend Tuck is waiting at the airport with his jet.”

“Oh, right. Your friend Tuck who has a jet.”

“I told him he could be the best man.”

“And you brought Ellie for maid of honor?”

“I brought Ellie. Though I don’t know what you’ll do for dresses and flowers.”

“They have stores in Vegas.”

“That they do. I’m sure we can find anything our hearts desire in Vegas.”

She burrowed against his shoulder, drinking in the solid warmth of his body. “The only thing my heart desires is you.”

He rocked her back and forth. “I am so monumentally glad to hear that.”

The motel room door opened.

“Are we going to Vegas?” asked Ellie.

Crista grinned. “We’re going to Vegas.”

“Bachelorette at the Lion Lounge,” Ellie sang.

“You’ll have maybe an hour before the wedding,” said Jackson. “I’d suggest you spend it shopping.”

“You will need a dress.” Ellie sounded disappointed.

“So will you,” said Mac, his arm going around Ellie. “Something slinky. I’ve always had a thing for bridesmaids.”

“Too much information,” said Jackson.

Mac just grinned.

“I hope you have a thing for brides,” Crista whispered to Jackson.

“I have a thing for one particular bride,” he whispered back. “From the first second I saw her, I knew she had to be mine.”

“But this time,” she said, smiling up at him. “It’ll be
wedding. But with you, Jackson. Forever.”

* * * * *

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