Read Hillbilly Rockstar Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Hillbilly Rockstar (16 page)

BOOK: Hillbilly Rockstar
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“I appreciate the prayers, ma'am. You have a fine day.”

She really had no comeback for that.

Devin returned to his seat. His food had gone cold. But he scooted up to the table and shoveled in what was left. Then he snatched the bacon off Liberty's plate and grinned at her while he crunched it.

“Hurry up,” Crash said. “We've got an hour before we reach the venue, and we have to do a quick run-through as soon as we hit the parking lot.”

“Why? We've played there before,” Gage said.

“They upgraded the sound system since last time. I've been on the phone with Boomer. He's having a shit fit. Nothin' is going right. Half the speakers don't work, and amateurs are trying to tell him how to do his fucking job.”

“Amateurs?” Devin repeated.

“Jesse-Belle's crew.”

“We're done here.” Devin stood and addressed everyone at the table. “Be ready to hit the stage as soon as the bus door opens. Got it?”

s echoed.

Liberty hadn't seen Devin so infuriated since he'd had front-of-house security haul out a guy in the front row after he'd punched his girlfriend in the face.

Devin had his phone out and was barking orders at someone as he exited the restaurant. She remained a few steps behind him, glancing around to see if the woman with the Bible intended to chase him down and thump him with it.

Reg reached the bus first and unlocked it. He and Liberty exchanged a look when Devin scaled the bus steps without pause.

“Thanks, Reg. Time to put the pedal to the metal, huh?”

“Sounds like, Miss Liberty.”

Inside, Devin paced. “I don't give a damn. She can use our equipment, or I'll scratch her from the rest of the dates. Yeah? Go ahead and call Carl at Big Sky. I guarantee if it gets out that I dropped her from the tour, it'll be a long damn time before she gets another offer from anyone. No, sir, that is not a threat; it's a fact. I'm not letting some wet-behind-the-ears twenty-year-old diva fuck up one of my best venues.” He paused. “You do that. We'll be there in less than an hour.” He hung up. “Motherfucking hell.”

“What's going on?”

“In a nutshell, Jesse-Belle's road crew can't get her equipment to work, which has delayed getting my stage show set up. We're sold out for tonight. The damn show starts late anyway, and I'm not sucking up
delays. I'll cut her. Double Trouble can do their set damn near acoustically, so I'm not
worried about them.” He tossed his phone on the bench. “Only ten shows
with her, they said. How bad can it be? It's the second night and I want to send her packing.”

Here's where the change in their relationship caused her hesitation and some confusion. Was she supposed to try to soothe him like a lover would? Or keep their interaction focused on business?

When Devin plopped down and rested his head against the back cushion with a sigh, she reacted instinctively. She straddled his lap, curled her hands around his face and kissed him. She didn't offer him comfort, but distraction.

He eased back and murmured, “You taste so damn sweet. Like maple syrup.”

“And you taste like stolen bacon.”

He laughed softly and returned to the kiss. Keeping it just as sweet and soothing as she had. No rush, just focusing on sliding lips, twining tongues and gentle touches.

Something shifted inside her.

No. It was just the bus swaying; that's all.

Devin's lips slid free from hers, and he followed the curve of her neck down to the top button of her blouse. “Thank you.”

“Truly my pleasure. Is there anything else I can do?”

“Not now. But it's an understatement to say I don't trust her or that bunch of clowns she calls a management team. So just keep a closer eye on it tonight.”

Liberty tipped his head back to look into his eyes. “Should I be worried to the point I'll need to add extra security?” Not that she could at this late in the day.

“Maybe around me so I'm not tempted to throttle her.”

“I'm keeping my stun gun away from your twitchy fingers.”

Devin sighed again—an agitated sound. “This venue is great for
everything except there aren't any backstage accommodations other than sponsor tents.”

“Want me to duck into my bunk so you can get into the right headspace?”

“Where would I warm up? In the shower? Wait. That's your special
singing spot.” His eyes narrowed. “That reminds me. We never talked about why you didn't mention you've got a killer voice.”

She tried to squirm away. “Stop teasing me.”

Then he wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and held her in place. “I'm serious. When I heard you singing in my shower I thought you were Tay.”

“Maybe the manufacturer added excellent acoustics in the shower since this is a rockstar bus.”

He made an annoyed noise. “If the acoustics were that damn good, I'd record my next album in there. So try again. Where'd you learn to sing so well that I confused you with a professional vocalist? Have you had training?”

“Are you kidding me? Half the time we didn't have enough money for food. I've always liked to sing. I still do. That's it.”

“That's it, she says.” He brushed his lips across hers. “So if you like to sing, sing with me.”

“What? No way.”

“Please.” Another brush of his velvety lips.

“Devin. Don't.”

“Sing with me one time and then I'll leave you alone.”

She snorted. Right.

Then he started to hum. She recognized the song and the next line popped into her head. But her lips remained firmly closed.

“Come on, you know you want to. Sing a little something with me and I promise I'll play a song—any song you want—onstage tonight just for you.”

Devin hummed louder. Then he switched to the actual lyrics. And she couldn't help herself when he hit the catchy chorus; she chimed in. So softly at first she doubted he heard her.

But he immediately matched her softer tone, so their voices were the same strength. On the next line, Devin sang harmony as she kept up the melody.

When they reached the end of the tune, Devin grinned and kissed her. “Screw bein' my bodyguard. I'm makin' you my new backup singer.”

Liberty blushed. “High praise. Thank you.”

“Would it be over-the-top if I said,
Baby, we're gonna make beautiful music together

“Yes, and it makes you a total dork.”

“You wound me, darlin'.” He slapped her ass. “I gotta get ready.”

“I need to make a phone call anyway.”

Devin was so distracted he didn't ask who she was calling.

Which was a good thing because the call she needed to make might end everything.


“Liberty. I'm surprised to hear from you in person. You usually e-mail me your reports. What's goin' on?”

“Something came up, and I don't know what to do.”

“What happened?”

No reason to make polite chitchat. She blurted out, “I slept with Devin.”

A pause, then, “I assume it was by mutual consent?”

“Of course.”

“Is he demanding replacement security?”

“No. In fact, just the opposite. Devin seems to think we're in some sort of personal relationship.”

“Of course he does,” Garrett drawled. “Think that'll put him in danger? He expects you to act like his girlfriend and not as his bodyguard?”

Liberty leaned her head against the plush padding in her bunk wall. “To be honest, I'm not sure. This is a job, but yet it feels different somehow.” Until now she'd avoided drawing parallels between this situation and the one with her commanding officer. They were similar in that she and Sean had to keep what they were doing a secret; they both could've faced
disciplinary actions. Devin wasn't asking her to keep their intimate relationship under wraps, but her purpose for being with him, who she really was, was a secret from the rest of the band. Part of her thought that was a harder pill to swallow.

When Garrett didn't respond, her brain chimed in with the serious repercussions she was trying to ignore.

Was fucking him worth losing your job? Worth losing one hundred thousand dollars? Worth losing your self-respect, to think that you're just another woman who fell into Devin McClain's bed?

She couldn't stand the silence any longer. “Garrett? Are you so quiet because you're booking plane tickets?”

“Excuse me?”

“I worried that when I told you about Devin and me becoming lovers, you'd have my ass on the next plane back to Denver.”

“Is that what you want?”

“No! It's just . . . the fact that you're not freaking out about this is freaking me out a little.”

Garrett said, “Gimme a minute, okay?”

“Fine.” He put her on hold and canned Muzak tortured her ear. Who thought an instrumental version of “Smells like Teen Spirit” was a good idea?

Maybe Garrett wouldn't shitcan her. Maybe he'd just pull her off the assignment.

Why did the thought of leaving Devin make her sad and not like she'd dodged a personal and professional bullet?

“I'm back. This might be the understatement of the year, but besides your bedroom antics, you and Devin are getting along well?”

“Yes. He takes the security issues seriously. He listens to me and trusts me.”

“Look. If it were anyone else, I'd pull them off assignment, but I suspected something like this would happen. And before your outrage burns through the telephone lines and zaps my brain stem, lemme explain something. It is not that uncommon when people are in close quarters like you two have been that an intimate relationship will develop.”

Relief swept through her, followed quickly by a niggling suspicion. “You didn't plan for this to happen, did you?”

“No, but I'm not naive either. So be warned: There's truth in that movie
The Bodyguard
—how it played out and how it ended.”

It ended badly, if she recalled correctly.

“When the period of danger is over for the client, the guard and the
client go their separate ways.” He paused. “Is that what worries you? Have you fallen for him?”

No. Not yet. Okay, maybe a little
. “No. I just . . . I wasn't sure if sleeping with the client was a firing offense. The situation wasn't addressed in the employee handbook.”

Garrett chuckled. “As long as you can be honest about your ability to still do your job at the same commitment level as when you started the assignment, then I don't have a problem with it. But if there's a change in dynamic on either side, you'll need to inform me ASAP.”


“I never doubted your ability to handle this job, Liberty. But I avoid assigning opposite-sex bodyguards to clients for any length of time for this very reason.”

“Great. I'm a cliché now too.”

“Not yet. So do you want me to tell the promotion company that your relationship with Devin has become intimate and see how they weigh in?”

She chewed on her lip. “I'll leave that decision up to you.”

“Then as far as I'm concerned, everything is goin' according to the contract we signed. I'll leave it as is for now. They were the ones who insisted on hiring you. They were the ones who suggested you pose as his girlfriend before we settled on the personal assistant title. They really can't be shocked that you two became sexually involved.”


“Can I give you some advice?”

Unsolicited advice from Garrett Barker? This oughta be good.

“Make sure to take it at face value. The minute you start thinkin' that you've found something real and start makin' plans with him . . . it'll fall apart.”

“Are you speaking from personal experience, Garrett?”

A pause followed. “Yeah. Didn't end pretty. I did my job and kept her safe. She walked away intact, which I was paid to ensure. I limped away, half-goddamn-broken, and that fucked me up big-time.”

“If you had it to do all over again, would you take the job?”

“Yes. But I'd remember it was just a job. It's not real.”

Liberty tipped her head back, knowing in her gut he was exactly right. “Thanks for talking to me.”

“Anytime. Stay safe. Keep in touch.”

“I will.” She ended the call and tossed her phone on the bed, relieved and yet also worried if she and Devin kept up the level of not only sexual intensity, but intimacy, she'd be nursing a broken heart.

Chapter Sixteen

week of having Liberty in his bed and Devin still couldn't get enough of her.

And after the high-energy performance he'd just given—he loved rowdy, loud crowds, especially during a rare afternoon concert—he was damn near desperate to prolong that adrenaline rush.

They were in the media room, acting civilized.

He felt anything but civilized.

Devin angled his head and murmured, “I want to fuck you. Now.”

No one else saw it, but he felt Liberty tremble against him.

“Devin McClain.” A booming voice echoed behind him.

As he turned to face the man, he let his fingers sweep across the bottom of Liberty's ass.

She hissed, “Stop it.”

“You don't want me to stop.”

He forced a smile for Jarvis Barnes, the program director for the biggest country music station in three states, and held out his hand when the man finally waddled toward him. “Jarvis. Good to see you again.”

“You too. Can't believe it's been a year. The new album is doin' great. Congrats on ‘Broken Beams' hitting number two.”

“Thanks. The fact it's become a fan favorite has taken the sting outta missing that number-one spot.”

“Your next single will get there. And, son, I'd really like an exclusive on
which song that's gonna be. Especially since we didn't get you booked for an interview at the station this time.”

“Tell you what. My assistant and I were just headed back to my ready room to make a few calls and go over some last-minute schedule changes. I'll see what Don at the label says and he'll get back to you.”

“Great.” He clapped Devin on the back. “Spectacular show today.”

“Thanks.” Devin stepped back and looked at Liberty. “Let's get this handled.”

As soon as they were out of view, he put his hand on the small of her back and said, “I didn't introduce you to Jarvis because he's the type of DJ who's always lookin' to scoop his competition. I don't want him takin' notice of you, let alone mentioning you on air.”

“Because you're afraid he'll find out I'm not really your PA, but your bodyguard?”

“No. I don't wanna share what's goin' on between us with anyone in this industry. I deserve to have a private life.”

“So I'm just your dirty little secret, Mr. McClain?”

“Yes. And I make no apologies for keepin' all the dirty things we do to each other a secret and enjoying the hell out of every single one.”

After a quick nod of acknowledgment to the security guard, Liberty punched in the code that unlocked the door. As soon as they were inside, Devin slid the dead bolt home and pressed the front of her body against the metal door, grinding his erection into her ass.

“I need to be inside you,” he said as he trailed his nose down the arch of her neck, filling his lungs with her chocolate and vanilla scent.

“Then stop distracting me at least until I'm unarmed.”

“Hurry up.”

She pushed him aside, pulling her piece from her waist holster as she walked to the middle of the room to set it on the sofa table.

Devin followed her and snagged a condom out of his duffel bag. As he watched her strip to skin, an animalistic hunger arose. He unbuckled his belt, dropping his jeans and boxer briefs to the tops of his boots. Then he rolled the condom on.

He moved in behind her, and his mouth connected with her ear. “Sexy
fuckin' woman. You're a damn drug.” He grabbed a handful of her hair,
urging her to turn her head. Their mouths met, and the kiss was electric. Passionate. Ramping his need higher.

She made that soft whimper against his mouth when his right hand cupped her mound. He traced her slit with his middle finger, spreading her juices up to her clit. She broke the kiss on a gasp. “We've been in here like three minutes. The second you touch me I'm ready to explode.”

“Hands on the back of the couch.” Devin slipped two fingers inside her. The tight, slick heat tempted the animal inside him to ignore everything but slamming his cock into her. She'd be good with that—Liberty turned her pleasure over to him completely.

“Devin, I need—”

“Don't push me to get you there faster or I'll make you wait longer.”

“You get off on that.”

“Yeah, baby, I do. And so do you.” But he didn't plan to make her wait this time. With her being tall, he could reach all her hot spots without bending down too far, keeping his mouth attached to her skin as she unraveled.

She started pushing her hips down to try to increase the friction on her clit and shove his fingers deeper inside her. “Don't stop. Please.”

“I'll make you come, but you gotta come quietly. Understand?”

She nodded.

He fisted his hand in her hair, pulling hard at the same time he took her earlobe between his teeth and bit down.

A sharp bite of pain, his fingers stroking those wet walls, his teeth on her skin and the rapid rubbing of his thumb over her clit tipped her over the edge.

She bit her lip to stifle the moans as her pussy spasmed around his fingers and pulsed against his thumb.

“Fuck, you're coming hard. This hot cunt is tryin' to pull my whole hand inside you.”

She whimpered when he dragged an openmouthed kiss beneath her ear and sucked on the spot that made her wilder yet.

Once the pulses ended, he eased his wet fingers out of her pussy. He
growled, “Bend over.” As soon as her belly rested on the back of the couch, he aimed his cock at her warm center and plunged inside.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. There was nothing in the world like this.

With both his hands on her hips, his rhythm became frantic. He should've lasted longer, but the heat that blazed between them was impossible to resist.

She was impossible to resist when she arched her back, allowing him to drive into her deeper yet.

He made a low noise in the back of his throat and slammed into her, completely pulling out on each stroke.

, he was coming, and her cunt muscles clamped down, slowing his thrusts so he felt every spurt almost in slow motion.

When her body squeezed the last throb from his dick, his hands landed beside hers. His chest resting on her back, his mouth at her ear. “You okay?”

“I'm always okay when you're fucking me.” Liberty turned her face to his and rubbed their cheeks together. “I've never had a man want me the way you do. So every time you drag me off and press me up against something or bend me over something, I feel . . .”


“Like I'm enough.”

Devin pulled out and gently spun her around, holding her face in his hands and kissing her. What would it take to get her to believe he didn't want anyone else—just her? Didn't she know how rare and special it was that for the first time in his adult life he'd found a woman who wanted him just for him, not for the outward trappings?

Her arms circled his waist, and she spread her hands over his shoulder blades, digging her nails into his skin.

He slowed the kiss and spoke softly when their lips were a breath apart. “You're beyond enough. You're—this is so much more than anything I thought I'd ever have.”

“You trying to turn my knees weak?”

“Yep, because you've got an awfully strong will.”

She laughed softly.

Devin placed one last kiss on her sweet lips and he stepped back to right
his clothing. He headed to the bathroom to flush the condom. He washed his hands and his face, staring at himself in the mirror. He didn't look different on the outside, but inside was a whole other matter. Being with Liberty changed him. Even if she didn't—know it—or believe it—he did and that was all that mattered.

Liberty had already concealed her gun in that funky, slim-fitting pantsuit she wore and waited by the door. “What time are you supposed to be at the children's hospital?”

“In an hour. Traffic is notoriously bad here, so we'd better get goin'.”

Those magnetic eyes searched his. “Did you call a car service?”

“No. Crash rented me a car.”

“Devin. I don't know how safe—”

“No one will recognize me. Plus, I wanted to take you someplace nice for supper.” He tugged on a chunk of her blue hair. “You know how I am after these things. You deserve a decent meal for havin' to deal with my brooding.”

Everything started out all right at the children's hospital. The staff had set up a big room for them. In addition to designating a performing area, they'd arranged a table for a craft project. The slightly horrified look on Liberty's face when she realized she'd have to make something out of tongue depressors and cotton balls forced him to turn away to hide his grin.

Devin always spent time with the nurses and aides before the visit. Medical science and the doctors might work miracles, but these people were in the trenches with these kids every day, every night, every step of the way.

These were the true heroes.

As much as he wanted—needed—to do these visits, they weren't easy. No matter how many times he'd done them, he walked into the hospital with a tight knot in his stomach. Usually at the thirty-minute mark he'd realize he'd relaxed and that knot loosened. It felt natural joking around with the kids, singing a few songs. Letting the oldest kid in the room jam on his acoustic guitar.

Normally Liberty remained outside during these visits. But today she sat in the corner—farthest away from the craft table—and closest to him.

He'd just finished playing one of his kid-friendly songs, “That Dog Don't Hunt,” when he asked if anyone had a request.

A frail-looking girl in the back shuffled forward, dragging her IV behind her. She stopped right in front of him and wheezed until she caught her breath. “I have a request.”

“Sure, sweetheart. What would you like to hear?”

“‘You Are My Sunshine.'”

That knot in his belly tightened up again. He never played this song, even though it was great for kids to sing along to. He never played that song because it was the first—and last—song his sister had sung. He managed to ask, “Why that song?”

“My sister sings it to me when I'm sad to cheer me up.”

“Are you sad today?”

She nodded.


“Because my sister couldn't come visit me this week. I miss her.”

“If I play it, will you sing along with me?”

Her eyes lit up. “Really?”

“Really.” He strummed the opening chord. “What's your name?”


That's when his world fell in. That's when he couldn't breathe; he couldn't move; he couldn't think. He stared at the girl in front of him—the same age, the same coloring as his sister—and for a split second, her image wavered and she
his Michelle.

The knot in his stomach crawled into his throat and threatened to choke him.

He must've made some distressed sound, because Liberty was by his side in an instant. She smiled at the girl and said, “Give us a moment, okay?”

Then Liberty's cool hand rested on the back of his neck and her voice broke through the roaring in his ears. “Devin. Breathe. You're all right. Just take a quick break.”

He moved his mouth, but no sound came out.

But somehow, tears were streaming down his face. Every anguished second he'd spent missing and mourning his sister rolled over him in an unending wave of sorrow.

Liberty pried his fingers off the neck of his guitar and plucked it out of his hands. She faced the room, blocking him from view.

“You guys ever get a frog in your throat?”

A few kids made a
ribbit ribbit

She laughed. “Just like that. It even happens to professional singers. So while Devin gets a drink and tries to drown that frog, you're stuck doing a sing-along with me. Problem is . . . I don't play guitar.”

While she cajoled the kid from earlier to come up front and play, Devin found the will to move. He coughed a few times as he scooted over to the refreshment table.

A nurse handed him a cup of water. Another nurse rubbed soothing circles on his back and whispered, “It's okay. It never gets easier for any of us either.”

At some point he crawled out of the dark hole of memories and refocused on the present.

Liberty had a rollicking round of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” started that ended in fits of giggles and laughter.

When he smiled at her, the tense set of her shoulders relaxed. He drained his water and strode toward her.

“How about a round of applause for Miss Liberty Bell?”

She rolled her eyes at him.

He settled on the chair with his guitar. “Before I honor Michelle's request”—he swallowed hard— “how about if I get that frog in my throat to sing like Kermit? Anyone wanna hear ‘Rainbow Connection'?”

The kids clapped and a few even whistled.

BOOK: Hillbilly Rockstar
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