Read HH02 - A Reclusive Heart Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #romance hollywood heart recluse love sweet boss workplace romance romance contemporary romance series romance

HH02 - A Reclusive Heart (18 page)

BOOK: HH02 - A Reclusive Heart
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the best. She'd really hate to have anyone witness this.

"Come here," Nick suddenly said, drawing her attention from the mini cans of Coke to the backseat where he was lounging

as he pulled his tie loose. When she hesitated he reached over and grabbed her hand and gave it a little yank until she was up

and somehow found herself straddling his lap.

"Much better," Nick said, sounding pleased as he pushed her hair away from her neck as he leaned in.

Her eyes closed of their own accord when his mouth landed on her neck and his hands on her bottom. "Um, what's going

on?" she asked, wondering if perhaps she'd misread his crankiness. She did seem to make him especially cranky lately.

He chuckled against her neck and holy heck did that feel good. "What does it look like I'm doing?" he asked teasingly as

he readjusted her on his lap until she found the bulge in his pants pressed tightly against the spot that ached for him.

"Um," she said, licking her lips as she tilted her head back to give him more room to work, "confusing the heck out of me."

"What exactly are you confused about?" he asked, grabbing her bottom and grinding her against him. The move robbed her

of the ability to speak so she had to contend herself with just grabbing onto his shoulders and holding on for dear life when he

did it again.

"Uh, nothing?" she said, not really sure what the question was or more importantly what the answer should be. Not that it

mattered she decided a moment later as he slipped one hand down the back of her pants while the other one slid beneath her

shirt and bra to cup her breast.

This was heaven, she thought with a moan as she ground herself against him. She leaned down and kissed him as she

moved frantically on his lap, desperate for the release he'd given her that morning. When she found it he swallowed her

screams and she swallowed his curses.


"Everything is canceled," Nick announced as he tossed his cell phone on top of his open suitcase. "The signing and the

interviews have all been canceled thanks to this storm," he explained unnecessarily.

The truth was Jamie hadn't been looking forward to braving this weather and for the past hour had been contemplating

faking her own death to get out of it. She didn't know what was worse, the thunder and lightning, the buckets of water was being

poured down from the sky or the hail that occasionally snapped against the hotel window. The only thing she knew for certain

was that she didn't want to go out in it.

One good thing came out of this horrible day, she got a day off. Granted she couldn't do anything fun. They'd be stuck in

their hotel rooms all day. If it got too boring she could always grab her laptop and head downstairs to the bar and have lunch.

She had been planning to hit a bar tonight since they hadn't had the chance to and she was dying to try it and not chicken out like

she had at the club. With Nick by her side it should be a lot easier.

Speaking of Nick......

She looked up from the file she was working on to run an appreciative eye over the man as he sorted through folders on

the desk. Maybe they could use this time to try out a few more things. After the incident in the limo last night they hadn't had a

moment to rest, relax, or more importantly, at least to her, to do it again. Thanks to him she'd been up half the night aching for

him. Of course she used those hours wisely and got some work done. She finished editing a novel, finished her chapter early in

her secret little project, and finished three chapters of her latest Vampire of the Heart novel. Now that she had some time she

would like nothing better than to-

"I guess we'll use this time to get some work done," Nick announced, bursting her bubble as she watched him loosen his

tie and sit down behind the desk without looking her way.

"Fine," she grumbled, knowing she was pouting, but not caring. She moved to sit on the small couch but decided that if she

wasn't expected to leave this hotel room then she wasn't going stay in this pretty, but uncomfortable, suite. "I'm going to change

into something more comfortable to work in then," she said, heading for the door connecting their rooms and eager to change

into her flannel pajamas and order a hot fudge sundae from room service.

Nick didn't say anything as she left the room and she didn't expect him to. When he was working it was pretty much

impossible to distract him. Maybe she'd head downstairs to the bar now instead of waiting for lunch. She walked over to her

bag to grab her flannel pajamas when the light pink and baby blue shopping bag that she'd forgotten about caught her eye.

Worrying her bottom lip, she shot a look over her shoulder at the closed door and then back to the bag. Could she really

do this? Curious to see if she could make Nick lose his cool she decided that yes she really could. With an excited little giggle

she grabbed the bag and ran into the bathroom.


When Jamie walked into the room he didn't bother looking up from his computer. He needed to figure out a few backup

plans just in case this bad weather followed them on their tour. He was just about to ask Jamie how she felt about hitting Texas

when a flash of white caught his eyes. Not really thinking much of it he looked up and nearly choked on his tongue at the sight

before him.

Before his mind fully registered the fact that Jamie was wearing the short white silk and lace number that made him harder

than steel at the store he was getting to his feet and tearing off his tie and shirt. When she bent over in front of him to pick

something off the coffee table he stumbled when he got his first look at her bare ass. If he hadn't already been hard that would

have done it.

"Get on the bed and spread your legs," he bit out, uncaring that he was barking orders at her or that she was still new at all

of this. He wanted her and he was damn well going to have her.

He could have kissed her when she did exactly what he asked without any hesitation. When she laid back on the bed and

spread her legs he noted the blush that crept up her cheeks, but he was helpless at the moment to reassure her that everything

would be okay when the only thing he could focus on at the moment was the neatly trimmed moist curls between her legs. He

toed off his shoes and dropped his pants, uncaring that were going to get wrinkled.

His underwear were barely pushed off by the time he crawled onto the bed and buried his face between Jamie's legs. The

sharp cry of pleasure she released when he swiped his tongue over her clit pleased him so he did it again and again as he ran

his hands all over her silk encased body. By the time she started screaming his name he on top of her, grinding his erection

between her wet slit and he took her mouth in a hard brutal kiss that she eagerly welcomed.

The moment he came he realized that they wouldn't be getting any work done today. The realization would have normally

pissed him off, but today it only pleased him.


He gritted his teeth and forced himself to breathe as the torture continued. Just as she took the tip of his cock into her

mouth and began working him into a frenzy she'd stop and test his control. She'd been doing this for twenty-three minutes and

ten seconds now.

When she shyly asked him if she could take him into her mouth he'd nearly groaned wondering if Christmas had come

early for him this year. It felt like years since he first imagined her sucking on him, but in reality had only been a few weeks.

This morning when she showed up in his room in that barely there teddie he'd hoped and prayed that she'd do it, but had

absolutely no intentions of forcing the issue. So when she offered all he could do was lie there dumbly and nod like an idiot.

He didn't even question her need to work under cover as she did it. Truth be told, watching the shape of her head move

beneath the pale green sheet while she worked him turned him on even more. Just then she decided to up her game by licking

him from his balls to the tip and he had to stop himself from arching his back and silently demand that she take him in her mouth

again. When she licked him again he felt himself relax that is until she stopped, again, and shifted around.

Jamie mumbled something, but he was too focused on the painful erection between his legs to pay attention. When she

licked only to stop again he had enough. He really couldn't take any more and wondered why she hated him so damn much to

torture him like this. When he pulled the sheet away he received his second surprise for the day.

She had one hand wrapped around the base of his cock as she frowned down at her phone. "I can't tell if I'm doing this

right," she mumbled as she stared at her phone.

With a shaky hand he reached out and took the phone away from her and nearly groaned when he realized that his little

recluse was watching an instructional video on her phone. The fact that she wanted to please him touched him in a way nothing

else had. In that moment it didn't matter that she had him hard enough to cause pain. All that mattered was his little recluse.

He tossed the phone to the side and reached out and cupped her face. "Anything you want to do will please me, Jamie.

You don't need that," he said, struggling to beg her not to continue with the start and stop torture. He didn't want to hurt her in

any way and he sure as hell didn't want to make her feel bad. He would lie there for the rest of the night while she tortured him

if that's what she needed.

"Okay," she said, sighing as she straightened her shoulders and set back to work. This time she took pity on him and didn't

stop. Actually she didn't stop until he was shouting out his release and begging her to stop sucking on his poor abused cock.

When she finally released him with a small little pout he couldn't help but laugh as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

She snuggled contently in his arms. As he drifted off he couldn't imagine a more perfect way to end the day.

Chapter 17

"Where have you been?" Nick asked when Jamie showed up with only two minutes to spare.

"Nothing," she said, shifting nervously as she looked everywhere but at him.

He narrowed his eyes on his little recluse as she shifted nervously as she hugged that large bag she dared to call a purse

tightly against her chest. "I asked you where you've been not what you've been up to," he pointed out as they stepped to the side

as one of the camera men rushed past them.

"Oh.....,um," she mumbled, but didn't really answer him. He knew she was nervous about doing her first on camera

interview and really didn't expect much at the moment. He had hoped that he'd have time to calm her down. In fact, he'd

planned on pulling her into one of the dressing rooms and doing everything he could to help her relax, but the damn woman had

made other plans this morning and told him that she'd meet him here.

Which brought up an interesting question, what had she been up to?

Judging by the way she was shifting with nervous energy, avoiding making eye contact, and hugging her bag in a death grip

he was afraid he knew exactly what the little recluse had been up to. With a sigh he snatched the bag away from her and opened

it, ignoring her protests as he pulled out five large bars of Belgium chocolate and glared down at his little recluse.

"You promised that you'd avoid sugar this morning," he said accusingly as he shoved the chocolate back in the bag and

held it away from her.

She swallowed nervously as she reached for it. "You don't understand! I need it!"

He shook his head even as he grabbed her hand and led her deeper into the studio. "No, what you need to do is get your

cute little ass into makeup and then do this interview."

When Jamie gasped in outrage he couldn't help but smile. "But I need it! Please, Nick! Chocolate soothes me!"

He threw her a disbelieving look over his shoulder, but didn't slow his pace as he continued to drag her over to makeup.

"You're like the Energizer Bunny when you have chocolate, Jamie. If you want some chocolate you'll have to get through this

interview otherwise I'm throwing it out," he threatened, knowing that if he took her chocolate anywhere near a trash can that

she'd probably try to kill him.

"You wouldn't dare!" she hissed out and he didn't bother to answer her as he maneuvered her around a group of people

and planted her ass in a tall chair.

"Here she is," he announced to Margaret, the makeup specialist who'd been hitting on him since he showed up an hour ago

to make sure that everything was set up for Jamie's interview.

"Thanks, Nick. You're such a sweetie," Margaret said, placing her hand on his arm and giving it a little squeeze as she

sent him another inviting smile. His eyes shot over to Jamie to see how she was reacting to the other woman's obvious come

on, but the damn woman was still sending the bag in his hands looks of longing.

Did he want her jealous? No, not really, but some kind of reaction would be nice since he couldn't help but want to kill

every bastard that got within speaking distance of her. He felt his lips twitch as Jamie tried to discretely reach out and take the

bag from his hand.

"This is just getting sad," he said, sighing as he moved the bag further away.

She looked up at him with sad puppy dog eyes as her lower lip began to quiver and he just barely stopped himself from

BOOK: HH02 - A Reclusive Heart
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