Read HH02 - A Reclusive Heart Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #romance hollywood heart recluse love sweet boss workplace romance romance contemporary romance series romance

HH02 - A Reclusive Heart (37 page)

wanted to deal with people asking too many questions. Your father convinced her that you were being taken care of and that she

would only confuse you and hurt you by getting involved in your life, sweetheart, but she's been keeping an eye on you. She

loves you just as much as I love you, Jamie," Nick said, pressing a kiss against the back of her head.

Sniffling, she pulled back and looked into the caramel eyes that matched her own. "Is that true?" she asked, hoping like

crazy that it was. It would mean that her mother hadn't given her up because she was unlovable or a nuisance, but because she

really did love her and wanted her happy.

Her mother smiled warmly as she cupped her face. "I've always been your biggest fan, Jamie."


One year later..........

"Is this the line for the bathroom?" the cute guy who'd been eying her since she stepped onto airplane an hour ago asked as

he stepped up behind her.

She smiled up at him as she nodded.

"My name's Vince. What's yours?" he asked in a charming tone as he continued to smile down at her.

"Jamie," she said, shaking his hand.

"Are you going to Pennsylvania for business or pleasure?" he asked, releasing her hand as he leaned a shoulder against the

gray wall.

"A little of both," she said before reconsidering it. "Well, I guess I'm not really going there to work since I'm just tagging

along. Mostly I'm going so that I can spend a few days with my mother," she said, smiling hugely at the thought.

She didn't mention that she made this trip once a month or that her mother stayed with her for a week every month as well.

Even after a year she still found herself excited and giddy at the prospect of spending time with her mother. Most people would

probably think she was being silly, but she had a lot of lost time to make up for.

"I guess that means I can't offer to show you around," he said, giving her a boyish smile that was rather cute.

"Her husband might have a problem with that," Nick said as he stepped up behind the poor guy.

Vince noticeably started as he looked over his shoulder and up at Nick, who was glaring down at him. She watched as

Vince swallowed hard. "I-I thought you were with the other woman," he said, referring to Patti, the blonde knockout who was

one of Nick's clients and the reason that they were traveling to Pennsylvania. She was attending a sci-fi writer's convention

while Jamie visited with her mother and hit Hershey Park, again.

It didn't bother her that he thought that Nick was with the gorgeous woman. A lot of people actually made the same

mistake. She didn't care because she knew that the man looking close to killing the poor guy absolutely adored her so it didn't

matter what anyone thought.

"Asshole," Nick grumbled as Vince made a hasty mistake.

"He was just being nice," Jamie said, secretly pleased by the attention. Not that she enjoyed making her husband jealous,

well, she kind of did, but she would never do it on purpose. It was just nice to get noticed instead of being treated like

wallpaper and she really didn't think she'd ever get used to it.

Nick snorted his disbelief as he stepped up behind her and put his arm around her. "Yeah, real nice," he said tightly as he

pointedly raised her left hand and looked at the wedding band and engagement ring on her finger.

With a soft chuckle and an eye roll she pulled her hand away. He was just so damn cute when he got all jealous. She stood

up on her toes and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek that only made him grumble more. She ignored him as she turned around.

Not even a minute later the bathroom was freed up and she was closing the door on Nick, but not before she caught the

murderous glare he was sending Vince's way.

The whole thing was rather ridiculous, she thought as she washed her hands. Like she'd ever want another man. He really

should know better. She was his whether he wanted her or not. He'd married her and she was never going to let him go. She

loved and adored the grumpy man, she thought with a smile as she opened the door only to find herself suddenly backed up into

the room and the small space suddenly smaller as Nick closed and locked the door behind him.

"What are you doing?" she asked even though she had a pretty good idea what the sexy grin he was giving her meant.

"What do you think I want?" he asked, backing her up impossibly farther into the small space until her back hit the plastic


"I'm not that kind of girl," she said as she spread her legs and made a show of raising the skirt of her floral summer dress.

"Are you sure? Because I have this list that I could a use a hand with," he said in a husky voice that sent a shiver through

her body.

"What kind of list?" she asked, licking her lips hungrily as he hooked a finger in each side of her panties and pulled them

down until she was able to step out of them.

"It's a very naught list," Nick said, reaching for his zipper. He never took his eyes off her as he pulled the zipper down.

"What exactly is on this naughty list that you need my help with?" she asked, watching in anticipation as he reached into

his pants and pulled out the large erection that still managed to make her body tremble and tighten in need.

"I was sort of hoping you'd let me have my naughty way with you in this bathroom," he said, slowly running his hand over

his shaft as he slid his hand between her legs and traced her already wet slit.

"What's in it for me?" she asked, panting as she fought against the urge to roll her hips against his hand.

"A life altering orgasm?" he suggested as he slid his finger inside of her.

"My husband gives me at least five of those every day," she explained as she gave in and rolled her hips against his finger.

His lips twitched up into a cocky grin as he watched his glistening finger slide in and out of her. "He sounds like a very

generous guy."

"He is," she agreed on a moan.

"How about a body massage later tonight?" he asked, stepping forward as he removed his finger. She spread her legs

further until her right foot hit the side of the bench that held the toilet and decided to place her foot on the edge since it worked

so well last month when they flew to Florida and did this.

Nick growled approvingly as the new position opened her up more and gave him a clear view of her sex. He pressed the

tip of his erection against her open slit as he continued to stroke himself. She loved it when he teased her and he darn well

knew it.

"My husband gives me those every night as well. What else do you have?" she asked, running her hands over her stomach

and dress covered breasts as he continued to tease her.

"How about a bar of Belgium chocolate, hmmm?" he asked, cupping the back of her neck as he moved in to kiss her. "I

happen to have a bar of my wife's chocolate in my carryon bag. It's all yours if you let me slide inside of you right now," he

said, brushing his lips against hers as he continued to tease her.

"Won't your wife be mad that you're giving away her chocolate?" she asked against his lips as she moved her hips against

him, desperately trying to get him where she needed him, but the stubborn man pulled back just enough to deny her what they

both wanted, needed.

"I have another one in my suitcase that she doesn't know about. I'll give her that and she'll never have to know about this,"

he said, emphasizing "this" by rubbing the hot velvety tip of his erection around her sensitive nub, coating it in her juices.

"I want both," she said against his lips.

"Greedy," he said approvingly against her mouth seconds before he stopped playing around and deepened the kiss.

She fisted his hair in her hands as she held him right where she wanted him. He suckled on her tongue as he slid inside of

her, knowing how wet and crazy the move would make her. When she started to moan loudly he stopped kissing her to cover

her mouth with his hand as he continued to thrust inside of her.

He kept his eyes locked with hers as he took her slowly, deeply and so darn perfectly that it wasn't long before she was

screaming her release against his hand. He licked his lips as he watched her find her moment and when she was done he

removed his hand and took her mouth in a hungry, wild kiss that had her wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging tightly

against him.

"Love you, Jamie," he groaned against her mouth as he found his release.

She was still clinging to him when the banging on the door started. Nick simply chuckled as she struggled not to die of

mortification. That mortification only intensified when Nick picked up her panties and pocketed them.

When she arched a brow in demand and held out her hand he chuckled. "Sorry, sweetheart, but I need these for another

item on my list."

"Planning on wearing them?" she asked teasingly.

He shook his head good naturedly as he fixed his pants. "No, I'm planning on having my wife wrap it around my cock later

and stroke me off," he said with a wink as she struggled not to jump him again as the image of doing just that set her body on

fire. That was definitely going on the list, she decided as she followed him out of the bathroom and past the short line or

irritated passengers.

She stepped past Patti to get to her seat and ignored the woman's pout. It wasn't too hard to guess the reason behind the

pout. She wanted Nick, but then again most women that met him did. As long as the woman respected the ring that Nick wore

proudly on his finger then she was fine with the woman's obvious crush.

Nick was hers and she never had to worry, because he never gave her a reason to worry. He loved her and she never had

to question that. She also knew that he hated to be apart from her which was why whenever he had to go on the road he always

brought her along. Rick didn't seem to mind since she stayed out of Nick's way and whatever author he was promoting. It also

didn't hurt that her book sales were still off the charts and of course she was working on a second book with Dana Pierce since

the first one had broken sales records.

Life really couldn't any better, she thought as Nick put her tray down and placed his laptop in front of her, already on the

online Scrabble game. He placed his hand on her knee, gently caressing her skin as he spoke with Patti. As they went over the

next week's schedule she kicked some serious butt at Scrabble.

A little while later when he slipped her the chocolate bar he'd promised her she couldn't help but smile. She had her

dream job, a great mother, an incredible guy who spoiled her with chocolate. What more could a girl want? she thought as she

leaned over and kissed Nick's cheek. He immediately stopped talking to Patti to turn his head and brush a quick kiss against her

lips before returning his attention back to Patti, picking up right where he left off.

It really didn't get any better than this, she decided as she slipped another bite of chocolate in her mouth and took Nick's

hand into hers. She changed her opinion a moment later when Nick turned to whisper something in her ear.

"I love you, Jamie."

Maybe being plain old Jamie wasn't so bad after all, she thought with a smile.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32


Document Outline

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