Read Her Alien Commander Online

Authors: Ashe Barker

Her Alien Commander (25 page)

“You won’t insist that they grow up on Vahle? I mean, with your population issues…?”

“Vahleans are located all over two galaxies. That isn’t an issue for us, we are a race of travellers and our girls are Vahlean wherever they might be located. Earth is an allied world and therefore an acceptable habitation for them. Eventually Shree and Lylah will be required to return to their home world, unless of course they meet a Vahlean mate elsewhere, but that is thirty or more par-sols away and need not concern us now.”

“I see, I think. You never made that clear to me before.”

“It was never an issue before.”

“You detest Earth.”

“Did I say so?”

She shook her head. “No, but it’s obvious.”

“I can adapt. Just as you did, to captivity.”

“I suppose I did, though I longed for my freedom. But now I have it…”

Phahlen waited. There was more, he knew it.

“Now that I have it, I wish nothing would change. But I was expelled from Vahle, it was a condition of my release. I have nowhere else to go but back to Earth.”

“You could return to Vahle as a Vahlean citizen. That would extinguish the expulsion order.”

“It would? But, how could I…?”

“As the mother of two Vahlean female children, you could make an application and you might well succeed. As the wife of a Vahlean male, you would be entitled to citizenship as your right.”

“You? You would marry me? Me?” She gaped at him, though Phahlen had no notion why she would appear so amazed at the offer.

“Of course. Why would I not? I love you.”

“You… love me? Me?”

“Yes, you. For the avoidance of doubt, please watch my mouth, Caria. I. Love. You.” He scowled at her in exasperation. “You know that I do.”

“Why would I know that? You have never said.”

“Of course I have, many times.”

She shook her head. “No, you haven’t. Not ever.”

“But we have two children. You have been my constant companion for more than five par-sols. I adore you. I always have, from the very beginning. You must have known.”

“I was in your custody. I assumed you were doing your duty.”

“My duty could have been discharged by keeping you in the brig, or installing you in a holding centre on Vahle. I had no need to share my quarters with you, but I chose to. I wanted to, I love having you here, with me. And our daughters. I love you, Caria. It really is that simple.”

“I… see. I think.”

“Good. So, now we have that matter clarified, there just remains the question of how you feel about remaining with me. Would you allow your jailer to stay with you on Earth? Or would you consider returning to Vahle as my wife? I know your feelings for me are more complex, but we have our daughters to consider. In time, I do believe that we could—”


“Excuse me?”

“I said, you’re an idiot.”

“I feared as much. Perhaps I should place Lylah in her cot in order to turn you over my lap for your insolence.”

“You can’t do that. I am no longer your prisoner, and not yet your wife. You have no right, sir.”

“Yet?” That one word leapt out at him. “So you do intend to be my wife at some stage?”

“I believe that would be the best solution, sir.”

He narrowed his eyes, considering her words. To have Caria as his lifelong mate was all he had wanted for the last several par-sols, yet it wasn’t nearly enough. She had been coerced in the past, offered no choice. He couldn’t allow that to continue, not now. Freedom was everything, to him, and to her.

“I will obtain Vahlean citizenship for you whether you agree to marry me or not. I am a member of the Vahlean High Congress, I have influence to make this happen for you. Please be assured, I want you as my wife, but you must marry me by your choice. I won’t force you, ever again.”

She smiled at him, her eyes glistening with the sheen of tears. “I do choose you, Commander. I thank you for your kind offer and I have no doubt you could deliver on your promise, but it will not be necessary. I choose to be your wife because I love you.”

“You are sure?”


“Give me the child.”

Caria handed over the now sleeping and utterly oblivious baby. She watched as Phahlen carried the little bundle into the adjacent room, to return a few par-secs later, empty-handed. He sat down again, this time beside her on the sofa.

“Over my lap, wife-to-be. I believe you will benefit from a lesson in the proper respect due your husband.”

Caria smiled at him, her expression radiant. “I do believe you may be right, sir. Shall I undress first?”

“If you please. That will make matters simpler once you have been spanked to my satisfaction. And yours.”

“Of course, sir.” She kissed him, then rose to do as he instructed.

Phahlen watched as she stripped off her clothes. His cock was solid within his uniform. His balls ached. He longed to be inside her, to fuck her…
hard. But first…

“You know, despite your regrettable past and decidedly insolent tongue, I do believe you have the makings of a fine Vahlean mate.” He patted his thigh.

Caria slipped into position, twisting her head to meet his gaze. “As do you, sir. As do you.”



The End

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