Read Her Alien Commander Online

Authors: Ashe Barker

Her Alien Commander (9 page)

“Would it help if I were to apologise to you?”

Her brow furrowed, and he smiled inwardly. He had scored a direct hit. She was not expecting that.

“I shouldn’t have spoken so harshly to you. I am going to fuck
you, that’s a given, but I shouldn’t have rushed you. I’m happy to take plenty of time over it. You
be ready.”

Her frown deepened, and he caught the confused shake of her head. The time for talking was over. Now, he needed to show her.

He straightened and grabbed a fistful of cushions, the same ones he had pressed into service yesterday for the examination. He lifted Caria with one hand and shoved them under her hips. Then he picked up the first of his toys, a pair of wide cuffs. They were made of leather, but with metallic inserts. He fastened them around each of her knees, then flicked a button on one of them.

Caria’s legs spread further, and she yelped as her tendons were stretched. Phahlen tapped the control on the cuff again to slow the motion, then pressed again to stop.

“Magnetic restraints. The polarising sensors are set to repel, forcing your knees apart. That’s about right, spread nice and wide for me, but not painful.”

“It’s uncomfortable…”

“Is it hurting you?”

She blinked, fighting back tears as she shook her head just once.

He moved around the bed behind her. “Your wrists, please.”

“Sir, you don’t need to do this. I won’t—”

“Now, Caria.”

Caria raised her hands behind her head and he strapped a smaller cuff to each in turn. He pressed them together, then set the controls on those too.

“This time I’m polarising them to attract…”

Caria wriggled on the bed but was unable to separate the cuffs once the lock was in place. Phahlen allowed her a few moments to establish that fact, then he secured her cuffed wrists to a bar that he extracted from beneath the bed. He stood back to survey his handiwork.

“You look fucking gorgeous, my little Earth wench.”

“I am not your wench. I am… I am…”

“Hush, little one.” He returned to his earlier position, between her legs. This time when he leaned over her it was to brush his lips across hers. “Just relax and let me take charge.”

“I’m scared…”

“I know. Trust me, I won’t hurt you.”

“You will. I know you will. Please—”

“You have to trust me, there’s nothing else.”

He hated the defeated, terrified expression that flitted across her face, but she wasn’t ready to listen to him and that was his fault. There was only one way to dispel her fears now. He reached for the remaining items and set them on the floor. Then he sank to his knees beside the bed.

He used his thumbs to part the delicate lips of her pussy. Caria whimpered. He thought he heard a ‘please,’ which became a moan when he blew softly onto her quivering clit. So far so good. Phahlen eased back the hood shielding her clit and flicked the sensitive nub with the tip of his tongue.

Caria yelped.

“Did I hurt you?”

No answer. Phahlen repeated the delicate caress. Caria’s breath hitched.

“Am I hurting you?”

“No, sir,” she whispered.

“I thought not.” He lowered his lips to her clit, and this time he drew it right into his mouth. Just the slightest pull of suction, another swirl of his tongue, this time around the base of the swollen bundle of nerves, and she writhed within her restraints. The little gasps and moans that escaped her told him all he needed to know. She lifted her hips, thrusting toward him.

Phahlen kept his mouth on her, and started work with his fingers too. First he slipped one inside her tight channel. She was wet, the moisture gathering quickly as he pulled out and slid back in again. He inserted two fingers, twisting them within her to rub against her inner walls.

“What are you doing? I don’t want… oh!”

He angled his wrist to reach the sweet spot on the front wall of her cunt, and he rubbed. Her pussy contracted hard, her inner muscles squeezing down around his questing fingers.

want, Caria. Or your body does.”

“No,” she countered miserably.

“No? Shall I stop then?” He dragged the flat of his tongue across her clitoris.

Caria’s body lurched, her hips jerked. She shook her head, even as she moaned her pleasure.

Phahlen increased the tempo a little, the speed of his fingers increasing as he opened his mouth over her clit and sucked hard.

He’d known she wouldn’t be able to withstand his onslaught, and he was right. Caria’s orgasm seized her, her pussy clamping hard around his digits as her body shook under the force of her climax. He continued to thrust even after her body stilled and she lay gasping. Phahlen released her clit and glanced up at her.

“Am I hurting you yet?”

“No, sir,” she replied. He detected a bitter note. “Not yet.”

He smiled. Sassy little human. He reached for his third toy.

The vibrator was a simple enough device, small enough to cause her no undue stress, but packing a powerful punch. He clicked the end to start a vigorous pulsing, and he pressed it against the lips of her pussy.

“Oh. Oh!” Caria thrashed her head from side to side, and rolled her hips on the pillows beneath her. “What is that? What are you doing?”

“I’m pleasuring you, little Caria. How do you like my efforts so far?”

“I don’t understand. Why are you doing this? You don’t have to. It makes no difference…”

“Ah, but it does.” He angled the vibrator to slide it around the base of her clit, then he placed the tip between the lips of her pussy. She moaned her half-hearted protest as he pushed it inside her.

Caria arched her back and sighed. Phahlen applied the pad of his thumb to her clit and pressed hard as he rubbed slow circles. That, combined with the low, rhythmic pulsing at her core, eased the
next climax from her reluctant body. It was the work of just a few moments. He knew he had her when her breath hitched and she went rigid.

This climax was quick, but Phahlen wasn’t done yet. He was gentle as he removed the vibrator, and checked it for sufficient lubrication. Caria was wet, her pussy leaking her slick juices, and he gathered a decent quantity of it on the toy. He used his fingers to smear more of it, redistributing the natural wetness across her pussy and back to her rear hole.

“No! Please, no.” Caria jerked hard, seeking to escape his explorations as he circled her tight rosette of muscle, spreading her juices there too. “You can’t… I have never—”

“Trust me,” he repeated as he eased the tip of his little finger into her arse.

“I can’t. I can’t…”

Time for another demonstration. He leaned in again to renew his attentions to her clit. A few soothing flicks of his tongue and she quieted though her breathing was rapid, her body stiff with apprehension.

She opened for him, her tight ring relaxing as he coaxed his way past. He replaced his little finger with his middle one, pressing forward until first one knuckle, then the next slid inside. When his digit was at last embedded fully, he lifted his head to glance up at her.

Caria was frowning, though he was willing to bet he detected concentration in her expression rather than dislike. Certainly, he had her attention, and she was no longer struggling against him.

“Does this hurt, Caria?” He rotated his finger within her.

She shook her head, gnawing on her lower lip.

“Say it, girl. Does this hurt? Yes or no?”

“No, sir… but, I don’t like it. It feels odd.”

“I bet it does.” He withdrew his finger slowly, then drove it back in. He was careful to keep his movements gentle, anxious not to startle or frighten her more than he already had. But this was happening, there was no going back.

When he was certain she was no longer offering any resistance to the intimate penetration he withdrew his finger and picked up the toy again, the shaft of it still slick from her juices. He thought it might be enough, but to make sure he applied a generous squirt of lubricant from the tube he had tossed onto the floor. He offered her no warning before he slipped it into her arse and flicked the control to set the pulsing off.

Caria screamed and thrust her hips forward. He slung an arm across her stomach to hold her in place and took her clit into his mouth again. Shudders racked her, and her body stiffened as she whimpered and pleaded with him to let her go.

Should he? If she really couldn’t accept this…?

“Oh, sir… I…” Her body convulsed as yet another climax rocked her slim form. Phahlen heaved a sigh of relief, vindicated.

As she settled again, he stood and leaned over her as he had before. Her eyes were closed, her features peaceful now. It was time.

He adjusted the controls on her knee restraints, releasing her legs. Caria appeared not to have realised she was free as she didn’t move. He reached further to release her wrists from the bed frame, though he left them secured together.

“Sir…?” Her eyelids fluttered up to reveal her deep blue eyes. He saw no fear there now, but something else. Expectancy? Disappointment? Yearning?

He brushed his mouth across hers again, then thought better of it and paused to deepen the kiss. Her lips parted for him. He darted his tongue between to caress hers. She was accepting, but still it surprised him that she lifted her bound wrists to slip them behind his neck. She clung to him, returning his kiss as she sucked on his questing tongue.

Phahlen shifted her back on the bed, moving her from the edge into the centre. He crawled after her to settle between her spread thighs, then he broke the kiss.

“I shall fuck you now, little one.” It was framed as a statement, though not without a hint of uncertainty. Phahlen recognised that in himself. Did she, he wondered

She buried her face in the crook of his neck and nodded.

He lifted her wrists from behind his neck in order to straighten and push down the pants of his uniform. He maintained eye contact with Caria as he kicked them away. She broke first, to lower her gaze to his cock. Open-mouthed, she returned her gaze to his.

“It won’t fit.” Her pronouncement was simple enough, and she seemed quite convinced.

He grinned. He expected that. Vahlean males were not small. He was ready to reassure her.

“I promised not to hurt you. Even with that vibrator throbbing in your arse, and after three orgasms, can you still not trust me?”

She chewed on her lip again, her uncertainty evident. He had pushed her, cajoled and coerced in equal measure, but he knew he had already taken her way beyond what she would have considered her limits.

“I… perhaps. I’m not sure.”

It was a massive leap forward. Phahlen bent to kiss her again as he positioned the head of his cock at her wet entrance. There was one further anatomical detail, a Vahlean peculiarity that she would soon discover, but for now he saw no merit in further jeopardising her fragile courage. He pressed forward, his own breath hitching as her tight, hot pussy enveloped the rounded head of his eager cock. She was small, but not impossibly so. It would require care, iron control until her body adapted to his length and girth, but he would make sure she was unharmed.

Caria’s expressive eyes widened as he advanced, as her body stretched to accept him. From the first moment he saw her he had been captivated, but in this moment he thought her quite beautiful. He would want her, he knew, even without the urgency lent by Vahle’s unfortunate state.

“That’s good, little human. Wrap your legs around me and let me in.”

“My… oh!” It was as though she had only now registered that she was free to move. She obeyed him, hooking her ankles together behind his waist and arching her back. He believed the action to be involuntary, an instinct, her innate response to the stretching of her body by a male who had been determined to dominate her from the outset.

Caria’s inner submissive was still painfully shy, but she was venturing forward and Phahlen was delighted to meet her.

At last he was fully in, embedded to the hilt. He remained still, allowing her the few moments she needed to stretch and reshape around him. It was a tight fit, her clinging grip delicious, delightful, and so fucking hot! The rhythmic pulsing from within her arse reached him, adding to the sensual intimacy. He had put it there, he was in her, he was everywhere. This little human was his, and he was about to make his claim absolute.

Her chest rose and fell. He lowered his gaze to watch her petite breasts as they lifted with each breath. Her nipples were hard, a deep, rosy pink, just like her beautiful pussy. He shifted his weight to one arm and lifted the other to caress the curvy mound. He took the pebbled bud between his finger and thumb and rolled it. Her cunt spasmed in response and she writhed on the bed, gyrating her tight channel around his cock. Her bound wrists were again behind her head, but by her choice now. Her posture was one of openness, and, just possibly, enthusiastic welcome.

“Am I hurting you?” He was sure he wasn’t, but had to ask.

She opened her eyes. “No, sir.” She paused, the corner of her lip lifted in the faintest of smiles. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome,” he murmured as he drew his cock back, ready to deliver the first real stroke. He plunged forward, not hard but he was firm, decisive, and his angle was true. He filled her completely, and revelled in the glorious friction as his cock dragged against her slick walls. She contracted around him, her pussy already starting to convulse. She might well come from this, and come fast. The combined effect of his cock in her pussy and the toy in her arse would be intense, he had made it deliberately so. Two long, slow strokes later he knew that she would. She shivered and thrust her hips, demanding, seeking even more from him.

Phahlen hooked his arms under her knees and drew her legs up, lifting her, angling her for maximum penetration. His next stroke was sharp, driving deep and causing her to cry out. He pulled back again, and delivered a series of short, shallow strokes. Caria tightened around him, lifting her hips, murmuring incoherent pleas.

“Don’t, please sir, I don’t want…”

“Caria?” He slowed.

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