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Authors: Seth Mnookin

Hard News (44 page)

Mnookin, Seth. “Bill Keller, Passed Over for Top Spot at New York Times, Has ‘Pig-in-Shit’ New Gig.” June 19, 2001.

———. “Gerald Boyd Named New York Times Managing Editor—First African-American in the Job.” June 26, 2001.

———. “Philosopher King Is Out at the New York Times, as Southern Pol Settles In.” September 5, 2001.

———. “Hard Raines.”
New York.
February 18, 2002. p. 31.

———. “The Times Backs Down: Anderson and Araton Pieces on Augusta Will Be Published This Weekend.” Web Exclusive. December 6, 2002.

———. “The Changing ‘Times.’ ”
December 9, 2002. p. 46.

———. “A Week to Remember in Memphis.” Web Exclusive. May 6, 2003.

———. “What’s Race Got to Do with It?” Web Exclusive. May 13, 2003.

———. “A Widening Scandal?” Web Exclusive. May 15, 2003.

———. “A Journalist’s Hard Fall.”
May 19, 2003. p. 40.

———. “More Trouble at the Times.” Web Exclusive. May 23, 2003.

———. “Firestorm in the Newsroom: The Times’s National Staff Defends Their Reporting Methods.” Web Exclusive. May 28, 2003.

———. “A Sorry Sight.” Web Exclusive. June 4, 2003.

———. “Shake-up at the New York Times.” Web Exclusive. June 5, 2003.

———. “Handicapping the Race at the Times.” Web Exclusive. June 11, 2003.

———. “Read All About It.”
June 16, 2003. p. 34.

———. “New Editor at Times.” Web Exclusive. July 14, 2003.

———. “ ‘Let’s Move On.’ ” Web Exclusive. July 16, 2003.

Mnookin, Seth, with Suzanne Smalley, Rebecca Sinderbrand, Martha Brant, Holly Bailey, Pat Wingert, Jonathan Alter, Howard Fineman, and Brian Braiker. “Times Bomb.”
May 26, 2003. p. 40.

Morrison, Blake. “USA Today Reporter Resigns After Deception.”
USA Today.
January 13, 2004. p. 5A.

———. “Ex–USA Today Reporter Faked Major Stories.”
USA Today.
March 19, 2004. p. 1A.

“Most of Reporter’s Articles Had Problems, New York Times Says.”
Orlando Sentinel.
May 11, 2003. p. A22.

Mott, Frank Luther.
American Journalism: A History of Newspapers in the United States Through 250 Years, 1690–1940.
New York: Routledge, 2000.

“Mr. Clinton, Meet Mr. Gore.” Editorial.
The New York Times.
April 20, 1993. p. A28.

“Mr. Clinton’s Captious Critics.” Editorial.
The New York Times.
February 23, 1993. p. A20.

“Mr. McNamara’s War.” Editorial.
The New York Times.
April 12, 1995. p. A24.

Nasaw, David.
The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000.

Neal, Terry M. “Don’t Blame Diversity.” Editorial.
The Washington Post.
May 15, 2003. p. A29.

Nelson, Jill.
Volunteer Slavery.
Chicago: Noble Press, 1993.

“New Appointments for 2 Editors at Times.”
The New York Times.
October 29, 2003. p. A16.

The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.
“The Search for Truth.” Reported by Terence Smith. PBS. Air date, May 9, 2003. Transcript available at

“The New York Times Announces Howell Raines to Become Executive Editor.” Press Release, the New York Times Company. May 21, 2001.

“The New York Times Chooses New Editor for the Metro Section.”
The New York Times.
October 17, 2003. p. B3.

The New York Times Company Website. Available at

“New York Times: Ex-Reporter Faces Fraud Inquiry.” Available at
. May 13, 2003.

Nielsen, Nancy. “The New York Times Appoints Senior Editors to News and Editorial Posts.”
PR Newswire.
September 11, 1992. p. 1.

Nieves, Evelyn. “Freed from Jail Despite His Pleas, 92-Year-Old Is Found Dead in a River.”
The New York Times.
July 12, 2002. p. A12.

Noah, Timothy. “Howell Agonistes.” Available at
December 17, 1998.

———. “The Deadly Dozen.”
May 1999. p. 88.

———. “Two More Cheers for the NYT.” Available at
September 28, 2000.

“Now Blair Has Girlfriend Woes.”
New York Post.
June 6, 2003. p. 12.

O’Briant, Don. “Raines Reels in the Years.”
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
October 17, 1993. p. M1.

O’Brien, Sinead. “Secrets and Lies.”
American Journalism Review.
September 1998. p. 40.

Okrent, Daniel. “Weapons of Mass Destruction? Or Mass Distraction?”
The New York Times.
May 30, 2004. Section 4, p. 2.

“On Names in Rape Cases.”
The New York Times.
April 17, 1991. p. A17.

The O’Reilly Factor.
Hosted by Bill O’Reilly. Fox News. Air date, March 10, 2004. Transcript no. 031005cb.256.

Pappu, Sridhar. “Raines Bogeys on 43rd.”
The New York Observer.
December 16, 2002. p. 1.

———. “Off the Record.”
The New York Observer.
May 12, 2003. p. 1.

———. “The Times on Boil: Was Blair’s Crime Worth Hysteria?”
The New York Observer.
May 19, 2003. p. 1.

———. “ ‘So Jayson Blair Could Live, the Journalist Had to Die.’ ”
The New York Observer.
May 26, 2003. p. 1.

———. “Jayson Revolt: 43rd St. Petition by Times Tyros.”
The New York Observer.
June 2, 2003. p. 1.

———. “Baby, Will Raines Fall?”
The New York Observer.
June 9, 2003. p. 1.

———. “Sulzberger Jr. Vows to Right Times’ Course.”
The New York Observer.
June 16, 2003. p. 1.

———. “Lelyveld Using Farewell Tour to Retool Times.”
The New York Observer.
June 23, 2003. p. 1.

———. “Times Stars Spar: Reporters Rock Baghdad Bureau.”
The New York Observer.
January 19, 2004. p. 1.

Pappu, Sridhar, and Anna Jane Grossman. “My Big Fat Times Wedding.”
The New York Observer.
March 17, 2003. p. 1.

Pareles, Jon. “White Stripes: Same Old Colors.”
The New York Times.
April 6, 2003. Section 2, p. 1.

Pease, Ted. “Minority Job-seekers Don’t Fare as Well.”
The American Editor.
November 11, 1999. Available at

Pederson, Rena. “Remarks at Pulitzer Prize Luncheon.” May 29, 2003. Available at

“The Pentagon Tests the Press.”
May 6, 1985. p. 29.

“Profile of Howell Raines.” Associated Press. June 5, 2003.

The Project for Excellence in Journalism.
The State of the News Media 2004.
Available at

Purdum, Todd S., and Patrick E. Tyler. “Top Republicans Break with Bush on Iraq Strategy.”
The New York Times.
August 16, 2002. p. A1.

Pynn, Manning. “Squander Credibility and All Is Lost.”
Orlando Sentinel.
May 11, 2003. p. G3.

Quindlen, Anna. “A Mistake.”
The New York Times.
April 21, 1991. Section 4, p. 17.

Raines, Howell.
My Soul Is Rested.
New York: Putnam, 1977.

Whiskey Man.
New York: Viking, 1977.

———. “Grady’s Gift.”
The New York Times Magazine.
December 1, 1991. pp. 50ff.

Fly Fishing Through the Midlife Crisis.
Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1994.

———. “Editorial Observer; The High Price of Reprieving Mike Barnicle.”
The New York Times.
August 13, 1998. p. A22.

———. “If Your Kid Says He Wants to Be a Rock Star . . . Let Him.”
October 2003. pp. 130–32.

———. “My Times.”
The Atlantic.
May 2004. pp. 49ff.

“Raines Didn’t Have to Fall.” Editorial.
The New York Observer.
June 16, 2003. p. 4.

Raskin, A. H. “The Strike: A Step-by-Step Account.”
The New York Times.
April 1, 1964. p. A1.

“Reading Mr. Clinton’s Lips.” Editorial.
The New York Times.
January 28, 1993. p. A20.

Reibstein, Larry. “It’s Back to the Future: The Times Goes for Continuity—and Change.”
April 18, 1994. p. 41.

Reliable Sources.
Hosted by Howard Kurtz. CNN. Air date, May 4, 2003. Transcript available at

———. Interview with Jayson Blair by Howard Kurtz. CNN. Air date, March 21, 2004. Transcript available at

Reston, James.
New York: Random House, 1991.

Revkin, Andrew C. “Extended Drought Strains Resources Along East Coast.”
The New York Times.
April 21, 2002. p. A1.

Rivenburg, Roy. “All the Jokes Fit to Tell.”
Los Angeles Times.
May 17, 2003. Section 5, p. 1.

Robertson, Nan.
The Girls in the Balcony.
New York: Random House, 1992.

Rodgers, Francis W. “Jayson Blair: Fallout Goes On.” Letter to the Editor.
The New York Times.
May 16, 2003. p. A26.

Rose, Matthew, and Laurie P. Cohen. “Men in the News: Amid Turmoil, Top Editors Resign at New York Times—for Raines, Reporters’ Lapses Helped Stoke Friction over Management Style—’An Endemic Cultural Issue.’ ”
The Wall Street Journal.
June 6, 2003. p. A1.

Rosengarten, Theodore. “We Were There: The Marchers and the Movement.”
The Washington Post.
December 25, 1977. p. H1.

Sachs, Susan. “Times Names Gerald Boyd as Its Next Managing Editor.”
The New York Times.
July 27, 2001. p. A13.

Samuels, Adrienne P. “Black Journalists Discuss ‘Blair Affair.’ ”
St. Petersburg Times.
August 10, 2003. p. 16A.

Samuelson, Robert J. “A Liberal Bias?”
The Washington Post.
August 29, 2001. p. A21.

Schmidt, Susan, and Katherine Shaver. “Muhammad Interrogation in Dispute; U.S. Attorneys Cut Off Talks, Local Prosecutor Alleges.”
The Washington Post.
October 31, 2002. p. A1.

Schrage, Michael. “Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr.”
June 28, 1999. p. 32.

Shafer, Jack. “The Scoopless
Washington Post
.” Available at
December 18, 2000.

———. “Art Dumps Don: The
Moves the
out of Their Paris Flat.” Available at
. October 23, 2002.

———. “The
New York Times’
Augusta Blog: Stop Me If You’ve Read This Story Before.” Available at
November 25, 2002.

———. “Give the
New York Times
a Mulligan: Call Off the Dogs: Its Editors Only Goofed in Spiking the Augusta Columns.” Available at
December 4, 2002.

———. “Pity the Poor
New York Times
: A Pitiful, Helpless Giant Has Fallen and Can’t Get Up. “ Available at
December 6, 2002.

———. “The Jayson Blair Project: How Did He Bamboozle the
New York Times
?” Available at
May 8, 2003.

———. “Defending Howell Raines: He Didn’t Catch Jayson Blair. You Didn’t Either.” Available at
May 13, 2003.

———. “The Tao of Bear: The Paul ‘Bear’ Bryant Lessons on Leadership Howell Raines Failed to Absorb.” Available at
May 16, 2003.

———. “Rick Bragg’s ‘Dateline Toe-Touch.’ ” Available at
May 23, 2003.

———. “Rick Bragg’s Lousy Alibi: The Suspended
New York Times
Reporter Insists—Wrongly—That Everybody Does It.” Available at
May 27, 2003.

———. “Dead Man Editing: Sooner or Later, the Beleaguered Howell Raines Will Take a Bullet for His Paper. “ Available at
June 3, 2003.

———. “Howell’s End: And Then, Like Quicksilver, the New York Times Editor Who Vowed to Stay Was Gone.” Available at
June 5, 2003.

———. “Joe Lelyveld Must Go! He’s Failed to Deliver Calm, Civility, and Normalcy to the
New York Times
.” Available at
June 9, 2003.

———. “The Fabulous Fabulists: Mencken, Liebling, and Mitchell Made Stuff Up Too. Why Do We Excuse Them?” Available at
June 12, 2003.

———. “Correct Me If I’m Wrong: Errors and the Culture of Correction in American Newspapers.” Available at
June 20, 2003.

———. “The
Scoops That Melted: Cataloging the Wretched Reporting of Judith Miller.” Available at
July 25, 2003.

———. “Miller Time (Again): The
New York Times
Owes Readers an Explanation for Judith Miller’s Faulty WMD Reporting.” Available at
February 12, 2004.

———. “Surrender, Judith Miller! Knight Ridder Has the Goods on You.” Available at
May 18, 2004.

Shaw, David. “Media Impact. Why Some Stories Have It—and Others Don’t.”
Los Angeles Times.
October 27, 1992. p. A1.

———. “A Business Deal Done—a Controversy Born.”
Los Angeles Times.
December 20, 1999. p. V1.

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