Read Hannah Online

Authors: Andrea Jordan

Tags: #loving, #Bdsm, #bondage, #femdom, #dominatrix, #chastity, #chains, #keys, #handcuffs, #cage, #tease

Hannah (7 page)

“Oh my god,
that bitch has taken the keys!” Hannah cried, as she ran over to
the lifts and back over to the safe still holding her underwear in
her hand.

She typed in
the code and pulled at the handle, maybe she hadn’t actually turned
the key. What was she thinking? Of course she had. She remembered
the pulse of excitement that she had felt when she had heard the
mechanism click over.

She pulled as
hard as she could at the door until she noticed that she was
shaking. She stopped pulling and wiped away a couple of tears from
her cheek. What had she done? Why had she had this to Tom, it was a
stupid idea. How could she get him out?

realised that she was still holding her panties in her hand and
threw them down and kicked them across the floor in frustration.
Although after a few moments she calmed down, picked them up and
slid them up over her sim legs.

She looked
down at her tarty yellow dress, wishing that she was wearing
something less conspicuous. She tried in vain to pull it further
down her legs as she sat down on the nearest chair and kicked the
floor in frustration.

Maybe she
could catch up with Emma and discretely take the keys from her
pocket? Fat chance. Even if she had to confess to her secret she
would. But either way it was hopeless, she had no idea where that
workaholic, fitness freak bitch would be.

Hannah was
pathetically kicking the heavy safe when the lift doors opened and
Emma walked back into the office having changed into running shorts
and t-shirt. She walked straight into her office and dumped a pile
of clothes on her desk.

“See you
tomorrow sweetie,” she called to Hannah as she walked back out to
the lifts.

Hannah was
still shaking as she ran into Emma’s office, grabbed her jeans and
started to look through her pockets.

“Yes!” she
exclaimed as she grabbed the keys and ran back to the safe.

Hannah was
about to unlock the safe when she paused to wipe some more tears
from her eyes. She must look terrible, Tom couldn’t see her like
this. Picking up the keys, which from now on were not going to
leave her side, she walked to the bathrooms.

She splashed
water over her face and started to fix up her makeup that had
started to run. She brushed her hair and straightened her dress.
She didn’t want to leave Tom locked up any longer than she had to,
but she had to calm herself down. She stood in front of the mirror
looking at her reflection and taking deep breaths.

Only once she
was ready, did she kneel down by the safe and inserted the key. She
typed in the number and pulled open the heavy door.

“Hi prisoner,”
she said trying to look as relaxed as she could.

“You took your
time,” Tom replied.

Time inside
the safe had been a strange mix of terror and excitement. As long
as he focused on his sexy dominatrix it was exciting, if his mind
wondered on to the practicalities of his vulnerable predicament, it
was terrifying.

“I’m sorry,”
Hannah was starting to well up.

“Hey, what’s

“My boss
came.... took the key, I almost .....”

Tom was
confused, he hadn’t heard anything inside the steel box. He put his
arms around her, took his handkerchief and wiped her eyes and
brushed her brown hair back over her shoulders. He found her
current vulnerability strangely attractive, and for some reason the
idea that Hannah had almost lost the key seemed to be turning him
on. If Hannah had been up for it, he would have gladly climbed back
into the safe and let her lock him in again.

“I don’t care,
that was amazing, you look so sexy,” he whispered.

“I’m sorry,
anything could have happened, I won’t do anything like that to you

“I forgive
you,” he smiled as he looked longingly into the safe.

But Hannah
couldn’t bring herself to even look him in the eye and instead
focused on fiddling with the leather bangles on her wrist.

Tom took
Hannah to a nearby restaurant and from there they took in a movie.
She couldn’t understand why he was being so nice to her, she’d
almost let him suffocate in a safe, while the slut that she was,
sat on top touching herself. He’d trusted her and she’d let him
down. Was he just letting her calm down before dumping her?

Tom kept
glancing at her in the cinema, her legs and arms were crossed and
she was staring intently at the screen. Having this cute brunette
as a dominatrix was certainly exciting and unpredictable. Letting
someone so cute and innocent have so much power over him. These
experiences would make a great story one day, not that he would
ever share them with anyone.

It was Friday
evening and Hannah was at Tom flat where he was cooked dinner. He
was please to see that Hannah was back to her smiley, sexy self.
She was sitting at his dining table in a short blue summer dress.
Her long brown hair was in a ponytail and her playful look was
returning to her eyes. She sat totally upright as always, with her
ankles neatly crossed under the table and watched with almost
nervous excitement as Tom carried the main course to the table.

“Why are you
being so nice to me?” she asked, still feeling bad about the
incident with the safe.

Nice? All he
had done was to cook her dinner. The reality was that right then
he’d willingly do anything for this cute woman, but she was too
modest to ever realise it. They started to eat.

“What?” Tom
asked as he saw a half smiled cross Hannah’s face.


“What’s so

“It seems
strange sitting here eating dinner like normal boring people.”

“By boring, do
you mean with me being free of any of restraints?” he asked.

“Yes, maybe
you should be wearing at least something?”

Tom stood up
and retrieved his latest purchase from his bedroom. It was a round
cage that locked around the head. It was made of thick steel bars
at close centres and could be locked in place on the side with an
Allen key.

Hannah’s big
eyes seemed ever bigger and she was already on her feet with
excitement. She walked around the table and within seconds had
taken the heavy steel cage from him.

“Wow, can we

“You realise
that you won’t be able to kiss me once I’m inside this?” he

letting go of the cage, Hannah kissed him on the lips, only
stopping when she had to draw breath.

“I’m already
glad I bought it,” Tom smiled.

Hannah was
giggling like a school girl as she opened the cage and gently
manoeuvred into position around Tom’s head. She slowly closed it
up, making sure that she didn’t catch any skin between the thick
steel bars. Once closed there was very little space between the
bars and Tom’s head and only enough room to push a few fingers
around the neck line.

“Where’s the
key to lock it up?” Hannah asked eagerly.

“Hannah, we’re
still eating.”


Tom could see
the excitement in her sexy eyes and couldn’t bring himself to
disappoint her and so handed over the only Allen key. He watched as
Hannah inserted the key and turned it as fast as she could and then
used all of her force to tighten it as hard as she could.

“Hannah, that
should do!” If she damaged the key he really would be in

“It looks
great on you!” she exclaimed.

“I’m glad you
like it.”

“Oh and look,
there’s a place for a padlock.”

With the key
still in her hand, Hannah skipped out of his flat and returned with
one of the large padlocks that she’d used to secure the trunk. She
slid it in place on the head cage and locked it, the click sounding
ominously loud in his ear.

typical of you Hannah, why settle for high security when you can
have ultra high security.”

“Oh stop
complaining, you weren’t getting out anyway.” Hannah purred as she
kissed the bar of the cage nearest to his mouth.

They sat back
down and Tom watched the smiling brunette through the bars of his
cage. He picked up his wine and tried to drink, but only succeeded
in pouring red wine down the front of his shirt. Hannah had another
fit of giggles.

“I told you we
should wait until after dinner.”

“Too late
now,” she almost sang.

“Can I have
the keys?”

Hannah was
staring intently into his eyes as she shook her head. Under the
table she was rubbing herself with the Allen key and was so turned
on that she had to try hard not to moan. She had her sexy guy
locked up and there was no way that he was getting out. It was a
lovely feeling.

She walked
over to the kitchen and looked through the drawers until she found
a straw which she helpfully stuck in what was left of his wine. She
then unbuttoned and removed Tom’s shirt and couldn’t resist
massaging his nipples with her lips and tongue. Tom was also now on
a high and just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling.

After dinner
they were clearing the table when Hannah grabbed one of the bars on
the front of the head cage and led him over to the kitchen
cupboards and then pulled his head down to the floor.

“I’ve found
another use for you as a step to reach your ridiculously high

Tom played
along and lay down on his back as Hannah kicked off her black
heels. He then watched as she carefully placed one foot and then
the other on to the front of the cage, so that her bare feet were
almost touching his face. He tried to sit up, but he had no chance
with the whole of the woman’s weight pressing down on the cage.

“I can reach!”
she cried as she held on to the cupboard handle and did a little
dance on the cage.

“Good for you!
Whereas I’ve got your smelly feet in my face.”

Hannah pretended to be insulted.

She pushed her
toes through the bars and used them to tickle his face, although
inadvertently one of her toenail caught him on the cheek and drew

Once Hannah
had finished carving up his face with her toenails, she stepped off
and held one of the bars and pulled him towards the sofa. As
instructed he lay down on the sofa on his back, knowing full well
what was coming next.

“Take a deep
breath,” the brunette advised as she pulled up her dress and sat
down on top of the cage. Her dress was pulled out around her, with
all of her weight being taken by the cage.

The sofa was
soft and Hannah’s weight pushed Tom’s head deep into the cushion.
He was now fully engulfed in pillow, butt and skirt. The cage bars
indented a pattern on Hannah’s butt, but any discomfort that she
felt was more than compensated for by the rush of excitement she
felt from having him securely pinned down beneath her. She looked
at his bare chest, wishing that she had also cuffed and shackled

Tom lay
underneath her running his hands up and down her bare legs. He was
as hard as hell, enjoying the rare reprieve from Hannah’s chastity
cage. He knew that he could easily pull her over and get out from
underneath the girl’s butt, however getting out of the head cage
would be harder. He had no idea where she had put either of the
necessary keys.

Hannah turned
her attention to his cock and in doing so took away from him any
chance of rationale thought. She took her time, teasing him. By the
time he came, the feeling and temperature inside the cage was at
fever pitch. She gave him a few moments to recover before guiding
his hands further up her legs.

“Higher,” she
ordered as he deliberately teased her by massaging her thighs.

“Higher!” she
cried out of frustration as she pulled his hand inside her

Again Tom
teased her and ran his fingertips around her narrow waistline. She
could feel his body shaking from laughter.

“In there! If
you ever want your freedom!” she half cried, half laughed as she
pushed his hand back down towards her crotch.

Tom complied,
taking things as slowly as he could.

getting up, Hannah reached for the remote and turned on the TV
which was halfway through a movie.

“I can’t see,”
Tom complained.

Hannah pulled
up her dress and opened her legs. Tom struggled on to his side,
turning his head inside the cage, until he could look out between
Hannah’s thighs.

“I can’t watch
from down here,” Tom complained, which only started Hannah

“Perfect place
for you,” she smiled as she turned up the volume.

Hannah sat on
top of him and slowly closed her legs to reduce his field of
vision, wondering how long it would take for him to notice. After a
minute she felt his strong hands wrap around her thighs and pull
them back open.

She let him
open her legs a little before slowly squeezing her thighs together.
Even with his full force, he was overpowered and his field of
vision started to close again. By the time she had finished, not
only could he see nothing at all, but his hands were also pinned
securely in place between her thighs,



“I can’t

Tom was
pulling at her legs which she easily held closed. They play fought
for a few more minutes before Tom pulled her over and struggled to
sit up.

He looked out
through the bars at the giggling girl who he knew had hidden the
keys to the cage.

“OK, where are
the keys?”

“What?” she
smiled innocently, but then couldn’t stop herself from

Tom slowly ran
his hands over all of Hannah’s body, partly to make sure that she
wasn’t concealing them, but mainly just because he wanted to.

“They must be
in your apartment.”

He climbed to
his feet and grabbed the keys to her apartment, which she had left
on the table, and walked to the door, with Hannah in close pursuit.
After checking that all was clear, he ran up the corridor and let
himself into her flat. Hannah followed him in and quickly went to
sit down on the metal trunk.

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