Read Hannah Online

Authors: Andrea Jordan

Tags: #loving, #Bdsm, #bondage, #femdom, #dominatrix, #chastity, #chains, #keys, #handcuffs, #cage, #tease

Hannah (10 page)

feeling very brave this morning.” she smiled, pulling the cup back
to her lips.

Tom smiled
back, this was often how their games began.

“And I assume
you’ve discovered that your dick is back in jail.”

automatically reached down as if to check. “Yes, how did that


“And where’s
the key?”

Hannah giggled
again, this time shrugging her shoulders.

Tom looked
over to the parcel that had been delivered the day before and was
now sitting opened on the kitchen bench. Hannah said she had
ordered it as a present for Tom, but he knew that it was very much
for her enjoyment.

She saw him
looking and with the coffee cup now in her hand, reached inside and
lifted up the heavy steel collar. She put the coffee down and with
her other hand picked up the small remote control.


The remote
control was designed to send an electric shock to the collar and
Hannah had accidentally just shocked herself. Tom laughed out loud.
Hannah was embarrassed, shocked by her own hand. How could she be
so silly? At least now she knew what it would feel like for

Tom walked
over to her and kissed her on the cheek. He picked up the coffee
cup and drained it in one gulp. He must be feeling brave.

She looked at
Tom’s lovely smiling, provocative eyes. Beautiful though they were,
she was looking forward to see them change from smiling to
pleading, possibly pained, as they played out yet another fantasy.
Although she would have to keep her distance from those eyes, if
she was to be able to inflict the necessary pain.

“Kneel, hands
behind your back!”

She was always
amazed by how quickly he obeyed her, without regard for whatever
fate lay in store. He looked so fucking sexy, but she must try to
keep her hands to herself. How could she properly dominate him if
she was this obsessed with him.

Hannah tightly
locked hinged cuffs around his wrists and larger cuffs just above
his elbows. She made sure her thighs rubbed against his chest and
head wherever possible. She tucked the cuff keys into the back
pocket of her gym shorts and zipped them inside.

“I need to
shower,” Hannah said.

“Couldn’t you
have done that before you cuffed me?”

“Well take
them off if you want.”

“But I

“I know.”
Hannah whispered with dramatic effect as she gave him a twirl as if
modelling new clothes.

Tom watched
her walk casually into the bathroom and turn on the shower. This
was typical. She would apply one or two key restraints and only
then remember that she had to meet a friend, or go shopping. Tom
would have to wait for her to return, unable to do anything but
imagine what she had planned for him next. It could really play
with his mind, but he wasn’t complaining.

He struggled
to his feet and walked around her kitchen unable to do anything,
including make a coffee. He thought about getting the keys, but if
he started searching through her dirty running gear she would jump
out of the shower and within seconds would be laying on the
bathroom floor underneath a hot, wet, bubbly and slightly pissed
off woman. Hannah didn’t make the same mistake twice. This time she
would chain him to an immovable object before taking the longest
shower imaginable.

Having dropped
this idea, Tom finally managed to manoeuvre the TV remote behind
his back and lay down on his front on the sofa to watch. His head
was resting on Hannah’s clothes from the night before. He buried
his face and thought back to the party.

finished her shower and started to dry her hair. She looked at her
body in the mirror. Would he like her new outfit? Maybe she was
going too far? Her phone started to ring, she picked it and walked
back out into the lounge with her white towel wrapped tightly
around her slim waist. She smiled as she saw her muscular boyfriend
lying helplessly on the sofa.

Hannah turned
off the TV and sat on the arm of the sofa with her feet resting on
Tom’s head. She looked at the two pairs of cuffs securing his
wrists and arms. As usual there was very little space between the
cuffs and his skin and as usual his wrists were already slightly
red. It was his own fault, why did he insist on struggling, surely
he knew by now that there was no way out.

Her panties
from the night before were underneath her black cocktail dress. She
pulled them out with her fingertips and laid them over Tom’s face
and held them there with her foot. Tom tried to turn his head to
the side and she responded by pushing her toes into his open mouth
to hold him in place. She smiled as he tried and failed to move his
head away. With Tom’s head pinned under her feet, she continued
talking with her friend.

Five minutes
later and with water from her hair dripping on to his face, Tom was
starting to get impatient. He swung his legs off the sofa and
struggled until he was kneeling on the floor. Even then it took him
another few minutes to prise his head out from under Hannah’s

With Hannah
seemingly distracted on the phone, Tom walked to the bathroom,
crouched down and with his hands behind his back, started to search
through Hannah’s gym gear for the shorts and then the keys. He
retrieved them easily enough, only to find the keyholes pointing
the wrong way.

It was then
that Tom heard a ‘crack’ behind him and looked around to see Hannah
standing by the bathroom door. He lost his balance and slumped back
against the wall. His cutesy dresses and shorts girlfriend was
standing in front of him wearing black thigh length leather high
heel boots and tight leather teddy that was very low cut at the
front with straps around her neck. Her hair was up and her hands on
her hips, with a whip in one hand.


instinctively recoiled against the wall as she slowly walked
towards him. She cracked the whip which echoed loudly around the
tiled bathroom. Tom looked up at her stern eyes. His throat was dry
as he swallowed. He looked again into her big brown eyes and saw a
just an edge of that hesitation that he found so attractive.

“How do I
look?” Hannah asked uncertainly.

Tom was still
in sensory overload.

“Do you like
it? I thought you might like something different?”

Tom smiled.
She may have lost her initial striking dominance but shit she was

“You look


Hannah cracked
the whip again and again Tom jumped. It was amazing how tight
leather and a whip could add to her already overpowering

“Return the
keys and follow me... or else....”

Hannah cracked
the whip once more, almost catching Tom’s foot, before swaying her
hips and walking away. Tom pushed himself off the wall and followed
almost trance like, fixated on her leather outfit.

Tom knelt in
front of her and studied her new outfit. She was holding the heavy
metal collar which she slowly and carefully positioned around his
neck. Tom smiled as she struggled to retrieve the key for the
collar which she had pushed up between her butt and the tight
leather teddy. One finger, two fingers, a little wriggling of her
hips and the key was finally free and fell to the floor.

She locked the
collar, but thought twice about tucking the key back in her teddy
and instead left it on the kitchen worktop.

“How does it
feel?” she asked.


“That’s not
all you’ll feel.”

“You love me,
you won’t hurt me,” Tom smiled warily.

“You’ve a lot
to learn,” she whispered shaking her head.

Now Tom wasn’t
so sure.

Hannah turned
the dial to ‘one’ and pressed the button on the remote control.


“It goes much
higher than that.”

Hannah’s face
once again conveyed totally confidence. Once she was turned on, Tom
lost all control. All he could do was enjoy the ride.

Hannah turned
the dial to ‘three’ and then pushed the remote control up between
her butt and the leather teddy. She then crossed her arms and
leaned casually against the wall. The weight of her butt through
the leather pushed the button and started the electric shock.


Hannah watched
him, pretending not to care, even though the pleading look in his
beautiful eyes was driving her crazy.


Tom leant
forward, lost balance and was now lying on the floor between her
feet. The electric shock from the collar had started as a
discomfort, but was now starting to ache. He rolled on to his side
and look up from where he lay between her boots.


Hannah stood
up from the wall, thereby disengaging the button. As she walked
around his prostrate body, his sexy eyes followed her every move.
She was desperate to strip off and let Tom do what he did so well,
not that it would have taken much to bring her to orgasm right
then. But she wanted to keep up the act of the cruel, heartless
mistress for a few minutes longer. She had to do justice to her

She cracked
the whip again, missing his body by a fraction. Tom was watching
the whip now. She smiled, but he need not have worried. There was
no way she was going to scar his perfect body with a long red wound
that would take weeks to heal.

Hannah took
the remote and turned the dial to five. She crouched down above his
head so that he was framed between her thighs. His eyes were
watching her intently, it was a lovely feeling. She pressed the
button. He closed his eyes as he cried out in pain, but when they
reopened, their intensity was even stronger. She pressed again. The
atmosphere was electric, literally, they focused on nothing else
but each other.

Hannah turned
the dial to ten and held it out for Tom to see.

“Are you ready
for full power?”

While ‘five’
gave quite a shock, it was mainly the anticipation and the unknown
timing that was driving him crazy. However they knew from reading
the instructions that ‘ten’ was more serious and could make him
pass out. But right then, and at Hannah’s hand, he couldn’t wait to
feel the pain.

“Kiss my

Tom didn’t
hesitate. He looked up at her from the corner of his eyes. Shit she
was fantastic, whatever she did to him would be great.

Hannah rested
one heel on his bare chest.

“OK, get

He loved the
fact that there was nothing he could do to stop her. Hannah walked
around, gently pushing her heels into various part of his naked
body. She was in no rush, until finally she let her cute smile
return to her face.

“Maybe another

She smiled,
put down the remote and lay down next to him. She rested his head
on her leg and then lower the other until she had his head squeezed
between her thighs. She stroked his dark hair.

“You didn’t
think I’d do that to you, did you?”

The leather
smelt strong as Tom tried to turn his head so that he could see her

“You can’t get
out,” Hannah giggled as she squeezed more tightly.

“Is that a

“If you

A determined
look came over Hannah’s face as she prepared to prevent any escape
attempts. But with arms behind his back that were already sore from
the cuffs Tom had no chance and after a few half attempts he just
lay there looking up at his captor.

“I win!” she

She released
her vicelike hold, rolled him on to his front and unlocked both
sets of cuffs. She then unlocked the chastity cage with a key that
was buried in her hair by means of a hair pin.

With Tom still
wearing the collar and Hannah still wearing her boots, they made
out. With the boots removed, they took a shower and dressed, Tom in
chinos and shirt and Hannah in white jeans and fitted t-shirt.

Hannah locked
Tom inside the chastity cage and then took the key for the collar
and locked it inside her safe. Tom stood there in disbelief as he
pointed to the steel still locked around his neck.

“You look
great honey, with a scarf around your neck no one will notice.”

“What about
the remote?” Tom asked.

“In my
pocket,” Hannah purred.

The indent of
the small square remote was visible inside the front pocket of her

“So you’d
better behave....”






Chapter 9


Holidaying at
the dungeon


It had been
three months since Hannah had first knocked on Tom’s door and
inadvertently discovered his planned visit to the mistress. She had
known immediately that this was too good an opportunity to miss. He
was a fantastic guy, successful and popular, and despite her own
good looks, she knew that she lacked the confidence to ever win his
attention. Here she had both the chance to exploit a fetish that he
hadn’t shared with anyone else, and the chance to indulge in games
that interested her more than she had ever realised.

They were now
living together and while he provided most of the money, the
friends and activities, she most definitely controlled him. Her
dominance resulted in a sexual attraction that neither of them had
experienced before, and that often made it hard for either of them
to focus on anything else.

It was
Saturday morning and Tom and Hannah left their flat and were taking
the lift down to the underground parking. This was going to be
their first weekend away together. Hannah had insisted on
organising the trip and had been very secretive about their

“Which car
shall we take?” Tom asked.

“My old one,”
she replied quickly.

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