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Authors: Anna Daly-McCabe

Glam Metal (39 page)

BOOK: Glam Metal
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 Juanita came into the garden and took Jaime for her breakfast. Jay smiled and went for a shower.


He brushed his hair and went down to his den. Jay had a few hours before he would join Sam at the gallery. He picked up his phone; there was a missed call on it. He didn’t recognize it so he deleted it. As he put the phone on the table, he saw a small white packet sticking out from under the sofa. He knelt down and picked it up. It was a small packet of coke; it must have been there from the time he had binged on it, before he and Sam got back together. His phone rang. The shrill sound brought him to reality.


“Hello!” He said. There was a pause. “Yeah!” He was getting impatient. Then Lisa’s voice said in a whisper.


“Jay, I need to see you.” He looked up at the ceiling. She was determined.


“Sure when?” She didn’t answer for a moment. Then she said.


“Give me half an hour. Will I call over?” He said yes and hung up. He put the coke packet into the drawer of the table. He would dispose of it later.








Forty minutes later Lisa was sitting on the sofa out on the verandah. She was wearing a leather mini skirt and a vest top. Jay could see she wasn’t wearing a bra. He sat on the seat opposite her. He had one leg over the other. He wasn’t wearing any shoes.


“So, what did you want to talk about?” Jay asked. Lisa smiled seductively at him. He turned his head away but the smile was evident. “You want me to bang you!” He said so matter of fact. Lisa laughed loudly.


“Jay much as I want that to happen.” She licked her lips. “I wanted to ask your advice really.” He sat up straight.


“Nick has asked me to move in permanently. Do you think I should?” He looked at her in amazement. He didn’t think that Nick was that serious about her. He certainly never hinted at wanting anything other than a casual thing.


“Do what you feel you should. Do you love him?” She smiled. Jay knew she didn’t. “Lisa, he’s my friend. I don’t want to see him get hurt.” She got up and walked over to him. Jay could see she wasn’t wearing any panties. Lisa bent down and whispered in his ear.


“Whether I love him or he’s your friend.” She brushed her lips against his earlobe. “I still want to have you.” She stood up and went over to the cooler and took out a can. Opened it, took a sip and went back over to Jay. She handed him the can of coke. “I saw you once, you and Sam.” Jay got up and walked over to the pool.


“What did you see?” He asked. She laughed and stood beside him at the pool side.


“It was at the cottage, before Jaime came home.” She said. “You were making love in front of the fire.” She ran her fingers up and down his lower arm. He looked at her. Jay remembered that night very well. “That’s when I decided I wanted to sample you. Nick doesn’t make love to me.” Jay turned to go back to the sofa. Lisa grabbed his arm.


“Jay,” she said softly. “That day at my apartment in London; if I had a condom would you have made love to me?” She was looking at him intently. He laughed.


“Lisa, you are a hot girl. Of course I’d go to bed with you.” She smiled at him and came closer. “We both know that. But I’m in love with Sam.” She put her arm around his neck and pulled his head down to hers and kissed him. He kissed her back, pulling her close to him. His arms went around her and rested on her ass. She could feel him getting hard. Lisa pushed him over to the wall of the house. With his back against the wall she unzipped his jeans and slipped her hand inside. He felt hard. She opened the button and got on her knees and took him in her mouth. Jay moaned as she moved her tongue up and down on him. He pushed into her mouth and she felt him get harder. Moving her tongue, she knew she was driving him wild.


Smiling up at him, seeing his eyes closed, she stood up and kissed him hard on the mouth. He took her face in both his hands and kissed her back. He wanted her, there was no denying that. Jay put his hand under her skirt and felt her; she was wet and ready to take him inside her. He put two fingers inside her, forcefully. Lisa caught her breath. Jay pushed his fingers in and out, she moaned with pleasure. She wanted him.


“Take me Jay,” she said huskily. He kissed her neck and with his free hand he roughly caressed her breasts. “Oh babe.” She moaned. He stopped kissing her and looked at her. She kissed him again as he pulled off her vest. He cupped her breasts and took each of them in his mouth and sucked hard on them. She felt like she would die right there if he didn’t take her. He lifted up her skirt and with his leg he parted her legs. He looked at her. She smiled up at him, her hand still moving up and down on him.


“Fuck me.” She whispered. Jay smiled as she put the condom on him. He picked her up in his arms; she wrapped her legs around his waist. Kissing her passionately; he thrust into her hard and fast against the wall. He was banging her hard and she loved it. Every movement he made inside her was just how she imagined it. She moaned his name.


As he thrust deeper and deeper into her, she was reaching orgasm. He felt himself about to explode. He kissed her hard and just let go.


Lisa buried her head in his shoulder, her arms around his neck. It had been good.


“Babe, that was good.” She whispered into his neck. He kissed her head and let her down.


“I haven’t had sex like that since the tour last year.” He laughed. “You were good sweetie.” Jay looked at his watch. In just over an hour he would be meeting Sam for lunch. He had to get rid of Lisa and go have a shower. But she didn’t seem in any rush to leave.


“Jay, what happens now?” She asked. He looked at her.


“What do you mean? You go back to Nick and I go back to Sam.” He said. She looked dejected. “Geez Lisa, we are both in a serious relationship. We both wanted to bang each other and we seized the opportunity.” He looked at his watch again. She put on her top and pulled down her skirt.


“Am I keeping you from something?” She asked sarcastically. “I would hate to keep you from something important.” He sighed.


“Li don’t be like that.” Jay reached out to take her hand. She looked at him.


“Go fuck yourself Jay.” She stormed off. He swore and went inside to take a shower.

Chapter Thirty Two



Sam looked up and smiled broadly as she saw Jay come in. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a white shirt. His dark glasses were an almost permanent fixture here. She waved at him and said to the designer that everything was in order. The painters were watching them as she gave him a kiss. He smiled and they went into Sam’s office.


Her office was bright and very cheerful and her desk had arrived that morning. She laughed when she saw Jay’s expression. She grabbed her bag and he held the door open for her.


Outside the sun was shining brightly and she put on her own glasses and reached for his hand as they walked down to the seafood restaurant at the end of the marina.


They were seated inside in the air-conditioned room. Already it was quite full. They attracted a lot of attention as the maître’d showed them to their table. Sam smiled as she took the menu.


Jay ordered a soda for him and a glass of white wine for Sam. The waiter nodded and left.


She smiled and reached for his hand, forgetting that eyes were on them.


“How was your morning?” She asked. He touched the back of her hand with his thumb. He looked at her. She was stunning.


“Darlin, it was uneventful. Just the way I like it, when I’m not touring.” Sam looked at him. He looked so cool and she knew that she was the envy of most of the women sitting in the restaurant.


They talked about the forthcoming show and how excited she was feeling. Damon would be there and she was sure that he would be a bigger success here than he was in London.


“Is the good doctor coming over with him?” Jay asked hardly able to conceal his smile. Sam looked at him strangely. She thought he approved of Ben. “Darlin, Damon is my friend. But don’t expect me to be opening my arms to a faggot doctor, with a pompous attitude.”  He took a sip of water. Sam had never seen this side of him before. She wondered if he was OK.


“Jay is everything alright?” She asked as the waiter put the lobster salad in front of her. She thanked him and when he gave Jay his seafood platter, he answered.


“Sam, everything is fine. I just miss spending time with you.” He took a forkful of crab terrine. Then he took a sip of water. “I got to see more of you when you were living in London.” She felt a pang off guilt. It was true, when he was on tour; she missed him so much and couldn’t wait for him to come home. When he did she spent most of her time at the gallery. She wasn’t spending much time with Jaime either.


“Jay, I am so sorry. I’ve been neglecting you and Jaime.” Sam reached for his hand, he smiled fondly at her. “Let’s spend the rest of the day together.” He nodded.


They finished their lunch and walked hand in hand back to the gallery where Sam told the designer that she would be going home.


She felt like a teenager again, playing hooky from class. She looked at Jay; he was everything she had ever wanted. Now her life seemed like a fairytale, she met the handsome talented prince and he fell as madly in love with her as she did with him. Sam smiled to herself and thought she was the luckiest woman alive.


“You know in LA, they lock you up for smiling like that,” he teased her. She laughed.


Jay opened the door of her car for her and she slid in to the soft beige leather seat. He got in beside her and rolled down the top, put it in gear and sped off. He drove out of the city and headed for the PCH. Sam rested her head against the headrest, closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the traffic rushing past. It sounded almost hypnotic. She had no idea where he was taking her and she really didn’t care as long as she spent time alone with him. Just as long as it was away from the crowd, their friends, and from the band.


 As they reached the PCH, Jay glanced over at her and put his hand on her thigh. Sam looked over at him. She couldn’t figure why she thought something was wrong but she sensed he was distant.


“This is heaven. Can I ask where we are going?” She asked softly. Caressing her leg, he said


“You can but I won’t tell you.” She laughed and teasingly put his hand back on the steering wheel. “You’ll pay for that.” He pulled into the car park of a restaurant. Sam recognized it. It was the restaurant they had come to on Sam’s last night in LA.


“Didn’t we just eat?” He laughed and took off his glasses. He winked at her. Put back on his glasses and got out.


Taking her hand he led her across the road and down the steps to the beach. She gasped as she saw the view of the Pacific. It was the deepest colour blue she had ever seen. The rock formations dotted along the beach lending privacy to the bathers that wanted to be alone. The sand, a rich khaki brown with subtle hints of beige and soft, so very soft under her shoes. Dotted along the rocks that led down to the beach were cacti with various flowers of deep pinks and poppies with their amber heads bobbing in the gentle breeze that came in off the ocean.


Jay put his arm around her and pulled her close. She put her arm around his waist and turned her head up to kiss him.


They walked for a long time, in complete silence. Sam couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. He was so quiet.

BOOK: Glam Metal
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