Read Glam Metal Online

Authors: Anna Daly-McCabe

Glam Metal (35 page)


Sam touched his arm, and moved closer to him; she began to unbutton his shirt, revealing his tanned bare chest. She caressed his chest softly, all the time her eyes never leaving his. Sliding the shirt off his shoulders she knelt down in front of him and kissed him lightly. Jay tilted her chin and kissed her passionately, his hand cupped her breast and he felt her nipples hardening at his touch. Pulling down the cushions onto the floor in front of the fire, Jay lay back against them as Sam sat on top of him and seductively removed her top. He gasped at the sight of her; he gently kissed her breasts, first the left then lingering on the right one. His hands cupped her buttocks; squeezing them as he got even harder. He unzipped her skirt; slipped it over her hips and rolled her onto her back and kissed her neck. Her skin was soft and sensuous. His tongue traced little arabesque circles as his mouth rested on her cleavage, her breasts covered by the black lace of her bra. With his teeth he removed her strap and with soft kisses his mouth retraced its way back to her breasts. Gently he sucked on her nipple and she moaned with intense pleasure. Her hands caressed every inch of his bare back. She grabbed his ass with both hands and pulled him hard against her, she wrapped her legs around his waist as she felt his hardness. Sam unbuttoned his trousers and slid them off, his naked body touching hers, his maleness just inches from entering her as he teased her some more. He moved against her thighs, gently parting her legs, she willingly giving him entry to the essence of her womanhood. Jay explored every inch of her body with his tongue. He kissed her stomach, lingering over the mound of soft skin and silken hair. Raising himself  above her, He entered her gently and pushed inside her with rhythmic movements; he moved in and out of her, taking her to the heights of Xanadu  as each movement brought both of them intense pleasure and closer to orgasm.


It was getting dark, as Lisa stood outside the sitting room window looking in at Jay making love to Sam, a feeling of longing and resentment swept over her. It should be her in Sam

s position, making love to him.


She went back to the car and waited for a few minutes before starting the engine and driving off down the coast.


Jay held Sam in his arms as they lay naked by the fire. She laid her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Making love to him had been perfect, just as Sam had remembered it. A contented sigh escaped her. He pulled her closer to him.


“That was beautiful, Sam.” His fingers moved up and down her arm in gentle strokes. She nuzzled his neck. She couldn’
t remember being so happy. This would be perfect if they had Jaime home. Sensing her mood he said. “Soon, we

ll all be together Darlin, I want her home too.” She held him tighter and closed her eyes.


Jay strolled in to the offices of the rag that had printed the story about him. He walked up to the receptionist and without removing his glasses he told her who he was and that he was here to see the editor.


A few minutes later he was being made a fuss of as the junior editor brought him coffee. The Editor in chief sat back in his chair and looked at Jay intently.


“So, it’
s a bunch of lies, what proof do I have. You forget Jay, you are headline news.” He smiled. “Where you go scandal follows.” Jay handed the mug to the junior and said:


“My fiancée was divorced from that sonofabitch, when we got together. He forced his way into her home, beat her up and tried to rape her.” He stood up and bent over the desk removing his shades. “My daughter is fighting for her life in a hospital because my girlfriend was six weeks pregnant when that upright decent businessman beat her. Call the hospital, now I want a full retraction on this or.” He straightened up and put on his glasses. “Your paper will be facing a multimillion dollar lawsuit. Are we clear, Mister Editor?” He nodded and said there would be a full apology printed in all associated papers, first thing in the morning.


Jay turned and walked out of the office with a satisfied look on his face.


“Sonofabitch!” The Editor shouted when Jay had gone.

Chapter Twenty Eight



Lisa tried to get on with her everyday life. She tried to put Jay out of her mind but the image of him naked and making love to Sam haunted her. His muscular body haunted her waking moments contrived with her memory of that evening in Sam’s cottage.


He looked so hot, his tanned body, but the image that she couldn

t shake was his naked body as he moved on top of Sam. Lisa could almost feel what it would be like with him. To feel him move inside her, feeling him thrust into her.


Lisa tried to concentrate on the fax as she dialed Jay’s number; she wanted to talk to Jay badly. Her craving for him was reaching crisis point. Lisa knew he was still in London and she would pull out all the stops to seduce him. He was returning to LA on Saturday and she wanted to sample him before he left.


She knew she would betray Sam, but somehow she didn

t care. Her own selfish needs came first. She also knew that if she got Jay alone, they would continue where they left off, which Lisa prayed would let her into Jay

s heart.


Nick had left a few weeks earlier with a promise to call her just before they went on tour but she didn

t hold out much hope of that. As far as she was concerned it was just another empty promise and he was at this moment, she could safely say in bed with some groupie.


The phone rang and a minute later, she heard that familiar sexy voice.


“Yeah!” Jay said. He sounded so hot.


“Jay!” She said. “It’
s Lisa!” there was a long pause before he answered.


s up?” He was friendly, “Hey babe, how are you?” She was weakening.


“Jay, you know Sam has been worn out lately with the princess?” She paused so as he wouldn’
t suspect anything. “I thought we could organize a day at the spa?” He said:


“Babe what a great idea. Jaime comes home Friday.” Lisa smiled and took her queue.


“Can we meet to discuss this? You do know that when Princess comes home, you and Sam”. Lisa paused for effect. “Won’
t have any time to enjoy intimacy together.” She heard him laugh. He was so damn sexy.


“How about coffee in an hour?” He said. She smiled to herself.


“Great, see you in the café on the corner in an hour.” Lisa knew he wouldn’
t be able to resist her.


Lisa called her secretary and told her to cancel all appointments for the afternoon. She had another engagement.


She left her office and returned to her apartment. She changed her suit and put on a smart white dress and jacket, which set off her tan to perfection.  Lisa knew she looked great and she knew it would take some persuasion to get him to her apartment.


As she dabbed some perfume onto her cleavage she dialed Jay

s cell phone number, she knew he was in his car coming into the city.


“Jay, change of plan, I only have a few minutes.” She sounded so seductive. He laughed.


“You want to cancel babe?” He asked. Lisa was smiling.


“I have a brochure here, meet me at the apartment. I’
ll give it to you and you can decide what to do.” Lisa made it so casual. He didn

t suspect a thing. Jay agreed.


Twenty minutes later, he was sitting on the sofa in her apartment. She greeted him with a kiss on both cheeks and made a drink for both of them. For her, she made a bucks fizz and for Jay a soda water. He smiled and said cheers.


“Thanks for coming.” She said as she passed very close to him, sensing the approval in his voice. “I want Sam to feel special. She’
s been through a lot,” she sounded so sincere.


“Lisa, that’
s so sweet Darlin.” Lisa smiled and sat next to him on the sofa. She could see him looking at her.


She crossed her legs as she put one hand up to her temple.


“How is Jaime? I saw her the other day,” she looked at him. “She’
s beautiful, Jay.” He was beaming. His daughter looked like both of them. But she had no interest in either Sam or Jaime.  Lisa moved closer to him naturally.
“Jay, I’
ve seen Sam recently,” she brushed off some invisible dust from his lapel. “She looks tired.” Lisa was choosing her words carefully so that Jay wouldn

t suspect anything. His smile told her that he was the reason she was looking tired. He had been having so much sex with her.


“Where do you think… you said you had a catalogue?” He moved to put his glass on the table, they’re hands accidentally touched. Lisa looked at him and calculatingly turned away. Jay smiled and sat back. She moved back on the white leather sofa, showing him a good view of her thigh.


“It’s located just outside Croydon and it is very exclusive. Offering everything from a full sensual body massage….” She looked at him and smiled wryly, knowing full well that he was spoiling Sam already.


t you think I can do that?” He teased. Lisa laughed and said:


m sure you do give a beautiful massage.” As she bent over to pick up the brochure, he caught a glimpse of her ample cleavage. He winked at her. Lisa knew she had his attention.


“Babe, you have no idea.” He teased. “I’
ve never had any complaints.” She laughed sensuously and somehow sat closer to him as she handed him his glass. Looking into her dark eyes he said:


“Lisa, what are you doing?” He took a sip from the glass. “You’
re Nick

s babe; do you think I would move in there?”  She looked up into his face and held her hand up to his face, his skin was soft. She wanted him so badly.


“That night at the cottage, tell me you didn’
t want me?” She caressed his cheek. Jay stood up and went over to the window and looked out. Before Sam, he would have gladly taken advantage of this situation but he loved Sam and he loved his daughter. He certainly wasn’t about to throw it all away for a quick bang.


“Lisa, you don’t want me.” He said gently. “Look, Nick just needs time babe.” She got up and went over to him. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. She closed her eyes. He responded to her, pulling her close to him. His tongue searched for hers. Lisa caressed his head with her fingers.


Jay kissed her neck, his hand cupping her breast, he was getting very hard. Lisa unzipped his jeans and slipped in her delicate hand.  He was very hard, very big and she wanted him. She got to her knees and took him in her mouth, he tasted so damn good. Jay moaned as he pulled her closer to him. She took him deeper in her mouth. She looked up at him, his eyes were closed. Lisa knew he was enjoying what she was doing.


She stood up and searched for his mouth as she kissed him deeply, he began to unzip her dress. Slipping it off her shoulders, kissing her neck, she threw her head back as he kissed her throat. She moaned with pleasure. As her dress fell to the ground, she stood before him semi naked. His mouth went lower and he kissed her breasts. She ran her fingers through his hair. Lisa remembered watching him making love to Sam, remembering how gentle he was with her and how she longed for him to make love to her that way.

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