From the Beginning: The Old World (21 page)

BOOK: From the Beginning: The Old World
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Chapter 41

The patting of the oars on the water was the only sound heard in the still of the night, as I paddled vigorously, navigating the little boat down the path that was and forever will be etched in my mind.

I rowed for hours without stopping, letting Violet rest as much as possible, and only when my muscles burned and I couldn’t move them anymore; we switched, and I rested my arms, guiding Violet through the correct route.

The closer it got to the end of the darkest night ever, so did the stars fade in anticipation of a new dawn. It’s always darkest just before dawn, I remembered the old saying that lifted my spirits in hard times—and this was a hard time indeed. We hardly spoke. Apart from my navigation instructions, we didn’t want to waste even a drop of energy. And what was there to say anyway? We were both fully aware of the dangers lurking and the possible encounter with Cole. Once or twice during the night, I thought I saw the shadow of his boat, but it evaded me, and I wasn’t sure I was seeing right. I didn’t want to add to Violet’s anxiety, who believed that all we should do is bring back Jonathan safe and sound to Jamila. That was the reason I didn’t share with her the more important mission, and the predicted altercation with the man who had threatened the creation of the new world.

The closer we got to our destination, the realization that it all boils down to this moment—to the eternal struggle between good and evil, which would determine the fate of the regenerating humanity. Will the evil and violence Cole grew up on prevail? Or perhaps the world would be governed by the love and goodness that were the only weapons I brought with me?

When the horizon started to pale with tremor, we could make out the shape of the black island forming before our eyes, larger and closer than ever.

“In my visions I was always flying above it, that’s why the island always seemed small to me. From here it looks much, much bigger!” I marveled loudly at the sight of the dark granite boulders.  I directed Violet to row to the right side of the island, as I was guided by the symbols in the water and in my head.

We paddled and surrounded the island for another half an hour or so, until we arrived at the other side that, just as in my vision, had luscious greenery. The other island that hid behind it was revealed to us as well. Soon we found a docking place for our little boat on the forested side of the island, and we hid it so it would not be discovered.


“It’s better to leave the boat here than to risk sailing it too close to the shores of the other island,” I shared my train of thought with Violet. “We will go forward by foot towards the center of the big island. That way we can hide in the bushes if we have to,” I explained quietly and signaled her to follow me in the direction of the swamps and little lakes that separated the two islands.

Hunched over, we made our way through the shallow waters. The muddy soil was filled with rotting plants that had created a layer of scum, which caused us to slip more than once, sinking slightly into the cool water.

The sun was already up in the sky, and after about an hour of strenuous treading through the shallow terrain, we reached the other side of the pools. The rocky bank of the second island was peaking over the water, and I noticed a suspicious movement in the scattered trees along the shore.

We rushed to one of the trees, climbing it like two scared animals in fear of becoming prey to whatever was nearing the area.  Three figures were approaching the swamp—two young men and a young woman, so it became clearer as they walked towards us.

“I hope they didn’t see us…” Violet whispered shivering, trying to belittle her size to that of a squirrel. But the unnecessary movement she made caused the branch we were sitting on to screech under our weight.

“Oh, No!!!” She looked at me apologetically as the branch made another crackling sound threatening to break. “I am so sorry Grace!” she called out in fright, as the weak branch cracked and Violet plunged along with it straight into the water.

“Violet!!!” I called out in panic leaping after her, fearing she might lose her baby falling like this—and for that I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself. It was enough that I had dragged her with me on such a difficult mission, and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing that because of me she would miscarry her baby.

“Grace! What are you doing? You will expose yourself! Get back into the tree!” she tried to stop me.

“It is too late now. I will not let them take you on your own. I brought you here with me, and I am responsible for you. This is not your battle, and you should not be asked to pay the price for my mistakes,” I helped her to her feet, making sure she wasn’t hurt by the fall.

“I am fine. Nothing happened. But you are a fool for jumping. You could have maintained the element of surprise if you stayed in the tree. Cole would have thought you to send someone else in your stead –”


“Don’t underestimate Cole’s abilities!” I interrupted her. “I am sure he knows I am on his trail. That is why he took Jonathan—as bait. Jonathan was just a diversion as a ploy to get me here,” I revealed the true purpose for which we went out on the chase.

“Grace!! Why didn’t you tell me???” Her eyes widened in terror, but I was no longer able to respond. The little group reached us surrounding us with pointed spears.

“Oh – Ho!! What do we have here!”

“The leader will be most pleased!”

“Two women, one pregnant—a worthy bounty!” The youths exchanged words, curiously checking us both, most pleased by the treasure they had found.

“We will get prizes!” the girl called out.

“Yes, prizes,” one of the young men chuckled. “Maybe we will get you as a prize!” he commented sarcastically to his young friend, who blushed with shame and replied in anger, “I will never be anyone’s reward!” She lifted her chin in spite.

“Of course! You belong to the leader like all the other women on the island,” the other lad replied in a venomous tone looking no less sarcastic than his friend.

“If you
take me to your leader—I will give you prizes beyond your wildest dreams!” I interrupted their speech, turning their attention to me, suddenly realizing the manner in which I would get closer to him without raising suspicion. If he knows I came this far with the intention of fighting him, he might hurt me. He probably anticipated this possibility, I thought to myself as I waited for the three’s reaction. 

“Who are you anyway, and where did you come from?” One of them turned his spear towards me, aiming it at my body in threat, with a violent distrustful look on his face.

“Don’t believe a word she says! Let’s take these two to the leader and he will decide what to do with them. If he knows we found more survivors here and didn’t bring them to him, he will punish us—and you remember what happened the last time!!” The young girl warned them.

“I can help you!” I made another desperate attempt to discourage them from their intentions, but they urged us with spears drawn to advance with them to the ruler of the island. I now understood what became of the poor people that lived under Cole’s threatening shadow—the black bird of prey!


After about an hour’s walk, I asked them to make a stop and rest, especially for the sake of pregnant Violet, who was pretty exhausted by now.

“If she strains herself too much, she might lose her baby!” I pleaded with them. “The leader will probably be furious if you don’t bring him the pregnant lady…” I implied what they feared most.

“How do you know what the leader will do?” the lad that seemed like the leader of the little group asked me worriedly.

“I know that the leader is looking for babies. That’s why I came, to bring him a baby!” I fibbed on the spot, not knowing how close I was to the truth.

“O.k.! Rest. She’s right. I don’t feel like getting into trouble with him.” he instructed us to sit and sat on a big boulder himself. The other lifted a waterskin, taking long sips of water from it, drops streaming on his chin and neck.

“If you don’t mind, you better give the pregnant woman a drink. She mustn’t dehydrate, God forbid,” I commented in authority. I already knew which buttons to push to convince them.

“Here, take!” He reluctantly gave Violet the waterskin that was filled with water to drink.

“Where did you get the hides to make waterskins?” I asked with curiosity, as Violet handed me the water for a quick drink.

“None of your business!” he replied rudely and grabbed the waterskin from my hands. “You didn’t get permission to drink!” he barked at me and got us up again. “Come on! No more resting! I want to arrive at the sacred area in time for lunch. I am starving!” He rushed his friends too, who seemed indeed happy with the little break.

“When we get there you can rest. And maybe you will even receive something to eat if you are really quiet and don’t try any funny business—especially you, little one!” He gestured a motion in my direction, implying how I should behave.

“We are most thankful for your kindness, and we will not cause any problems,” I said in a formal appreciative tone, to give him the impression he was the one under control.

He threw another glance at me, not knowing how to react to my thank you. It was obvious it’d been a while since he heard a kind word. He turned to lead the gang, and we dragged behind him, with the boy and girl closing behind us in the rear, watching our steps.

My heart went out to these young people that since Cole ascended on them from nowhere, their lives were turned upside down again. I couldn’t help but feel responsible for that.


If Jack and I had finished the “dirty work,” as he called it, other survivors would not have been forced to live under Cole’s thumb right now. A large group of innocent people that their entire world collapsed on them, were forced to live on a daily basis with a tyrant and dictator—that I wasn’t brave enough to kill.


Not far from us, in the dense bush of the swamp, the same determined man kept following us, cautious and prepared…

* * *

Chapter 42

“Well, well, well!!! Look what the cat dragged in!!! Grace!! How nice of you to drop by!” Cole descended from his improvised throne, circling me with a degrading stride, content and full of himself. His hypocritical smile made me sick to my stomach.

“Let’s cut the phony act, Cole! We both know why I am here, and there is no need to hide either one’s intentions!” I held my chin and stature high against his smug disrespectful face when he checked me from head to toe.

“I am happy to see you gained some weight. Since the fish returned to the sea and there is plenty of food, we can stop fearing famine. Hmmm… that’s is how I like you, full in the right places!” He caressed my buttocks, grabbing the soft flesh with a swift possessive move.

“Don’t you dare touch me!!!” My hand flew instinctively, deflecting his hand off me with a short and even quicker move. But before I could make another move, a battalion of spears jumped at me, all aiming at my throat and torso, stopping me from hurting the domineering tyrant.

“Nice try, Grace. But what exactly did you think you could gain by it? Hmm…? Don’t you think that you are at a slight disadvantage here? There is no Eddie or Jack around to help you now.”  He hissed his familiar snake-like whisper that made my skin crawl when he surrounded his circle of warriors that protected him, sadly, with their lives.

“If only you had a smidge of the qualities that Jack or Eddie had —” I paused for a minute, weighing my words heavily—”I would consider talking to you, but since your actions are all directed to one purpose, I won’t even bother to try and explain my position to you. You will return the baby you kidnapped to me, and I have no intention of negotiating this with you. If you refuse, you will have to bear the consequences of your actions!” I didn’t know how I mastered the courage to tell him what I said, but I was shaking with an uncontrollable rage I couldn’t stop.

“I can see that since I left the island, leadership has gone to your head. You must be dominating all the sissy men over there, dictating rules to them, deciding who will be the one to warm your bed and body. Suppressed humiliated men—not in my world!” he immediately changed his tone, spitting his venom and rage at me. “In my world, not Jack nor Eddie would survive. There is no room here for soft men who submit to women. If I were Eddie, I would have eliminated Jack a long time ago! And I would punish you over and over again for being a rebellious and a two-timing woman. Eddie, if you can call him a man!” he blurted Eddie’s name with contempt, which caused my blood to boil.


“Eddie had in one little finger what you will never have in your entire body! And don’t you dare speak his name, as Eddie paid for his inability to release the past with his life! Indeed, he wasn’t as despicable as you, resorting to violence, but he didn’t learn to accept the ways of the new world. Eddie is dead—because he did not understand the opportunity he was given to start a new life and accept the fact that the past is dead! Just like you will be too if you don’t release me and vacate your seat!” I poured my rage and all the pain I still harbored for Eddie’s passing on him.

“Eddie’s dead?” Cole seemed surprised to hear my words. “Jack cleared him out of the way too so he could have you all to himself?” He viciously insulted, again looking quite pleased with the situation. “That’s what I call a man. He is going to pay for what he did to me anyway, but I have to appreciate him.”

“I would never put you and Jack in the same equation if I were you. But in Jack’s favor, I will say that he could have killed you and saved us from this entire situation, but he chose to let nature take its course,” I fiercely defended my beloved guardian.

“As you said, my dear, there are opportunities to be taken, for what you and your blue-eyed lover couldn’t stomach to do, you will now pay the full price, and you will be punished. Tasks should be carried out to the fullest. Now all you will be able to do is be sorry for not killing me when you had the chance!” By now he was gloating.

“I do not intend to make that mistake twice! This time, I am leaving no room for nature to decide. This time, there will be no grace!” I threatened, grinding my teeth.

“Oh-Ho!! The cat’s out of the bag!” Cole shouted out loud. “You are not here to retrieve the baby, but you came to premeditatedly murder me in cold blood! Not nice, Grace!” he clicked maliciously with his tongue, came closer to me through the spear cage that surrounded me, stroked and then pinched my cheek forcibly, pinning my jaw. “I am so sorry to spoil your plans, but it looks like you will have to give up your revolutionary ideas for now, and join me for a ‘moving’ ceremony you will take part in. After all, being a high priestess you do realize the importance of rituals, and how crucial they are for maintaining the tribe leader’s status, right?! You little dirty whore!” He shoved me to the ground, towering over me with intimidation, grabbing my hair and pulled my head up with a painful tug.


He then turned to speak to a crowd I couldn’t see from where I was, but I could definitely feel its presence. “Dear friends!” he opened in ridicule, mimicking my speech as I would address my tribe. “Tonight we will embrace a few more new souls, saved as well from the great sea. We shall bless these two women, who made their way to us alone and without protection. We shall also bless the fruit of their loins they brought with them—the cute little baby, Jonathan, and the unborn child of the large amazon woman. These two children shall be raised as my own, and I see in them a sign and omen for the future. These are fertile women, and that is what they will be used for. They will bear my children that will later on succeed me in leading the new world!” He spoke in a decisive and aggressive voice, making sure everyone understood the meaning of his words, looking around at all the eyes gazing at him.

“Tie the large woman to the totem pole. Give her food and drink so she will not lose her baby. He will be a big strong boy that will become a fearless warrior!” Cole ordered his private battalion what to do with Violet, and turned to leave the place. “Bring the little whore to my cave. I have to teach her a lesson or two about the place of women in the tribe and
new world,” his eyes blazed as he informed me of the coming sweet revenge he had waited so long for. “Something I should have done a long time ago!” he concluded his speech and led the warriors who held me and dragged me by force after him.

“Violet! Don’t let them tie you up!!” I yelled at her trying to push off the guards, as I managed to escape one of them and hoping to break loose from the other too. “Violet! Run!!!” I called again, but five spears were pointed to her bulging stomach, preventing her from making even a single move.

“Tie this one too!!” Cole turned back, approached me and slapped me hard, laying his entire force on my face, knocking me to the ground by his powerful slap. My cheek turned red. “You shall learn how to behave tonight, you backstabbing bitch. I shall show you the rightful place of a woman and her two major roles in this world: to be a slave to my whims and a vessel for my seed and my satisfaction. That is what you will be in my world!” He signaled his men to pick me up.

The slap knocked whatever was left of my wind out of me, and I couldn’t resist any longer. Tears came to my eyes in the face of my burning failure to escape. Cole’s obedient frightened men grabbed me, dragging me with my legs behind my body. As I looked back, I saw Violet being tied up to a big totem pole. I could see the fear in her face, her eyes pleading me to save the day, as she was about to be consumed with despair.


My heart sank. I led us both into the trap and had no idea how we would be able to get out of it. I needed a miracle—and despair started to make its way into my own heart too.

Cole led us to a place I recognized immediately as the holy center of the island. The familiar shape of the crater I remembered from my vision appeared before my wondering eyes, as I was filled with terror when I saw the Y-shaped altar table with ropes ready to tie me up to the big rock at its corners. Cole’s cave was revealed on one of the walls of the crater. The cave was spacious but had a low ceiling.  During the first few seconds, my eyes tried to adjust themselves to the darkness, and all I could hear was feminine voices and the gurgling mumble of a baby, and right after another baby’s voice was sounded!

After a few more seconds, when my eyes could make out shapes and clear objects in the cave, I realized I was looking at a group of naked, young black women, who were huddled around the two babies I had heard. I had no trouble identifying one baby—his fair skin stood out in the background of these dark-skinned women, it was our sweet Jonathan.

“Jonathan!!” I called out in joy, again trying to break loose of the hands that were holding me to embrace our tribe’s smiling beloved child. I was happy to see he was playing without fear of those surrounding him, and instantly noticed the second baby I heard who played with Jonathan, only he was dark, like the women that surrounded them.

Cole approached and picked up the two babies, and I couldn’t stop my body from shivering due to the fear and loathing I felt from this man’s mere actions.

“I have always wanted plenty of boys!” Cole shared with me, and for a minute seemed excited by the two tender children in his arms. “Now I have the son of an Arab witch, a son from the black witch priestess, and soon to be born a big, strong like an ox boy from Violet, the amazon. In no time, I will also have the son the high priestess of the new world!” He returned the children to the black women’s lap and turned into another niche, its opening probably leading to another space in the cave. His voice was sounded from within, echoing with intimidation at whoever was in there with him: “You see?! I told you it would work! The slut priestess swallowed the bait and came here! Soon you will be able to hold your son. Now get up on your feet and do what I told you to do! Or else—you know what will happen to your son if you don’t follow my instructions!” A few seconds later a full-bodied woman came out of the niche, and walked hunching and humiliated after Cole. She was short and wide, and her eyes were so white around the pupils it seemed almost inhuman. I recognized her immediately as the black witch from my dreams. She came close and looked at me with a look I couldn’t decipher. Her gaze passed shivers down my spine, as her hands passed on my lower abdomen, as she felt me up, checking and pressing. A few seconds later, she turned to Cole and informed him: “She is ready for you! Ready to carry the child who will become the great leader of the new world!”  

* * *

BOOK: From the Beginning: The Old World
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