Forward Passes (Seattle Lumberjacks) (17 page)

Purple Lady didn’t make it easy on him or his rough-and-ready cock. She stroked him through his jeans, making it damn hard for him to concentrate on his driving. He skidded around one corner a little too fast. His distracted driving didn’t deter her. She unbuttoned the top button on his jeans and slid down the zipper. He raised his hips to give her easier access, even as he bared his teeth and bit back a primal groan.

Her hand slid inside his jeans. She cupped his balls, squeezing lightly.

“Oh, yeah, baby, keep that up, and we’ll screw right here on the double-white line.”

Her soft laughter touched his heart. Damn, he loved the sound of her voice whether it was soft, sexy, sassy, or demanding.

Rounding a corner on the two-lane road, Tyler spotted a sign indicating the entrance to a county park. He grinned and slowed down the car. Rescued at last.

“Here?” Lavender’s fingers froze between his legs. She stared into the dark woods at the side of the road.

“Why not, Vinnie?” Hell, any place was a good place for sex, especially with Lavender.

“The park is closed for the night.” His bold little vixen turned into a shy, proper lady. He knew better. She was anything but proper. With a slight tremble, she pushed her red hair off her face and stared out the window.

A little thing like a locked gate never stopped Tyler. He pulled off the side of the road and parked the car. “You got a blanket in this thing?”

“In the backseat.”

“Grab it and let’s go.” He didn’t want to keep his boy waiting. It’d been patient for way too long. He unfolded his long legs from the driver’s seat and hopped out, checking his wallet for a condom and found three. He couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face. His dick twitched, reminding him to get back to the matter at hand.

Lavender hung back. “Tyler. Are you sure? What if someone comes along?”

“Then we’ll give them a show, won’t we?”

“This is so not a good idea.”

“This is an excellent idea. Since when are you a coward?”

She glanced nervously at the gate and twisted that damn ring. “I’m not. It’s just—”

“Get the blanket.”

He expected her to balk at the authoritarian tone of his voice. She didn’t. Good thing. She’d had her turn being the boss. Lavender grabbed the blanket from the backseat and followed Tyler. He stood near the gate and waited for her. He hooked his arm over her shoulders and guided her down the dark path.

Lavender stumbled, but he caught her, hugging her to his side. “Do you have any clue where you’re going?”

“Nope. I’m not one to hang out in parks.”

“This is such a bad idea.”

“I like this idea. Great outdoors. Communing with nature. All that crap.”

“You can’t be that horny. Let’s go home, or at least to the car.”

“I’m in a perpetual state of horniness.” He might be horny, but he loved the anticipation, the craving, the torture of wanting something, and yet controlling his lust until it finally exploded like the grand finale in a fireworks display.

She sighed as if he’d asked her to work a double-shift or something. Little faker, she wanted this as bad as he did.

“Watch your step, baby.” Tyler stepped over a log, and she clung to him. He liked that. A lot. Rarely did Lavender depend on anyone, so even a small gesture like this one made him feel needed. He liked the feeling.

The path opened up into a clearing. He stopped at the edge of a patch of grass near a picnic table. Beyond the grass, a steep, rocky bank dropped down to the waters of the Straits of Juan De Fuca. Yeah, this was the place. Taking the blanket from Lavender, he spread it out on the tabletop.

“A picnic table?” She stepped back as if ready to flee. Not a chance in hell would he let her disappear on him.

“What’s wrong with a picnic table?”


“You’re worried about doing it here? Hell, we’ve done it in my truck.”

“I know, but there were windows to steam up and protect us from others watching us.”

“Vinnie, no one is around. The park is closed. We have it all to ourselves.” He lowered his voice a notch, cajoling her. “Don’t you crave the forbidden, the possibility we could get caught. Doesn’t that turn you on?”

She lifted her face to his and dug those sexy red fingernails into his arm. “Yes. A little.”

He rubbed his cheek against hers, tugged on her earlobe with his teeth, finding that spot which drove her beyond sanity. She gripped his arm harder and turned her head to seek out his lips. He covered her mouth with his, sucked on her tongue, applied perfect pressure calculated to drive a female crazy. Oddly, the only female he cared about driving crazy happened to be his purple lady.

Panting, she drew back and looked up at him. Way up. She was such a petite little thing. The determination in her chocolate eyes weakened his football-damaged knees, while his dick jerked inside his unzipped jeans. “Just screw me. Anywhere. I don’t care. Just bury your big guy inside me and drive down the field.”

“Impatient, aren’t we?” With a grin, he put his hands on her waist and lifted her up so she stood on the bench, which put them eye-to-eye. “If it makes you feel any better, waiting hurts me as much as it hurts you.”

“I doubt that. You’re the epitome of calm.” She rested her hands on his shoulders and gazed into his eyes. He gazed back, liking what he saw.

“It’s my game face. Trust me. Inside I’m a raging ball of lust.”

She raked her gaze down his body and back up again. “I want you.”

Oh, damn. If she looked at him one more time like that, it’d be all over. “You’ll get me, but tonight I’m in charge.”

Tyler unzipped her hoodie and pushed it off her shoulders. “Let’s get you a little more comfortable.” He unbuttoned her blouse, and it, too, followed the sweatshirt to the grass. Lavender leaned toward him in an attempt to press her body against his. “Don’t move or you’ll face the consequences.”

“Don’t tempt me.”

“Oh, honey, just play along. It’ll all be worth it in the end.”

She nodded and stood straighter, hands clasped behind her back.

“Good. Keep your hands there.”

With an exaggerated sigh, she thrust out her breasts and stood still before him. The breast thing tantalized him and tugged at his control.

Getting back to the job at hand, he unzipped her jeans and slid them down her legs, taking his time despite the need throbbing through his groin area. She stepped out of them without him asking. Standing back, he surveyed her almost naked body. A hot pink lace bra barely confined her big tits. Her nipples stood out under the lace. He couldn’t discern their outline in the moonlight, but his imagination filled in the blanks. His gaze dropped lower to her curvy hips and pink panties. They didn’t cover much more than a G-string. Pretty soon those panties wouldn’t cover anything.

Tyler leaned his head close to her until their breath mingled. Holding her face in his hands, he traced her lush lips with his tongue. She moaned in response. Her hips rubbed against his. He found himself smiling, loving the power he had over her, even as he acknowledged she possessed a similar power over him. His cock strained against the fly of his jeans, demanding attention. He forced it to wait because tonight was about Lavender, not him.

The realization gave him pause. With Cass and other women, he’d made it about him. Sure, he met their needs at the same time. He was just that good, but he’d never focused solely on a woman’s pleasure and forced his desires to take a back seat.

Her mouth opened to his tongue. He closed his eyes and let his talented tongue work its magic. Their mouths mated, starting slow and working to a fever pitch, a fever he’d better rein in if he planned on taking this slow.

Pulling away despite her protests, he worked his way down her body. Lingering at those mouth-watering nipples, he scraped his tongue across them through the thin lace barrier of her bra. She wiggled and pressed herself against him. He took one in his mouth, sucking on it, wetting the lace, sucking harder. He switched to the other, gave it the same treatment.

Holding her waist to keep her from moving, he knelt down and kissed a path to her belly button then lower. Until he found the treasure trove between her legs. He slid the panties down her legs and ran his hands up the inside of her thighs. She trembled, wavered a little, as if her knees wouldn’t hold her up. He parted the folds of her pussy and buried his head between her legs, seeking out the moist heaven concealed there. He used his tongue to toy with her clit. She couldn’t keep her hands behind her back and dug her fingers in his hair. He took her clit in his mouth and sucked. Her body shook with a spasm. He sucked harder. Her hips pumped, grinding her cunt into his face. She came with a rush. Her sweet juices coated his face. She cried out into the still night and sank downward.

Tyler caught her before she fell off the bench and laid her on the blanket.

His turn.

She lay still, limp and spent. Her legs splayed out to the side, opened wide for his pleasure. Her wet pussy glistened in the moonlight. Tyler rubbed his shirt sleeve across his wet face. His cock demanded some action. A tremor shot through his body in warning. His fine thread of control was in danger of snapping.

He closed his eyes for a moment and breathed deeply.
In. Out. In. Out.
Oh, man, that made it worse. All he wanted to do was plunge his cock in her tight wet pussy and forget the rest of the world existed. When he was with her, nothing else

She blinked and raised her head slightly to look at him. “Screw me.”

He nodded. His head hurt from the strain of holding back. It was time to give his cock some relief. He unzipped his jeans and dropped them to the ground. Moving close, he guided his cock into her entrance.

“Give it to me. Hard. Don’t hold back.”

Ah, hell. How could any sane man resist that invitation? He let loose with the fury of a man who’d waited too long. Slamming into her, he took up a rhythm and went with it. Hard, fast, and deep. All control gone. She writhed under him, crying out words of encouragement pushing him into sweet insanity until the world exploded and took them with it.

Chapter 19

Kicking it Away

Tyler stared out the window at Lavender’s house. Usually she was home by mid afternoon. She cooked an early Sunday dinner for the Brothers at Homer’s house. Those old goats couldn’t stay up much past 7:30.

Behind him, Derek read a sports magazine on his tablet. Murphy ignored them both and stared mindlessly at the television as some reality show droned on and on, while he stroked Coug. Not only was the asshole alienating his team, but he’d sucked the cat into his web. Tyler should’ve stuck with dogs. Dogs were loyal. Cats were too much like women.

The rest of the guys had gone whale watching and would meet Murphy at the ferry landing. Tyler couldn’t wait to get rid of the jerk. How they’d managed to avoid beating the shit out of each other, only the football gods knew.

Derek put down the iPad and stood next to him. After a long silence his rat bastard cousin got to the point. “I’ve never seen you like this before. You need to get over it, Ty.”

“Get over what?” Tyler stared straight ahead and ground his teeth to the roots.


The word hung between them, binding them together in mutual pain, yet driving them apart. Tyler said nothing. He glanced at Murphy, but the guy had the television cranked so loud no way could he hear them.

Derek sighed and leaned his forehead against the window pane. Finally he straightened and faced Tyler. “Hey, his death ripped my heart out, too, but it’s time to let go and move on. Ryan wouldn’t want you like this.”

“I should’ve dragged his mother back. I should’ve offered her so much money she couldn’t refuse. I didn’t because I wanted her to do it for Ryan, not the money.” He met Derek’s kind eyes. “You know what? Ryan saw through me. No one sees through me. He did. When he was laying there in that hospital bed, he told me he loved me. I remember every word of what he said next:
I was wrong. You do care. About people.
” Tyler’s strangled voice sounded like someone else’s. “Oh, God. I don’t deserve all the good that’s come my way. What the hell have I done with it? Any of it? I’ve squandered it away. Wasted it on my own selfish pursuits. Good people like Ryan make a difference in people’s lives. I don’t. I use people and throw them away.”

“You’re finally growing up. That party boy/asshole role isn’t so easy to hide behind, is it?”

Tyler didn’t even bother arguing or playing the tough guy. His cousin stared out the window at the bay, having said his piece. Tyler’s entire body ached as if he’d played a brutal double-overtime game—only the game was life, and he didn’t have a clue how it would end.

“Lavender is good for you.” Derek words came out of left field. He studied his cousin over the rim of his beer glass. “I like her.”

Tyler snapped his head around so fast a sharp pain shot up his neck. He reached up to rub the affected area. “So what? You like everyone.”

“I like her, too.” Murphy walked up beside them. “But I don’t understand what she sees in a fuckhead like you.”

“Guess what, assholes. I don’t give a shit about your opinions or anyone else’s for that matter.”

“Bullshit and you know it. It’s all an act, Ty. This is your cousin you’re talking to, your life-long best friend. I know what’s under the hood of that hard skull of yours. Why don’t you date her? Take her out? Treat her like a real girlfriend?”

“Yeah, she deserves to be more than your fuck buddy.” Murphy added his unwelcome two cents.

“She’s not my girlfriend. I don’t even like her outside of the bedroom.”

Derek threw back his head and laughed. “Coulda fooled me. You love how she calls bullshit on you, argues, pushes your patience to the limits.”

“Why would I love that?”

“There’s no figuring how your messed-up mind works. I can only guess because she’s a challenge, keeps you guessing, while Cass only challenged you in bed and spent your money.”

Derek hit too close to a truth Tyler hadn’t yet admitted to himself. He didn’t like to be the last person clued in on something, especially when it pertained to him. “Are you two packed? The next ferry leaves at 5:30 p.m.”

“Trying to get rid of us?”

“Damn right. Especially him.” Tyler pointed at Murphy, who’d already gotten bored with the conversation and returned his attention to flipping channels on the television.

Derek just grinned, way too immune to Tyler. “Not a problem. We’re tired of your company anyway. You’re just jealous because the Brothers like me better than you.”

“Take them with you, too, would you?”

“What and deprive you of their company? I don’t think so.”

“Damn, I need to get off this fucking island.” Tyler ran his hand through his hair, considering his options. He didn’t like any of them.

“You’re not a prisoner here. Just pack up and go.” Murphy grabbed another one of Tyler’s good beers and leaned against the bar.

“And let Vinnie and the dufus brothers get this place. No effing way.”

Derek watched him like a man who knew him too well. “Make them a deal. Sell it and split the profits. Homer knows a good realtor.”

“Homer is a realtor.”

“Let him sell it. Then everyone’s happy. They have money, and you never have to come back here again.”

Tyler didn’t answer. He clamped his jaw shut, not certain if Derek truly believed he should sell the place or if he was needling him.

His cousin took a step closer and stared at him. Really stared. “I know that look.”

“What look?”

“You don’t want to sell this place. It means something to you.”

“Like hell. I’m not a sentimental fool like you. Unfortunately, the economy’s too bad to get a decent price for it right now.”

“Yeah, sure.” Derek wasn’t fooled. “You’re a sentimental fool, Tyler Jackson Harris.”

Tyler refused to meet his gaze. A month ago, he’d have sold his family’s legacy in a heartbeat.

Now? Well, yeah, he still would, given the right offer, just like he’d sold his soul one too many times.

* * * * *

Lavender stared at Tyler standing in her doorway. His big body filled up the entire door frame. The rain dripped off the rim of his Stetson, puddling on her miniscule, saggy front porch. He wore a dark blue sweater which matched his eyes, butt-hugging jeans, and his cowboy boots. Damn, but the boy did look hot. Sexy hot. Scalding sexy hot.

“So cowboy, looking for a rodeo?” She cast her come hither look his way.

His eyes darkened as a slow, sexy smile changed the harsh landscape of his handsome face. “I hear you’re a champion bull rider, darlin’.”

“You heard right. And I hear you’re a champion bull.”

“Comparisons between the size of my boys and a bull’s privates have been made on occasion.” He pushed past her into the small living room and tossed his hat on a chair. Turning, he stepped into her, filling up every square inch of the room with his presence.

“Show me.” She stood on tiptoes and scraped her teeth across his jaw.

“Keep that up, honey, and we won’t even make it out the chute.” With a heavy sigh, he put his hands on her shoulders and held her away from him. “I’ll take a rain check. First, I’m taking you out to a nice dinner.”

“You’re taking me out?” In the two months he’d been on the island, he’d never asked her out for a measly cup of coffee, let alone dinner. Of course, she didn’t care because she didn’t like him.

“Yeah, I’m taking you out.” His crooked smile melted her heart. She spread her palm over his chest. He covered her hand with his then wrapped his fingers around hers and lifted her hand to his mouth. He kissed it, palm up, gentle and careful. His sweet reaction turned her on more than any of the raunchy, headboard-banging sex they’d had to date, and that was saying a lot. A damn lot.


“I’m hungry and I don’t like to eat alone.”

“I have to think about this. Where?”

“The Partridge Inn.” Those dark blue eyes pinned her down and rendered her breathless.

She swallowed and struggled for her voice. “Are you serious? That place is so expensive they don’t have prices on the menu.”

“Don’t worry. I think I can afford it this once.”

Lavender studied his face. He looked away, shuffled his feet, seemed almost embarrassed. His behavior was completely out of character. “I still don’t get it. Why?”

“Because—Because I don’t want you to think that you’re just a good lay to me. You’re a damn fine lay. Besides, a good argument always whets my appetite.” He still wouldn’t look at her.

“Fine. I’m all for a free gourmet meal.”

“I hope you’re hungry.”

“Hungry? I’m starving. I haven’t eaten all day. I’ve been weeding that damn vegetable garden. Give me a few minutes to take a shower and clean up.”

“Sure.” He sank onto her couch and started flipping through the channels.

Not caring how anxious she appeared, Lavender vaulted over a pile of clothes on the floor and dove into the bathroom. Clothes flying, she turned on the water and stepped into the combination tub/shower. She couldn’t believe one little date with a man she’d been sleeping with for a month could affect her this much, but it did. Not only that, but it made her day.

The hot water ran down her face, sluiced across her naked body. She closed her eyes and let it flow. Tyler asked
out. Sure, she’d be stupid to think this date meant anything beyond this island, but she didn’t care. She’d live for the moment and deal with the painful aftermath down the road.

Lavender picked up the bar of lavender-scented soap—was there any other kind—and started to soap her body until it was stolen from her hand. She groaned as Tyler pulled her against his hard male body.

“I guess dinner can wait.” Her mumbled response faded into the mist of the shower.

Tyler lathered up her stomach, upward to her breasts, and across her shoulders, taking his damn sweet time. She leaned back against him and closed her eyes. The heat of the water combined with the heat of his body until she didn’t know where one started and the other ended.

He ran his hands back down her body. Pushing her gently against the wall, he soaped up her back and ass, sliding his hands between her legs and rubbing her thighs. Lavender flattened her hands against the wall and slid her feet back a few steps. She spread her legs and bent down. Water streamed down her back and funneled off her erect nipples.

“Someone wants some cock.” Tyler slid those masterful fingers up the insides of her thighs.

“Duh.” She sputtered on a mouthful of water.

“How bad do you want it?” His hips pressed close behind hers. His dick tickled her crotch. He reached around her body and caught her tight nipples in his fingers, teasing her, driving her out of her mind. Capturing each taunt nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he squeezed, hard, until she whimpered for him to stop or go or, hell, what the heck did she know? She just wanted more.

“Bad. Really bad. I want you.”

“Yeah? Show me.” One big hand slid between her legs. She shuddered. His index finger slid with ease into her wet pussy. He pumped his finger in and out as she pressed her pussy against his hand, angling for him to hit her sweet spot. He pushed another long finger inside her and took her fast and furious with his fingers. She shattered like a china cup on a slate floor. Just like that. No prelude. Just a weak-willed body, weaker knees, and a quivering pussy.

A few seconds later, his big cock powered into her in one swift, hard stroke, no time for recovery. He filled her completely. Thoroughly. Incredibly.

Hands gripping her hips, Tyler held himself there, as the water ran down both their naked bodies. Lavender fought to regain control of her spiraling emotions. No such luck. She’d lost her sanity the second he’d set foot in the shower.

He pushed high and hard into her. Touching her in those places only he could touch her, which she’d begun to realize had nothing to do with the size of his cock or how full she felt with him buried inside her.

Hell, no, it went deeper than that. Deeper than anyone had ever touched her, physically and emotionally.

Tyler Harris had her number. If only she had his.

He started moving in and out of her. His motions were controlled and constricted, as if he knew he’d snap at a moment’s provocation. Her fuzzy brain whispered something about a condom, but she’d gone past caring minutes ago. Then he held her from behind when he let himself go. His cock jerked inside her. He withdrew and rammed back into her. Hands pinching her nipples, he rode her hard and rough, until his body spasmed, and his release came.

Together, they leaned against the wet shower walls, chests heaving, sanity slowly returning, bodies weak but satisfied.

“I didn’t wear a rubber.” He panted.

“It’s okay, I’m on the pill.” She squinted at the wet wall but couldn’t see straight.

“Why the hell didn’t you ever mention that before?” He relaxed against her.

“I don’t know.” She did know. Doing it without a condom seemed more intimate. She felt his seed inside her, felt it dripping from her wet slit, knew he’d left a part of him with her.

She’d never had sex without a condom before. Never in her life. But then, she’d experienced a lot of firsts with her arrogant jock.

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